Behind The Tour (Sequel to Be...

Da dontwannabelikethem

33.8K 861 46

Harry and Y/N's relationship is stronger than ever. With Harry's tour coming up, he needs a videographer, so... Altro

Opening Night - Part 1
First Night Is A Success - Part 2
A Day Off - Part 3
Everybody Know - Part 5
A Breakup Perhaps? - Part 6
Just A Girlfriend - Part 7
Why Did You Have To Go Make Things So Complicated? -Part 8
Max Is Back - Part 9
You're Mine - Part 10
Nowhere to be found - Part 11
I'll Hold You and Never Let Go - Part 12
A Few Months Later - Part 13
Traveling - Part 14
Happy Anniversary - Part 15
Take Me Back To Jamaica - Part 16
A Day of Love - Part 17
A Perfect Day To Say I Do - Part 18
Always and Forever - Part 19
With This Ring - Part 20
Not Like We Planned - Part 21
To The Future - Part 22

Drama is coming Part 4

1.7K 44 2
Da dontwannabelikethem

"Oh my god, will you stop," you laughed smacking your boyfriend's hand away.

"Ow, what?" He groaned. "I'm just taking a small bite," he smirked sticking a quite large bite of your pancakes in his mouth.

"If you wanted pancakes you should have ordered them yourself," you said moving your plate away from his grasp.

"Well, I didn't want them until I saw them on your plate," he said.

You rolled your eyes. "Anyway, so not that I've been purposely looking, I've noticed there hasn't been much talk about us and the possibility of being in a relationship since being on tour."

"I've noticed that too," he laughed. "I'd love to say it was because we're just super private, but I think it has a lot to do with the fact you're technically my videographer, so there's really not much chance of a "relationship" there."

"Oh, if only they knew," you smirked.

"Yep, Videographer by day, girlfriend and lover at night," he smirked at you with a wink.

You giggled leaning over to kiss him quickly. "But really, eventually, people are gonna figure out there's more going on between us," you said.

He sighed. "Yeah, I know," he said. "And to be honest, I don't care if they do, I just hate what happens when they do, you know? Whenever I'm with someone or even just rumored to be with someone, everyone wants to know every single detail about the relationship and they'll find a way to write an article about it, that's the reason I want to keep my relationships private."

"I agree," you nodded. "I don't care if people know, I just want it to cause this huge thing and see our relationship scattered over a shit ton of articles."

"Which is why for now, I'm okay with no one outside our circles knowing about us," he said.

"Speaking of that, sort of," you laughed. "My parents want to come out to show one night and meet you and of course see what I do for a job..."

"Oh, uh... yeah um, is there a specific show you're thinking about?" He asked taking a sip of his drink before putting it back down on the table.

"Well, I was maybe thinking your hometown show? I thought it might be a good place to get to know you and your family, especially since we'll be on tour for most of the rest of the year," you said.

"That'd be a great time," he said. "Yeah, I'll make arrangements and get their flights scheduled and paid for and I'll talk to Mum about expecting them."

"You don't have to pay for them," you said. "I can do that."

"I know, but I want to," he smiled taking your hand.

"Ugh, fine," you groaned dramatically.

He laughed kissing your head before you both finished eating your breakfast.


Later that day, you, Harry, the band, and a few of the crew, all headed out to explore the city. You and Harry were in the middle of the group and he sneakily grabbed your hand and laced his fingers with yours. You smiled over at him and gave his hand a squeeze.

After doing some sightseeing and shopping, you all head to a nearby restaurant for some dinner. You and the girls all head to the restroom, while the boys sit down at the table. Harry was chatting with Adam and Jeff when he heard your phone getting an alert. He looked down at it and saw Max's name come across.

He furrowed his eyebrows and unlocked your phone, reading the message, when he noticed that you and Max had been messaging off and on over the past few weeks. Sure, they weren't anything more than just how are you? What are you doing? etc, but the fact you were talking to him at all, worried him. Especially after what happened in Jamaica.

He saw you and girls walking back towards the table, so he quickly locked your phone and put it back on the table. You climbed up into the seat next to him and quickly kissed his cheek.

"Miss me?" You smirked.

"Always," he joked.

"Okay, we're not going to have any of that at the table," Adam laughed.

"Hey, don't look at us, look at them," Harry smirked pointing over to Sarah and Mitch, who gave Harry the finger.

You laughed and looked down at the menu before you all ordered your food. Throughout the rest of the night, you noticed something was up with Harry, you grabbed his hand and he looked over at you with a bit of a force smiled.

"You okay?" You mouthed.

