His Beauty Her Beast

Από AlexisMartinez424

1.2K 21 3

Meet James Anderson a spoiled rich kid who has had a rough life with his mom dying. Leaving him with a work a... Περισσότερα

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Evelen
Chapter Tweleve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Forteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-One

16 0 0
Από AlexisMartinez424

Hearing banging coming up the stairs I just know it's the girls. 'Three. Two. One.' "Wake Up"! With that the door bust open and all of them jump on my bed. 'Come on why can't I sleep in'. "Because its your wedding day and Lexi demands you are up and downstairs eating breakfast in fifteen minutes". 'She's here already? It's only eight in the morning I'm not getting married until five and then reception from six to midnight'. "Yes but she want us ready at four so we can drive to the venue and make sure everything perfect. She also said she has a surprise for you". 'Fine then everyone out I need a shower I'll meet you down stairs'. With that all of them leave. Getting up I grab some leggings and a long sleeve Pink shirt. Going in I take nice hot showering relaxing my muscles and washing my hair and body. After a couple of minutes I take in that I am getting married today. After that I leave and throw on my clothes before leaving before they come looking for me again. Going to the dinning room I see a buffet has been laid out already gezz when did they wake up to do this. "Perfect timing, come sit down we are going over the scheduled for today". Sitting down in the head chair someone brings me a plate. Seeing that everyone is their we get started. "Alright Alena your set to get married at the cherry blosmen garden. Your mother got married their so James only saw it only fitting". "Both James and your security team will go their at three to make sure everything is secure for you both. At four, half of your grandpas security team will escort you separately to the venue. Once you both get their James will be pulled to the alter to wait for you. While he is their your guest will be seated and you will be pulled away to do last minute checks on you and everything". 'Sounds busy and tiring guess I am going back to bed for a couple more hours'. Getting up I turn away. "Nope you stop right their Ms. Williams we have a surprise for you so eat and then we can go see it". 'Fine'. Sitting back down I start to eat the plate of eggs, bacon and waffles. 'You know I hope James is getting this kind of treatment as me'. "He's not I heard from Jason that he's still asleep". 'What?! Someone get me my phone now'. After a few moments my phone is passed over to me from Cole. 'Thank you'. Going on it I find James name and call him up. "He's asleep Alena he's not going to pick up". 'Wanna bet'. 'Fifteen says he picks up on the second ring Frances'. "Alright your on Alena". Calling James I put it on speaker. Ring......."Hello my love". 'Ha I told you so Frances'. 'James they woke me up and won't let me go back to sleep'. "I'm sorry darling we could run and elope in Vegas". No. No. No. 'Your on speaker i think they don't want us to do that'. "Yeah can I go to sleep love"? 'No if I'm awake your awake'. "Okay I'm going to buy a car". 'What! Why? No please James grandpa has a garage full of cars here we don't need anymore'. "Fine". What am I supposed to do for eight hours til our wedding". 'Go have guys day'. "Good idea we can go to the track and race for a bit". 'Great you get to go race with fast cars and I get to have my hair pulled out'. "Come on if you do this for our honey moon I will take us racing". 'Promise'. "I swear on our future sons life". 'Oh really what if we have daughters'? "Them too". 'Fine have fun, I will have only Francis to entertain me'. Hearing a groan of anger from the line I known I've hit a nerve. "Now Ms. Anderson don't make me go and kidnapped you until our wedding". 'I wouldn't mind that and it's Williams until I say words I do'. "Soon". "Do you want to grab breakfast this morning love"? 'Okay'. No! No! No! 'I think our guest have a few problems with that love'. Its bad luck to see the bride before the wedding. 'I guess we won't be seeing each other until our wedding'. "Yeah". Come on Alena we need to go. 'Alright. I love you'. "I love you more see at the alter".' Will see'. With that I hang up the phone and smirk at everyone in the room. Who have shocked faces that he answered and more so he was nice to be woken up by me. 'He really does love me doesn't he despite my flaws and all'. "Yes he does. Now come on we have to take you to your surprise". Going out I pass Francis and he hands me fifteen. "A deals a deal Alena now come on you are going to love this surprise". With he walk out with me making sure I am safe even if we aren't even outside. 'I need a coat and shoes if we are leaving anywhere'. "Got you covered girly but it's not to cold out perfect for your wedding". 'Great'. With that Hope hand me jacket and some Nike white trainers. Putting them on with ease we walk to the door. Looking I see all the cars thinking we are going somewhere I head to the car direction. "Not that way". Looking I see everyone going right instead of left. We walk for a bit and I get to see what they meant its cold but you don't feel it the suns out just enough to shed some light but not enough to melt the snow from yesterday. Today will be good. Walking for another ten minutes I see a building coming up. 'What's that'? "Just wait". A few minutes we are standing in front of the building no one daring to go in yet. 'Well what is it'? "Why don't you go in first". 'Alright but if I die I will haunt you and James will be pissed'. Stepping away from them I go to the building walking in i see all the newspaper article from my ice skating. 'What is this'? After walking around i see two doors. Pushing them open i see an ice rink. I didn't know he had this. Looking next to the rink their is a pair of skates. Placing them on i see they are my old ones from home. Seeing a note I read it.

