The Secret Prince (Amourshipp...

Azazel0886 tarafından

955K 16.6K 22.9K

After his loss in Unova Ash returns home to regroup and plan which region he will go to next. However while p... Daha Fazla

A few words from the author
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
authors request
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Putting it to a vote
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71

Chapter 39

9.8K 190 79
Azazel0886 tarafından

Authors notes:
Welcome to the next installment of The Secret Prince, chapter 39. First before you get started, I would like to announce that this story has reached 20k views. I am completely astounded and I would like to thank those who are responsible for this, the readers. Thank you all so much for reading the story and obviously enjoying it. I never thought that I would actually be able to write something to get so many views. Now to business, if you enjoy the chapter please vote, feel free to leave comments, and share with your friends. I now present to you chapter 39. Enjoy.

"Well here we are, Terminus cave," said Clemont as they were looking over a cliff. In front of them was what looked like an old abandoned mining operation, with rusted equipment, and collapsed rail car bridges. "Look Squishy, here we are," said Bonnie as she raised her bag and held it out in front of her so Squishy could see. It's been two days since they left Couriway City, and are now visiting Terminus cave, per Squishy's request.

Pokemon speech translated

The gang was sitting at a table at the Couriway City Pokemon center planning their route. "So Serena, have they announced where your next performance will be," Clemont asked. "No, not yet," Serena replied with a disappointed tone. "I wish they would announce them sooner, that way we can plan them into our route," Korrina complained. "Well whenever they announce it, we'll just make a detour so we can go. Until then let's just keep heading to Snowbell city," commented Ash. "Are you sure? I don't want to risk you missing the Kalos league," Serena said concerned. Ash smiled and kissed his fiance, "thank you for your concern, but Snowbell City isn't going anywhere. Worst case I have plenty of flying types large enough to ride on, we could ride them to get us everywhere we need to be in time." "Ok then, in that case we should take this route to get to Snowbell city. It should take us...," Clemont was saying before Squishy jumped onto the map. "Excuse me, but I have a request for a stop," Squishy said looking at Ash. "Well where do you want to go," asked Bonnie. Squishy looked back at Bonnie, "you humans call it Terminus cave." "Terminus cave," asked Ash confused. Serena then pulled out her tablet and searched it. "Is this it," Serena asked as she put her tablet on the table for everyone to see. "Yes. This has been my brothers and my home for many years." "Are you looking for your brother, because if so from what you tell me I doubt he'll be there," stated Ash. "I don't expect him to be either. I have not yet fully recovered from my encounters with Team Flare. Deep inside the cave is a spring. When my brother and I would sleep we would put some of our aura into the spring in case we needed it. I can use the aura now to heal me," Squishy explained. Ash explained everything to the others, and they all agreed. "I guess were heading to Terminus cave."