He nodded and kissed your head as you all finished up your meals before heading back to the hotel. When you got up to the room, you took off your shoes and put your things down, while Harry dropped his wallet and keys on the table before sitting on the bed and taking off his boots.

"Are you sure you're okay?" You asked.

He sighed. "Why didn't you tell me you were talking to Max again? I saw he texted you when you were using the loo at dinner. I was shocked to see his name, so I went looked at the message and saw there quite a few of you two texting each other."

You sighed. "I didn't tell you because it's really not a big deal. I saw him at your first show and we talked briefly. So, we started talking a little bit here and there after that, but it's not like we're on the level we were before."

"Y/N, this is a huge deal. This guy was obsessed with you and things he said... were extreme," he said.

"I know, but he has a girlfriend now. He's over me. Besides, I'm not jumping back into a friendship with him. I'm being cordial with him," you said.

"Did he tell you he had a girlfriend or did you actually meet her?" He asked

"Well, he told me, but then I saw her later on in the show standing with him..." you said.

"So, you don't actually know if she was his girlfriend or just some random girl who happened to be sitting next to him?" He asked.

"Why are you acting like this?" You asked.

"Because I don't like him or how he acted towards you Y/N," he said. "I don't trust him."

"You don't know him," you said. "You know him from our little issue back in Jamaica."

"Which is enough for me to know that I don't want you talking to him," he said.

"Harry he's one of my oldest friends," you said. "We're just texting... I'm not hanging out with him."

"I'm just worried about you," he sighed. "The way he was acting towards you, towards us, scared me."

"I know," you sighed wrapping your arms around him. "But like I said, I'm keeping him at arm's length. I've known him for years and I owe our friendship to at least give him a chance. The second he says or does something that makes me uncomfortable or makes me think we're going back towards where we were a few months ago, then I'll end it there."

"And you'll tell me if he does?" He asked.

"Yes, I promise," you smiled.

"You know I just don't want anything to happen to you right?" He whispered.

"I know," you nodded.

He smiled. "I love you."

"And I love you," you giggled.


The next morning you woke up to Harry's phone going crazy with notifications.

"What the fuck is going on with your phone?" You groaned reaching over him to pick it up.

"Just turn it off," he mumbled.

"I would, but you've got texts and calls from like four different people and your twitter notifications are insane," you said leaning back on your side of the bed.

You pulled the sheet over you as you unlocked his phone and clicked on the notification from Twitter, which sent you to a video. A Video you instantly recognized.

"Don't you even fucking think about it," you said pointing to your boyfriend.

"What?" He asked innocently.

"You know exactly what. Just because this camera is waterproof doesn't fucking mean you can just push me off this board and into the ocean," you said. "Besides I'm working remember? We're supposed to be professional."

"You say that yet it's hard to be professional when you're wearing that," he said.

"Cause I'm gonna wear actual clothes while I'm in the ocean, yeah that sounds like a good idea," you said. "Maybe you should learn how to control yourself."

"You're just so... fucking hot," he smirked.

"You do realize I'm recording, right?" You said. "I'm going to have a lot of editing to do."

He laughed pushing himself back up on the board. "We'll just keep it for ourselves."

You rolled your eyes. "Anyway, go back to acting like I'm not here, so I can actually use this footage."

"You're so bossy," he smirked. "It's actually a bit of a turn on."

"Again? Really, if you keep talking, I'm adding this in and everyone will see," you smirked.

"You wouldn't," he said looking over at you.

"Oh, I would," you smirked kicking the board and causing him to fall off.

"Oh My God," you said.

"Was that-" Harry said.

"Yes!" You said. "That was video from Jamaica. How is this on the internet right now?"

"Let me see," Harry said grabbing his phone.

He started scrolling through and not only saw videos of you that you had filmed in Jamaica, ones that were clearly edited out for good reason, along with intimate photos of the two of you as well, from both in Jamaica and after.

"Fucking..." Harry sighed running his hands through his hair.

"How did this happen? All of these were saved on my computer-" You sighed.

"Were they saved on your iCloud?" He asked.

"Some yes, but not all of them," you said.

He sighed. "Someone hacked into your account."

"What? How? Why?" You said.

"I don't know, but we're going to find the fuck out," he said.

You sighed sadly looking down. "I'm sorry..."

"Baby this isn't your fault," he said.

"I should have been more careful... " you sighed.

"It doesn't matter. Whoever hacked your account shouldn't have, this is all on them," he said.

Your phone started getting alerts then and you grabbed it. As soon as you opened it up, you were seeing your mentions on all of your social media is filled up with fans and others sending you things. Some of it was nice, but some of it....

Most of it was bad. 

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