Rebecca Lupin and The Escape...

By RachieK97

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Rebecca Lupin is quite an outgoing girl who is about to attend a magical school most muggles have heard of. S... More

Rebecca Lupin and The Escape of the death eater
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
chapter 16
Chapter 17
chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

chapter 4

89 0 0
By RachieK97

Hi Guys sorry if the last chapter was a bit too long but I had to get everything sorted with who's in what house and who's sharing a dormitory with who but now they have started lesson's and it's not going to be playing sailing when the teacher's get loud and angry but enjoy the chapter and let me know what you think. This chapter is dedicated to Pixieblue because I have just started reading her book Hogwart Tales Kissed by a Rose it's good book so far and if anyone likes hp fanfics they will like this one. Thanks and enjoy...


Chapter 4 the Crabby Teacher

When I woke up it was quite early in the morning and couldn’t go back to sleep even though I was very tired from reading until the early hours of the morning. So I went downstairs to the common room with my dressing grown on and whiskers in my arms. I curled up on the sofa and stroked my cat silently and thinking what my first day with lessons at Hogwarts will be like, until Albus came down in his dress robes.

“I think you should get changed into your robes soon before breakfast.” Albus said sitting down.

“I will I just came here because I couldn’t get back to sleep.” I replied poor little Whiskers had nearly fell asleep curled up on my knee bless her.

“Did you sleep ok?” Albus asked.

“I did thank you did you?” I replied yawning.

“Ok a part from having another nightmare but this time it was about Thorn the death eater. I kept on thinking but what if she comes to get us.” He replied looking worried.

“Listen Albus if you ever can’t sleep and don’t know what to do, or if you have another nightmare just send me a letter and I’ll meet you here and the dementors are trying to find her and without a doubt will do soon.” I said trying to comfort him and make sure he knew I cared about him and wanted to help him in any way I could when he had a nightmare.

“Thanks Rebecca but you don’t have to!” He replied thankfully.

“I feel like I need to help you in your hour of need. That’s just a saying it means I will try and help you in any way at any time about them nightmares. Also your problems are my problems now we’re friends and somehow we will conquer them eventually, together!” I replied trying to smile.

“Anyway, I better got dressed into my robes before breakfast; I’ll be back down in a minute.” I said getting ready to get up and leave.

“Ok see you in a minute.” He replied.

“Say goodbye to Albus whiskers!” I said getting whiskers’ paw and waving it in the air gently Albus laughed and with that I went to get dressed.

When I came back down he was talking to Rose, Molly and his roommate Ethan.

“Good morning!" I said sitting down next to Rose they all said hi back and started talking about school.

“I think I’ll go and wake up the others before breakfast!” Molly said getting up and getting ready to leave.

“Ok see you soon!” We all called back.

“Try not to wake my cousin Mistie up she is much quieter asleep, apart from the snoring,” I joked smiling. Molly smiled back.

“I wish I could but then she would moan at me later!” Molly replied smiling.

“I could live with that,” Replied Rose smiling.

And with that Molly left the room and me, Rose, Albus, and Ethan went to have breakfast in the great hall. All Albus’ roommates were already in the great hall and Scorpious came over to greet us.

“Morning your lot!” Scorpious said smiling and sitting down next to them. Rose didn’t look at all happy she still had a grudge against him because her dad had told her many horrible stories about the Malfoy family and also said that they never change so beware.

“I’m so excited for the lessons! This is a bit weird because I didn’t like lessons at my primary school.” Said Ethan grinning.

“Yeah I can’t wait till lessons too!” Rose said ignoring Scorpious and looking at Ethan smiling.

I was unusually quiet because I felt stupidly, very nervous about lessons I’m looking forward to learning magical stuff but there’s always a part of me that questions but what if I can’t do the lessons and find them hard but, then again there comes a challenge I’ll just have to read lots of books to help me if I have to just like Rose she gets that from her mum she always says.

