Happily ever after? /// Cedri...

Oleh hayleyrebecca

77.4K 1.2K 780

Evan is a muggle-born witch in her 5th year when 6th year Cedric Diggory is chosen to be a Triwizard Champio... Lebih Banyak

Another life update!


2.1K 39 23
Oleh hayleyrebecca


After dinner, Cedric saw Evan quietly slip away from the mass of people making their way towards the Hufflepuff common room. She seemed to be walking in the direction of the courtyard, despite the fact that it was no doubt below freezing outside since the sun went down.
Intrigued, Cedric decided to follow her and see what she was up to. He snuck along as she made her way in the direction of where Hagrid's hut is. Assuming that was where she was headed, he waited behind as she descended the hill. But instead of entering Hagrid's hut, she walked right past it into the Forbidden Forest. His curiosity growing by the minute, he eagerly chased after her, dying to see what mysteries lie in the forest so late at night.

After the quick descent, he was at the edge of the forest. He had never been into the forest, so he felt slightly intimidated by the darkness in front of him, feeling unprepared and unprotected. Leaving his sense behind him, though, he bravely stepped into the darkness to find Evan, who had a descent head start due to his hesitation at the hill. After several minutes of stumbling around in the near darkness, with only the light he produced at the end of his wand helping him any, he was sure he would never find Evan or the end of the forest and would freeze to death or become someone's dinner.

However, just as he was attempting to retrace his steps back to the castle, he heard an animated voice coming from somewhere. Following the voice, he was able to distinguish that it was the exact voice he came into the forest to find. It grew louder and he knew he had almost found her. Peeking around a tree, he saw her standing in the middle of the opening of a field a few yards from the tree he was hiding behind. Light from somewhere was coming in and turning everything a fantastic blue color, making it all seem like something out of a dream.

He couldn't help but stare in awe at the fact that even in the darkest place, Evan's inner light still shone. She looked as beautiful as ever, with her wonderfully messy tangles of thick hair that looked almost white in the light, trailing just past her shoulders.  Despite the fact that he could only see half her face, it was impossible to miss the twinkle in her huge blue eyes that never seemed to go away, even when she was flustered or angry. He could just barely make out the smattering of freckles along her nose and cheek. She seemed like she belonged in a fairy tale story as a princess or fairy, not a boring old witch. Cedric was sure he had never seen such a lovely thing in his whole life, finally admitting to himself that what he felt for this beautiful girl was something more than just curiosity or intrigue.

He was pulled out of his trance by Evan's voice ".... and the fact that Becca still won't tell me what is going on, which is completely unlike her. We've always told each other everything, I wish that whole situation last year never happened, it is continuing to ruin all my relationships, they all think I'm some child. And on top of all that and school, the bloody Triwizard Tournament is starting tomorrow and I have a dreadful feeling about it, but I have no idea why. You've felt it too surely?" Evan rambled, although to whom she was addressing Cedric had no clue.

Slightly uncomfortable at the fact that she was talking to herself, Cedric tried backing up and leaving before she could catch him eavesdropping but fate had another plan. A loud snapping sound followed his last footstep, telling him he had the unfortunate misfortune to step on a stick and give away his presence. Cringing, he knew it would be impossible for Evan to have not heard that noise. His fears were confirmed when he heard Evan's voice ring out, "Who's there?" and he could hear the sound of fear in her voice. Not wanting to scare her, he stepped out into the field despite how badly he wanted to sprint away, where she could clearly see him. Horribly embarrassed,  Cedric prepared to save his dignity and honor by attempting to apologize.

"This is terribly uncomfortable. You see I was just making sure you were okay because I saw you were going into the forest which was very odd, and I just was curious and didn't want you getting lost or hurt without anyone knowing where you were, but clearly you need to be alone, I'm really sorry," Cedric stammered out while looking at her sheepishly and turning back to the darkness of the trees.

"Oh, um that's alright, you just frightened me a bit at first. I was just trying to sort out my thoughts you know. Lots of things to process and think about and I didn't want to burden anyone else with my ramblings. That's why I come out here to see the Threstrals, they seem to need company as much as I do sometimes, and they make wonderfully good listeners, though most people don't care to find that out," she said calmly, clearly not too alarmed or angry by his intrusion.

"Threstrals? They're here right now in this field? Why can't I see them?" Cedric said while glancing around trying to catch a glimpse of the mysterious creatures. He remembered she had mentioned them when she showed him her paintings.

Laughing slightly, Evan waved Cedric closer to where she was standing and grabbed his hand. "Only those who have seen death and can actually process it are able to see Threstrals, and most people who can see them believe they are a bad omen and just ignore them, though they're wonderfully friendly creatures. Very misunderstood," she answered while looking (presumably) at the creatures in question.

Taking his hand that she had grabbed, she moved it to a space right in front of her and he felt a leathery surface, though he still couldn't see anything. Letting go of his hand, Evan moved further away and seemed to be stroking the Threstral. Entranced by such a bizzare sensation, Cedric continued to move his hand around the animal steadily, bewildered. After several minutes of silence, Evan patted the air next to her, and signaled that it was time to leave. Following her, Cedric and Evan stepped back into the darkness of the forest and began walking  together. Evan's confidence told Cedric she knew how to get back.

"Do you often go into the forest at night, especially when it's near freezing? There are horrible things in here you know," Cedric asked while shivering.

"I mostly go in the afternoon, although I don't go as much as I should, those creatures are so lonely. It's not as bad as you would think, not all wild creatures are bad," she answered thoughtfully while gazing around the forest, clearly not too bothered by the bitter cold. Satisfied with her answer, although still slightly bothered that she had come alone without thought, Cedric started on the next topic of discussion, interested to know more.