Back to present

"Wow, look at all these pokemon," Bonnie squealed as they entered the cave. "It's say that after the mine was abandoned that many Pokemon that can't be found anywhere else in the region made this their home," said Serena as she read from her tablet. "Does it say why it was abandoned," Korrina asked. Serena read a little more trying to find an answer. "All it says is that they had trouble with a Pokemon here shortly after they opened the mine," Serena replied. Ash looked back at Squishy suspiciously. "What? We were here first," Squishy replied after noticing Ash's look. "Whoa," Serena said as she tripped on a rock. Ash immediately sprang into action, grabbing one of her arms, keeping her from hitting the ground. He then pulled Serena back up quickly, causing her to lose balance and end up in Ash's arms. "Thanks," Serena replied with a little blush on her cheeks from how close they were. "Anytime," Ash replied as he brushed a strand of hair from Serena's face and kissed her. "Hey Korrina, is a guy supposed to grab your butt when you kiss? Because Ash is doing it to Serena now, and Clemont always seems to grab yours when you kiss," Bonnie asked innocently. Ash and Serena broke the kiss due to the embarrassing question they heard. All of them were feeling uncomfortable by the question and didn't want to explain things like that to Bonnie, who was looking at them waiting for an answer. Luckily Ash was able to come up with a quick plan. "Hey Bonnie, how about I teach you a new aura technique," Ash asked, hoping Bonnie would forget about her question. "Sure, what is it," Bonnie asked excitedly. The others breathed a sigh of relief that Bonnie took the bait, but it wasn't too surprising. Bonnie had been having fun learning new ways to use her Aura, it didn't hurt that Ash was teaching her things that she could use to help others and have fun with. "Well, since it's so dark, how about I teach you how to use your Aura to see in the dark," suggested Ash. "Yeah," Bonnie squealed. Ash explained to Bonnie what to do, Bonnie's eyes glowed blue and in a few seconds, "Oh wow, I can see so much now," Bonnie said as she looked around at everything. "Well that's good for you two, but how about this for the rest of us. Braxin come on out and light up the area with your flame," Serena said as she released Braxin, who lit her torch to illuminate the area ahead. "I can help with that too," said Clemont as he pressed a button on his backpack and an arm came out with a bright light on it, further illuminating the area.

The gang made their way through the cave, further than most trainers would go. Squishy lead them down tunnels where the ceiling was so low they were forced to crawl on the ground, some so narrow the had to walk single file, and even climb down ledges. Soon enough they arrived at a narrow hole in the ground, Squishy bounced to the edge and looked back at the others. "Thank you for taking me this far, the rest of the way I will go alone," Squishy said as he then jumped down into the hole. "Squishy wait," Bonnie cried as she and the others ran to the opening. "I can't see him, we need to go after him," Bonnie said as she looked down the hole. "Bonnie its too narrow for us to climb down, and besides he said this was his home. I'm sure he'll be ok," Clemont said trying to comfort her. "I know, but I've got this feeling something bad is going to happen," Bonnie said sounding nervous. Ash was looking around the area and saw a good spot to take a seat and wait. As he was walking over he suddenly heard a crinkling noise from under his shoe, he moved his foot and saw a protein bar wrapper. "Guys, I think Bonnie's concern is warranted," Ash said as he picked up the wrapper and showed it to the others. "It might be nothing, but I doubt many trainers come this far in," stated Ash. "Do you think team flare was here," asked Serena. "I'm not sure, but I'd feel better if we were keeping an eye on Squishy now," said Ash. Everyone nodded in agreement. "Noibat, I choose you," said Ash as he released his adopted Pokemon child. "I need you to use super sonic to help find us a tunnel so we can find Squishy." Noibat nodded and began to use super sonic, as Clemont released Luxray to help look, and Ash and Bonnie joined in to help using their aura. Soon they found a tunnel and ran in. Outside the cave, hidden from view, inside a team flare truck, "ma'ams Z1 is in Terminus Cave." "I guess you were right to keep an eye on Terminus Cave Bryony," a purple haired woman said reluctantly. Bryony smirked smugly, "thank you Celosia. Everyone let's go, Z1 is ours."

Deeper in the cave Squishy jumped into the spring, causing it to glow as his body was healed and his strength restored. Now with his strength restored he could finally do what before he couldn't, contact his brother. "Hello, brother, are you well," Squishy asked through telepathy. "I am fine. I'm happy to see you were able to escape team flare," Z2 replied back. "It wasn't easy, but while I was their prisoner I learned that they can track us through our telepathy. You must leave now before they catch you," Squishy urged. "I will, but what of you? I can tell you are at the spring, they will find you," replied Z2. "I will be fine, I am traveling with the chosen one," Squishy explained. "What?! Are you serious," Z2 replied sounding shocked. "Yes." "Squishy." Squishy turned and saw Bonnie and the others running in. "I must go now, run," with that Squishy ended communication with Z2.