After breakfast we all had lessons. First we had Divination with Professor Hales who in my opinion is a crazy, tall, puppy fat, old looking lady with massive glasses and frizzy bright red hair, bright red lip stick on and looks like she is always sucking on a lemon and has a negative attitude towards most students to top it off she has a lot of warts, most the students don’t like her, they call her nanny Mc phee but some students hadn’t watched the film and pulled a funny face and obviously didn’t take the joke. She moans a lot and is quite crabby.

“The reason why no one’s listening is because if you hadn’t noticed you are repeating yourself!” Shouted Ethan he seemed to be very annoyed or just attention seeking.

“The reason why I’m repeating myself is because none of you idiots are listening to me anyway Mr Jordan why do you think it is irrelevant to shout out in my lesson?” Professor Hales shouted. The whole class waited for Ethan’s come back but even Ethan didn’t know what to say.

“Well I thought I should point it out for you just in case you hadn’t noticed or you might just be  trying to annoy us!” He replied grinning,

“I think you should learn to keep your mouth shut or else you will be in detention with me this lunchtime!” She said putting her hands on her hips. Ethan looked disgusted with the thought of spending his whole lunch with that crazy witch and immediately shut up.

Everyone always said she was crazy and spoke a load of rubbish but they didn’t know if it was true but no one said it to her face because they didn’t want to end up being shouted at like our annoying little friend Ethan.

Also you could always hear when she was coming your way because she had very high heels on that were big thick odd looking and they made a large clomping noise.

Today she ended up going very crabby because no one was listening to her but the real reason why we wasn’t listening anymore was because she had repeated the same thing already five times and we pretty much knew what she was saying off by heart. Well at least Rose did and she was whispering what she was saying in a high pitched voice taking the Mick. I had to bit my lip to stop myself from laughing or else I will end up being shouted at like Ethan. When we was reading each other’s tea leaves Rose said that mine was basically saying there’s going be a lot of dramatic things about to happen. I pulled a funny face.

“What, I mean it. You saying I’m lying?” Asked Rose a bit annoyed I thought it was silly.

“Ok if you say so a ‘dramatic’ change is about to say!” I said in a spooking sarcastic voice. We both smiled.

Roses’ one said that something different might happen soon and you will have to stand up and help your friends when things get tough.

“Different?” Rose questioned smiling.

“Yes that is what it means,” I replied looking at bit annoyed. That moment Rose’s eyes lit up like a light bulb was going off inside her head,

“That means that a dramatic event is going to happen that both of us haven’t experienced before.” Rose explained.

“OOHH, detective Rose strikes again let’s just see if the brain box is right!” I joked playfully she hit me playfully.

“Stop it Rebecca I mean it this means something.” Snapped Rose,

“What you thinking then?” I asked turning serious.

“It might be something to do with Thorn!” She replied frowning.

“Oh dear poor Albus! Albus keeps having these nightmares what if she wants something that he’s got or to kill him for revenge for his dad killing the dark lord!” I said concerned.

“He didn’t tell me that. Hey that’s nonsense why would she want anything of Albus’ or to kill him!” Replied Rose.

“Why else would she escape from Azkaban?” I asked trying to make a point.

“Who knows? Ok maybe you are right and maybe you’re not let’s just leave it at that!” Replied Rose

It’s like a future telling subject but Teddy always said it was a load of rubbish and most of it isn’t true so don’t take it to heart, although my cousin had said that I still had a funny feeling it could be partly true even though it sounded a bit ‘dramatic’ for my writing. I had a banging head ache after that lesson from all the shouting and all the thinking too. I defiantly want to drop that lesson next year if I can.

Next we had History of magic with a small, little, old bloke with not much hair on his head, glasses, pointy nose, and moustache and always had a tie on called Professor Binns. He had a walking stick with him most of the time and my brother always told me his lessons was extremely boring lectures on various aspects of magical history and he had a boring tone to his voice. The only thing I liked about him was his midnight blue eyes that twinkled. He is one of those teachers, who when he starts talking about something and then, all of a sudden he changes the subject, into something completely different to what we are learning about, it is something he has done in the past (according to my brother) that didn’t interest me (or my brother for that matter) but oddly made the whole class laugh. I used to love history at muggle primary school (I didn’t want to go there but my muggle grandmother insisted.) I still do like history but the teacher can be mean because when he asks a question he normally chooses someone who hasn’t got their hand up and it does annoy me because they obliviously don’t know the answer or else they would have put their hand up. I still thought learning what people did and what happened before my time, how things have changed and thinking how things will change in the future was interesting.

