Bitten Witch

By Shannah_Couper

43.8K 1.8K 250

First in the Witch's Blood Trilogy Alex is a normal everyday nerd, she likes to read and play games. At least... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Author's Note (Discontinuing)

Chapter 1

4.7K 110 59
By Shannah_Couper


I glare up at the bed, the purple and blue blanket and sheets mock me from my place on the floor. I glance at the clock, I slam my hand on it to shut up the constant beeping. I groan, six o'clock and it's only Thursday. Regretting my life choices I stand and look around my room for my robe considering its cold as fuck. My room is fairly large with a carpeted space in the middle, my wardrobe in the right-hand corner, my bed in front of that and my desk and shelving on the other side of the room.

My room would probably look better if it didn't have books, manga, clothes and food wrappers everywhere. I spot my robe hanging off one of my shelves and jump over my mountains and grab it snuggling in deeply before leaving the room. With my black cat Kuro following behind me, walking down the hallway passing the bathroom and guest bedroom, I pass Tigre our tabby kitty. Walking into the living room I turn to the left into the dining room and immediately open the fridge to look in.

I pull out the box of pizza from dinner last night and look at the note left on top, 'Morning, I'm guessing you'll be having this for breakfast so before you go to school please feed the cats and do your homework, love Mum.' I shrug, tossing the last two pieces in the microwave and ripping up the box to put in the bin, I go to feed the three cats that we own. Neva, our white and completely fluffy cat winds around my ankles.

Like my Mum, I have her short build, curly frizzy hair, and pale skin. But my colouring comes from my Dad, dark red hair and dark blue eyes, my Grandma also says I look a lot like him. After feeding my kitties I yawn and began to brush my waist length hair.

The microwave beeps and I grab out the pizza and eat it quickly, I'm fairly skinny but with as much food as I put away I've put on weight recently but it doesn't really matter to me. Being alone in the house again I can't help but think of Mum, she's raised me alone since I was two which was when my Dad left her only to die in a car accident six years later. She's a cop, she has a library across from her bedroom, her own bathroom attached and across from her bathroom is the office where she usually spends her days unless she's called in for a case.

Leaning back I stretch and head to my own bathroom for a quick shower. Tossing off my sleep shorts and sports bra, I step in the shower. Despite the fact it's the middle of winter I still sleep in a minimal amount of clothes because I'm someone who moves around a lot when they sleep, I mean I can go to sleep fine but in the morning the blankets end up wrapped and tossed around me. Shaking my head I finish quickly and rush to my room in a towel to change. My school doesn't have a uniform because we're in the middle of nowhere surrounded by a forest so there really isn't any point.

Pulling on a black long sleeve knit shirt, I put my fake white fur vest on top and pull on my black fingerless gloves. Then I jump into a pair of jeans and put on my black high tops. I plait my hair and sit at my desk to do last minute homework which is due today and was given out last week. Well, procrastination is one of my skills, finishing that quickly I glance at the clock to see that I'm going to be late if I don't leave about now.

"Shit!" I yell.

Grabbing my bag I sling it over my shoulder and rush out of my room, I give Kuro a scratch on the head and race out the front door and jog down the street. I live on a deserted street with only one neighbour who happens to be my grandma, we live in the only houses on the forest path. I run at full speed to the end of the path which takes five minutes, and I stop in front of my best friend Lilith. She smiles at me, her dark brown wavy hair has been tugged into a messy bun but is fighting for freedom with little strands escaping.

"Hey, Alex." She says as her icy blue eyes sparkle in the morning light.

"Hey... Lil." I puff out.

Straightening we head to school which is about a ten-minute walk, we idly chit-chat about classes and the full moon party that's being thrown by the popular bitches on Friday. Of course, I wasn't invited, I mean I'm the social outcast and I enjoy it. The only people I really talk too are Lilith and the people in the book club.

Walking into school everyone mills around, I head straight to my locker and open it shoving my stuff inside and grabbing out a packet of chips, I open the packet and start munching as Lil does her own thing at her locker. While exchanging her books she glances at me.

"Eating again Lex?"

"Yeah, what can I say I'm always hungry."

"Look what we have here." A high squeaky voice sounds behind me.

I widen my eyes at Lil and shove a handful of chips in my mouth making her look away to snort. I turn around and hug my packet to my chest. The three head bitches stand right in front of me, Destiny a blonde cheerleader, who I'm pretty sure has fucked the whole football team, Camilla, a darker blonde who's the head cheerleader and her boyfriend is the football team captain. Lastly is Bianca a brunette who's not a cheerleader but she's still fucking the football team.

"So Lilith you coming to the party," Destiny asks as she swipes on some lip gloss.

"Not if my life depends on it," she mumbles under her breath, "I'll have to pass, I already have plans."

"That's a shame, I really hope you're not hanging out with..." Bianca says looking me over as I chew my mouthful of chips.

I see Lil's eye twitch, "And if I am. You got a problem."

