The Secret Prince (Amourshipp...

Azazel0886 tarafından

955K 16.6K 22.9K

After his loss in Unova Ash returns home to regroup and plan which region he will go to next. However while p... Daha Fazla

A few words from the author
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
authors request
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Putting it to a vote
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71

Chapter 41

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Azazel0886 tarafından

Authors notes:
Come one come all, chapter 41 is being posted. You know, since I've started writing I've learned a few things. Mostly the basics of writing most people learn in school that I already should have known. But with this chapter, I learned sometimes you will write whole chapters just so you can write one scene. I came up with a scene of Ash becoming a total bad ass months ago, but I had no idea where to put it. In the end, I decided to make this chapter, and the pervious one, just so I could use that scene because I felt it fit best here.
Well now that that's done, if you like my work vote, please leave your comments, and please share this story with your friends. I now present to you chapter 41. Enjoy.

The gang was racing to the Pokemon center as fast as they could, when they were close enough Bonnie sprinted ahead and opened the door letting everyone in. "Nurse Joy please help, my Diggersby's been posioned," Clemont cried out when they entered the Pokemon center. "Oh no, not another one," Nurse Joy said with a concerned look. "Wigglytuff, get a stretcher we have another poisoned Pokemon." Nurse Joy took Diggersby's pokeball and released him onto the stretcher before rushing him to the back for care. Bonnie and Clemont just stood there looking at the door Diggersby was just taken through, completely concerned about Diggersby being ok. "Did you guys hear way Nurse Joy said," Korrina asked Ash and Serena, whispering so Clemont and Bonnie didn't hear. "Yeah, she said another poisoned Pokemon," Ash responded. "What does that mean, are there alot of poison cases around here," Serena asked. They all looked around at the other trainers in the waiting area. Every last one of them had concerned looks on their faces. This wasn't too unusual for a Pokemon center, but the number of trainers with that look was what was concerning. As they looked at the trainers the worry they had had brought some of the trainers to tears, some even saying they were afraid their Pokemon was going to die.

About thirty minutes after Diggersby was taken for treatment Nurse Joy finally emerged. Upon seeing her Clemont and Bonnie rushed her. "Nurse Joy, is Diggersby going to be ok," asked Clemont. Nurse Joy's face was a sad and tired one as she looked at them, "he's stable, for now." "What's that supposed to mean," asked Bonnie. "There have always been alot of poison type Pokemon on this mountain. However recently a nonnative berry bush was discovered and has been popping up everywhere," Nurse Joy explained. "I'm sorry, but what does a bush have to do with this," asked Korrina. "The berries this bush produces is poisonous to all Pokemon, except poison types, they apparently like it very much. The problem with that is that this berry acts like a steroid in the sense that it makes them much more aggressive and their poison much stronger," Nurse Joy continued. "But you can make Diggersby better right," Bonnie asked as she suddenly felt a wave of fear. Nurse Joy sighed, "their poison is to powerful now for antidotes or Pecha berries alone. There is a mixture I can make, but it requires a medicinal plant called Nicera, with that I can make a cure. Unfourtunatly I'm all out, I have some...." Nurse Joy was unable to continue as another trainer came in calling for her. "Nurse Joy please help." "Not again, if you'll excuse me," Nurse Joy said as she ran off to the trainer. "What was she going to say," asked Serena. "She said she was out of Nicera, so hopefully she was about to say some is on its way," Ash guessed. At this point Bonnie was overwhelmed with guilt over Diggersby and knew she had to do something.

Meanwhile outside the Pokemon Center two Team Flare grunts are keeping and eye on the gang and were reporting in. "Recon team to mobile command do you copy," one of the grunts said over a radio. "This is Celosia, report." "The trainers are at the Pokemon center, apparently one of their Pokemon has been severely injured, and have stopped their search for Z for the time being," stated the grunt. "Maintain observation on them, Bryony and I will be joining back up with you in a few hours."