Today we were learning about the great battle of Hogwarts everyone had heard it all before but I still liked learning about it. Professor kept on mentioning that Harry Potter is Albus’ dad which Albus thought was annoying because near enough everyone knew that all ready and he didn’t want a big fuss about it. It’s amazing but upsetting how everyone risked their life’s and some died for Albus’ dad it just shows how much they cared for him and in return Harry Potter killed Voldemort with their help and brought peace back to Hogwarts. Scorpious’ siblings looked jealous and extremely bored and so was his cousin’s but Scorpious though the subject was alright.

Also my annoying cousin kept on shouting questions out she was very confused about it. What’s to be confused about she probably wasn’t listening or trying to wide him up. I nearly laughed out loud because you could tell Professor was getting annoyed, his eye brows were nearly straight and his face all scrunched up and was slowly going red from anger like a tomato. I found learning about the battle of Hogwarts quite interesting but I had to kick Ethan’s chair because I could tell he was nearly asleep from boredom.

“Do you want to get another teacher crabby!” whispered a very annoyed Rose.

“I didn’t make Hales crabby mistie did too saying stupid questions like, why do we have to do this rubbish subject and with Binns saying, But why Voldemort want to kill anyone?” He replied taking the Mick out of Mistie. She pulled a funny face but probably thought he wasn’t worth it.

“OK you both did now shut up and look awake!” Snapped Rose kicking his chair violently.

“OI that hurt!” Said Ethan straightening his back trying to look awake.

“Now you’ve done it, well done he’s about to shout,” Said Rose.

“How do you know...?” Ethan said before he was interrupted by a angry Professor Binns making his point,

“Stop talking, asking stupid questions and wake up you lazy rude children!” He shouted pointing his finger at us. We all jumped in surprise,

“How did you know he was shout?” Ethan whispered.

“It’s not rocket science he was going red!” Replied Rose.

It soon shut my cousin up she looked scared and went like a tomato, bright red with embarrassment I had to bit my lip to stop myself from laughing because if I did laugh I would be in deep trouble I don’t who I’d be more scared off Professor or Mistie.

After that strange lesson we had defence against the dark arts which was the lesson I was most dreading because I don’t really agree with many forms of violence and that doesn’t really help when this lesson prepares us to fight and protect ourselves against any bad person or death eater I also thought it was nearly pointless because I can only think of a couple of people who were death eaters the Malfoy’s who are harmless now well you say that when Scorpious’ siblings well I’ll just say we need to watch out for them and his cousin’s too and Thorn who is on the run but surely the dementors will catch her soon well at least I hoped that. We had a teacher called Professor Porter she was a slim, tall, pretty lady with long plated dark brown as dark as wood it looked like she almost had two brown snakes round her shoulders. She was kind, nice and had a gentle voice. She looked as if she had just left school, she was young but god she was intelligent and seemed to know everything you needed to know about the any subject as well as hers. She had emerald eyes, rosy cheeks; freckles dotted on her cheeks and had make up on. She kind off sensed I was worried about the subject and put a soft hand on my shoulder when no one was looking and said it was nothing to worry about I will learn you about something I know you’ll like, and winked at me. We learnt the Patronus charm it was fun we had to think of the happiest memory we could. I couldn’t help but think of the first time I met Albus it was like I had met him a long time before and I knew we were going to be best friends. When it was my turn to show the class the Patronus charm I shyly got up and whispered,

“Expecto Patronum!” That second a bright blue light flew up in the air, it formed into a little bunny hopping around in the air my eyes lit up with gladness and relief it made me smile it was beautiful and amazing I felt so proud that I could do it.

Rose’s Patronus was a beautiful baby unicorn that danced a pranced about the room,

Ethan’s patronus was a sleepy but playful little teenage lion with a little mane that made it look wiser,

Albus’ patronus was a friendly little deer that trotted around the room looking for mischief,

Mistie's patronus was an annoying wood pecker that drummed that annoying sound into my head and drove me crazy,

And Molly’s was a gentle, gracious butterfly that fluttered slowly about the room looking for friends.