"Cole found them when cleaning out your house i thought you would like them. Your grandpa told me he had this if you ever came over. You would have your own little hide away. The key is tapped to the back its all yours.What a better way for you to start your day then on the ice.
P.s they agreed to leave you alone to skate for a couple hours. Enjoy my love. Love James Anderson" 

Thanking the lucky stars for a man like James. I keep the paper with me in my pocket while i skate around for a bit. Seeing is I have the time I work on my old routine. As I concentrate on my moves and landings to make sure i don't get hurt. I lose myself in it all. What feels like minutes i hear someone come into the rink. Doing one last spin for before seeing who's their. Once sticking the landing i see its Lexa. Skating to where she is I see her smiling so bright. "Wow Alena that was amazing". 'Thank you. You should have seen my mom she was great. I've been skating since I was little it was our thing. After she passed it didn't feel right doing it without her. But since James found out how great I am he encourage me to do it. Now it doesn't feel like I'm betraying her it feels like shes right her with me'. "That's wonderful dear but you been skating for five hours its going to be one. We need to get you and the girls dressed and ready to go. We have a makeup person and hair person for you. Hope is helping the rest get ready. She's an amazing one I do hope her and lucas get married next. I already started on her dress". 'Don't tell Hope that she would marry him right now if it meant to wear an original design of yours'. "Yes better keep it a secret then". Going to the bench i take off the skates. Once that's all done we walk out and lock the doors behind us. "Come on I know James would love you even in a potato sack but lets get you ready". 'Haha alright then'. Leaving their we take the short walk back to the house. 'When did you meet and marry your husband Lexa'? "Well I first meet him when we were in college after my fashion line took off we had a rocky road. Our schedules never matched up so we barely saw each other. He was away too always traveling for work. I was two days away from breaking up with him when he came to one of my fashion shows and stayed in the front row and he stayed for all of it. It was seeing him smiling so proud of me that he loved me. He promised me that he might not make it to all of my shows. But he will always be cheering me on and be proud of me no matter what". "That night he proposed to me and since then we both made compromise for each other weather me canceling for him or he cancels for me. That's the one thing we both found out to make a marriage work you need to compromise. Now we are happy and have two amazing sons". 'Thank you Lexa got anymore advice for marriage life'. "Trust him, respect him and never keep secrets from each other". 'Okay thank you'. We reached the house and the make up team pull me up stairs and sit me down. Working their magic they start on my hair do a perfect nails of purple and white. They wont let me see anything but Hope tells me I look amazing and that she is helping the other girls with their hair and make up. An hour and a half goes by and she tells me they are ready and dressed already. 'Am I done yet'. "Yes you are all done but you can't see until you put on your dress". 'Fine but can I put on my shoes first and Hope can zip me up'. They all leave Hope and I alone. She hands me some shorts and I pull them on after I finished that I put on my shoes. "You know they mean well". 'Yeah I know they do. It's just they were crowed me to much I felt like I suffocating'. "Everything will be alright once you hit the alter all that you will be focus on is James". 'That's true'. She hands me my dress and I slip it on with her help to keep me balanced. After she's buttons it up she says i can look now. Looking in the mirror i see someone i don't recognize its hard to believe it's me. 'I love everything Hope its amazing'. Giving me her a hug I tear up a bit thinking about everything. "Aww don't cry you'll ruin your make up". 'Sorry'. "Come on in". With that they all walk in and I turn to see me better. All of their mouths hit the floor in Aww. 'How do I look'? Amazing. Wow. Beautiful. "Here don't forget your veil". Lexa grabs my veil and places it in top of my hair with my curls coming down from the top. Placing it on my hair it just all just comes together perfectly. 'Thank you'. "Your welcome now come on lets go it's getting late already". 'Okay James isn't going to see me leave the house or anything like that'. "No he's still at the track with the guys after we leave he will be getting ready at the place". 'You mean he's not even getting dressed yet just racing cars'. "Yeah sorry hun but he will make it on time promise". 'I know he will just make sure he is okay and arrives safely because if he gets hurt on our wedding day I will kill him'. "We will make sure he is here safe and on time". 'Thank you so much'. Making sure everything good they hand me my coat and we walk out. Seeing their two BMW one white and the other black  parked out front. More cars really. "BMW gave them too you both as a gift so you can ride in stile on your wedding. Ones our and ones the guys but of course the guys are also bringing their cars too". 'Of course they are'. Going in I see its so beautiful brown interior with white seats I love it so much. I see you like you should see James's interior. 'Don't worry I will'. Giving Hope a wink. Alright lets get going I'm getting married tonight. With that One of the security guards starts the car and we head to the ceremony.

