Bitten But Alive (The Walking...

By chibicandimei

1M 30.3K 17.8K

When it all began, you,being one of the best soldiers,helped get as many people as you could out of multiple... More



13.5K 444 167
By chibicandimei

New Plans & New Problems : Part 4


Reason for being late: I've been sick and delusional,Enjoy!


( Dale POV)


TDogg continued pumping the water out while shouting on and on about searching the woods thoroughly if it meant finding Sophia,my eyes came to focus of the bordered up wooden well that was infront of the pump.Curiosity got the best of me as I slowly made my way over,as I stood next to it I began to hear noises.

Somethings moving in the water.

With my knees balancing me on the wood as I leaned over I looked down into the dark well,my eyes slightly wide,there's one in here.I quickly stood back up and rushed my way over to Tdogg who was just about to drink the water,before it could reach his mouth I hit the ladel away causing the water to fall onto the ground.I steadied my breathing as Tdogg glared at me,"I wouldn't drink that if I were you."

His glare instantly disappeared as his eyes focus removed itself from me and onto the well I had just been at,"Ahh damn,"he kicked over the bucket of water he had filled up before looking over at me."What do we do now?"

"Let's get the others."

( Your POV )

After receiving the list from Lori me and Glenn just chilled out more in weight of Maggie,though I continued to ignore Glenn who seemed to not even notice it as he continued to fantasize over Maggie.I peeked behind me to see his slowly raise his binoculars again to which I got up and punched his binoculars.Shit,what did I just do?

Before he could say anything I quickly walked off towards the RV to get my replacement knife,which just so happened to be one I stole from the family earlier,They did force us not to have guns,and this right here is their repayment for that.As I walked into the RV I ran into Andrea who seemed to be fumbling around with her gun,sat in front of her was non other than Shane who instantly looked back at the sound of my feet.Shane just stared at me I as I stood at the front door,our little staring contest was interrupted as Glenn suddenly appeared behind me.

"Y/N,why'd you do that?" I only looked at him once before turning away and walking into the RV,"what-hey,did I say something to piss you off?"

I walked up to Shane who expected me to say something,instead I pushed his aside and reached behind his seat where my bag rested,when he realized what it was he grabbed my wrist,"No guns Y/N,you heard Rick."

I smirked beneath my mouths mask at him before pulling away from his grip and bringing out what I had originally aimed to get,a knife,"Don't worry ,I heard loud and clear,but this isn't a gun.Every rule has an alternative."

He raised an eyebrow at the knife as he remembered I had lost mine in the woods when I was with Sophia,"Where did you get that?"

I looked down at the knife,"My bag."

He glared at me,"No,where did you get the knife from,it's not yours." He looked at it closer,"you stole it from the house didn't you."

I hummed at his response impressed with how clever he was,but,not nearly clever enough."Nice guessing there,but I'm not denying or admitting to anything right now,"I winked at him before turning around to face a jealous looking Glenn."Why are you so jealous,go back to drooling over farmer girl."

I pushed passed a frozen Glenn who was now being laughed at by Andrea,I had made it to the door ready to leave,"All right,I'm gonna go on a-,"I stopped talking as I noticed Dale and Tdogg rushing back towards us,"Hunt....hmmm,never mind."

Soon TDogg yelled for us to come and with that me,Glenn,Shane,Andrea,Lori and even Maggie who had just come over to get us began to make their way over to the well.When we got to the well we all circled around it,I also noticed that the wooden slabs that had been on top were removed,probably by TDogg and Dale. Dale pulled out a flashlight and shown it down into the well where a huge facially disfigured walker happened to be "swimming".

"Looks like we got us a swimmer,"said Dale as everyone continued to stare at it,why does it's skin looks fucked up.I leaned over more hoping to get a closer look but scared that I might fall in Shane grabbed my waist with no warning and pulled me back.I glared at his before swatting his hands away,this didn't go unnoticed by the others.

"How long do you think it has been down there,"Glenn asked as I leaned over again trying to focus on its skin,what the hell,did it seriously evolve and grow gills?

"Long enough to grow gills,"Andrea confirming my thoughts made me stand back and think,does this mean that if I stayed in an environment for long I could evolve too? Even if I could I have no way of testing it,I might just end up killing myself for real this time.

"We can't leave it in there,god knows what it's doin to the water,"Lori looked up at all of us as she said this,and now she expects us to think of a way to get it out.

"We got to get it out" "Easy put a bullet in its head,I'll get a rope." Almost all of us seemed to agree with this,and for once it wasn't Lori who spoke up against it,it was Maggie.

"Woah,woah guys."We all turned to face her,"No."

Glenn who stood to my left seemed to grow out of his whipped state,"Why not? It's a good plan.We can get it out without it biting any of us."