That was surprising the best lesson so far it helped that the teacher was nice and not crabby like some of the other teachers. But Mistie and Ethan didn’t help the teachers self esteem and we all suffered the consequences. Near enough everyone was smiling and looked like they had enjoyed the lesson and I was happy to have liked that lesson so much with that lovely teacher.

Then we had Lunchtime, it lasts an hour so you can have as long as you like in the great hall eating then go outside, in the courtyard or in your common room or dormitory’s. The only place we couldn’t go that’s on the school is the forbidden forest. While I was in the middle of my lunch a letter was dropped on my head it was my dad’s owl called Olive it always does strange things like this to get your attention. Rose and Molly nearly choked on their lunch because they thought it was highly hilarious because my dad’s owl is strange and silly. As for Mistie she was used to it because it had happened to her before. It was a letter from my mum and dad it said,

Dear Rebecca.

Hope you are having a great time at Hogwarts. Timothy told us about the dementors and your nana’s death we’re sorry we didn’t tell you about it but we didn’t want to upset you but we’re glad you know now because you needed to know sooner or later. How is your lessons? I Hope Mistie isn’t giving you too much grief. I hope the owl didn’t make you jump again. Hope to hear from you soon dear.

Lots of love

Your loving Parents xxx

“Who’s the letter from?” Asked Rose curiously and putting her letters on the table.

“My mum and dad was just asking how school is you?” I asked smiling and putting the letter on the table.

“Same and I got one from my younger brother he is little bit annoyed because our parents are moaning at him because he doesn’t like making his bed and normally I do it don’t ask me why and he wishes he could be here with us lot!” Replied Rose smiling her little brother always made her laugh she has told me so many funny stories about him including the time they played hide and seek and he was looking for her all day and he didn’t realise she was in her bedroom reading. Rose loved reading just like I did. My brother hasn’t played any game like that since I was really little apart from wizard chess we both love that game it’s our favourite and I’ve practiced it so many times I can finally beat him at it now, and we both get very competitive and my mum sometimes gets so frustrated with us that she bans the game from the house or anywhere else we went for that matter for months, as for my cousin Teddy he always told great stories about the battle of Hogwarts he knew a lot about it because our old Nana Lupin used to baby sit him too when he was younger and she told him many stories about it, he also tells us stories about his time at Hogwarts and also made up mad funny magical stories about funny little one footed hobbit like creatures that seemed to repeat themselves and lots more stories about more funny creatures that everyone liked especially me. Timothy loved Quidditch, and defence against the dark arts and Teddy loved History of magic and potions they both get on fine now but when they were little they used to argue and squabble a lot about the silliest things and it always felt like everything was a competition for them, who could eat dinner the fastest who could be in the bathroom the quickest and who ran the fastest, the two even timed each other doing these things sometimes. Me, my mum and dad got fed up of it in the end and forbid it from the house or anywhere else they wanted to compete against each other for something.

That moment Mistie knocked over my drink trying to get hers, she is so clumsy but I can’t talk because I’m the same my dad is always moaning at me for spilling something or knocking something over, but I always feel like saying well you’re not perfect you spilt something over yesterday and I’m true but dad would just tell me to keep my opinions to myself. My dad also says that my top saying is I didn’t mean to, and he’s right I do say it a lot because it’s true.

“Thanks for that Mistie that made my day!” I joked smiling

“I’m sorry my hand slipped!” She replied taking a sip of her drink. I rolled my eyes that was so like Mistie,

“That’s what you always say do you mind getting me another one?” I asked.

“Here have a bit of mine I don’t want it anymore!” She replied holding out her drink.

“Thanks!” I replied puzzled and taking a sip of drink it was very odd of her to offer her drink to me I wonder if she poisoned it when I wasn’t looking. I knew she couldn’t be bothered to get me another drink so she gave up her own drink, she must had not been that thirsty but she better be more careful next time.


Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed it, a new chapter's coming soon so watch out for it when they first see hargrid...

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