Ten Minutes Later

Once reaching the place the whole place is covered in snow and it looks beautiful. Grabbing my dress so it wont get dirty so placing my foot out. I see my wonderful purple shoes hit the ground that it all brings me to. James mom I think she would have loved the purple and yellow theme. Come on Alena before you get sick. Okay. Going into the back so Lexa can fix my hair in case it messed up. An the boys go and check the area to make sure it is sescure for James and I. Once we are all in the sitting room Lexa checks me over once more before handing me my bouquet to hold I start to get nervous with everything. 'Hope you have James's ring right'? "Yes it's right here don't worry everything is going to be okay". Soon Frances comes and knocks on the door. It's time Alena, Mason and Jason are out here waiting for you outside. 'Let them in send the girls out'. Yes mam. First Lexa leaves but not before giving me a graceful smile. Then Melissa, Jessica, Ashley, an lastly Lucas comes for Hope. Hey Alena you look beautiful. 'Thank you is James okay'? Yeah he's good so nervous. 'Why'? He doesn't know if you will come down that isle or run but deep down he knows you will, he loves you. 'I know I love him too'. Okay well good luck see you out their. 'Alright'. After waiting a few seconds Mason and Jason both come in and their gaws drop to the floor. Aww honey you look beautiful. James mom would be so proud of him she would have loved you. 'Thank you'. Getting all teary. 'Aww please guys don't let me cry Lexa will hurt someone would made me ruin my make up'. Okay let's get you down the isle cause after that she won't be mad you ruined it. They each take my arm and we walk out the doors. Coming to the green house garden door. I take a breath ready for anything. The doors. Open and the wedding match starts. Looking at everyone I turn my eyes ahead to see James staring at me in awh. I take it he loves my dress. Walking closer to him I see our whole future and I can't wait for it. Soon we are faced to faced. Who here gives this Bride to this groom. We do. We do. Looking at them I give them both a kiss before they hand my hand over to James. Take care of her. James gives a firm nod. Stepping up with James they both leave back to their seats. You may now be seated please join hands you too. Handing my bouquet over to Hope she takes it gladly. Now we are here to be joining two people together. Today and from now on their souls will be tied together their heart beats will now and forever beat together as one. Now marriage is a sacritc thing if anyone has any objections of why these two people should not be married let them speak up or forever hold their peace. James and I look to see if anyone does after a minute or so the priest counties. Moving on. James and Alena are here surrounding by family, friends and all of those who care for them and they care for. Now the two have written their own vows. James you may start. "Alena when we first met on that day of school I was so mad and sad but some how I got one looked at you said  she's trying to hide something including herself. And I wanted to figure it out by myself and now that I have I can't imagine a life without you in it. Everyone thought I was a beast and no one knew the real me you took the chance to know the real me even when I thought I scared you away from me. I'm so lucky to have you, your gorgeous, sweet and loving and will be a great mother to our future kids. I love you". Thank you James now Alena. 'James when I first met you I never realized how much of impacted you would have on my life. After my mom died I thought my life would be series of moving with my abusive dad never knowing happiness again but you saved me from that life. I learned to never give up and work even harder to make my mom proud of me sometimes we won't always see eye to eye but I hope you love and trust me to blindly follow me into this crazy ride we call life, I love you'. "I will". Now James do you take Alena to be your loftly wedded wife to have and to hold for richer or poorer forsaking all others in sickness and in health for as long as you both shall live. "I do". Alena do you take James to be your husband to have and to hold for richer and poorer forsaking all others in sickness and in health for as long as you both shall live. 