fanboy |

By musicbeatloves

545K 31.2K 7.5K

Arthit would never admit in public that he's a fanboy for the model turned actor, Kongpob. He did not expe... More

01 celebrity.
02 connect.
03 chance.
04 thanks.
05.1 image.
05.2 plunge.
06 fansite
07 line.
let's talk.
08 hit & miss.
09 friends & site
10 fan
11 dodged
12 questioning.
13 out to play.
14 domestic
15.1 attack
15.2 Patch up
16 friendship rules and kisses
17 boy
18 late night visitor
19 charm
let's talk
20 little demon
21 pinkmilk
22 sleepless
words from the author
24 Hunting
25.1 good night kiss
25.2 model it.
25.3 snapshot
26.1 Hot Mess
26.2 Baby Don't Stop
26.3 After the Heat
27.1 Shennanigans
27.2 Missing You
28.1.1 The List
28.1.2 Sensation
28.2 Fanboy
Fanmeet content suggestions
29.1 Fanmeet
29.2 Fanmeet
29.3 Fanmeet
SP - Hormones (teaser)
SP - Hormones
29.4 Fanmeet
30 Date Night
30.5 Arcade
31 Beach
32 Together.
33 Explosion
34.1 Radio
34.2 Shame
35 disappointment.
36 - The Choice.
38 year 1.
39 year 2
39 my warmth

23 epiphany

15.6K 812 476
By musicbeatloves

So here Arthit was, dressed to the nines in a new suit bought by Kongpob. Arthit was practically defenceless whenever Kongpob does this thing with his eyes. He couldn't bear to say no. Kongpob's tactics even got him saying yes to wearing makeup. Makeup! Kongpob was going all out in making sure that he looked good. The effort and attention he was putting on him almost made him changed his mind. Just almost.

Arthit wasn't really sure why he said yes. Nope. That was actually a lie. Other than liking his time with his new friend, his curiosity got the best of him. He couldn't stop himself in wanting to see a part of Kongpob's life.

It was a good thing that the party was on a weekend or else, Knot would be nagging him to no end. He made a promise to his best friend and he understood that his studies comes first before anything else.

"Are you really sure it's fine that I come with you to this party? Won't I stand out?" Arthit pulled at his collar, feeling uncomfortable at the way it fitted him. It felt like he couldn't breathe well. It was suffocating but he had to endure. Kongpob said he looked good in it. He couldn't say another word after that compliment.

"You'll be fine." Kongpob patted his hand comfortingly, totally at ease and smiling as they were on the way to the venue.

His inner fanboy kicked in at that moment, almost making his lips twitch. His eyes zeroed on his hand that was still covered with the younger male's warmth.

I am never going to wash my hand. Nope. Eew Arthit! Hygiene first. Fanboy second.

"You better be prepared Kongpob. I'll probably make a fool out of myself tonight. I warned you."

Kongpob smiled and raised a brow, his hand was still on top of Arthit's. "Consider myself warned. Relax P'. It's just a party. Don't think too much about it."

"Easy for you to say. You're used to the glitz and glamour. I'm just a regular university student Kong. This is your job. I'm just afraid that I'll embarrass myself and you as well." The older male muttered, turning his head away to hide his shyness and looked outside the window as the car continued on its way to the party.

The male celebrity couldn't tear his eyes away from the older male.

Why is it that every time Arthit opens his mouth, it makes Kongpob fall in love even more?Kongpob had no answer for that.

Through this little exchange, Kongpob and Arthit had forgotten that they were not alone. It was like they were in their own little bubble, making anyone who witnessed their conversation feel embarrassed.

Kongpob's manager who was sitting in front shook his head. His artist was truly a hopeless case. It was obvious that he was truly in love. He can't do anything about it except support him and pray-no it was actually a sure thing that even this Arthit guy was in love as well. The older male just didn't know it.

Although the pilot episode will air at 9 in the evening, Kongpob and Arthit arrived at the venue at 7. Arthit thought that they were early but in fact, he and Kongpob were the last ones to arrive. Some of the guests even arrived as early as 5pm.