Squishy looked back at the gang, confused why they came all the way down there. "Squishy, we saw proof that made us believe team flare has been here. We came to make sure your ok, and that you stay that way," said Ash. Squishy became nervous by this new information and connected with several cells throughout the cave. His eye widened and he looked to the gang, "they are here," he told them, although only Bonnie and Ash understood, he then used his camouflage and disappeared. "Squishy," Bonnie says as she starts to walk into the water. Just then a series of pin missles hit around the gang, one almost hitting Bonnie, however she was able to put up an Aura barrier at the last second. This went unnoticed by everyone, as it dissipated before the smoke cleared, except for Ash who felt her use the aura. Once the smoke cleared and the gang saw Bonnie was ok everyone breathed a sigh of relief, except for Ash, who wondered how she didn't even look tired, considering she wasn't strong enough to do that without showing a degree of fatigue. Everyone looked in the direction of the attack and saw two team flare officers, along with eight grunts. "Nobody move," Celosia yelled. Pikachu jumped in front of everyone with his cheeks sparking ready to fight back. "I don't think so, Drapion sludge bombs," Celosia yelled. Drapion fires a series of sludge bombs in a line in front of the gang. "That was your only warning. Try anything to get in our way and you're all targets," Celosia threatened. The gang was taken back slightly by the threat, while the Pokemon clenched their teeth, ready to make team flare pay for that threat, but held back, knowing that they were out numbered, there was a chance they could follow through with that threat.

The two officers stepped at the edge of the water, each carrying what looked like a laser gun from a sci-fi movie. They touched their futuristic looking eyewear and started looking around. They kept looking until, "found it," Bryony yelled as she fires the laser at a stalactite. Seconds later something splashed into the water and the team flare officers continued shooting beams of energy into the water. No body could see what they were shooting at, not even Bonnie or Ash, but they could sense a familiar aura in the water. The source of the aura was confirmed when they all saw Squishy fly out of the water after being hit, and landing out of the water. "Go get it," Bryony ordered one of the grunts. Meanwhile Bonnie was frozen with fear for Squishy from what she just witnessed. Then when she saw the grunt walking towards Squishy with some kind of box she had enough. "GET AWAY FROM SQUISHY," Bonnie yelled as she fired a large Aura sphere while still in the water. The sphere went flying towards the grunt at incredible speed and hit the box he was carrying, destroying it and sending the grunt back several feet, stunned from the blast.

"What in the hell was that," Celosia yelled out to no one inparticular. "It came from that little girl, shoot her," Bryony yelled as she aimed her laser gun at Bonnie and fired. Bonnie managed to dodge the first beam by jumping down into the water. Her eyes widened as she saw a second beam coming right at her and she knew she couldn't move in time. At the last second Bonnie saw an Aura barrier form in front of her, she looked up and saw Ash standing over her. "Bonnie get out of here now," Ash demanded. "But Ash, I can absorb the aura in the water here and use aura spheres. We can fight them together," Bonnie pleaded. Ash only needed one hand to keep the barrier up as they continued to fire at it, so he grabbed a pokeball from is belt and threw it so the Pokemon would emerge on land. "Infernape, I choose you," Ash said releasing one of his strongest. He then released a pulse of Aura knocking the team flare members back off their feet, picked up Bonnie and threw her towards land, "Infernape, catch. Greninja, I chose you. Go save Squishy," Ash yelled. Infernape caught Bonnie and lowered her to the ground by Clemont, while Greninja managed to get Squishy and return to the group while dodging several attacks from the team flare Pokemon. The Team Flare grunts attacked the rest of the gang, but the attacks were blocked by their Pokemon.