'I do'. Now by the power vested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride. James wraps his arms around me and gives me a heart melting kiss. Soon everyone is up clapping all to soon we break apart. 'I love you Mr. Anderson'. "And I love you Mrs. Anderson-Williams". Being in each others arms we look around and i see all our friends and family. 'So who's ready to party'! We get hoots and haulers from everyone. We walk back down the isle as everyone follows. James and I go into my Bmw James takes the wheel while i ride shot gun. Hope and Lucas ride with us followed by the gang in James car. And security in the Suv ahead of all of us. Taking the quick drive to the venue which of course is the school. We get their in no time. Once getting thier they set up the school steps to a red carpet with many paparazzi. Held back by security and rope. We give smiles and decide a couple questions wont hurt. Mrs. Anderson do you believe you can replace James mom? At the word of his mother James hands tightens around me. Giving him a a quick peck i turn back to them. 'I will never replace his mother but i will be his wife and mother to our kids'. Mr. Anderson when are you planning to have kids. "Well we are still young so we have plenty of time for that later. Right now i think we are both focus on each of our companies". Mrs. Anderson how are you liking your new last name? 'I am loving it'. Mr. Mrs. Anderson. How do you feel of what some of the public is saying about you two? 'We both believe in and love each other some can't understand that but thats okay'. What do you say for some employees that are concerned with thier jobs? "That you should trust us we care for all employees and clients as well. Alright fellas that's enough i would like my wife back alone". With that he pulls me in for a heart stopping kiss. And a couple of thousands camera flashes. After that he pulls me away and we keep walking down the carpet with big smiles on our faces. Finally we enter the school and walks past the office. Looking back that was so long ago. "I remmeber the frist time i saw you, you were so scared you didn't want to be seen but i saw you". 'I know why did you see me'? "I don't know that day all of i could think of was i was having a bad day but you were having a worst one". 'Thank you for seeing me'. "Thank you for loving me". 'You didn't make that hard'. "Come on I want to have the first dance with my wife". Going into the cafeteria where everything is already set up. Soon the DJ starts up the music to play in the background while James and I take our seats at our regular table that has be decorate to look amazing with purple and yellow being the main color scheme. Seeing that are friends aren't here yet I hold off on telling them to serve the food. After fifteen minutes all of our friends show up and then cue to start serving our table first. 'I love everything James'. "That's great but you helped a lot to Alena". Serving us we all dig in sharing stories of the last times we were all sat here and how Maddison is going to flip out. It's not until the DJ speaks on the speakers that pulls our attention away. Now can we all have our attention to the middle of the dance floor. Where the new weds will share their first dance. Cleaning my face James offers me his hand and I so gracefully take my husbands hand. Walking to the middle we get ready and the DJ starts to play James Arthur Say You Won't Let Go. Being in James arms reminds me of home he's my home now I hope my mom is proud of me. "What's that face for"? 'Nothing just thinking of my mom I think she would have loved you and she's proud of me'. "Of course she is now are you ready"? 'Ready for what'? "This". All too soon he twirls me and then ends the dance with a dip. 'Oh dang you can move I love it'. "Just wait their are more surprise I have for you". 'Wonderful'! Now we have a father daughter dance. 