The party was at the top of the building. From the ground, you can already hear the music. Kongpob got off the car first and then Arthit.

Arthit was sweating like crazy through his palms and the urge to vomit was present. You will never notice as his usual stoic expression was back.

Kongpob smiled at him and patted him on the back. "Deep breaths P'. You need to breathe or else you'll faint."

The older male had not noticed that he stopped breathing. He was extremely nervous.

"Maybe I should just go home. I might not come back alive."

Even Jane laughed at the male's statement.

"Stop thinking too much Nong. They're all just regular people. No need to be so nervous. Trust me. They don't bite." Jane assured Arthit. Even he was dressed in a suit and was rocking it.

The elevator dinged and all its passengers got off. The first thing they saw was a photo booth where all attendees have to get their photo taken as publicity.

Arthit quietly followed Kongpob who was leading the way and Jane followed from behind.

There were a couple of photographers stationed at the booth. It didn't take long before they were next in line.

Kongpob was relaxed, smiling at the camera, showing why he was a big name in the industry despite his age. Arthit wanted to stay out of the camera's view but the male celebrity dragged him to pose together. He was terrified but it didn't show on his face. Years of practice honed him in having a cool expression.

Although Arthit was not confident in front of a camera, he had the natural skill. He was luckily photogenic and complimented Kongpob's easy-going vibe.

"Smile for us. Yes. Perfect." The camera flashes seemed endless, almost blinding the both of them.

They both posed for the camera until Kongpob's manager put a stop to it with a polite wave at the photographers. The photographers were almost reluctant to put down their cameras. Kongpob and the unknown male beside him were such a good specimen to take photos of.

"Kongpob, who did you bring? Is he a new model?" One photographer asked as the two were about to leave.

Kongpob paused and looked at the man who asked with a polite smile. "No. He's a friend I invited. Play nice guys. He's not used to being in front of a camera. He would rather be behind it."

"I think he has the ability to be a model. You guys look good together." The photographer replied before putting his attention to the next celebrity who just arrived.

Arthit felt like his knees were going to give up after the session with the photographers. He was panicking inside despite the cool composure he projected. Only Kongpob knew how nervous Arthit was. He saw how the older male's hand trembled when he attempted to casually put his hands in his pockets.

"Deep breaths P'. It's over." Kongpob tried his best to comfort Arthit. He was already feeling bad for inviting Arthit when it was obvious that he wasn't comfortable.

"Do you want to go home? I could have P'Jane escort you."

Kongpob felt a pinch on his side. Arthit shook his head and forced a smile. "Stop it. Doofus. I'm fine. It's a bit overwhelming but I'm sure it won't be always like that, right?"

"Just tell me if it becomes too much P'."

Arthit nodded once. "Stop worrying and do what you have to do."

"Nong Kong! It's been so long. Are you hiding from us?" JCM and Bee, two popular radio hosts that are rivals, greeted Kongpob. They both shared a hug with the popular male as their usual greeting.

Arthit stepped slightly behind Kongpob unconsciously. He had always been wary with new people. It takes awhile for him to warm up to strangers.

"Looking good as usual dear. But Kongpob dearest who's this cute little thing? How dare you hide him from us? Didn't you promise to share?" Bee noticed Arthit's little move and gave him a little playful wave.

Kongpob felt a tight grip on his arm. He looked at the hand and saw it was Arthit's. He patted his friend's hand in comfort.

"Guys this is Arthit. He's a friend."

Arthit greeted them but never said another word. He appeared cool and aloof.

Despite his stoic nature, the two radio hosts looked suspiciously at them. They didn' t miss the small exchange between the two males.

"Ooh... just a friend?" JCM raised a brow and looked his fill at Arthit's physique from head to toe. "I'm sensing a little bit something in air between you guys. Are you sure about that? Bee you do sense it too, don't you?"

"I do. I'm not blind." Bee smirked, enjoying a treat of cute boys in their midst. "But JCM let's not ruin their night. We're being too nosy. I think our dear Kong wants us to leave his date alone."

