Until It's Too Late

By Mischaxox

786 39 7

Piper is a 19 year old girl who moves from California to New York with her family when her father gets a new... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 9

36 2 0
By Mischaxox

**this chapter contains mature content, sexual scene, drug use, if you're not interested, you should probably skip!! **

A few days passed by, Piper and Caleb spent some time together atleast once everyday, he had slept there every night since the first night, and even though he was never there when she went to sleep and she'd had no idea what time he usually got home, he was always there when she woke up, she filled Miranda in on what happened, that he had asked her to be with him and that she said yes, Miranda seemed irritated, and told her she was making a mistake, Piper made a mental note to ask Miranda why she hated him so much the next time she saw her, she thought about asking Caleb, but then decided against it.

It was the 10th and Piper was anxious for the party Caleb invited her to, it was their first time actually out with his friends, and just other people in general, she was a little nervous, she knew she was nothing like the people he hung around with, but she wasn't passing up the opportunity to go with him, she wanted people to know they were together and that she was his, so far it had only been them together alone, she wondered how he'd act around others, 'stop' she thought to herself, she was stressing herself out over nothing, if it was this troubling for her she knew she could just stay home, she shook her head at the thought of that idea, there were so many girls that wanted him, she wasn't an idiot, she trusted him, but did she really? She rubbed her eyes, "I irritate myself" she said outloud and looked around her bedroom.

Piper's phone rang, it was Caleb's ring tone she had set especially for him, she always had butterflies everytime he called or messaged her, she opened the text excitedly like a little girl,  "hey doll, listen I'm gonna be late coming over, I need to help my father out with something, I'll be over as soon as I can when I'm done, looking forward to showing you off tonight ;-) "
Piper fell back in her bed and kicked her legs, she was so happy, she was smiling ear to ear, she wrote him back quickly, "it's fine, drop by whenever you're free, I can't wait for you to show me off, :-P I'll be ready when you get here!" She lingered on the end of her text, she wanted to say it, you know, the 3 words everyone loves to hear, but it was to soon, she reasoned with herself, she didn't want to scare him away, buy she knew she loved him, she was happy admitting that, even if she had to keep it to herself for a while. Her phone chimed as she recieved his text back, "you wanna wait and shower with me before you get ready?" Her heart dropped for a second and she re-read that message about 30 times in a split second, 'shower, with him, so naked basically ' she thought, 'no this wouldn't end well' she nodded to herself, she looked down at herself, why was she suddenly ashamed of her body?, she never was before, she actually thought she did a great job taking care of herself, maybe it was just Caleb in general he made her feel all sort of things recently, she answered him back after a minute and lied "I showered already when I woke up, I'm sorry" she sent another message quickly after 'i hope the offer still stands for another day though"  she sat back and picked at her hair, waiting for his reply, he hadn't seen her naked, she changed infront of him but she had kept her bra and underwear on, she got up and looked in the mirror self consciously, she shook her head,. No, there was nothing wrong with her, she would just wait until she was a little more comfortable. Her phone rang and she looked at it like it was alive,

'hello?" She answered softly, his voice was was low as if he was around people and didn't want them to hear, "you can shower again surely?" Piper's heart fluttered, at the sound of his voice, she decided to stick to her guns, "yes I could, but i take forever to get ready and it's easier this way, we can another time, can't we?". There was silence on the other end and her heart sank a little, "are you shy to be naked infront of me?" He asked sounding a little amused, she was sure she could actually hear him smiling, was that possible?,  " No" she snapped back, "I'm not actually, i just told you I would shower with you another day, I just want to get ready and look nice okay" he laughed and reassured her that it was fine, he was only teasing her, there was a silence for a second before he told her he had to go, what was that? She wondered did he want to say something, she smiled at the thought, maybe it was what she was wanting to say too, but she didn't ask questions, it would come when the time was right, they hung up from each other and piper sprinted to the bathroom to shower and get herself ready.