'Wait James what'? Soon Jason taps James on the shoulder. May I cut in for the father, daughter dance? "Of course dad". He gives my hand to Jason and we start dancing together to Heartland I Loved Her First. 'It's funny I met James and you around the same time'. "I know but I love you first he didn't see it at first but you are good for him. I did you, I still remember James mom and mine first dance on our wedding day. She was so beautiful til this day I don't know if I will ever love someone again. But it's okay with the few years we had it was more then enough love than I deserved. I use to be like James arrogant jerk with no regards for money. I guess we both just end up being like father like son. Try to be better for your kids then I was and like my parents". 'We will be great parents when the time comes I know it'. "Of course you have your mother heart". 'What was the best thing about my mother'? "I think it was her smile the smile that could melt hearts, bend the most strongest to their knees and get a room so quiet you were afraid that time stopped". 'What about my father'? "It would have been the power. Your father was strong if anyone said something about your mother. He would be on them so fast you were afraid that if you blinked he would have killed them already". "You have her smile". With that he kiss me on the head before handing me over to Mason who was behind him. May I cut in? "Of course Mase". 'Mason'? "Yes my dear"? 'Did you always know you were going to marry grandma'? "Not at first my parents arranged it your grandma Crystal hated the idea. She wanted to travel the world learn be free. She knew a marriage would tie her down and even more so an arranged one". What end up happening? 'After our marriage she locked herself away from me never coming out have her meals sent to her. Finally I got tired of being alone in the big house they bought us so I made a deal with her. If she gives me three months that I impress her if I didn't she would be able to leave me to do what ever she please I would even sign for a divorce if she wanted to". 'What happened'? "I rented a boat and we traveled all around the world together. From one ocean to the next she loved it she got to know me and not just the guy who took her freedom away. Finally at the end of the three months she stayed. And we started a family we built a life together and we had many adventure even after that". 'That's beautiful grandpa. Is that why you wanted to give her an arranged marriage because you found the love of your life that way'? "Yes I have to admit I thought it was what best for her. I never meant for all of that to happened". 'I know grandpa'. 'Do you think they would have been happy if they did married. Jason and my mom'? "Yeah I think they would have been happy but, not in love with each other their hearts already belonged to someone else". 'He talks about her as if he was in love with her'. "At one point he was. Your mom only saw him as a friend and that hurt their relationship it's not until James mom that everything fell into place. At the time your mom had a crush on your dad. But she didn't want to hurt Jason more by dating some one he knew. So when he finally said he was going out with James mom that your dad and mom started going out. Finally they all went out on double dates that their friendship was restored". 'Did my father know'? "No neither James mom or your dad know". 'Did she love him at any point'? "Maybe the only one who would know for sure would be your mother". 'Thank you'. He too also gives me a kiss before handing me back to James that is behind him. Come on darling it's time to cut the cake. He walks me towards the cake while one of the staff helps him back to his wheel chair and starts wheeling him towards the cake. Seeing the beautiful three tier purple with yellow flowers I love it and I know it's red velvet my favorite. They hand us a knife cutting a piece I hear a camera click go on places it on the plate we feed us each other. Giving James a piece i smash it in his face. Seeing everyone shocked face it soon turns into a cake war. Ducking while James throws a piece of cake at me. Missing my face but the cake lands in my hair. Making it my mission to get him back I grab more cake and throw it at his suit. Hitting it's mark on his white suit shirt. 