Kongpob laughed at their playfulness at silently pleased that they called Arthit his date.

"Spare my friend guys. And I thought you guys were not on speaking terms? Should I assume that you guys are friends again?"

Bee and JCM chuckled and rolled their eyes.

JCM shrugged his shoulders and flipped his short hair. "You know how we are. One moment we're friends and the next we're enemies. We're soulmates."

"You'll never know Nong Kong, we might be fighting again in a minute or so. But in the meantime, we're best friends again." Bee grinned, even kissing JCM's cheek. JCM cringed at Bee, pushing his friend away.

"Enjoy your night." Kongpob moved along with Arthit and his manager. He talked to a few more people in the party before the pilot episode aired. Throughout, Arthit kept his conversations with other people to a minimum, limiting it to a polite greeting and a yes or no most of the time.

Kongpob noticed a difference in Arthit when they're with other people. The older male seemed rougher and colder. It reminded him of the first time he met him. Arthit was so different when it's just the two of them. He was... softer like a burnt marshmallow. Dark on the outside but sweet and gooey on the inside. This brought a big swell in Kongpob's heart. Was it okay for him to assume that he's special in Arthit's life?

"What are you smiling about?" Arthit asked, sipping a non-alcoholic drink. He preferred to remain sober.

"I prefer your cute side P'. Though, this one can also be cute."

"Shut that mouth of yours Kongpob Suttiluck. I was never cute." Arthit whispered with a cold expression. There were people around so he's natural response and stone-faced expression was back.

Kongpob felt tickled by his words. In his eyes, no matter what the older male does now seemed to look cute. He was completely smitten.

"Kong!" One of the female casts, who Arthit recognized as the Praepalin interrupted their small moment.

Kongpob brightened upon seeing his female costar. They have gotten close through the series.

"Prae! Hi! Anything new?" Kongpob was being his usual charming self, smiling at his friend.

"Just the usual. I'm getting offers already for a new series and a couple of magazine spreads. I am sure you have more offers. Are you taking care of yourself well? I also heard about the incident. Is everything alright now? " Praepalin touched Kongpob's bicep while expressing her concern.

That hand made the corner of Arthit's eye ticked and the smile on Kongpob's face as he talked to his costar just made him feeling worse. He was annoyed. To whom? It was both.

Arthit didn't like Kongpob smiling so charmingly at other people. He kind of like the younger male to reserve his smile for him. It was uncharacteristic of him to feel such a thing.

Before he could ponder about his feelings, it was already time for the pilot show to air. Praepalin and Kongpob cut their conversation short and went on their respective seats. Arthit would have sat somewhere at the back but Kongpob dragged him beside him. Kongpob's manager couldn't protest as it would call people's attention.

"I could have sat on the back."

"I invited you to be here. I'm not going to abandon you. Now, let's watch and promise not to lie about what you think about it." It took a lot of effort for Arthit not to smile. Kongpob always has a way of making him happy with only a couple of words.

There were a couple of times where Arthit thought he would have lost it. He was fanboying so hard deep inside every time he saw Kongpob onscreen. It was so cool to watch the first episode among the actors that played a part in the series.

It ended too soon for Arthit's liking. The story was about to introduce the interesting part. He frowned and then looked at Kongpob. "You have to tell me what happens next Kong. I'll strangle you if you don't."

Laughter bubbled up in Kongpob's lips, holding his stomach until it hurt. "Sorry P'. I signed a confidentiality agreement. You have to wait until next week."

"Ugh. It's gonna eat me up." Arthit huffed.

"I didn't think you like watching drama series. Wow this is a surprise."

Arthit narrowed his eyes. "Shut it before I punch you."

"So violent, but I'm still not afraid. I know you won't hurt me." Kongpob smiled, enjoying teasing the older male.

"Tease me again and then we'll test that again." Arthit smirked.

"Oi! Kong they're calling us." Praepalin once again interrupted their conversation.

Arthit quickly went quiet when she came. The smile he had quickly disappeared.

"I'll be just a minute." Kongpob apologized, leaving with the actress. Although it was a party, he still have to mingle as part of his job.