Lil is head of the girls' basketball team and often is getting into fights, she isn't buff but she's most definitely in shape and they know it.

"Oh no, sweetie, it's just we wanted you to come. But maybe next time, maybe after you realise something." Bianca speaks again.

"What'd that be?" Lil asks totally enthusiastic. Note the sarcasm.

"That you're so much better than her and you need to learn that," Camilla speaks for the first time with a smirk and a hair flip.

"Would that be the same time you realise you're a walking cliché," I mumbled under my breath.

Lil smiles as the girls walk away, no matter how quietly I say something she always hears me, girls got ears like a wolf.

"Anyway we should go, we have English to get to." She says as the bell rings.

I groan once again and toss my empty chip packet in the bin. I mostly ignore my first lessons, my teachers are pretty stupid and I'm already ahead so I read through most of English and History but it's now the third period where I have HPE, we're in the hall, which is heated so everyone's dressed in sweats and sports shirts. Except for the pops they always have their excuses ready and their makeup caked on, I roll my eyes as they sit off to the side. But I really enjoy HPE, because who doesn't love dodgeball. Everyone stretches and Lil jumps up and down excited for a chance to peg balls at the guys, yeah because as cliché as it is, its girls vs boys. Boys who are all on the football team or are just buff and the girl's team with the basketball team and me. I'm screwed.

The whistle blows and we all move to our sides of the court, the balls all sitting in a nice little line in front of me, oh how they mock me. I sigh, there's a little feud between the girl's basketball team and the guy's football team, simply because the guys stole the gym several times when it was the girls turn to practice. So yeah it's about to become world war three in this bitch and I, just like always, am in the middle of it.

The whistle blows once again and everyone moves to the balls, except me I move behind the girl next to me. The next few minutes are hell, balls being thrown, caught and balls smacking into people. I wince when one of the guys gets hit in the balls... by someone on his own team.

'Am I surrounded by idiots?'

The teams get smaller and we get down to me and Lil the only girls going against three football players and another guy. Lil's still in for the win and me I'm bending my body into unnatural shapes to avoid getting hit.

Eventually though a ball slams into me, right in the face. The whistle gets blown as I fall back onto my ass. Great. Lil's instantly by my side, as is the coach. Thankfully, I'm good with all my teachers so the coach (who didn't let the guy who got smacked in the balls go to the nurse) lets me go with Lil's assistance.

We walk down the halls with Lil guiding me, chatting about how she almost had them and me making agreement noises. This has happened a few times. We make it to the nurse's office and I head in alone while Lil waits outside, the nurse gives me an ice-pack and Panadol before heading out. I'm about to exit out the door when I hear voices.

"I don't want to go. I told you I have plans!" That's Lil's voice and she sounds unhappy.

"Well, I don't care what you want, its orders. Do as you're told." A deep voice responds just as unhappy, "Plus you shouldn't hang out with her."

"Shut up! I'll go, but after I'm doing what I want."

"Whatever, just turn up, make your presence known. We're not picking on you, you know." I know that voice I swear.

"I know and I know it's an important night and I'll be there, I mean the full moon isn't until Monday and the parties on Friday but it's still called the full moon party. How stupid," Lil mumbles.

"Alright, I'll see you there." Followed by footsteps.

I exit and look quickly down that way to see Adrian Ever, one of the scariest people I have ever meet and one of the bad boys. Here, there's a whole group of them, Dean Black, Fang Ducal, Stag Whitewood, Adrian Ever and Logan Hunter. All extremely attractive, muscular, smart and hot and I mean that in a temperature way. Cause I sat next to one once and he was like a thousand degrees but whatever. I wonder what one of the five wanted with Lil. I turn towards her and see she has her head down and her fingers rubbing her temples.

"She said I won't have a black eye just some small bruising," I say.

She looks up quickly, "Oh, that's good. Hey, do you mind if I'm a little late to your place tomorrow?"

"Why?" I ask, my hand was starting to get numb as I continue to hold the ice pack to my face.

"Oh, a family thing came up. I'll be there before ten. I promise."

"Yeah, no problem." I smile but it feels forced.

She looks relieved, "Thanks, I'll make it up to you."

I simply keep smiling, I wonder why she's hiding going to the party from me. I let out a breath, I trust her and know she'll tell me when she's ready, plus I don't really care. After all, this isn't the first time something like this has happened, she often cancels or comes late. I head to the office since the nurse called my Mum so I could go home because I'm having trouble seeing. I leave Lil and she heads back to class and I head home, it's just after twelve when I get there.

As soon as I'm in the door, Mum heads back out to go work on a new case. I walk into the kitchen and make a couple sandwiches, giving a few meat scraps to the cats, before I head to my room. Walking in with the cats following me, I sigh, I need to clean up or Mum won't let Lil stay over ever again, plus Lil's sensitive to dust. I turn on YouTube and just find a random Nightcore playlist and let it play on my speakers.