"I'm assuming the death that allows for you to see them is your mother's?"

"Yes, it was because of my mum. Since I was the age to where I could fully comprehend death and I was there when it all happened, it allows for me to see them I suppose," she replied quietly while trying to maneuver in the twisty surrounding. A quiet engulfed the two, leaving Cedric to regret ever mentioning her mother. Then another thought popped into his and he knew he had to ask, if only to end the awkward silence.

He was curious to see what she was going on about earlier before she discovered him."I wasn't trying to eavesdrop, but I heard you mention your nervousness over the tournament. What exactly did you mean?"

"Oh that. Please don't think I'm crazy, I swear this is a very abnormal thing to happen to me. Even before Dumbledore mentioned the Triwizard Tournament, I've had this feeling that something dreadful is going to happen at Hogwarts this year. That feeling tied with the whole debacle at the World Cup and the Dark Mark, I just have a feeling that this tournament is a bad idea. Plus I heard Dumbledore talking to McGonogall about disappearances and it just can't be coincidence. Something terrible is going on and I don't want anyone I care about getting caught up in it."

"Have you talked to Dumbledore about your suspicions? He would be a good person to talk to about everything. However, I really think you are just being paranoid, everyone has said how safe they have made the tournament this year, I really believe I'll be fine, please don't worry about me," Cedric said, unknowingly confirming her fears that he was entering the tournament. She didn't want to worry him with her paranoia and hold him back from all the benefits that being a champion entails, so decided to drop her paranoia talk.

"I suppose you're right. If you get chosen, I will be behind you every step of the way, I promise. But you have to promise that no matter what, you value your life over being brave, if just for me," Evan proposed. Feeling confident that that situation would never arise, he agreed. He couldn't believe how bothered Evan was bothered by the idea of the tournament, it was oddly gratifying knowing how much he meant to her. Smirking, he was shocked when by her next question.

"Why do you want to participate in the tournament,anyway? What is your motive? You don't really seem like you would be driven by the huge amount of money that the winner receives, but you also don't seem the type to fantasize about eternal glory. Is it for the thrill maybe? To prove something?"

"Actually I'm doing it for my dad and for Hufflepuff," he said. Looking at her puzzled expression, he continued to explain himself. "Ever since I was placed in Hufflepuff, I have been looked down upon. I love being a Hufflepuff, which is apparently daft of me, since no one should want to be in Hufflepuff. There is a misconception that if you're placed in Hufflepuff, you must be ordinary or dumb. I'm top of my grade, a prefect, and captain of the quidditch team, and yet all anyone sees me as is a pretty boy. No cares to get to know because they assume everyone in Hufflepuff is the same, when in fact I feel it is the most diverse group of people at this school. I just for once want to prove to everyone what being a Hufflepuff is really about, not the misconceptions they all believe. And for my dad, I just want to make him proud. He is my biggest fan and I owe it to him to at least try and win," Cedric finished, looking at Evan's response. She nodded in understanding, and although she said nothing, he understood what she was thinking, as she herself had undoubtedly felt that same burden being a Hufflepuff herself, and he could only imagine it was worse since she was Muggleborn. Looking back in front of him, he was shocked when he could see the clearing signaling the end of the forest just a few steps in front of him.

It seemed several hours had past, as the only light was from the thousands of twinkling stars. Even the castle seemed to sleep on, only the barest of lights were visible from where the two were standing. If they were caught outside past curfew they would definitely be in trouble, even the best sweet talking wouldn't keep them from major trouble. The best option for them would be to go back in through the courtyard. Grabbing Evan's hand, they silently ascended the hill and back through the courtyard to the closest entrance into the castle. He silently opened the door and they were finally inside where it was slightly less cold. As soon as they got inside, Cedric realized he was still holding Evan's hold and dropped it immediately and looking at Evan's face with shock, embarrassed that he had been so forward. Evan's face dropped, although that could just be what he wanted to see. He couldn't muster anything to say to her in explanation, and instead rushed past her into the building.

Trying to shake off his feelings, Cedric lead the way back to the Hufflepuff house, trying to be as stealthy as he could. Evan silently followed him, not wanting to expose the two of them, although Cedric could always just claim he was doing prefect runs. They passed the kitchens and Cedric remembered just a few months ago when they had that wonderful night, just the two of them. A warm feeling in his stomach grew, and he couldn't help but admit how badly he would like to go back to then before they were both so busy with life. 

They made it back to the common room, which was void of anyone else. Cedric turned around to face Evan, uncertain what to do next. Thankfully he was saved by Evan making that decision for them.

"We both have a big day in store for us so I'm going to head to my room, Becca is probably wondering where I am. Thank you for hanging out with me tonight, it was very kind of you," she said, but something about her demeanor was off. The twinkle in her eye looked to be gone and her smile faltered when she finished. Even the glow she always seemed to possess was gone, looking similar to the girl who ran into him on the first night. Before he could ask what was going on, she ran up the stairs to the girls' dormitories. 

Cursing himself, he wondered if and how he had just messed everything up. He tried not the dwell on it too much when he tried to sleep that night, but he couldn't rid that feeling of guilt and slept restlessly the whole night. 

I hoped you liked this chapter!! Stay tuned because the next chapter is going to be very interesting, and you'll get to actually know Katherine and understand her friendship with Evan. And a certain someone might make an appearance and shake some things up! I'm trying to stay active with this story, but school is picking up, which means homework too. I'll try to keep updating, but don't hate me if it's not for a while! Y'all have a blessed week!

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