For the first time ever, Arthit felt like wanting to hurt someone so badly. His eyes were on Praepalin. She was all too close to his friend for his liking. She's female and nice, but she was driving Arthit to violence.

He knew it was irrational to feel this way. Arthit knew that Kongpob and Praepalin became close because of their work but it was making him feel annoyed. No. Actually that was not the word he would use for this feeling. It was a little bit different from annoyed. Annoyed is when your friends with Toota and Bright belting out songs by Madonna or doing something stupid. This feeling was not like that.

Could this be jealousy?




Yeah it is.




It sounded like a bird made a noise inside his head.


Why would he be jealous? It's not like he likes Kongpob like that, right?



But the more Arthit thought about it, the more he was convinced he liked Kongpob in that way. It was the only possible explanation why he would rather wake up and lose sleep at two in the morning and accompany the younger male. Kongpob was also the only person he would tolerate talking to all day in line.

This was different from the usual fanboying. Back when he was just a fan, he was content with his secret status. Knowing Kongpob changed him. He had become greedy, wanting the younger male all to himself.

He wanted Kongpob to be his.

It felt like the sky fell down on him when his line of thought went in this direction. His jaw dropped at how much he wanted the younger male.

Arthit wasn't ready for it. Or rather, he wanted to be in denial of the truth.

He suddenly craved a strong drink. A strong drink might not be enough to chase these thoughts away.

Kongpob lost track of time. Before he knew it, it was almost midnight. The male actor frantically looked for the older male and was surprised to find him in one of the private booths with JCM and Bee.

"P' Arthit?" The male actor carefully called out the older male's name.

Arthit didn't reply. He was acting all sluggish and too quiet.

"What happened to him?" Kongpob directed the question to the two males with Arthit.

"He was already like that when we came. We stayed to make sure no one tries to score with your babe." Bee supplied with a shrug.

It was only then did Kongpob notice the empty glasses cluttered on the table. There were a lot. Enough for anyone to get drunk.

Kongpob stood beside the drunken Arthit and tapped his shoulder to call his attention. "Come on P'. Let's get you to bed. I hope you learn your lesson when you wake up."

Arthit slowly looked up and squinted his eyes. A full five seconds passed before he recognized Kongpob. "Oh Kongpob! You're here." He smiled drunkenly.

"Yes P' Arthit. Come on. Time to go home." Kongpob wrapped an arm around Arthit to support his weight.

Arthit leaned heavily on the younger male and pouted, a clear sign that he wasn't himself. "You left me alone Kong. That was mean."

Kongpob almost stumbled. Arthit was completely oblivious at how he could affect the younger male with that pout. It was like a punch heading straight to his heart. The younger male felt his face getting hot especially when their faces where only inches apart.

"Sorry P'Arthit. I promise not to leave you alone again." The younger male said it in a way that it sounded like it was a vow.

The drunk Arthit was clueless at the consequences of those words and smiled brightly while wrapping one arm around the actor. "Good."

Kongpob had stopped paying attention to his surroundings and left with Arthit without saying goodbye to the two hosts.

JCM and Bee did not take offense and enjoyed the view.

"Just friends, huh?" JCM broke the silence and smirked.

"Ahh... it's so nice to be in love." Bee sighed dreamily. "Let's keep this a secret. I want a happy ending for them."

"Nope. I'll make this a blind item. I can already imagine the insane comments about this."

Bee smacked his friend's head. "Stop thinking about your ratings and be supportive."

"I am supportive."

"Doubt that."

Too drunk to leave alone, Kongpob decided to let Arthit spend the night in his apartment. Kongpob was expecting his manager to make a fuss over his decision but the older male surprised him. Jane helped him put Arthit on his bed and then left.

Arthit looked sound asleep so Kongpob changed his clothes and got a wet towel to wipe the older male with. When he came back, Arthit was sitting up with no top and was on the process of taking everything off.

The younger male's brain short-circuited, frozen in place until all of Arthit's clothes were gone.

