Falling For The Suspect ✔️

By frozenyogurtxxx

18.6K 665 225

Chase Rivers is anything but safe, or at least that is how he is painted in his small home town. As the numbe... More

Chapter 1 ~ Sage
Chapter 2 ~ Chase
Chapter 3 ~ Sage
Chapter 4 ~ Chase
Chapter 5 ~ Sage
Chapter 6 ~ Chase
Chapter 7 ~ Sage
Chapter 9 ~ Sage
Chapter 10 ~ Chase
Chapter 11 ~ Sage
Chapter 12 ~ Chase
Chapter 13 ~ Sage
Chapter 14 ~ Chase
Chapter 15 ~ Sage
Chapter 16 ~ Chase
Chapter 17 ~ Sage
Chapter 18 ~ Chase
Chapter 19 ~ Sage
Chapter 20 ~ Chase
Chapter 21 ~ Sage
Chapter 22 ~ Chase
Chapter 23 ~ Sage
Chapter 24 ~ Chase
Chapter 25 ~ Sage
Chapter 26 ~ Chase
Chapter 27 ~ Sage
Chapter 28 ~ Chase
Chapter 29 ~ Sage
Chapter 30 ~ Chase
Chapter 31 ~ Sage
Chapter 32 ~ Chase
Chapter 33 ~ Sage
Chapter 34 ~ Chase
Sequel ~ Falling For The Disappeared

Chapter 8 ~ Chase

578 22 6
By frozenyogurtxxx

Chase's POV

The sound of the door opening echoes throughout the cafeteria. All the noise that could be heard from the outside, the chatter of students trying to talk over one another to be heard is silenced as I stroll into the room. I let my eyes wander the cafeteria and glare at people who have the courage to stare at me. I hate the cafeteria. Hate the curious eyes. The constant gossip. It isn't me. Never has been.

The only time I had sat in here was when Brett had pushed me about it. He said he had to keep up his reputation. No one knew the truth. It was pathetic really, he was just as bad as his parents were when it came to image. I of all people knew how easy it was for your reputation to be ruined by the click of a finger.

I stroll to the front of the queue, watching amusedly as everyone just unconsciously moves out of my way. Are they all actually this afraid of me, the thought makes me smirk. I turn and make my way to the exit not wanting to be in here any longer than needed.

I can feel their prying eyes follow me, as I turn, I meet a pair of azure blue eyes that belong to Sage, they were wide and curious filled with unanswered questions. Well if everyone wants a show, I'll give them a show. I do the thing that no one would expect me to do. I send Sage a wink and wait patiently with raised eyebrows and a smirk as blood pools her cheeks making her cast her gaze downwards as if she suddenly found the table in front of her very interesting. As everyone's eyes divert from me to where I am looking, I know the controversy and drama that wink will cause, but honestly, I couldn't care less. If I'm going down I may as well bring the detectives daughter down with me. Watching Sage squirm was just way too amusing. With a chuckle I walk out, waiting for the gossip to start about that one action.

Not long after lunch, I head towards my car ready to go home. Classes are cancelled until this afternoon due to the meeting in the gym. But I sure as hell am not going to stick around to wait for them to recommence. 

Getting home I jump out of the car and stride up the steps in one bound opening the front door I look around the hallway, filled with old family photos of a happier time, suddenly coming home wasn't such a good idea. One glance at those photos and I want to throw up. They were a reminder of older, happier times when things were easy and secrets were unknown.

"Chase, honey is that you?" Mum's soft voice calls from the kitchen.

"Yep," I say as I enter the kitchen and head towards the fridge.

"Why are you home so early, doesn't school finish in a couple of hours?"

"Yeah, it was cancelled," I say my tone sharp as I shut the fridge with a bang, cutting the conversation short.

"Ok," she says. Only then do I realise how tired she actually looks, the dark circles under her green eyes are prominent. I frown down at her.

"How late were you up last night?" I ask.

Glancing sheepishly at me from under her dark eyelashes, I already know the answer.

"Not too late, I was just looking through the jobs currently being advertised. We need the money, it's been a bit tight, you know since he left," she trails off, her words becoming quieter as she speaks. 

Asshole, I don't care that he left us, I got over it, but mum will never be the same, her perfect world shattered and crumpled at her feet.

By the look on her face, I could tell there was a burning curiosity hidden behind her tired eyes to ask about Brett. One glance silences her question before it even leaves her tongue. I was not ready to speak to anybody about this. And I don't know if I ever will.

"I'll be back soon, don't wait up for me," I tell her as I kiss her cheek and stroll out of the house grabbing my keys off the hook as I go.

I probably should think through the rash decisions I make but I'm Maplesville's delinquent, outcast and now apparent murderer so why should I give a damn about anything or anyone. With that thought in mind, I race to the place I swore I'd never come back to. The place that 3 years ago mum and Brett both begged me not to go to and I listened. I stayed away. But not anymore. This needs to be done. We need the money and I need a release of this built up anger and frustration.

Glancing up at the old worn warehouse, the paint peeling off the walls with the dents and graffiti engraved on it, I knew I was back to where I had once belonged. I walk around to the back door, that at first glance you wouldn't think existed. Scanning the card that I had told mum I threw out, I waited for the familiar click, unlocking the security door.

Pushing it open I embrace the smell of blood and sweat as I hear grunts of pain and the smashing of leather gloves connecting with flesh. I knew that sound all too well, however, it was a rare occasion that I was the one who left the ring batted and bruised.

As a man approaches me, I assess him with hard eyes as I don't recognise him. He looks like he almost belongs, but not quite, he doesn't have the look of a fighter, more a scammer. His eyes are hidden by a pair of shades, he lifts them as he speaks to me.

"Looking to place a bet here son?" he asks me.

"No, came to see Aaron," I tell him my tone hard and cold, I learnt long ago to never show weakness in a place like this.

"Aaron aye? And what's a kid like you needing to see the boss about?"

"Don't see how that's your business, now is he in the office or not?" I demand and watch as his confident façade crumbles a bit. Weak scum, I think to myself, probably never fought a fight in his life.

"Errrrr.. right down that hall to the right," he states as he scurries off in the direction he came from.

Following his directions, I see the large wooden door with a golden label on it, "Aaron". Only he would ensure he got a name tag in the colour of victory. I fist the door and without waiting for a reply, push it open and saunter into the room. I watch as he looks up, his gaze angry and hard, ready to scold whoever has had the nerve to walk into his office without permission. Watching as his eyes flash with recognition as he settles into the back of his chair, his gaze on me. I smirk in reply.

"Well I don't believe my eyes, is Chase Rivers really back, what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I need you to set me up with some fights, and lots of them."

"Now, now, Chase, slow down. You've been out of the game for a while, what makes you think you're up for it and what's more, what's in it for me?" he hasn't changed a bit. Still looking for any way to make himself some cash. But I knew not to fall for his tricks.

"You'll have what you always wanted, me to fight for you and this time it'll be on your side, representing you," I knew he wouldn't turn this down. He had always wanted this, he tried persuading me 3 years ago when I was unbeaten, constantly beating his fighters.

"And with that Chase you have yourself a deal," he holds out his hand an unusual smile graces his face.

I nod my head and slide my hand into his and with a firm shake, I know there's no going back.

I've made a deal with the devil himself.


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