It was around 8:30 when Caleb looked at his watch, he was heading to pick up piper for the party, when he got to building he let himself in with the key she had given him, he smiled at the thought, he was happy she trusted him enough to do so, he walked into her place and down the hall to her bed room, she was in the bathroom when he entered, he walked over to the mirror and fixed his hair back, piper could hear him out there and she yelled out that she would be just a minute she was brushing her teeth, when she came out she stopped in her tracks, she admired him quietly before he noticed her, he had on a white button up shirt with a black jacket and jeans, the shirt clung to his chest, which outlined his muscles beautifully, she just stared for a moment, until he caught her, and smiled, "wow" he said as he walked towards her, he was graceful he kind of stalked along like a wild animal, quietly pursuing it's prey, she couldn't keep her eyes off of him, he looked her up and down and then into her eyes, "I don't know if I can take you out looking like this" he said with a smirk, she blushed, she put loose curls in her hair , and left her makeup natural, except for the bold red lipstick she chose, he ran his finger along her lips slowly, it sent shivers through her body whenever he touched her, she wore a black cropped top with high wasted jeans, that fit her body perfectly , every curve was visable and he noticed, and he was sure everyone else would notice too.

He pulled her close and kissed her softly, she smiled and watched as he did, his eyes met hers and they stood there quiet for a second, "don't make a fool of me" he said with a husky voice, low and seductive, it drove her wild when he spoke to her that way, but she couldn't understand why he said that, "why would you say that?" She asked genuinely, "I'm not an idiot, I know guys look at you and I know they will tonight, I saw it at the club the first night we spoke, but you're with me now, and if they talk to you fine, I can't stop that, but when the talking becomes flirting, and they begin to tell you how sexy you look in this outfit, you remember who you're there with" he stared into her eyes, not taking them off hers, she knew he was not easily intimidated, she was the one who broke eye contact, "you have little faith in me" she answered in a low tone, "no, I just don't want to look like a fool, I'm just asking you to respect me enough to let someone know when they're crossing a line, I have no problem doing that for you", she could feel the intensity in the room, as she looked back in his eyes and nodded "I would never do that to anyone, especially not you" she said softly as she leaned forward and kissed him. "Hmm" a rumble came from his chest, the sound of content and he kissed her back, she pulled away first walking out of the bedroom infront of him, he swatted her on the ass with his hand and she laughed and ran out into the kitchen, he smiled after her, "your playful, innocent thing you got going on here is gonna get you in trouble one day" he said licking his lips then winking at her, she smiled and looked in his direction, "I hope it does" Piper replied with a playful tone,. "we don't have to go out, we can stay here right now and take care of that" he said with heavy eyes looking at her, with the most seductive grin she'd ever seen,. "no, come on we have to go" she laughed teasingly. "woman, you're gonna kill me" he said as he walked past her and grabbed her hand, Piper locked the door behind them and they were off, heading to the party and even though she tried to hide it, Piper was a nervous wreck.

As they arrived, Piper felt calebs demeanor change, not towards her, but just in general, He walked around the car and opened as the door for her, she smiled and got out thinking she could get used to that, he wrapped his arm around her waist and they walked inside.

Piper noticed the authority he carried and the way people looked at him and respected him, she wondered why,  but that thought ended when he began to introduce her to his friends, they smiled at her and exchanged names, all of the men seemed friendly enough, the girls on the other hand, not so much, she understood why, but didn't care, if he had wanted to be with one of them he would've been, but he wanted her and the thought made her happy.

Piper danced with a few girls who didn't seem to be phased by Caleb which she was greatful for, it would've been a long night if she had to stay by the guys the whole time, the music was loud and people were dancing and drinking everywhere she looked everyone seemed to be having a great time and the feeling took over her, she danced more and had a few drinks, piper went to grab herself another beer, that was when she had seen Caleb laughing and drinking with the four men he seemed to be closest with, she watched him and smiled he looked so carefree, he was so handsome, she watched and took a sip of her beer walkinf in his direction, in and out of the bodies, Jesus were there really that many people here, she could still see Caleb just a little ways from her when she watched him lower his head quickly and snort a line of coke off the table, and then wipe it away with his hand.

She immediately changed her direction and headed to the nearest bathroom, she went inside and locked the door, piper sat on the edge of the bathtub and placed her beer beside her, then put her head in her hands, 'why' she thought, 'of all things, why' she remember how she told him about her past he didn't offer that info about himself when he had the perfect opportunity to do so, then she realized he also didn't judge her, like she was doing to him right now.

'would he tell me' she wondered or would he just hide it and go about his life keeping her in the dark, was he even trying to hide it? He just did it right there in the open, he obviously knew that she couldve seen at anytime.  She rubbed her hands on her legs, she was feeling tipsy and this just made her want to drink more, 'you left this two years ago, are you going to give another guy a chance for the same thing you left someone else for' she thought hard about it, she new she would never touch it again, she didn't know if she could live with someone again who did, but would she leave him.