Upon returning Greninja handed Squishy to Bonnie, then joined the other Pokemon in front of their trainers, ready to battle. The Team Flare members and their Pokemon stood in front of the gang, the two officers with their laser guns pointed at Ash. "Lets be reasonable here, surrender Z and you can all leave peacefully," said Bryony calmly. "Not going to happen, but I am willing to let you leave unharmed. All you have to do is drop your guns, return your Pokemon, and leave now," Ash replied with a smirk, as his Pokemon smirked as well, as their muscles tensed preparing for battle. "You fools. That Squishy, as you like to call it, is more than what it appears," Celosia responded back with an annoyed tone. The rest of the gang looked at each other realizing how little they knew about Squishy, Ash just laughed. "What's so funny," Bryony questioned angrily. "All of you. You think we don't realize that? But here's the thing, we know enough to not let you have him," Ash said confidently as the Ash's confidence rubbed off on the rest of the gang as they glared back at team flare, showing they won't back down.

The rest of the gang and their Pokemon weren't the only ones who gained confidence from Ash, Squishy did as well. Squishy looked at everyone ready to fight to protect him. They hardly knew anything about him and they risking their lives to keep him safe. Squishy then glared at team flare, now it was his turn to protect his friends. Squishy began to glow green and jumped out of Bonnie's arms and in front of everyone. Squishy let out a pulse of energy and all around them in the cave cells started to appear. The gang looked on in amazement and wonder, while team flare looked on in fear, knowing what was coming. The cells began flying to and merging with Squishy as a greem dome formed around him. Soon the dome started to take form, as legs started to emerge, and soon the transformation was complete, leaving Squishy in his form that resembled a dog. Squishy let out a howl as he used lands wrath, fracturing the ground and sending several team flare grunts and Pokemon flying. Squishy was also able to use lands wrath to create a barrier between him and the gang, protecting then from harm. When the attack ended it was silent, from what the gang could see from between the rocks there were Team Flare grunts and Pokemon either knocked out, or dead on the rocks. "Squishy," Bonnie cried out as she tried to get to him. Squishy looked back towards Bonnie and the others. "Stay safe," was all Squishy said before he ran off heading out of the cave.

As Squishy ran he was seen by the injured, yet conscious, team flare officers and two grunts. "Liepard," "Manectric," "after it," Bryony and Celosia said as they released their Pokemon to go after Squishy. "Houndoom, go," two of the grunts yelled as the released their Pokemon to chase Squishy. However, they were quickly stopped by Infernape and Greninja jumping in front of them blocking the path, with Ash and the others arriving and standing behind them. "Get out of our way," Bryony yell when they caught up with their Pokemon and aimed her laser at Ash. "Not going to happen," Ash replied back. "Allow me," Celosia said the Bryony. "Listen stud muffin," this caused everyone to sweat drop. "Why don't we work together. We are going to catch Z, so why don't you join us. This way you can see how important he is to us and that he will be taken care of properly. And so none of you get hurt, although a few battle scars would probably enhance your hotness," Celosia said with her gun pointing towards the ground. Even though Ash wanted to buy Squishy as much time as possible to get away, Celosia's flirting was getting on his nerves. "Hmmm, how about this instead," Ash's eyes glowed blue as he formed two aura spheres and threw them at their guns, destroying them. "How's that for a counter offer," Ash said with a smirk. "That's it, Liepard, shadow claw on Greninja," Bryony yelled. "Houndoom, dark pulse on Infernape," the two grunts yelled.

