Ruin and Revival

By novellabliss

2.3K 362 14

The year is 2177. Arika is a young high schooler who is living in a dying world. The fresh water on Earth is... More

Chapter 1: Earthquake
Chapter 2: Feelings
Chapter 3: Waiting
Chapter 4: Survival
Chapter 5: Closer
Chapter 6: Control
Chapter 7: What Really Matters
Chapter 8: Twisted Glory
Chapter 9: Drowning
Chapter 10: Discovery
Chapter 11: Pondering
Chapter 12: Fire and Ice
Chapter 13: Separation
Chapter 14: Purple Eyes
Chapter 15: Welcome to Hell
Chapter 16: Bloodied Hands
Chapter 17: The Cost of Pride
Chapter 18: Prodigy
Chapter 19: Spies
Chapter 20: Axel Mendez
Chapter 21: Lies and Truths
Chapter 22: The Deal
Chapter 23: Pieces Of A Puzzle
Chapter 24: Monster
Chapter 25: Inner Demons
Chapter 26: Sunrise
Chapter 27: The Return
Chapter 28: Shattered
Chapter 29: Traitor
Chapter 30: Recovery
Chapter 31: Still A Mystery
Chapter 32: Blackmail
Chapter 33: Thorn In Our Side
Chapter 34: Hope?
Chapter 35: Who am I
Chapter 36: Yikes
Chapter 37: Risks
Chapter 38: The Shadow
Chapter 39: Never Enough
Chapter 40: Leap Of Faith
Chapter 41: Reunited
Chapter 42: Sickness of the Soul
Chapter 43: Rivers of Red
Chapter 44: Vulnerable
Chapter 45: The Labs
Chapter 46: Cornered
Chapter 47: Worthy
Chapter 48: Healing
Chapter 49: Lilianna
Chapter 50: The Festival of the Sun
Chapter 51: Treacherous Waters
Chapter 53: Vanish
Chapter 54: Cross the Line
Chapter 55: The Hunt
Chapter 56: Decapitated
Chapter 57: Trapped
Chapter 58: All I Could Do Was Watch
Chapter 59: Broken Doll
Chapter 60: Phantom
Chapter 61: Irrational Thought
Chapter 62: Gravity
Chapter 63: Who Else
Chapter 64: Insane
Chapter 65: No Love
Chapter 66: Freed
Chapter 67: The Ballroom
Chapter 68: The Gift Of Death
Chapter 69: A New Era

Chapter 52: Empty Marriages

25 5 0
By novellabliss


"I have been forced into a marriage. To form a union with the Southern Armies of Australia."

Everything stills, all the noise from outside fading away until all I hear is the roaring in my ears, in defiance, in utter refusal.

"When." I choke out the word like poison in my mouth.

"Two days ago. My advisors notified me, saying that it would guarantee our victory. And that Australia would turn against us if I didn't do it." Tears slip out of his eyes, defeat filling every crevice of him. I want to feel angry at him for abandoning me like this, for giving me everything to then leave me with nothing, but all I see is a selfless man doing his duties for his country.

"They promised me this last night with you. So please don't go." He extends a hand and I stare into those gorgeous wretched eyes. Slowly, I reach to take it. But a voice in me tells me to stop and I drop my arm.

"I can't. Goodbye Axel Mendez." And before I can collapse sobbing, I run, away from him, from the tent where everything had gone to hell, from all my problems, from everything.

1 week later

The days felt empty, hollow. The sunsets has lost its color, the food losing their taste. Everything is mute and dry. All the love and magic I had thought I would never lose is gone, like Fate had showed me Heaven just so Hell could seem ten times worse.

I flip lifelessly through the pages of the heavy textbook, the words leaving my brain as soon as I read them.

"Would you like some food?" The servant asks kindly, her head peering through my wooden door.

"No." She nods sadly and closes the door gently behind her. In the past week, my world has turned upside down. No longer did I live in Axel's quarters. No longer did my window show the gorgeous view of the waterfall and the ocean. No long did I even see Axel. Instead I lived in a guest bedroom in the lower level of the palace. That is all you are now, a guest until you can earn enough money to move out. Axel had tried to visit me, to try and say that we could stay friends. Him and all of that crap could go to hell. I pushed everyone out of my life. I only allow Bri to visit me for prolonged periods of time, only she stayed with me when everything else vanished.

"One day, we will move in together. Once we both can afford a place." I think back to that sentence I promised Bri, the only thing holding me together, pushing me forward. Axel had offered me generous amounts of money, more than enough for me to live an easy, wealthy life. But I would not let him define me. I would make a name for myself, with as little assistance from anyone as possible.

You are still living in his palace though.

I slam my book into my wall, hating how everything reminded me of him, reminded me that I couldn't have him. In a way, it would be better knowing Axel was dead than having to watch him marry another woman.

"Miss Arika. I have a letter for you." I force myself out of my bed, grumbling a thank you to the servant. I open it.

Dear Arika,

You have been invited to attend the welcoming party for the Princess of Australia, Dianna of Redwood. The party begins tomorrow at noon. I hope to see you there.



