Just My Luck

By Keet126

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Félix and his mother have moved to Paris in hopes of a new start. Félix is ever the cynical one, knowing that... More

1. New City New Start
2. Fuko is a Brat
3. Chloe is a Little Turd
4. Paws
5. Never Let the Flying Magical Spirit Cat That Embodies Bad Luck Bite You
6. yay. Christmas.
7. My mom must be a wizard
8. Oh no... She's Back...
9. Fuko's Talent is Breaking Things
10. Cats and Poetry
11. Paws' dad has duck butt hair
12. Gotta have hairspray
13. ...
14. Things can always get worse, can't it?
15. The Claws Are Out
16. Fuko Slept All Day Today, Mostly
17. Goats and Llamas
18. Secret
19. I Can't Believe I'm Doing This
20. Even Superheroes Use Bathrooms
21. *sighs* MY EX
22. When I Say My Bag Has Everything, THAT INCLUDES FIREWORKS
25. Claude's New Suit
26. So Apparently I'm Everyone's Big Brother
27. Fuko Wears a Bell
28. I have a love/hate relationship with music
30. My Brother's Duet
31. I Fight a Bear. Kinda
32. Catastrophe
33. 16 Hours of Sleep and I'm STILL Tired
34. Paws Goes on a Date
35. I've Got Too Many Problems
36. I Punch Trash-Dad
37. Where's Félix?
38. Goatee Man
39. To the Rescue!
40. Epilogue

23. Reporter at School

37 2 3
By Keet126

Hello everyone! just some maintenance notes and heads ups! 

Second semester is going to start soon for me. Again, I want to try and keep up with this during the semester. Ideally, I'd be updating on SATURDAY (new week day release time) every single week. If that gets too intense, then I'll aim for every other Saturday/every two weeks on saturday. If I'm still getting overrun by everything, then it'll either become a "whenever I can update" or it'll become a full out hiatus. 

Next semester is going to be even fuller for me because I'll be doing TWO bands as well as a creative writing course AND workshop (among other classes) However, it's not marching band, which means I won't be slammed every single weekend with a 10hour chunk out of my day

then again... I am getting a job next semester, so.... eh? 

I'll keep you guys updated! 

Next chapter will be with another akuma, and this one is extra interesting because it involves a library book!! 


Zara's eyes flashed before my mind's eye once again. Our strange meeting had only been last night, and I couldn't get it out of my head.

The image was still clear in my mind. Her face tinged blue by the darkening sky, for once looking at me with genuine concern rather than sadistic glee, or fake emotions. "There's something I need to warn you about. It's not what you think. Just listen to me..."

If I concentrated on my left arm, I could imagine a phantom touch at the place where she had grabbed me. I subconsciously simulated it with my own hand. Of course it wasn't the same, but I still felt the same chills that I had gotten that night.

Something felt off about this whole thing... What could Zara possibly have been trying to warn me about that Fuko wouldn't have already? And also, the proximity that our faces had been... We had been close enough to-to...

"Félix you there?" A hand waved in front of my face. The interrupted thought dissipated from my mind as fast as it had materialized, but the discomfort behind it remained.

I jumped, startled. "Oh, Mme Dubois," I gave her a nod. I was sitting at the check out desk since more students from different classes had come up to check out books for their science project. The school day had barely begun. "And M Damocles, bonjour," I just realized the principal was there as well. "Need anything?"

Mme Dubois looked at me concerned, "Everything alright? It seemed your head was in the clouds, it's not like you to get distracted."

I shrugged. It wasn't really clouds, but more like black, turbulent waters in an ocean during a stormy night, but that didn't really matter, "Just thinking about some things..."

Mme Dubois exchanged glances with M Damocles uncertainly.

"Is there a problem?" I asked, already dreading what they might tell me.

"Well you see, I need to take an unexpected leave of absence for a couple weeks," Mme Dubois explained, "and M Damocles and I wanted to leave you in charge of the library, but seeing your expression just now... Is something serious going on in your life too?"

My eyes widened surprised, "Oh no, everything's fine. Are you alright though?"

Mme Dubois waved it off, "Oh I'm sure things will be fine on my end!" she assured me, "But can we count on you to take charge while I'm out?" she asked.

"Yeah, that's fine," I agreed. I leaned my head on my hand casually while we spoke.

Mme Dubois made a little excited, jittery hop, "Oh see! I told you we hired the right person!" She gave M Damocles an excited arm shove.

M Damocles chuckled, pleased, "Oh yes! Well!" He stroked his beard thoughtfully, then looked at me, "There's also one other matter at hand Félix," he told me. "There's a reporter here, and he wants to do a story on all of the akuma attacks at our school. Would you mind being his escort for the day?"