Back inside the gang was sitting on some couches worrying about Diggersby. Clemont was leaning on Korrina as she put her arm around him to try and make him feel a little better. Even Ash and Serena were worried, even though Diggersby wasn't either of their Pokemon, he had become a valued member of the group. Everyone was so worried nobody saw Bonnie sneak over to Serena's bag and take her tablet and run off around the corner. "Ok, let's find out where there's some Nicera," Bonnie said as she turned the tablet on, but then was stopped by a password. "If I were Serena what would my password be," Bonnie asked herself. She tried several ideas, Kalos Queen, summer camp, Ash Ketchum, but no luck. Then she had an idea, "wow Serena, your password is Serena Ketchum. You really are madly in love with Ash. Now let's find some Nicera." Bonnie just had to do a general search and then she found that Nicera grew near the summit of that very mountain. She clicked a link and saw a picture with a comment stating it was inside a very large hollowed out tree stump. Bonnie then carefully snuck back to the others and put Serena's tablet back in her bag, then ran outside. "Come on Dedenne, let's go save Diggersby," with that Bonnie took off running. Bonnie managed to not be noticed by anyone, except one. Squishy was watching through one of his cells. "What is she doing, doesn't she understand how dangerous that mountain is right now. Is she doing this just to save Diggersby? I better keep watch over her," Squishy said to himself.

A little while later Clemont realized he hadn't heard or seen Bonnie lately. "Has anyone seen Bonnie recently," Clemont asked as he looked around the lobby. Everyone looked at each other and shook their heads. "No we haven't," Korrina replied. Everyone then got up to start looking around for Bonnie. As Serena stood up she bumped her bag, causing her tablet to fall out and open up. As her picked it up she noticed the page on the screen. "Clemont, I don't think she's here anymore," Serena said as she showed him the page. "Oh no, you don't think she actually went do you," Clemont asked, fear evident in his voice. However before anyone could answer..."WE NEED SOME HELP OVER HERE!" This caused everyone in the Pokemon center to look towards the entrance and see a group of four Pokemon Rangers rushing in, one of them being carried in by two of them with his arms over there shoulders. Nurse Joy came rushing out from the back, "Oh no, what happened!?" "We were on our way to the Nicera you told us about when we ran into a large herd of Scolipede before we could get there. We tried battling through them, but half our Pokemon were already too weak from battling other groups of poison Pokemon and destroying those berry bushes. They just kept coming out of the forest. If it wasn't for Jace here we probably wouldn't have made it out alive," one of the rangers explained. The other trainers heard this, many of them looked like they were about to break down and cry right then and there. "Excuse me," Ash said as he walked up to the rangers. "Can you show me on a map where the Nicera is." "Sorry, no, it's too dangerous for one trainer alone," said one of the ranger with a sad, defeated voice. "First, I won't be alone," Ash said gesturing to the rest of the gang behind him. "Second, even if I was I need to go. A nine year old girl is missing, we think she went to get Nicera." The eyes of everyone who heard that widened in fear for Bonnie's safety. One of the rangers pulled out a plastic map, "I'll show you," one of the rangers said as he lead Ash to a table. "Excuse me, but why go get Nicera, why not just order some and have it shipped," Korrina asked. "I ordered a shipment of the proper antidote two days ago. The problem is that it won't arrive for another two days and that is too long for some of the Pokemon here. After three days the poison will kill an infected Pokemon. Meaning, starting tomorrow Pokemon are going to start dying," Nurse Joy explained sadly. "Not if we get enough Nicera while we are up there," Ash said as he rejoined the group. "I told you it's too dangerous. Saving the girl is one thing, but you'll have to fight through a herd of Scolipede to get to it, and who knows how big that heard is," said the first ranger. "Good thing I rotated my Pokemon to make a good team to go against poison types," said Ash. The rangers looked at Ash trying to figure out if he was an idiot or just that good, but considering the circumstances, they had to take the chance. "Alright then, but if you get the chance, destroy any of the bushes you see. The berries are yellow with red spots," said one of the rangers. "Will do. Come on guys, let's go save Bonnie," said Ash as he and the rest of the gang made their way out the door.

