
By ShelbyWinds

22K 2.6K 198

A futuristic society of warrior-class and citizens fighting a war of survival. Kadance encounters and helps t... More

Prelude Bandro
Prelude Ship
Prelude Gaia
Prelude High Command
Bonus Chapter - Tanker


194 22 2
By ShelbyWinds

"I'm worried about Kadance. She's more tired than I've ever seen a pregnant woman be," Jayse says as he and Tommy corner Kelan.

"She's carrying more children too," Kelan says then sighs. "Yet, I'm worried too. Although she's healthy, I think that vampire parasite did make it harder on her. But I also think her civie genes make it harder on her than if she had warrior genes. We're bred stronger. But it looks like I'll be taking the babies sooner than I'd hoped. Maybe tomorrow. I'd hoped for next month."

"Then the whole team goes tomorrow. We'll be setting guards for the babies," Jayse says.

"If they come tomorrow, they'll be in NICU for awhile. Although, I've been giving them lung developer they'll have to fight to survive," Kelan says sadly.

"Don't we all?" Tommy says softly.

"The twins join Alpha tomorrow," Tommy says suddenly. "I still can't believe they both passed my test," he smiles proudly.

"Kadance is very proud of them," Jayse says with no little pride himself. "We all are."

"They worked very hard and had an excellent teacher," Kelan says.

"Have Alpha Command pick them up at the hospital. Let them see their young cousins before they take off," Jayse says to Tommy. "They're so hot to get the twins they'll do anything you ask."

"Yeah, Kadance would like that," Tommy says mostly to himself. He calls up Alpha Command and arranges it. "They'll meet us there. Alpha Commander wants to see them as well. So they'll stick around for a bit."

"They'll?" Kelan asks.

"All of Alpha Command and they're bringing Dr. Bugs. He knows Kadance and requested permission to come," Tommy replies.

"Dr. Bugs?" Jayse's eyes widen and he smiles. "He's the one that apologized to me, Kadance's boss."

"Yep, that's the one, the one she slapped. He went and got himself assigned to Alpha. Poor guy, so they'll meet us there at 11:00," Tommy states.

"That's good. Good night guys, it's going to be an exciting day tomorrow," Kelan says.

"Things are looking good Kadance, looks like they're all around two pounds. However, I'm concerned over you health. I think, for your health we'd better take the babies today," Kelan says.

"Ahh, you've already talked to my husbands about this that's why the whole team is here," Kadance says without rancor. "If they'll survive I'm fine with it."

Kelan smiles. "We'll be taking you to surgery prep in the wheelchair. There's a few people that would like to speak to you before you have the babies," Kelan says.

Out of habit Kadance grabs her knife and comset out of the bag of personal effects.

"Tommy, Jayse you could have warned me, NOT NICE," Kadance says as she settles in the wheelchair. "We're on our way now."

As they leave the room she notices a doctor walking towards them. A strange look to the eye. She screams into the comset. "Shifters." Just as the strange doctor starts shooting. The first shot takes Kelan, she is thrown back and hits her head. The second hits Kadance as she throws her knife. She kills the shifter.

The alarms sound, she hears yelling and chaos. Jayse's voice, "Stefi. Stay with us. Stay with me."

Tommy's voice, "Get a doctor. I don't care. Everyone else in this city will die if Kadance dies. Alpha get Bugs here now. Kadance is hit, I repeat she's hit."

"Don't leave me Stefi," Jayse keeps saying.

"Jayse you have to let her go. The doctor has to take her to surgery. Let her go," Tommy says urgently as all sound fades for Kadance.

"Bugs will save her and the babies Jayse. Focus. Dammit, Jayse, don't do this to me now. Focus." Tommy says urgently. "Kadance and the babies need us both."

"Jayse, please," Jade says tearfully.

"We need you Jayse," Jax says.

"The team needs you. There's still shifters," Tommy says and that snaps Jayse back to himself.

He comes back with the anger so controlled that those he looks at feel cold. "Where the hell is Alpha?"

"Alpha Command is sending out teams. Our team is working on the hospital," Tommy replies softly.

"Why are you two here?" Jayse demands of the twins.

"Transfers not official yet. We're technically still part of your team," Jade explains.

"Guard those doors. Protect her with your lives, understand?" Jayse says coldly.

"Yes sir!" They both reply. Assuming positions on either side of the doors leading to surgery.

"Tommy ghost this corridor. Borden, report." Jayse demands.

"Found a small group, taking them out now. Almost finished our sweep," Borden replies.

"Alpha, what's the condition for the city?" Jayse demands.

"City is locked down. A few civilian casualties. Found about a thousand shifters in different pockets throughout the city. We're on it, won't take long," Alpha Command reports.

"Rackem, how the hell did they bypass the alarms?" Jayse demands furious.

"Someone turned them off," Rackem says so softly that Jayse could barely hear him.

"Another bloody traitor, who?" Jayse demands he's out for blood this time.

"I can't hack it, I'm trying," Rackem says almost in tears.

"Jayse?" Tommy asks.

"Do it Tommy, find out who the bastard is that did this," Jayse orders.

"It was Upton, Jayse," Tommy says in disbelief.

"That cowardly son of a ---" Jayse bites off his words and starts taking deep breaths. "Tommy, you find that bastard and bring him to me."

"I can't Jayse, I'm too close to losing it. I'll kill him and that'll set me off," Tommy says frustrated.

"Amgle," Jayse barks out.