Unchecked rage, like nothing I had ever felt before courses through me. I rip that invitation into a thousand pieces, until it is nothing more than a pile of paper on my desk. And before I know what has gotten into me, I am storming toward Axel's quarters.

"Mam, please. You no longer have rights to Axel's quarters." The burly guard blocks my path. My irritation intensifies. The coil of water knocks him unconscious before he can utter another word. My hands remain curled in my gloves. I yank Axel's door open.

"Arika, what are you-"
"How dare you give me that invitation? Who do you think I am? Stop playing these games with me, taunting me! I hate you and your guts." I spit into his slack face.

"You don't understand. I thought we could both find peace if we both met her. Maybe you two could even become friends."

"Friends! Screw being friends." I step closer to him so we are only inches apart, our breathes warming one another's face.

"And screw you." I regret the words as they leave my mouth, hurt and devastation filling Axel's eyes. But I don't care. I stomp away, feeling no better than when I came here.

"You think I am enjoying this. You think I want to marry this stranger. It would be easier if I never knew you." I grit my teeth as I hear those words, trying to stop the sob that threatens to escape me.

The clock ticks endlessly. I check it for the thousandth time today. Two more hours until the party.

"You are not going. You will not go. Why would you go?" I repeat to the harrowed reflection in the mirror. I pick up my cell phone.

"Hey Bri. Can you come over and help me pick out a dress?"

I smile for the first time this week the moment I see Bri's golden curls.

"I'm here for you. So what are you trying to do at this party?"

"Turn heads." She raises her brow.

"Turn heads. Or turn a single head." I crack a defeated grin.

"Fine. You've exposed me. I just want to stand out."

"Well I was thinking red. But I heard that is what the Princess is wearing. Maybe you could do it too, see who wore it better. Then again, you know Axel the best. What is he a sucker for?"

"Royal blue." The words leave me unconsciously. We scour the shopping district for more than an hour before finally stumbling upon a dress. It was a simple dress, plain royal blue with a low cut back that cinched in at the waist before flaring out brilliantly like the waves of the ocean during twilight, ending right below my knees. It is not as extravagant as I had hoped for but it was all that I could afford.

"I love it." Bri jumps up and down as I do a twirl.

"Thank you so much for helping me find this. You can legit find anything I tell you" Bri shrugs, her blue eyes twinkling.

"Only half an hour before the party. And we are only half done." The next half hour is a mad rush. Bri lends me a pair of red pumps, as I adorn my only pair of earrings, the delicate silver hoops. My hair is tucked into a bun at the top of my head. I line my eyes with midnight kohl, cover my lid in a smokey mysterious gray, curl my lashes and brush on the dark substance that made the them long. To top it all off, I paint on a blood red lip.

I stare at the girl in the mirror. No longer did I see a happy, delicate woman. Instead, a wrathful yet sensual person stared back. And she smiles wickedly.

"It's perfect." This would be the last time Axel would see me. And is this the image you want to leave in his mind? I ignore that voice in my head.

I enter the party scene with Bri who is dressed in a breathtaking black dress with golden accents, complementing Sage's golden black suit perfectly. It fit like a glove, with golden lace lining the top before fading into a black velvet that clung to her figure before flaring out at the knees.

There is no common theme so everywhere I dare to glance, dresses and suits of all colors and sizes are worn throughout the long hall. An empty white stage looms at the end of it and refreshment tables are scattered at random. People murmur rumors about me, about my previous place beside Axel now nonexistent, as I saunter by. I force a swagger into my hips, holding my chin high, pushing my shoulders back. Just be confident.

I help myself to the freshly cut mangos and strawberries, the first real food I have had since last week.

"He certainly didn't hold back on this party because he knew you were coming." Bri winks.

"I have a feeling his advisors planned this. Just doesn't seem his style at all. He would have it on a beach, or a yacht. Somewhere close to nature." I mumble wistfully, my mind taking me back to the numerous nights we spent together, just the ocean and us.

"Speaking of Axel." I follow the direction of Bri's pointed finger. My breath hitches as I spot him, his suit a deep, blood red that matched the stain of my lips. His hair is slightly gelled back but pieces still stick out. Nothing could ever tame that wild hair. Except for this marriage.

I watch him greet the guests, his smile bright and gleaming. He weaves his way through the crowd with the grace of a deadly cat, hours of training honing him into a warrior. Our eyes meet and in them, we see one another's turmoil, the swirls of his anger and confusion mixing with mine. I turn away quickly, pretending to brush dust off my dress. I take a sip from my watermelon smoothie.

"Dianna of Redwood has arrived." I feel her presence in the room before I see her. She is accompanied by three palace guards, her head held high, a sneer on her face. As if she couldn't stand scum like us. My grip on my glass tightens.

Dianna is stunning. Her brown hair tumbles down her skin tight red dress in soft curls, her glowing brown eyes on her heart-shaped face locking onto Axel hungrily. Axel bows rigidly, as if his back is made of stone. Dianna grabs him by his tie and plants a hard, deliberate kiss whilst glaring at me directly.

My glass shatters on the beautifully tiled floor. 

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