Beneath The Surface

By CGV_taetae

194K 5.6K 1.7K

Will Taehyung's battle for the members returned affection be won or will he only succeed in pushing himself f... More

Beneath The Surface
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Happy Birthday TaeTae
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
What i forgot
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
The Text
Chapter 28

Chapter 18

4.8K 149 22
By CGV_taetae

Namjoon POV
'Ow' "Jimin watch where your going" I said rubbing my side "Taehyung?" He said lowly but we all heard it. "What?" I asked puzzled

"Taehyung" he said again a little louder this time. "Yes I heard you the first time what about him" I asked getting slightly irritated. "No, Taehyung" he said once again pointing in a rather crowded area.

All the others pushed past a stunned jimin only to have the same reaction. It really was Taehyung, he and a taller man were in the center greeting the other guests.

No one moved or spoke for a while still trying to process what was going on. "It's Hyung" Jungkook said eyes and mouth still wide open. "Yeah we can see that" yoongi hyung said ruffling his hair confused.

"The question is what's he doing here?" He said pulling himself back together. "I thought they said he lived in Japan" Jin hyung added " Maybe he's visiting someone or just here for the party" I said now a little more calm.

I noticed Hobi hadn't said anything as I was going to say something to him he walked off. " think we should talk to him?" Jin hyung asked.

Everyone fell silent, we can think about him all day. Things we wish we'd done things we wish we hadn't, but now that he was right there it felt like all that would be impossible. After all we can't even build the courage to talk to him.

We hung our heads low at the thought of what his reaction might be if he saw us. "I-I at least want to apologize" Jungkook said lifting his head and clenching his fists. "Just that much at least, so he knows it wasn't his fault." He said determination written all over his face.

"I agree I want to say more but I don't think I can bring myself to. BUT he definitely deserves an apology no matter what so let's do it." Jimin said eyeing us down. We all nodded in agreement, they're right it's no time to be cowards.

As we tried to inch closer we were pushed back with a face full of body guards. Completely bewildered by this we tried going around but by the time we got back to the area they had moved. Then somewhere along the line we lost sight of Taehyung. We figured he'd eventually make his way back to the man he came with, so we waited.

Hoseok POV
I couldn't handle it, seeing him. I was unprepared and vulnerable, I feel like this facade I put on is falling apart. I need to keep it together I don't want him to see me broken.

I go to bathroom to escape the crowds of people effectively triggering my claustrophobia. Turning on the faucet I grab paper towels and wet them dabbing my face.

"Hey, get out
I've got nothin' left to give for you give me nothin' now
Read my mouth
If you ever want me back, then your walls need breakin' down
'Cause here I am, I'm givin' all I can
But all you ever do is mess it up
Yeah, I'm right here, I'm tryin' to make it clear
getting half of you just ain't enough
I'm not going to wait until you're done
Pretending you don't need anyone"(Naked by James Arthur)

I turned to where that all too familiar voice was coming from, "Taehyung". He was singing coming out of one the stalls, he stopped as soon as he saw me. After a good 5 minutes of us staring at each other he started moving toward the sink. (Sorry I was gonna have him just try to leave first but the thought that he didn't wash his hands was too much for me 😖)I watched as he washed his hands then made a move toward the door.

I quickly grabbed his arm, I felt him shudder immediately slapping my hand off. He looked at me with so much distrust and caution it broke my heart. He'd never made such a face toward me and now I was wishing to see one of his smiles.

He started to move again "Please don't go" I said a lot more desperate than I thought I was. He turned to look at me not uttering a word but with a what do you want look on his face. " I... um.. w-wanted to say...s-sorry" I said slowly.

He continued to stare at me no emotion on his face what so ever. " We read it.... your letter I mean. I didn't know about any of that. Though that still doesn't excuse what I did. I really am sorry." I finished inching closer to him with ever sentence.

He waited a minute to make sure I was finished and left. I was beyond shocked, I mean I was expecting some kind of reaction. Good or bad I'd have taken it but this is just.... so not like him? Then again I didn't know him that well to begin with, a fact that's been thrown in my face time and time again.

I decide to leave and join the other members, filling them in on the recents events. "You talked to him what'd he say?" Kook asked grabbing my arm. "Nothing" I said plainly. They seemed to be waiting for me to continue so I clarified.

"I was the only one talking he said nothing at all. Once I was done he just left" I stated. Everyone looked in understanding while the two maknae's looked at me accusingly. "What did you say to him?" Jimin asked

"N-nothing bad I just apologized" I said inching back, in all honesty jimin was added to my list of fears after he repeatedly beat the shit out of me. He relaxed a bit I guess he believes me, " and he didn't say anything at all?" He asked. "Not a word" I replied.

"Not sure why but I guess I was hoping he'd just forgive me and smile like usual." I said looking down to hide the forming tears in my eyes. Everything up to this point led me to believe I understood now, but actually experiencing that had to be the biggest wake up call. We hurt him

After hearing about what happened with hobi I felt less like I'd be able to talk to Tae. He was right we'd gotten so used to him just forgiving us like nothing ever happened. Now that things are different I'm not sure how to react, if I thought he didn't care about us before it really feels like that now.

Looking around I spot a familiar blond hair girl running towards a table hugging .....Taehyung? I motion for the others to look "Isn't that Annabelle? How does she know Tae?" Yoongi asked

I shrugged my shoulders "Do you think she knows then? No way she didn't know he was a part of the group but she never asked where he was." Namjoon said panicked

Joonie was right, then why didn't she say anything to us. Did she invite us here on purpose, is she planning something? My thoughts were interrupted when I felt kookie suddenly grab my jacket sleeve tightly.

I looked down at him waiting for an explanation as to why his nails were currently imbedded into my flesh. "He smiled" he said staring in the direction the two were. We all looked up shocked, there it was.

The smile we hadn't seen since around the time he first arrived. The one that was lost and replaced by one not so sincere. The one I had only dreamed about seeing recently and yet a part of me wasn't happy about it at all.

He hadn't smiled at us like that in forever but he so effortlessly showed it to this girl. What can she give him that we can't, why is he happier with her than with us. I thought he loved us why didn't it show. I felt tears start to stream down my cheeks as the others rushed me out of the room.

" Why couldn't I see it! He was right there trying his hardest all the time and I turned a blind eye to his efforts. He's happy now without us and it hurts, WHY DOES IT HURT SO MUCH!" I yell receiving weird looks from the other guests as we made our way to the room.

" It's because you feel the same way we do, you love him" jimin stated rubbing my back in an attempt to comfort me. It was then that I realized I wasn't the only one crying. I looked up to find all the members in tears each slowly breaking down further in the security of our room.

Hoseok POV
"I hurts because we love him"

Well dang had myself tearing up a bit at the end of this😢. They've still got time to talk to TaeTae don't worry~ Feeling way better than I did a few days ago thanks everyone who wished me well. Love you guys❤️. Thx for 5k views. Enjoy~

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