Bonnie had been lucky so far that she hadn't run into any Pokemon. Normally this would be something she wouldn't want, but current circumstances changed her opinion. "Alright, we just need to climb this cliff and we'll be almost there," Bonnie told Dedenne. "That cliff looks pretty steep, it won't be easy to climb," Dedenne commented. "I know, but Ash taught me a way to use my aura that should help, just hang on tight," Bonnie replied. Bonnie stepped back a few feet, as Dedenne held onto the inside of Bonnie's bag. Bonnie took a runners stance, her eyes glowed blue, and she took off running towards the cliff. Once she was only a few feet away she jumped up at least ten feet, although it wasn't enough for Bonnie to land her feet on the ledge, but she was able to gab it and pull herself up. "There we, were on the home stretch," Bonnie said as she stood up and walked into the forest. "Ahhhhh," Bonnie screamed as she ran back out of the forest, with three Scolipede chasing her. "Please let us through, we just need to find a plant called Nicera to help some sick pokemon," Bonnie pleaded. "Don't trust her, she wants to destroy the berries like the others," one of the Scolipede said to the other Scolipede. "No I promise I just want..." Bonnie started but was cut off by the Scolipede firing poison sting at her. Luckily Dedenne jumped out of her bag and used thunder shock, canceling out the poison stings. Dedenne then charged up and fired another electric attack, this time it was thunder, and it was blue. The attack hit one of the Scolipede dealing heavy damage, but didn't knock it out. "Wait a second, that was thunder. How did I do that," Dedenne thought out loud. "Because we worked together," said Bonnie. Dedenne looked back and saw Bonnie breathing heavily. "Bonnie, are you ok," Dedenne asked worried. "I'll be fine. I connected my aura to yours and super charged you. It just took more out of me than I expected," Bonnie explained. "I didn't know you could do that," Dedenne said sounding suprised. "I didn't either, but Ash told me that's was what happened to him and Pikachu the first time his Aura started working on its own, so I figured I could do it to," said Bonnie. By now the injured Scolipede was back on its feet and even more angry. It then let out a loud cry and three more Scolipede emerged from the forest. "This isn't good," Bonnie thought out loud. The Scolipede then fired multiple poison stings at Bonnie and Dedenne.

Up in a near by tree Squishy was watching everything happen. Once he saw the other three Scolipede emerge from the forest he jumped down from the tree he was in and started to summon some of his cells so he could save her. However he soon saw something that showed him everything was going to be ok.

Bonnie's eyes were wide as she saw the attacks were coming for her and Dedenne. Then out of know where many large rocks flew by her head and intercepted the poison stings and created a smoke cloud. "Bonnie." Bonnie turned around to see Clemont and Korrina riding on Ash's Tyrantrum, and a few feet above was Ash and Serena riding on Ash's Aerodactyl. Tyrantrum jumped up, clearing the cliff, and landing in front of Bonnie and Dedenne. Aerodactyl landed right beside her, letting Ash and Serena off before flying up beside Tyrantrum. "Bonnie are you ok," Asked Clemont as he ran up to her. Bonnie nodded. "Good," Clemont responded with a sigh of relief. "Now what were you thinking coming here on your own," Clemont scolded. "It was my fault Digersby got hurt and poisoned. I needed to help him," Bonnie replied sadly. "Bonnie, it wasn't your fault. Digersby got poisoned because the Toxicroak attacked. He got hurt because the Toxicroak chased us off a cliff and he chose to save you," said Clemont comforting Bonnie.

Meanwhile the Scolipede called out again, and even more came out of the forest, now totaling twelve. "I'll handle this, you guys go find the Nicera, and be sure to get lots for the other Pokemon at the Pokemon center," said Ash. "Are you sure," Korrina asked. Ash nodded as he pulled more pokeballs from his belt, and Pikachu jumped off his shoulder and joined Aerodactyl and Tyrantrum to battle. "Alright let's go then," said Clemont, and he, Korrina and Bonnie ran off. Serena walked up to Ash and held his left hand in her right, "I'm staying here with you." "No go, this could get dangerous. "We might not be married yet, but I'm with you, for better or worse," Serena replied back. Ash smiled, "I love you," and leaned in and kissed her cheek. "Let's go then, Greninja, Hawlucha, Gigalith, I choose you," Ash yelled. "Braxin, Pancham, Absol, come on out," Serena cried.