Piper sighed and shook her head, she looked into the long mirror across from her, 'no I wouldn't' she thought to herself, she knew she wouldn't leave him, she decided to see how he would act, she knew it changed people, she witnessed it, if he acted violent towards her or changed she would leave, she reasoned with herself,. She sipped her beer and stood up, shaking her head as she looked in the mirror again, "you're a stupid woman" she said outloud to herself "anyone else would leave, and here you are" she sighed "love" she muttered before opening the door and returning to dance with her newest friends.

Piper was giggling and laughing at the convo her and the girls were having, they were fun, different than Miranda, they were more free, not so uptight towards others,
She made eye contact with Caleb as she got another drink, he winked at her and she smiled before turning away to go back to the girls, he seemed ok, she thought, she would go talk to him later,. "how's it going gorgeous" a man asked as turned around, he smiled and said she was fine, she was having a good time, she wondered if Caleb could see her right now, were they in his line of sight, she chatted with the man and it was just friendly conversation, he asked who she had come with, and she proudly told him she was here with Caleb, he proceeded to look in Caleb's direction, "really" he said looking her up and down which made he uneasy.  "Yes" she replied a little confused, why would she lie. 

"Come talk with me a bit, we can get some air outdoors you look a little drunk"
This was it piper knew this was what Caleb was telling her about, she began to speak when he took her hand "come on beautiful, just a few minutes and we'll come right back inside".  Piper could feel Caleb's eyes in the back of her head, she pulled her hand anyway, and told him she was fine where she was, she felt Caleb's presence before she felt his arms wrap around her, he stared at the man before turning Piper's head gently and kissing her, Piper's heart was thumping in her chest, he was making sure this guy knew, he was with her, she kissed him back and swayed slowly as he pulled away from her, he looked back at the man, "you and I can go outside for a few minutes If you'd like, I can't garuntee that both of us will be back after a few minutes though" Caleb said mocking the guy infront of him, he laughed and looked at piper and back to Caleb before shaking his head and walking away. 

She could feel the heat radiating off of him, she turned to look at him, "I think I was handling that rather well" he smiled at her, "sure" he said with a laugh, before kissing her on the cheek, "you wanna come sit with me babe?" She sipped her beer and shook her head,. "no?" He looked at her surprised,. She laughed and shook her head side to side quickly, "I mean I want to yes, but I'm gonna go have another dance first, ok?'
He nodded and kissed her, biting her bottom lip before looking down at her,. She noticed his regularly bright eyes were more black than blue at the moment, she wondered again if he'd tell her, but he didn't say anything, he told her to join him when she was ready, before squeezing her hand and walking back to his friends, she nodded after him.

She chugged the rest of he beer which she screwed her face up to, it had gotten warm, she grabbed another and went back to dancing, the music was great it was loud and full of great beats she thought she could dance forever if someone let her, she was having a great time, that was until she decided to finally go sit with Caleb, as she made her way she watched as a very beautiful girl flirted with him, 'fuck was she even wearing clothes' she thought as she looked at her, she swore she could see her ass when she moved a certain way, she stopped and waited to see what Caleb's reaction would be, the girl ran her hand along the lower part of his stomach, just along the waist of his jeans, Piper could feel her blood boiling, and she watched Caleb he had smiled at the girl, and drank from his beer, like nothing happened, that bothered her, if she was the kind of girl he liked why not be with her, she would probably sleep with him right there infront of everyone, the thought of him sleeping with anyone else made her sick instantly.

She noticed the girl talk to him again and he laughed at something she said, she put her hand on his face and Piper thought she was going to lose it, she saw him move the girls hand away and a ping of hope went through her, even though she was still upset, he was doing what he told her not to do, he noticed her after a minute staring at him and he realized how it must've looked to her, "fuck' he mumbled as he excused himself from the table, Piper shook her head and was walking away from him, she could still feel him walking behind her trying to catch up, it made her feel giddy, the drinks were getting to her, who was she kidding they had gotten to her three beers and two shots ago.