The pale white skin and flawless complexion had Kongpob swallowing hard. He was male but it didn't stop Kongpob from admiring Arthit. He was almost drooling. This was the guy he liked. Ir was like Arthit was being served in a silver platter for him to devour.

Kongpob shook his head, trying to stop his thoughts from going in that direction.

"I'm gonna get you clothes P' Arthit." Kongpob forced himself to turn his back and deprived himself of a heavenly view.

Arthit is just drunk, Kongpob reminded himself over and over again not wanting to take advantage.

"I don't want clothes!" Arthit threw a childish tantrum. "It's too hot for clothes."

"oh-kay. I'll get you something to cool you off." Kongpob had forgotten about the towel he was holding due to the visual stimulation and was about to walk away.

"No! I want- " Kongpob heard a rustle and before he knew it, he lying on the bed.

A naked and drunken Arthit was sitting on top of him. Kongpob's eyes were as big as saucers. Arthit didn't care and pressed their lips together, not giving the younger male the chance to protest.

As much as Kongpob wanted to say no, he was only human. It didn't take much before the younger male enjoyed the sensation. The warm and soft sensation of Arthit's lips made him forgo of control. He opened his mouth and let Arthit take his fill.

Kongpob became frenzied lust. He had been trying to control himself ever since he realized his feelings for Arthit. Kongpob's hands kneaded and wandered at Arthit's naked flesh and he was rewarded with little moans from the older male.

It was hot but it was the good kind of heat. Kongpob could feel himself excited and hard down there. He broke the kiss for a moment and was about to take his shirt off when Arthit suddenly collapsed on top of him. The male's head fell on his left.

"P'Arthit? "Kongpob shook Arthit's body a couple of times. When the male didn't respond, he panicked, losing the feeling of lust and was replaced with fear. Only when he heard Arthit's breathing did he realize with a relief and tears that the older male was only sleeping. Things were starting to heat up and Arthit just had to fall asleep.

Laughter bubbled in Kongpob's chest. He laughed on Arthit's shoulder. His hands rested on the older male's hip. He only squeezed once in frustration before letting go. A drunk Arthit was a horny cute drunk. It was a lethal weapon that needs to be hidden from the world.

Kongpob sighed helplessly and chuckled. Arthit was going to be the death of him.

Arthit knew he screwed up big time the moment he woke up. His head was pounding like it had been hit by Thor's hammer. He wasn't even surprised when he recognized that he was in Kongpob's room.

He sighed and groaned, clutching his head in pain. There was no one else to blame except himself. Who told him to drink so much? No one.

"What the hell did you do Arthit?' He asked himself aloud. He had forgotten about his friends' warning about not getting drunk. Prem reminded him time and time again not to drink too much. He had asked why but all of his friends kept their mouths shut. Even the gossip queen, Toota and the party anima, Bright, kept their mouths shut.

Arthit was already regretting even though he didn't know what happened. Not remembering anything only meant that it was bad in his dictionary.

Kongpob had woke up as soon as he heard the older male's voice.

"How much do you remember last night P'Oon?"

Arthit was caught offguard by Kongpob's morning voice. The sweet endearment made Arthit's soul fly out of his body and travel the world 10 times.

"Nothing." His face reddened as he admitted.

Kongpob suddenly smirked. There was a twinkle in his eyes that warned Arthit of mischief.

The younger male narrowed the distance between then and trapped Arthit between his arms. "Well, do you remember this?"

Without warning, Kongpob put his lips over Arthit's.

The abrupt contact rewired Arthit's hungover brain and brought all the memories from last night. It replayed so fast that he was frozen in shock, letting the younger male slip a tongue in his mouth and take advantage.

Only when Arthit felt like he couldn't breathe anymore did Kongpob break the kiss.

"Now, do you remember that P' Arthit?"

Arthit wanted to lie and deny everything. But he remembered EVERYTHING!


What do you think guys?

Was this worth the wait?

We got not one but two kisses!

A naked and drunk Arthit and what else? a cameo from two of my loyal readers...

and jealous Arthit hehe.

Thank you for you patience *kisses

Please forgive my grammar and other errors. 


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