Clemont, Korrina, and Bonnie were following the Pokemon rangers map to the Nicera. Luxray and Lucario leading the way in case they run into trouble, even Dedenne was keeping lookout from on top of Bonnie's head. "It should be around here somewhere. Keep your eyes open for a very large tree stump," Clemont instructed as he looked around. "Luxray," Luxray called out as he ran a few feet ahead before looking back to the group. "He said he thinks he found it on the other side of those trees," Bonnie translated. "Great, let's go," Clemont said as everyone ran after Luxray. As soon as they cleared the trees they saw the tree stump, with what looked like a smaller tree growing inside. They walked in through a hole in the trunk and saw a tree full of Nicera. "Wow look at it all. How much do we need for all the Pokemon," Bonnie asked. "Nurse Joy asked us to fill up this bag," said Korrina as she pulled a clear bag out of her pocket. "Quilladin, come on out. Use vine whip to start pulling the flowers off the tree," Clemont instructed, as the lowest branch was too high for them to reach. "Wait," Bonnie cried, causing everyone to look at her. "I came out here to get the Nicera, let me finish what I started," Bonnie continued. "Ok. Quilladin, go to the entrance and stand guard," said Clemont. "Now Bonnie, how do you expect to get up there," Korrina asked. "Well, I'm not sure yet," Bonnie replied as she scratched the back of her head nervously. Everyone sweat dropped. "I have an idea," Clemont said as he looked up at the tree. "What do we do," Asked Korrina. Clemont walked over to the tree and leaned his back up against it. "Simple, Bonnie you stand on Korrina's shoulders, Korrina stand on mine, then Bonnie should be able to reach a branch sturdy enough to hold her," Clemont explained. Korrina and Bonnie looked at Clemont nervously. "Clemont are you sure you can handle our weight, we don't want you to get hurt," said Korrina. Clemont smiled, "thanks for the concern, but I handle it. Have either of you ever lifted my backpack before? It not exactly light weight." Korrina and Bonnie looked at each other, shrugged, then Bonnie climbed onto Korrina's shoulders, then Korrina onto Clemont's. Bonnie reached up and was able to grab a branch and pull herself up. "Alright I'm up," Bonnie said as she pulled out the clear bag and started to fill it. Korrina then jumped off of Clemont's shoulders and they both watched Bonnie work. "So Clemont, did you like the view," Asked Korrina. "What view," Clemont replied as a slight blush came to his cheeks. "So your telling me you didn't look up my skirt," Korrina said as she was now looking as Clemont. Clemonts face turned a very bright red. "Well, ummm," Clemont replied nervously. Korrina giggled, "who would have ever guessed you were a little bit of a perv," Korrina leaned in and kissed his cheek as she smacked his butt. "Don't worry, it doesn't bother me at all," Korrina whispered in Clemont's ear. "In coming," Bonnie called out as she jumped down from the tree, landing like a gymnast. "Great let's go meet up with Ash and Serena," said Korrina as walked out of the trunk and joined up with their Pokemon. "So which way," Asked Bonnie. "I would say that way," Clemont replied, now recovered from being embarrased, as he pointed to a pillar of smoke coming from the forest.

The sun was beginning to set now, and it was very quiet inside the Pokemon center. Not because of a lack of people, but because of trainers worrying about their Pokemon. Some of the trainers were getting ready to say their last goodbyes to their Pokemon, since they haven't received the antidote. Everyone was wondering what happened to Ash and the others, had they been killed by the poison Pokemon, were they successful and on their way, or did the survive and fail. These thoughts went through everyone's minds until the door opened and the gang walked in. All eyes were on them as they walked to Nurse Joy. Everyone could see Bonnie, so they were happy that she was found and was safe, but what about the Nicera. "Hello Nurse Joy, we have something for you," said Bonnie as she opened her bag. Everyone with a poisoned Pokemon stood up, their eyes full of hope. Bonnie then placed a large bag of Nicera on the counter in front of Nurse Joy, "I hope it's enough." Tears of joy came to Nurse Joy's eyes, as well as every other trainers. "Yes, it will be more than enough," said Nurse Joy as she graciously picked up the bag. Cheers erupted from inside the Pokemon center as as many trainers came up to Ash and the others, hugging them and thanking them for what they had done. Then the rangers walked up. "So you managed to get past the Scolipede. We're you able to see if one of those bushes was up there," a female ranger asked. "There were four bushes, we torched all of them," Ash replied. "In that case thank you, for everything."

It was morning now, and the gang was eating breakfast in an outside eating area at the Pokemon center. Nurse Joy was able to easily cure all the poisoned Pokemon, and even had some of the new antidote to spare for other poisoned Pokemon. The gang turned in early last night, not because they were very tired, but because Serena and Korrina both noticed several female trainers inviting Ash and Clemont to their rooms so they could thank them properly. It's not that Serena and Korrina didn't trust their men, they just didn't trust the other girls wouldn't try something when they weren't looking. Clemont and Ash didn't mind turning in early, extra one on one time with their girls was worth it to them.