'Bulls eye loser'! Laugh I feel something hit my face and realize its cake. "Got you back my lovely wife". 'Alright lets stop before we start an all out food fight'. Giving me a nod I walk back to him and give him a kiss. "Now come on sweet heart it's time for us too leave". 'Already'? "Afraid so we will be back soon promise". 'Alright we can go to say bye to our guest'. Walking away from everyone the DJ comes back on the sound system announcing our departure. If we can all join us outside in saying goodbye to our new weds. Leading the way our bridal party follows behind after us and grandpa with Jason. Seeing James BMW parked their I give Hope the keys. 'Here take care of her for me please us it if you want Cole put her name on the insurance'. Will do and I will have all the titles signed over for both cars under both your names. 'Thank you'. 'Cole make sure my grandpa is well taken care of, under no circumstance is he allowed into work anything urgent it is sent directly to me not matter what he needs his rest. Understood'? Yes Mrs. Anderson. 'Thank you also take care of school for us please and make sure everyone is paid and this place is cleaned up in time for school'. Yes I will make sure everything is okay. Now give me hug. Pulling him into a heart warming hug. Be careful call if you need anything. Giving the girls a group hug before they released me I promise all of them I will call when I can. Turning to James we switch I say goodbye to the guys while he says by to the girls. After my goodbyes with them I go and see my grandpa I see he's already tired of today events. 'Please grandpa go home after this and get's some rest I will see when I get back here'. "Don't worry dear I love you no matter what take your time. Enjoy your honeymoon after your grandma stopped hating me we had a due over honeymoon in Peru". 'I love you too I see when I get back a couple days max'. Placing a kiss on his head and him giving me kiss on mine I leave praying to God he is here when I get back. Jason comes and gives me a hug and a kiss on my head. "Be careful Alena call if you need anything we love you". 'I love all you guys too goodbye Jason. Once coming back I think James and I will be alternating between your house and my grandpas'. "Don't worry and if you too want you can be their permanently it is your home now too". 'Thank you see you soon'. James walks over to me but pulls us aside. "Are you sure you want to go on our honeymoon now we can wait till later post pone it for awhile". 'No we should go Mason wants us to be happy he doesn't want to be the reason to hold us back'. "Alright if your sure". 'I am'. Going into the car we wave bye as we drive away. Taken the short trip to the air strip I see we are taking James's private plane. Going out of the car we go in, the airplane it's so luxuries in here.  "Thiers a bag of clothes in their if you want to change out of your dress". 'Thank you who packed it'? "Lexa I told her what where we were going in case of an emergency. So she also agreed to pack a bag for you". Changing out of my dress into on my short and long socks with a shirt that says just married. Going out I see James has changed out of his suit to into the same shirt as me with basketball shorts. Okay lady, gentlemen we are ready for take off please sit down and seats belts please. Finding two chairs right next to each other we snuggle into. 'Now that we are on our way would you mind telling me where we are going'? "I rented a boat we fly to Columbia and then we sail to Brazil stopping at different countries on the way". Alright lady and gentlemen you may now unbuckle your seat belts. Getting out of my chair I sit in James lap snuggling into James. "Sleep Alena it will take us about ten hours to get their". Taking him up on his offer I slowly drift to sleep. Before I completely enclose in the darkness I whisper 'I love you my husband'. With that I am in sweat oblivion.

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