You've Changed (merome)

Von PhangirlsUnite

72.1K 2.1K 682

A story about Mitch and Jerome, and their many experiences with society, family, and love. Mehr

You've Changed (merome)
The Call
Perfect (almost)
A Surprise Visit
Just Fluff
A Visit From Some Friends
The Benja and Bacca
The Class (part 1)
The Class (part 2)
Ideas (not a chapter)
Freaking Out
Your input! (not a chapter)
The Hospital
Memory #1
Background History
Author's Note
The Proposal
Story Time
Love In All Languages
The Plan
The End?

The Trip

1.3K 48 8
Von PhangirlsUnite

Jerome's POV:

I was sitting in my room just thinking about how I could make this proposal as amazing as the first time, but I couldn't. I couldn't possibly recreate a huge memory from the past. Oh god I just wish he could remember.

Just then, I got a call from Adam. "Jerome?! Buddy?! Somethings happened to Ty! Please keep Betty there so Skylar can come to the hospital alone! Please! You can come visit him later, but Skylar needs to see him! Please, buddy, please!" "Yeah, sure. Are you gonna be okay? You sound really panicked." "Of course I'm panicked! My husband's in a coma! I'm sorry, just please, watch Betty." "I will thanks for calling." Mitch walked in right as I hung up. "Who was that?" "Adam, one of our closest friends." "Oh? What'd he need?" "Something about his husband, Ty. You can stay in here if you want, but I'm gonna be calling my mom." "What's so bad about your mom?" "I'm Italian, so you won't be able to understand me." "I don't mind, I find Italians, intriguing." "Okay then, you'll stay."

I called my mom, because I was going to work on proposing, and needed someone else to take care of Betty. "Hey mamma! Come stai?"(Hey mom! How are you?)"Molto buona, come su di te?"(Very good, how about you?) "Buona, buona. Così, ho bisogno di un favore."(Good, good. So, I need a favor.) "Che cos'è?"(What is it?)"Qualcosa è successo a Ty e ho bisogno di guardare Betty per un po '"(Something's happened with Ty and I need you to watch Betty for a while.) "Bene. Come è stato Mitch?"(Okay. How's Mitch been?) "Sta iniziando a ricordare, sto pensando di proporre a lui di nuovo questo fine settimana."(He's starting to remember, I'm thinking of proposing to him again this weekend.) "Davvero?!? E 'fantastico' Beh, devo andare, ti amo! Bye!"(Really?!? That's great! Well, I have to go, love you! Bye!) I hung up and turned around so I could see Mitch's reaction. His face was priceless. A look of shock and concern was in his expression. "How can you do that?! And what did she say about me?!" I guess he heard his name in all the chaos. I could have a little fun with this. "Oh, nothing you need to worry about." I smirked and turned around so that my back was facing him. "Jerome! Not funny. What did she say?!" He was tugging at the hem of my shirt. "Nothing you need to know." He let go of my shirt and I saw his sad expression. Aww, baby, don't be sad. I'm just messing with you. She asked how you were." His face lit up. "Really?! Your mom likes me?!" "Of course she likes you, you're my husband, dork." I kissed his nose and lasted on the bed, and I have to say, I was starting to miss the feeling of Mitch next to me, cuddling into my chest. But now, it felt extremely good to know that nothing could tear us apart.


Hey guys! So in my 10 facts I said that I spoke in Italian and Spanish fluently so I figured, what the hell? And since Jerome actually is Italian, I figured why not? Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Bye! <3


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