Piper ducked into a room and began to close the door before it brought up in calebs chest, he pushed it open and walked in behind her, closing the door and locking it behind him, "I know that looked shady as fuck, but I would never give her the time of day, i was trying to ignore her, I figured she would stop" he said as he walked to her, Piper held her hand up for him to stop, she couldn't think straight when he was so close to her, "trying to ignore her?, if she slipped her hand in your pants would you still ignore it and hope she'd stop on her own?" Piper shook her head and laughed quietly, 'i did stop her", he reminded her,
"that's the kind of girls you usually go for?"
She asked sounding braver than she actually was, the alcohol was definitely helping, Caleb shook his head and used her own words against her, "you don't have faith in me?" he asked watching her,. "don't mock me!" She was frustrated, but he was right, she had to trust him too, he ignored her hand up and walked to her, she slowly backed up into the wall and all the angry she had in that moment was gone.

Piper felt like her head was swimming, 'the first argument' she thought to herself, already, and he still hadn't mentioned the cocaine, she figured it was wise not to ask, as he stood infront of her with her back to the wall, she couldn't help think about that girl, touching him, and the jealousy came rushing back to her, 'do you know her personally" she asked him looking into his eyes, not breaking eye contact, he nodded his head and she sighed inwardly, " you've fucked her before haven't you, that's why she was so touchy",  he stood back and placed his hands on either side of her head against the wall, "don't ask me questions you don't really want to know the answers to, what I've done before you doesn't matter now" he kept eye contact with her as well, Pipers body was working against her, the alcohol left her feeling so many different ways, she looked away and then back into his heavy eyes, 'drunk eyes' she thought, he even does being drunk beautifully, his answer pissed her off though, he had slept with her,. he told her without telling her, but he was right it wasn't really her business, but still she had touched him, and done things to him Piper didn't even want to think about.

She looked back onto his eyes and, grabbed his jacket, she was tugging and pulling at it, as she reached up and kissed him, he watched her, surprised, before kissing her back, she finally got his jacket apart and began unbuttoning his shirt, she kissed his chest and his breathing got heavier, she stood back facing him, pushing him back towards the wall, she bit his lip hard and kissed him harder, she pulled his shirt open exposing his beautiful chiseled chest, she ran her hands down slowly to his jeans waist band, he kissed her neck as she tilted her head back, moaning quietly, she began to unbuckle his belt and he grabbed her hands, 'stop, you don't have to do this" he knew what was going on, she was frustrated and scared that she wasn't giving him what he needed, "she pulled her hands away,
"dont, don't tell me to stop" she looked into his eyes pleading with him he let go of her hands and she loosened his belt and unzipped his jeans, they began moving backwards towards the bed and she pushed him down onto it, he proped himself up on his elbows and watched her, his chest rising and falling with every heavy breath, she got on the floor on her knees, between his legs and tugged his pants, he lifted himself helping her, until he was visible to her, she bit her lip at his size, impressive she thought to herself, she took him in her hand and stroked slowly as she kissed his lower stomach, she looked up at him, as she put him in her mouth, and moved her head slowly, she twirled her tongue around him, not breaking eye contact, he groaned, as he watched her, before laying back and closing his eyes, she focused all her attention on what she was doing, she sucked harder and rubbed him with one of her hands, she was rewarded with low seductive moans, she felt powerful in the moment, that she was making him feel this way, she looked at his powerful body, and realized she was in control of how it felt in that moment, his breathing quickened and she worked harder, trying to please him, moaning herself as she felt his body tighten, he got back up on his elbows and watched her, grabbing her hair and wrapping his hand in it, he pulled slightly, and she wimpered and moaned with him still in her mouth, "I'm close" he warned her only to fall back on the bed and run his hands over his face as she sucked him harder, she worked harder and ignored his warning, he stiffened and moaned as he came in her mouth, she swallowed him and sucked slowly until nothing was left.

His heart was pounding, when she crawled onto the bed beside him, he watched her as he swallowed and caught his breath, she looked into his eyes, and suddenly felt shy as she watched him, he pulled his pants back up buttoned and fixed his belt, he stood up buttoning his shirt,  piper stayed on the bed quietly, he turned back to her and grabbed her arm, "come on were going home, were not done", he pulled her off the bed and her legs were trembling, her face was flushed and her lips felt swollen, her hair was messed up, she could only imagine how she looked at the moment, but she didn't care, as they walked through the house and headed for the door Piper saw the girl thay had been flirting with Caleb, and she smiled in her direction, the girl looked away, and Piper's jealousy had vanished, he was hers.

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