Infernape used flame charge to push right through the two dark pulse, then attacked one Houndoom with mach punch to knock it back. Then used close combat followed by thunder punch, knocking out the other. The first Houndoom came back with crunch, but Infernape was able to dodge it and use low sweep, causing Houndoom to fall to the ground before sliding on the ground to a stop. Infernape then jumped into the air and used focus punch as he landed on top of Houndoom, knocking it out. Meanwhile Liepard came at Greninja with shadow claw, which Greninja countered with aerial ace. Greninja had just knocked Liepard away when he was hit with a thunderbolt from Manectric, causing him to slam into a wall. Infernape saw this and ran over to aid his Greninja, but was stopped by Ash. "Not yet," Ash told Infernape. "Greninja, can you still battle." Greninja struggled at first but was finally able to stand up tall ready to continue. "Alright, LET'S GO," Ash said yelling the last part. At that moment Greninja was engulfed in water as his form changed. Everyone looked on in amazement of what they had just witnessed. Liepard charged in again with shadow claw, Greninja lunged forward with incredible strength and speed, breaking the ground when he started. Greninja got to Liepard too quickly for it to properly react and was hit by Greninja using cut. Liepard hit the ground in front of the team flare members unconscious. Greninja was so focused on Liepard he didn't see Manectric until it was too late and was hit with a scratch attack in the arm. When this happened Ash clenched his arm feeling the pain of the attack. He then could see through Greninja's eyes, and realized he was doing this without using his Aura. Manectric was moving away from Greninja quickly, knowing that it couldn't win a close range battle against him. "Greninja now, cut," Ash yelled seeing an opening as Manectric was running away through Greninja's eyes. Greninja quickly got in front of Manectric and used cut, sending him flying back to the team flare members bearly conscious. "We need to get out of here," Bryony told Celosia. "Manectric, flash," Celosia commanded. Manectric quickly gave off a bright flash of light, blinding every one. "Grab the girl," the gang heard one of them yell. Despite being blinded by flash, Ash was still able to see auras. Ash could see one of them running towards Bonnie. Ash quickly ran in and tackled the person to the ground. The Team Flare member managed to push Ash off, Ash then threw a small Aura sphere that knocked the member back to the group. Ash then quickly got in front of the group with an Aura sphere in each hand ready to defend them. "Lets go now," one of them yelled. Ash could see the auras leaving so he disapated the aura spheres.

A little while later as the remaining team flare members were exiting Terminus Cave. "What were those trainers? Those powers aren't normal," Bryony said to nobody in particular. "I don't know, but if we keep running into them things are going to get messy," Celosia responded. "Ma'ams, are you alright," asked a team flare grunt, as she and three other grunts ran to them from two large trucks. "We're fine. You three, there is a group of trainers down there still. I want you to take one of the trucks and maintain surveillance on them, they may lead us to Z1," Bryony ordered. "Yes ma'am," three of the grunts said before they ran to one of the trucks. "We better report this in," Bryony told Celosia.

Back at team flare headquarters, Lysandre is walking into Xerosic's lab. "What's the status of the capture teams, have the found either Z yet," asked Lysandre. "No word yet, though I expect one of them to report in soon," Xerosic replied. Just then there was a beeping noise, signaling someone was trying to contact them. "Ask and you shall receive. That should be one of the team's now," said Xerosic as he walked over to a console and pressed a button, putting Bryony's and Celosia's faces on a screen. "Report, have you captured Z1," Xerosic asked. "No, it got away," Bryony replied. "But it wasn't our fault. Those trainers got in the way again," Celosia added. "You had superior numbers and were armed. They shouldn't have been an issue," said Lysandre sounding annoyed. "True, but two of the trainers aren't normal, they have powers," Bryony replied. Xerosic raised an eyebrow, "what kind of powers?" "It would be easier to show you, sending video now," said Celosia as she looked down at a keyboard and began pushing some buttons. Soon a video appeared on the monitor showing Bonnie throwing an Aura sphere and continued until Ash threw his that destroyed their laser guns. As the video played an evil smiled formed on Xerosic's face, while Lysandre's eyes narrowed. "Quite intriguing, I must get one of them to study," Xerosic said sounding very excited. "No," Lysandre said sternly. "What," Xerosic questioned. "They are too dangerous. All members of the capture teams are to be armed. If they run into these trainers again the two with the powers are to be killed if possible," Lysandre ordered. "I can't study a dead subject, they must be alive. Just think, if we could find out how their powers work we might be able to give our own personnel these powers. We'd be unstoppable," Xerosic stated, trying to convince Lysandre. "No. One of their kind almost destroyed team flare before, I won't risk giving them a second chance."

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