Andrea shook her head at him,"No,it's a stupid plan,if it hasn't contaminated the water already just sitting there,then blowing its brains out will finish the job."

All right,I sighed as I stared at the continuously growling an hissing walker,fair enough.

"She's right,we can't risk it." "So it has to come out alive?" "So to speak,ya." "So,how do we do that?"

Everyone quieted down as we all stared at the walker.Next thing I knew on person was lowering a slab of meat while another was trying to get a noose around the walkers head,I'm pretty sure this walker isn't like me,he isn't going to fall for that.

"He's not going for it." "What,why not?" "Maybe cause a canned ham don't kick and scream when you try to eat it."

We all sighed as Lori spoke up,her eyes still trained on the walker,"He's right. There's a reason the dead didn't come back to life and start raiding our cupboards."

"We need live bait,"Andrea stated as she looked over at Glenn and then me.

I shrugged and stepped forward,"I'll do it,seems like fun."

Glenn instantly pushed me back while Shane almost yelled "No"

I glared at both of them as I crossed my arms,"Are you fucking kidding me,I haven't done anything around here,this is the least I could do ya know and if anything bad happens to me,"I looked at Shane,at least then you'd be rid of me."

Shane got closer,"you're not going,Glenn is."



"H-Have I mentioned that I r-really like your new haircut? You have a nice shaped head,"Glenn practically struggled to get those words out as Shane continued to tie a rope around Glenn securely,I should have just done it.

"Don't worry about it bud,we're gonna get a out of here in one piece." "Living piece,that living part is important."

Everyone grabbed hold of the rope being used to raise and lower Glenn,well minus me and Maggie,if anything went wrong I was ready to jump down the well and help Glenn."Oh you people are crazy."

I looked up at her,"Help us and we might not be." Shane sent me a smile before gripping the rope,"You wanna get it out of the well or not?"

"Maggie,"she turned to look at Dale but not before sending me a short glare,"why don't you give us an eye in there with Y/N ."

She sighed and reluctantly came over to the opposite side of me on the well and looked at Glenn,"Don't worry,if something goes wrong I'll jump in." Glenn gave me a nod before he lowered himself down into the well,everything was going fine though Glenn seemed to be having a mental break down.

"Come one,just a bit more."

I continued watching Glenn with full concentration,my body was loose, ready for anything that might happen,"Little lower,little more."

"He's almost there,"I said before the smile I had under my mask was wiped off as I heard the punch suddenly come off of its spot,Shit! "Glenn!"

As the pump came apart the rope began to drop Glenn extremely quickl yinto the well,the others ran to grab the rope and stop Glenn from crashing into the waker but I had other ideas,giving Maggie a warning I swung myself into the well,my hand gripping onto the side while my other hand reached down and grabbed the rope Glenn was tied to.He came to halt,but he was far to close to the walker.

"Get me out of here!! GET ME OUT OF HERE!"

"Where's Y/N?!" With Glenns yelling came the realization that I had suddenly disappeared.

Everyone was pilled up against the side of the well holding the rope having not realized that I was inside keeping it stable,thankfully Maggie told them what was going on,"Guys,this is starting to really hurt,I suggest you hurry the fuck up!"

"How strong are you?"

I glared up at the sky as I couldn't see them,"Now's not the fucking time,pull the damn rope!"

They all began struggling to pull the rope but soon I noticed Glenn beggining to rise even if only a bit,the worst of it was when I looked at my hand the rope had begun to dig into my flesh,before jumping in I had placed both gloves on my other hand so my hold on the side of the well would be more sturdy,"I regret that decision."


I looked down at Glenn as the rope continued to pull him up,"Glenn stick to one side with your feet and the other your back! Try holding yourself up!"

"Glenn!" "Pull him up pull him up!!" "Get me out of here!"

Once he was high enough I let go of the rope and wrapped an arm around his body,with his help I was able to pull both of us out,though once we climbed over we both fell onto the ground with the others pulling Glenn"Are you ok?"

Everyone crowded around Glenn as his mind struggled to believe what had just gone on,me on the other hand,I removed my glove to see the damage on the hand that was holding me up,seems both hands became injured,I looked over at the hand that had been holding Glenns rope,the skin had been ripped off almost completely and was now covered in blood.Hopefully it'll heal by tomorrow.With that I put both gloves back on and turned to face the well again.I looked down to see the rope securely around the walker,"Might be a little scared cat but he did it."

"Well,back to the drawing board,"I laughed as I walked over to check on TDogg,"What?"

"Says you,"Glenn handed Dale the other rope with a smile on his face,"I'm done."

No one could believe it until they all ran to the side of the well and looked down,nice surprise Glenn.

Ironically I am still sick while writing this,but considering I'm home alone and rather not do my hw,I thought updating was the best idea.

Sorry bout that wait.


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