"A reporter huh?" I raised an eyebrow, then stood up. Fuko, sensing my motion, woke up from her nap on the desk, yawned widely, and then flew up to hover near my shoulder, "Sure. Who'll take the check out desk then?" I asked.

"I'll be handling that!" Mme Dubois assured me. "You're off library duties for today! That is, if you accept...?"

Shrugging, I replied, "Yeah I can do that too." All I had to do was follow them around right?

"Excellent!" M Damocles beamed, "Come! Right this way, he's waiting in my office."

As I followed M Damocles down the stairs, I couldn't help but wonder why they assigned me for this, and not M Haprèle. Maybe he was having a sick day?

As soon as I entered M Damocles' office, I barely even registered who the reporter was when I heard a very familiar voice, "You?! What are you doing here?!"

Oh wow, it was Claude.

I raised an eyebrow, "I work here?"

M Damocles looked back and forth between us, "Do you two know each other?" he asked.

"Yes," Claude confirmed, "He's my stteeeuhhhhh," Claude looked at me uncertainly and trailed off.

M Damocles looked at him confused.

"He dates my mom," I said disinterested.

"Oh!" M Damocles seemed very surprised, "Well, wow! I never would have imagined!"

I gave Claude a hostile glance, "Were you about to say step-son?" I raised an eyebrow.

"No!" Claude replied almost immediately.

"Hmmm," I pursed my lips.

M Damocles held his hands up defensively, "If this won't work, you can just say, and I can find someone else to-,"

"We'll be fine sir!" Claude said apologetically. Then he looked at me uncertainly, "Right?"

I shrugged, "Yeah, I'm representing the school right now so."

M Damocles gave us a nod. "Now if he wants more sensitive information, please come straight to me," he ordered.

"Of course," I agreed. "Right this way O Intrepid reporter," I gestured with my hand for us to go out in the hall.

Claude followed me out and politely shut M Damocles' door behind him. Then he gave a nervous chuckle, "Did you mother tell you that she set up a date for us to bond?" he appeared to be tempting to brush it of as if it were a joke, but I couldn't tell if he were doing it to try and get me to joke around with him, or if he genuinely believed I thought it was a joke and wanted to bond with me. Ew.

"This weekend right?" I asked.

Claude nodded. "Wonder what she's going to make us do," he kept smiling nervously.

"Knowing her, probably something neutral like grocery shopping," I answered. "So what are you doing a report on?"

Claude's confidence almost immediately appeared, as if he kept it inside a specific box, and just hadn't had that box open until now. "Officially, I'm here to see how the excessive akuma attacks at this school affect the student populace, but unofficially, I'm hoping I can find out why the akuma attacks are all connected to this school in some way!"

"It's because I'm here," I told him deadpan.

However, Claude looked at me surprised, taking me completely seriously. "Wait, because of your ring?"

I instantly felt my guard come up, even Fuko who had taken to burrowing around in my pocket, popped her head out and stared at Claude.

"What are you talking about?"

Claude furrowed his eyes, as if immediately recognizing that I was testing him. "Your ring brings bad luck right? It's cursed?"

"How absolutely ludicrous," I gazed at him, "You disappoint me, I thought you were the one person who could actually understand my sarcasm. Guess I was wrong," I beckoned for him to follow me. I figured the library was a good a place to start as any. I'll admit, I wasn't quite sure what he wanted, but might as well start there.

Claude put his arm on my shoulder however and stopped me, "You and your mom had that not so subtle fight inside of my apartment at two in the morning, did you really think I wasn't there, or that I couldn't overhear you?"

When I looked over my shoulder, Claude's gaze was hard but honest.

Then I snapped my gaze back in front of me. I..... hadn't thought about that. In a way, Claude caught me redhanded. I actually didn't mean for that sentence to come out sarcastically, but because no one would actually believe me if I told them the truth, they would probably take it as a sarcastic, self-deprecating, humorous comment. But Claude saw right through that. A part of me felt threatened by him and his uncanny ability to read into me.

"Where do you want me to take you?" I asked him quietly, looking at him over my shoulder again.

Claude pressed his lips, as if saddened that I closed him off and changed the subject, but he didn't push it. "I would just like to interview people here about their experiences during akuma attacks."

Then the library really was the best place to go. "This way."

I led the way up the stairs, and let him inside the library.

"Pick a kid, any kid!" I pretended I was handing out a prize of sorts. Then I changed my attitude and walked to the check out desk where Mme Dubois was. I slightly raised my voice so that all of the kids could hear me, "Excuse me everyone, there's a reporter here who will be going around asking you a few questions, he's pretty nice, but if you feel uncomfortable you are allowed to decline him," I told everyone, "That's all!" I ended the short announcement.

