Happily ever after? /// Cedri...

By hayleyrebecca

78.7K 1.2K 790

Evan is a muggle-born witch in her 5th year when 6th year Cedric Diggory is chosen to be a Triwizard Champio... More

Another life update!


1.6K 44 26
By hayleyrebecca

ANDDDDDD the official start of the tournament is about to happen!!! EEP so excited to write this! Hope y'all enjoy


Looking around at the people in the Great Hall and seeing how happy they were, Cedric felt like he was in a dream. Everything felt slow and slurred and all the voices were muffled; distant, yet seemed to be screaming at him simultaneously. He spotted his friends already sitting down towards the front of the Hufflepuff table and figured he should join them and keep up pretenses. He took a seat by Dallas and attempted to act as if nothing was wrong, even while he felt the walls of the dining hall closing in on him and suffocating him. Thankfully everyone was fully engaged in an intense conversation about the tournament so no one was paying close attention to Cedric. Dallas, however nudged him, looking at him with concern. Wanting to tell Dallas everything but afraid one of the girls would overhear and panic, Cedric simply mouthed "later" and Dallas understood.

Several minutes into the meal however, the inevitable happened. Cameron looked around the group and noticed a certain curly headed angel was missing.

"Hey, where is Evan? She never misses all of supper, especially with the announcement of the champions happening tonight," Cameron asked, continuing to look around, as if Evan would just pop around a corner if he looked hard enough.

Rebecca, Andrew and Clark looked at Cedric with question in their eyes. "I- uh- uh I haven't seen her, I asked Katherine about her about an hour ago and she said she just left but seemed off... Maybe seems not feeling well or has some family issues to deal with," Cedric stuttered, terrified they'd see right through his lie. They seemed skeptical but decided against pressing the matter. Instead they returned to talking about the tournament, unconcerned with the absence of Evan and Cedric's nervous mood.

Before long, Dumbledore began the speech every student, Cedric included, had been waiting all year for. However, with the activities that had transpired just before, Cedric wasn't even paying attention, too consumed with worry and anger. In fact, it wasn't until he heard his own name called did he snap back to reality. Shocked, he allowed a quick moment of joy to shine on him and broke into a huge smile. He was the champion of Hogwarts. He stood up and proudly walked over to Dumbledore, who wore a knowing smile on his face. He was quickly pointed into the direction of one of the side doors and walked out of the Great Hall.

He ended up in Dumbledore's office, with two other people, Cedric assumed the other two champions, occupying the room as well. He recognized one of the champions as Viktor Krum. Cedric was not surprised at all, as he is one of the most distinguished quidditch players in the world at only 18. The other champion from Beauxbatons was a tall, sleek girl with silver hair to her waist. Cedric would be blind not to see she was beautiful, but it seemed like she realized that fact as well, which is something Cedric wasn't too fond of.

Hearing the opening of the door he had just come through, Cedric looked back, expecting to see Dumbledore, but instead greeted by the famous face of Harry Potter. Why would he be in here? Cedric thought, dumbfounded.
The three champions were too confused by the sudden appearance to comment on the fact that Harry Potter was standing there looking like a terrified child; the boy way too young to be a champion, not even mentioning the fact that they already had one from every school.

Before anyone had processed the situation, there was a ruckus as the doors again opened, this time followed by Dumbledore, several professors, the other two headmasters, Lugo Bagman, and Barty Crouch. Dumbledore looked at Harry. "Did you put your name in the goblet of fire?" he asked calmly. (you're welcome fandom)

"No, sir," Harry responded, looking baffled at such a strange turn of events. Cedric and the other two champions watched on as the adults argued over the predicament they found themselves in.

"Never before has diz happened-"

"He must've cheated, an older student perhaps-"

"Who would be old enough to trick the Goblet, eh?"

"This is a bad omen, I know it-"

"SILENCE!" yelled Dumbledore, taking everyone by surprise due to his usual level headed approach to things. The room immediately fell to a quiet hush, all the voices cutting out. "As I was trying to say, it is impossible for a fourth year like Potter here to have tricked the Goblet, and I doubt anyone older would've been able to either. It would've required the most advanced magic to pull off such a maneuver."

"Besides the point, it doesn't really matter how Harry was entered in as much as the fact that he is now binded to compete in the tournament," Bagman said gravely. Everyone fell silent as realization hit. No matter what they decided, Potter would have to compete. The other two headmasters mumbled incoherently and exited with the other champions. Bagman and Crouch left too, everyone in too solemn a mood to say anything else. When it was only Cedric, Harry, Dumbledore and Snape, Dumbledore called attention to the predicament in the hospital room.

"Since everyone is gone, we can drop the act. Snape, what did you learn from Christopher?" Dumbledore said, turning to Snape. Snape's face was full of apathy, his beady eyes looking bored.

"Do you really want to talk about it right now in front of them?" Snape snapped, eyes cutting towards both Cedric and Harry.

Dumbledore looked less than amused and seemed to be contemplating how to handle everything, choosing to drop the subject of Christopher for now. "I don't want to make any rash decisions until we talk to Evan," he sighed, defeated with today.

"Wait what is going on, who is Christopher, what happened to Evan? Who is getting expelled?" Harry looked around, not understanding what was going on. Cedric was too nervous to say anything regarding Evan, and opted instead to continue listening quietly. He hadn't had time to truly process everything and was going out of his mind trying not to picture Evan unconscious and broken in the hospital wing. He was so in his thoughts he was once again startled back to reality when he heard the loud opening and slamming of a door. He whipped his head up and saw a slightly out of breath Professor Sprout.

"She's awake!"

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