Now with breakfast done the gang was looking at a map to try and figure out where to look for Squishy. Well everyone but Ash, he was currently receiving a message via telepathy. "Hey guys, I think I have an idea how to find Squishy," said Ash as he was done speaking through telepathy. "What is it," Bonnie asked excitedly. Ash smiled, "you guys just get ready to go. I'll be back in about twenty minutes." Ash then gave Serena a quick kiss and walked back inside the Pokemon center.

Once inside Ash found a secluded area and used his aura to see the whole area. Pikachu then jumped on his shoulder, "So, what's the plan." "We're just going to send a message," Ash replied. He and Pikachu the ran out the back door and ran into the forest.

Not far away from the Pokemon Center, two Team Flare grunts are climbing into the large field command truck. "Report, what are they doing," Celosia Asked as they entered. "Ma'am, they are looking over a map to decide were to look for Z. It looks like they we be searching either zone F or G," the grunt reported. "Good, we've already search their. We're heading to zone R now," said Celosia. One of the grunts then went through a door to the cab of the truck. Just then they heard a loud roar and the ground started to shake. "What's that," Celosia asked in confusion. The grunt that went to the cab then ran back in, "everyone brace yourselves," the grunt yelled. Before anyone could do anything something hit the truck from the front with immense force, knocking everyone off their feet. The truck kept moving until it hit something from behind. "What was that," Celosia asked. But before anyone could answer they were hit from the side, causing the truck to roll. Everyone tried to hang on to something, but even those who did lost their grip and started flying around inside the truck. Finally the truck stopped again back on its wheels, then then roof was smashed down as a loud roar was heard again. It was quiet for a few seconds when Celosia went to one of the doors to try and open it. The door wouldn't open on its own so she had to force it open. She got the door a third of the way open, when she looked out and saw a very angry Tyrantrum starring at her while showing his teeth. Celosia was terrified for what was going to happen next, but was surprised when she heard a familiar voice say, "Tyrantrum return." The Tyrantrum was then sucked back into its Pokeball, she then saw the origin of The Voice, "YOU," Celosia yelled upon seeing Ash. "I'll keep this short, this was your only warning. Stay away from us or next time I won't play nice," Ash threatened in a cold voice. "You don't threaten Team Flare, we'll end you," Celosia yelled back. "yeah I've heard that before. Look up Team Magma, Aqua, Plasma, and Galactic. They all threatened me like that, and see what happened to them." Now Celosia was nervous, for she had heard of all of them, and how they were all rumored to have been stopped by one trainer. "Pikachu, you know what to do." Pikachu nodded and jumped off of Ash's shoulder and ran to the truck with his cheeks sparking. He then jumped past Celosia and Unleashed a powerful thundershock that fried all the electronics, and knocked out everyone inside. Pikachu then returned Ash's shoulder as he turned around and walked away.

Back at the Pokemon Center the rest of the gang was waiting for Ash. "Where is he," Bonnie commented impatiently. "There he is," said Korrina as she pointed. Everyone looked to where Korrina was pointing to see Ash walking casually out of the forest. "Where have you been," Bonnie said annoyed sounding. "Putting my plan to find Squishy into effect," Ash said with a smile, Pikachu snickered. Everyone looked at Ash nervously. "What did you do," Serena asked. "Team Flare's been following us. So I gave them a warning and bought us some time to lose them," Ash replied. "Wait, how did you know they were following us," asked Korrina. "Squishy told me via telepathy," Ash responded. "WHAT?!" Everyone yelled at once. "You've been in contact with Squishy? Why didn't you tell us," asked Clemont. "He only contacted me this morning during breakfast. I haven't had any other contact with him since he ran off," said Ash. "Well is he coming back," asked Bonnie, with her eyes full of hope. "Well why don't you ask him yourself," Ash said as he pointed behind Bonnie. Everyone turned around and saw Squishy sitting on the railing looking at them. "SQUISHY," Bonnie squealed. "Does this mean your coming back to travel with us," asked Bonnie. "I'm back," Squishy replied back as he nodded. "Yay," Bonnie cheered as she picked Squishy up and gave him a hug. Everyone smiled at the happy reunion. "Alright then, let's go to Snowbell City," Bonnie announced as she started down the road, leading the way.

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