Three kids actually ran up the Claude excitedly, curious about what exactly he was doing there and immediately volunteered to go first.

I knew I didn't really need to watch Claude. He was a decent guy after all (DON'T YOU EVER TELL HIM I SAID THAT), and I knew he knew what he was and wasn't allowed to do or ask.

Instead, my attention was focused on another person. I saw Nathaniel sitting at the corner of a table that was in a hidden corner of the library. He was hunched over some books, anxiously researching something.

Paws had told me yesterday after he was done superheroing that Nathaniel had been the akuma victim. He probably had special permission to catch up on what he missed during the day. Honestly, I was glad the school had grown kinder to akuma victims and was helping them recover instead of just counting whatever they went through as an unexcused absence or whatnot.

I walked over to him, when I was close enough I asked, "How are you doing?"

Nathaniel flinched and hid behind some books, "I-I don't feel comfortable asking questions!" he trembled.

Poor kid.

"Relax, its me," I assured him, "not the reporter."

Nathaniel peeked from behind the books. "Oh," he straightened, then he looked down, "you probably heard what happened..."

"I just want to know how you're doing right here right now," I leaned on the table, "and if you want some help catching up."

For a micro second, relief shone on his face before he quickly masked himself with a neutral expression, "Oh you know, just stressed. I think I can handle the workload on my own though, thank you."

I shrugged and stood up, "Try not to look so glum next time you're here," I told him, "I might have to give you a chocolate bar if you do."

"I thought food was prohibited in the library," Nathaniel looked alarmed.

I winked at him, "Just once I think we could make an exception. Besides, Mme Dubois won't ever know so long as you're careful about it."

Nathaniel gave me a small smile, "Well, I would accept one next time I'm here."

"Hang in there," I told him before waving farewell. I wanted to see how Claude was doing, only to see him looking in my direction.

He beckoned me.

I raised an eyebrow and approached him warily.

"You're sweet," he smirked.

"You insult me," I crossed my arms.

"Anyways, I'm satisfied with my answers, I'm ready to check back in with M Damocles before leaving, and I'll be out of your hair!" He told me.

I rolled my eyes and led the way.

Claude knocked on the door, and then entered when he heard a, "Come in!"

Claude peered at M Damocles, "I got all I needed, thank you so much!" he smiled at him. "You have a very good school with very brave and smart students!"

M Damocles seemed flustered, "Why thank you! Do you need anything else?"

"Félix!" I recognized Paws' voice.

I turned to see him walking down the hall, "Oh hey Paws. How's it going?"

Paws smiled, "Not bad! I was going to meet Alya and Nino in the library when I noticed you here!"

"Yup," I gestured towards Claude with my head. "Just babysitting a reporter.

Claude had apparently finished with M Damocles, and exited the office. "Oh hello!" he hadn't noticed Paws approaching.

"Oh cool!" Paws waved at him politely. "Well, I just thought I'd come say hi," he told me, "We'll see each other later right?" he asked me.

"Yup!" I agreed.

Paws gave me a farewell wave as he dashed up to the library, "See ya! Oh! And nice to meet you!" he addressed Claude as well.

Claude looked at me, "Is he uh, the Agreste kid?" he asked me, eyeing me amused. "He seems to tickle your smile bone!"

"I really wish you and my mom would stop calling him that," I narrowed my eyes at Claude. "He has a name."

Claude raised an eyebrow at me, "You don't call him by his name though," he pointed out.

"I gave him an affectionate nickname," I reasoned, "the way you and my mom refer to him it's as if he's the bad kid on the block with problems and issues."

"Well, given the circumstances," Claude said gently.

I sighed and stared after Paws as he disappeared behind the door, "I know." Granted, it didn't mean I didn't hate the tone they referred to him as any less.

I could see Claude studying me out of the corner of my eye, after a moment of silence, he spoke, "Does he know?"

"No, I don't think so," I answered and looked down to the ground guiltily.

"You should tell him," Claude encouraged.

I let that phrase sit for a bit before I asked, "What if he wants to stop being friends because of it?"

Claude scoffed, "You're kidding, that kid loves you! He literally came here just to say hi to you. If I were him, I'd rather hear it from you."

I pressed my lips together uncertainly and imagined Paws' smiling face. This might just be a thing that takes away that smile...

Claude grasped my shoulder comfortingly, "Hey, it's fine. I can tell he's a sweet kid. Besides, don't you think he deserves to know?"

Yes, I agreed silently. Yes he does.

As if Claude could read my mind, he gave me a hearty slap on the back, "That's the spirit! Now, you going to give me a farewell hug?" He opened his arms expectantly.

