Happily ever after? /// Cedri...

By hayleyrebecca

77.4K 1.2K 780

Evan is a muggle-born witch in her 5th year when 6th year Cedric Diggory is chosen to be a Triwizard Champio... More

Another life update!


1.7K 33 21
By hayleyrebecca


A jolting feeling pulled Evan from her nightmare. Her eyes shot open, relieved to be back in reality, not reliving that dreadful moment over and over. As her eyes adjusted and the throbbing pain in her head allowed her to see more than white spots, she noticed the looming figure of Dumbledore standing over her. The softpink light coming in behind from the windows let her know the day was just beginning.

"Evan, how are you feeling? You were shouting quite loudly just then," he asked while gently placing his hand on her shoulder, his voice riddled with concern and his eyes full of question.

"It's just, my mind can't seem to move on from what happened. I feel trapped and am not sure how to change that, if it can even be done. Dumbledore, why did this happen to me?" she replied, eyes filling with tears and a tremor obvious in her tone.

"The kindest are always the easiest target. The followers of the Dark Arts are cruel and can't seem to comprehend what love is, and as a result resent people who are full of such an emotion. I'm not sure if you were chosen or it was just a coincidence, but I urge you to not let it consume you.  If you do, they win. I know it's hard and for a while, you may feel lost, but you can win. You're one of the most loving students I've encountered over the years, do not let that light go out. People look to you for hope. Do you think you're up for some breakfast? I can get someone to bring you some after they all eat in the Great Hall, I know your friends want to know where you are," he asked gently, no doubt trying not to overwhelm her and changing the subject. She thought about it and knew she would have to face her friends sooner rather than later.

"Could you ask all my friends up later? We have a lot to catch up on, and I'd rather just do it all at once," she decided with attempted confidence. Dumbledore nodded and left her to the mess of her mind. Never before had she ever felt more alone or more broken. How would she ever recover from this? She still didn't understand how such a thing even happened. She hoped this wouldn't change her and was ready to fight everyday to see the light. She knew she was going to be okay. Trying to catch a little bit more sleep til she had to face reality, she laid down once more on her little cot with a newfound determination to find hope.

Once again she was yanked from sleep with a tug on her arm. With a start, she gasped at such a vicious attack on her arm. Annoyed to have been awoken after finally finding a peaceful dream, she looked at the attacker and saw none other than Becca grinning down at her holding a plate full of all her favorite breakfast foods. Rolling her eyes, Evan yawned loudly and saw Katherine, Dallas, Cameron, and Cedric all carried similar plates. Less annoyed now, Evan realized how famished she was and hastily grabbed the plate from Becca.

There were muffins and sausages and bacon and pancakes stacked high on the plate, and Evan tore into them greedily while her friends starred at her quietly.

Once she had finished eating, they all looked at her, their eyes full of questions. She knew then that she must explain herself and what was going on. She looked at Cedric and he seemed to know what she was about to do.

"I'm sure y'all are all wondering why I am in the hospital wing, no? I'm not sure how but what I can say is this," and she began to tell her story. Once she started, she couldn't seem to stop and told them everything, surprisingly. The words just ran out of her, desperate to escape her weighed down soul. She slowly felt the weight that was suffocating her lift off her and felt as if she could breathe again. When she had finished, she noticed the wetness of tears down her face and the pressure of a familiar hand in her own. She looked up and saw tears running down Katherine and Becca's face as well. She knew she made the right choice in telling them. None of them looked at her with pity, which she appreciated more than they would ever know, but instead with fierce love and loyalty.

She looked over her friends again and felt seen. It was such a wonderful and much needed feeling, and once again felt reassured that with such fiery people by her, she would overcome.

Though afterwards no one spoke about what Evan had just told them, there was a bond between the friends that didn't need explaining. She didn't want their apologies, and they didn't know what she was going through, so it was nice to know they recognized that and didn't try to dwell on a subject they couldn't really help her with. Instead they talked of the tournament and the mystery surrounding Harry Potter's entrance into the tournament. Evan laughed among her friends as they surrounded her tiny cot. Hours past but none of them noticed, too engaged in cheering Evan up. By the time lunch rolled around, Evan knew she could handle going to the Great Hall, refusing to let her circumstances take away her choice.

Stumbling slightly out of bed, she realized she was still in the hospital gown from the night before and looked at Becca pleadingly. Becca caught on immediately to what Evan was silently asking of her.

"I can go grab an extra robe for you to throw over if you'd like really quick, it'd only take a few minutes," Becca said quickly, already turning toward the entrance.

"Oh that's all right, she can just borrow mine, it's definitely big enough to conceal the gown," Cedric offered as well. Evan looked at him appreciatively as she grabbed the robe he just took off and extended to her. Draping it over her shoulders, she was consumed by the smell of pine and coffee. Blushing profusely, she broke into a bashful dimpled smile directed towards Cedric who looked down at her warmly. Turning quickly on her heels in attempt to hide the heat rising in her cheeks, she joined her girlfriends by the entrance. The boys followed slowly, not as excited about eating as them.

Entering through the double doors, Evan felt as if every eye was on her, as if they somehow knew what had happened, though she knew she was just being paranoid. The confidence she had just minutes ago slipped away. Still she heard several whispers as she passed the Slytherin table and couldn't help but wonder what they thought/knew about Christopher.

Holding her head high, her and Becca sat down at the Hufflepuff table while Katherine joined the blue clad house. One thing she loved about Becca is how as of late, she has stopped treating Evan any differently than anyone else, and it seemed even in light of the debacle yesterday, she would continue acting as such. She liked feeling normal, it made forgetting much easier. The boys plopped down on both sides of the table and they once again began their upbeat conversation about anything and nothing.

Dumbledore informed Evan immediately after lunch the news of Christopher's expulsion, which relieved her more than she realized it would. The rest of the day passed in the same manner and it seemed that all was well at Howarts. Unbeknownst to Evan, her real torturer still roamed the halls, biding his time to strike again.


This was more of a filler chapter, but I needed Evan to wake up, the next one will skip forward a couple weeks in order to spice things up a little, what are your thoughts? Also I'm debating on whether or not to create tension and a fight between Cedric and Evan just to liven up their lives but am not sure if that's too ambitious of me or not. Please comment your thoughts, as I want input more than anything! And if you have ideas/ theories I'd love to hear them and maybe incorporate them??

qotd: what is your favorite movie?

aotd: I have way too many so hears a list: Pride and Prejudice, The Princess Bride, Dead Poet Society, Beauty and the Beast, and Tangled, though there are so many more that I love. If you ever need a movie recommendation I'm the girl!

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