"Yes, boss," Amgle answers quickly.

"Go and find me this man. He's responsible for this. No need to go easy on him, he's a traitor," Jayse's voice could freeze alcohol.

"Right away boss."

"Any word on your wife's condition Jayse?" Lighten asks half fearfully on his com link.

Jayse turns his glacial look on Lighten, "I'm trying real hard not to lose it right now. Tommy is all but lost it. How do you think she's doing?" Jayse takes another deep breath. "She's in surgery, they're trying to save her and the babies. She's the one that gave the warning. She better not die Lighten. The alarms were turned off by Upton. You tell Jannsen he better start cleaning house, or we will," Jayse cuts the link.

"Hospital is clear," Borden reports.

"Then get back down here. Kelan needs help. She'll need stitches. She's starting to come around," Jayse says.

The sound of crying infants is starting to be heard as the fighting and chaos calms down. The sound draws Jayse to the surgery doors.

The NICU personnel come out. "Eight beautiful children. Four girls, four boys. Two sets of twins for each sex." The NICU doctor explains as the team takes them to the Unit. Jayse waves off some of the security team to follow. "They are all healthy, however, since they are so early we'll need to keep them here for awhile," the doctor continues.

"I understand doctor." Jayse replies. The team spreads out behind him." But what of their mother?" Jayse is desperate to know how Kadance is doing.

"They're still working on her, sorry I don't know anything more," he replies.

The team waits impatiently. Jayse stays unnaturally still, just watching the doors.

"Jayse," Amgle calls in.

"What?" Jayse replies distractedly.

"I found Upton, but he's already dead. The bastard killed himself."  Amgle spits on the body. "Took a cowards way out. Left a note, how nice."

"Call Command Central. They'll deal with it," Jayse orders.

"Yes, boss. Any news?" Amgle asks softly.

"Babies are all healthy, four of each," Jayse says just as softly.

"Doctor my wife?" Jayse demands as soon as Bugs walks out of the surgery room.

The doctor sighs, pulls off his cap. "I came here today to welcome new life. She lost a lot of blood Lt. I did what I could. We lost her." At those words Jayse tenses. "But we were able to bring her back. At this point we could easily lose her again. It's all very touch and go and mostly it'll be up to her," Dr. Bugs concludes. Jayse relaxes, Kadance doesn't do anything the easy way. The team also relaxes.

"I'm sorry that I can't bring happier news Lt. She doesn't deserve this." The doctor quietly leaves the team.

Then the sound of an alarm goes off in the surgery room. Over the intercom they hear, "Code blue in the surgery room two. Code blue in surgery room two."

People rush in with machines.

Jayse loses it. He throws a chair through the window setting off other alarms in the hospital. Tommy grabs Jayse desperately. "Jayse, please, keep it together. I need you, the babies need you. Kadance needs you to keep it together. The team needs you to hold on Jayse." Indeed Alpha Command has the entire team locked on with their weapons. Two are locked on Jayse.

"Jayse please, you made a promise to Kadance. You made a promise to me. Don't break that promise now Jayse please." Tommy goes on and on and finally the anger dies a little and Jayse is able to control himself once more.

"We don't know if she's gone Jayse. Even if she is we made a promise to her. We promised her we'd raise the babies. We have to keep it together Jayse, she'd kill us if we don't keep that promise even if it means coming back from the dead to do it. You know she would too. She doesn't do easy, she does what's right. We have to do what's right even if it's not easy, but I promise you this Jayse I will find every traitor housed over in Warrior Command and I'll kill them myself."

"No, you'll bring them to me. They won't be getting an easy death." Jayse says relaxing and allowing the anger to be released.

They hear the cries of their children. "Let's go see the kids Jayse. Borden, let us know when Kadance can have visitors." Tommy leads Jayse down the hall following the cries of the babies.

"Leave it to Tommy to save us all." Borden says breathing for the first time since Jayse went over.

Alpha Command breaths as well. "Damn that was close, I never want to have to deal with that again." Alpha Command leader says shaking in the aftermath.

Jade and Jax look after Jayse and Tommy with awe. "Damn he's almost as good as Aunt Kadance," Jade breathes out.

"Only with Jayse though. Did you see, he was getting his knife ready. He didn't want to hurt Jayse but he would have to save the rest of us." Jax says falling to his knees.

Borden and the others spread out trying to calm down. Jayse had damn neared pulled them all over and they need to calm down.

Kelan groans as she is getting treated by Bugs. She doesn't like getting stitches anymore than anyone else.

"Just what the hell happened while I was out?" She demands.

"Shifters attacked. That's how you got hurt. They shot Kadance but Kadance killed that one. We took care of the ones in the hospital and Alpha took out the ones in the city.

"The babies are fine, all eight of them, but Kadance, well they just called a code blue. Tommy kept Jayse from going over completely and that's where we stand," Marks says in his drawl.

"Kadance is in code blue and Jayse didn't go over. Damn. Miracles do happen."

Just then the doors to the surgery open and the people that had all rushed in now walk out. Not even Borden could get a read on them.

"Doctor how's my patient?" Kelan dares to ask dried blood staining her cheek and her hair.

"Looks like you're a patient as well, but I can only tell immediate family I'm sorry. I understand her husbands are here. I would talk with them" The doctor replies.


That Ends Kadance. I would be willing to do an Epilogue or extra chapters if there is any thing left you have questions about or people. Just let me know.

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