I glared at him.

Claude grinned cheekily, "Worth a try!" he admitted, "See you later!"


"Hey Paws," my voice wavered for a second. We had arrived at his house and were in his room. These tutoring sessions were now more like me just hanging out until he got his homework done and checking the work for him. I didn't mind, but one could hardly call it tutoring.

"Yeah?" he asked, pulling his homework out of his bag.

My heart skipped a beat. Too late now, I had to go through with it, or make something up. "I um... There's something I feel you should know," I told him, and I sat down on his bed. I couldn't believe I was listening to Claude...

Paws tilted his head at me curiously. "Okay..." he sat down next to me, as if he could sense what I was about to say had some weight.

I pressed my lips together for second, because I had forgotten to consider where I was going to start. Ah yes... that could work... "Remember when we watched the mime show?"

"Yeah," Paws confirmed.

"Do you remember how after it my mom wanted to tell me something privately?"

Paws' eyebrows were scrunched up in confusion, "Yes, I do... It didn't seem like it was something she was too keen on other people knowing though," he gently pointed out that maybe it wasn't something I should be telling him.

I continued, "Well, she wanted to tell me something about my brother."

Paws studied my face, ever confused. "Okay..."

I looked at him. There was no stopping now. Maybe before I had a chance to shrug it off as something I wanted to tell him but forgot, but now I was in too deep. I had to go all the way. "Well, she wasn't talking about my twin," I looked at him intently.

I could almost see the gears turning in Paws' head as he tried comprehending what exactly I was telling him. Then he finally asked me, "You have another brother?"

"Half brother to be exact."

"Oh," Paws thought some more. "Have you met him? Are you going to meet him?"

I studied his face intently, contemplating how I should answer him. I finally decided to be clear about it.

"It's you."

There was a silence as Paws just looked at me surprised. His gaze drifted downwards, shocked, and then he got up and meandered towards the window.

I held my breath, hoping he wasn't about to just shut me out, or yell at me, or anything along those lines.

I nearly jumped out of my skin when Fuko touched my hand with her paw to seemingly calm me down. I hadn't realized I had gotten so tense about it, that it was shaking.

As I watched Paws mulling it over, I couldn't help but think of the things that went on through my own mind when I found out. It made me think about how it might change my relationship with Paws, how I might view him differently and accidentally treat him differently because of it. Or if I even wanted to keep seeing him out of respect for Adrien. But I had come to the conclusion that liking Paws, and enjoying his company didn't mean I was replacing Adrien. Furthermore, I had been sad for Paws' neglectful family, and secretly hoped that some beloved relative appeared out of nowhere and began giving him the attention and affection he needed, only to realize that that very role now fell to me. Honestly, I couldn't have been more thrilled about it when the shock finally wore off, but now the question remained whether or not Paws wanted such a relative.

After ten minutes had passed in silence, I felt maybe it was time to check in, "You going to be okay?" I asked him, standing up and facing in his direction.

"It's just..." Paws started, and then he turned to look at me, "Well I mean, it's not exactly every day you find out someone is your brother..."

I watched him silently, waiting for any indication of body language or micro expression that would reveal what he was thinking. I found myself holding my breath anxiously, not knowing for once what was going through his head, already attempting to detach myself from him should he choose to no longer be friends.

Paws returned the thoughtful but hesitant look, as if he too were afraid of something.

If someone were to walk in on us, it would appear as if we were total strangers the way we were eyeing each other.

Finally, Paws broke the silence, "So, what does this mean for us?" he asked me.

I don't know.... the thought immediately floated into my mind. I hated not knowing. Paws gazed at my anxiously, waiting for my answer. My eyes trailed down to the floor, "Well, I don't think that's really up to me."

"What do you mean?"

I looked back at him. Paws was looking as though I was about to tell him some horrible story that ended badly, that was beyond our control, that would influence how we would be. Oh banana peels! That hadn't been what I meant at all.

"It's up to you. What do you want to happen?"

Paws crossed his arms, and looked down. Then, without moving his head, he peered up at me through his bangs, "Can we... stay friends?" he asked.

I felt relief spill off of me as if I were taking off a large heavy coat after a long day of standing outside in the cold. I suppose the relief must've shown on my face, because almost immediately after I exhaled all the anxiety I had, Paws ran up to me and hugged me.

My smile turned into a grin. Why on earth had I ever doubted he'd cut me out of his life?

Paws pulled out of the hug, his face lit up with an idea, "Hey, you know what else this means?" he asked me.


Paws smirked, "I get to make you binge watch my animé with me!"

I rolled my eyes amused, "Let's see how much of your homework you can get done first."

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