I slowly eat my sandwiches as I put away my clothes, I get a lot of my clothes from the guy's section because I mean they have awesome designs on them. I fold them and arrange them by colours in the draws of my cupboard and my few dresses or 'fancy' clothes I hang on coat hangers and put on the metal rod. Once the clothes are sorted, I start organising my books and manga's on my shelves, I spend about five minutes just bent over grabbing them off the floor. I curse myself for being so lazy, Lilith was actually the one who put up my shelves, nice white heavy planks that are nailed to the wall and it matches with my light blue wallpaper that decorates the room.

Once that's done I go make some more sandwiches, and eating those, I toss my rubbish into a plastic bag and start vacuuming, which sends my cats flying down the hallway. When I'm done I flop on my bed and look at my room, I swear you can see the room doing the sparkling shit that happens in Anime when they've cleaned something. Sighing I look at the clock on my bedside table it reads eight o'clock. I have no idea what to do now.

I get up and give the cats some wet food for dinner and check the kitty litters, I sigh and pick up the liner bag and toss it into the bin then replace the crystals. I tie up the bins plastic bag and heave it from the bin, walking outside I shiver as the cold wind blows, walking around to the back of the house I toss the bag into our wheelie bin. I give a wave to my Grandmother who sits on the porch of her own little creaky house, she waves back and goes back to reading the book in her lap.

I go grab my phone before I put on a movie, 'Lord of the Rings' which is my Mum's favourite series, she has all the books and movies. I set a timer on the TV to shut off in a few hours and I snuggle into the blanket I wrapped around me and cuddle with Neva. My life's pretty normal I guess, I wouldn't really want it any other way though. I play some games on my phone as I watch the movie, I get to the second movie before I start to feel tired.

I place my phone on the arm of the couch and lay down on the couch with all the cats snuggling up with me. I sigh and feel my eyes drift closed, I don't even hear when my Mum comes home and takes Neva off me and heads into her own room after pulling the blanket properly over me.

The smell of bacon wafts through the house and invades my nose, I roll over and groan which ends up being a mistake. I let out a whine as I rub my arm and sit up from the floor, my tumble to the floor sent the cats flying and my phone dropping to the ground. I grab my phone and check the time it's five in the morning.

"It's still fucking dark outside Mum." I groan getting to my feet as I do I feel a sharp pain in my temple but I pass it off.

"It's not my fault that I have a job and that you choose to sleep on the couch." She replies.

I jump as the bacon pops and rub my eyes as I hop up onto a stool. I stretch my back out and grab the brush and start to brush my hair, I glance at my Mum she has her own black frizzy hair tied up in a ponytail. She turns her brown eyes my way and places a plate of bacon and scrambled eggs in front of me.

"Thank you," I mumble as I start to eat.

"You going to school today?" She questions me as she cooks up her own breakfast.

I look down at my plate and mutter, "Probably not."

She turns to look at me, "Alright," she comes and sits across from me at the bench that divides the kitchen from the living room, "But do some chores around the house."

I give a nod and sigh, I have a tendency to skip school but anytime I do my Mum just shrugs it off and asks me to do something. It's a bit weird but I don't question it, after all I always go to school when there are tests and assignments going on but otherwise I'm always ahead so it doesn't matter if I go to school or not but I hate Fridays because I have class with Adrian Ever and he always glares at me and it unnerves me. Well, it's not really a class it's a free period where we both sit in the library to do extra work and such.

My Mum gets up and since she's already dressed for work she grabs her bag and heads to the door but not before she says, "Please remember to give Neva his medication."

The door slams closed and I shrug, I grab my empty plate and hers and wash them up. I lean against the sink and look out the window that gives me the view of the back of the house meaning I get to see trees. I never understood why we moved out here away from town and everyone else, it's very isolated and this very house seemed to be built to ensure there was space between the people who lived here. The left side of the house is where the large room I use as my bedroom is, another bedroom and a smaller room beside it that we use as a spare bedroom.

On the right side of the house is my Mother's half with her bedroom with a connected bathroom and across from her room is her office and library. The living room is a carpeted square space with a three person couch, a glass coffee table, a few bookcases filled with movies and disks and then on the wall beside the window is the TV. The front door rest to the right of the living room and has a walkway from the door to the kitchen that isn't carpeted. Then behind the living room is the tiled kitchen with granite benches and dark oak cupboards and a fridge and freezer beside the bench.

Our washing machine and dryer sit next to the back door, next to the fridge. I shake my head while I grab a glass of water and head to my room, Tigre lays sleeping on the couch which reminds me of Neva's medication. Of course, the bloody cat had to go and get an infection from a little scratch on his paw, so I spend the next ten minutes chasing the ball of fluff around the house attempting to put the ointment on him. When I finally manage to catch him and to get it on him I get my arms scratched to shit as a thank you.

Neva hisses at me and runs off to Mum's room, I roll my eyes and go to my bathroom before I put something on my own scratches.

"Bastard cat," I grumble heading to my room.

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