By offIine

140K 6.8K 1.5K

HEAVEN. ❝You make me feel alive again.❞ ❝I don't know what being alive feels l... More

00. Special Person
01. A New Life
02. Disappointed Father
03. Reintroductions
04. The Rebellion
05. The Quest for Friendship
06. Distracted
07. Hold Me Tight
08. Trust Issues
09. Apologizing
10. Betrayal
11. Party of Hell
12. Alive
13. Family Matters
14. Warm Heart
15. Backstabber
16. Loser
17. Pretty Girl
18. Catching Feelings
19. Middle School Dance
20. Oblivion
21. 20 Questions
22. Unlucky Clover
23. Careless
24. Gay
25. Stargazing
26. Little Kid Stuff
27. Us
28. Dirty Little Secret
29. Secrets to Keep
31. Banished
32. Departure
33. Good Times
34. Love is Pain
35. True Family

30. Peer Pressure

2.2K 119 20
By offIine

— • —

Tensions were high in the group of friends, that much was obvious.

With Orion trying to derail the operation conspiring against Kelsey all on her own, it quickly made her seem suspicious. She considered herself lucky to be someone whom Baxter put a lot of trust into, making it a little easier to sneak around and collect new information on how the case was being built. There wasn't too much investigation going on, at least not to her knowledge, considering how she was able to present reasonable doubt in the integrity of Talia's intentions, halting it for a short period of time.

Turns out, Talia was able to get another person to join on the case being built against Kelsey, making that two people who viewed her as a person of interest. Not even Orion's high status was going to be able to take down two people, sadly. 

With so much at risk, one would assume that Kelsey was going out of her way to seem like a good citizen. 

But, much to Orion's dismay, she'd been doing the exact opposite.

After an accidental summoning from Clover, she was able to snap herself into a very interesting conversation. 

Orion stumbled as she appeared in the girl's bedroom, her hand immediately shooting out to grip the wall beside her to catch her balance. She looked around in confusion as she realized she was alone in the room, expecting to see the younger girl lounging on her bed as she always was. Prepared to step out of the bedroom and into the living room, she paused when she heard two voices engaged in a heated argument. 

"What do you want me to do, Clover?" The familiar voice of Kelsey huffed out, and Orion found herself frowning at the harsh tone the girl used to address her girlfriend. "I'm being investigated, I can't just go and expect Orion to not be mad at me." The angel's brows furrowed as her name was thrown into the mix, and she found herself shuffling closer to the door to hear the argument better. 

"Orion doesn't have to know anything," Clover shot back, and Orion felt a frown tug at her lips. "It'll be our little secret, hm?"

There was a moment of silence, and Orion found herself cringing as she thought of the unpleasant activity taking place that could have warranted silence between the two girls. She was proven wrong as a breathe was huffed out once more, followed by a soft, "Fine." A squeal of excitement followed, presumably emitting from Clover, who had the tendency to behave child-like when given her way. "But this is the last time. I know you're new here, but if the council catches me at a Do Gooder party, there's no hope for me."

Orion could feel her hands curling into fists at her sides, and before she could blow her cover, she snapped herself out of the home and back to her own. As soon as she was back in the comfort of her own home, she opened her mouth and let out a scream, a scream so loud that the birds outside flew away at the volume of it. 

She couldn't help it. She'd spent the last two weeks working on saving Kelsey, only for the said girl to risk it all for an eighteen-year-old with no regard for her actions. 

It was fairly obvious now that Clover was bad news. She was a teenage girl who wanted to act out and didn't care who is affected. She didn't care about Kelsey, all she cared about was doing all the things that she was too afraid to do when she was alive. Like join a rebel group, or date a girl. Kelsey was just a check on a list for Clover, and Orion was not about to let one of her only friends go down for a girl who didn't deserve it.

Before she could talk herself out of it, she was stomping into her room and yanking an outfit off the hanger and scooping a pair of heels into her arms, before snapping her fingers again. The two boys didn't seem shocked to see the girl appear in the home but rather were shocked to see the outfit she held in her arms. Throwing the outfit down onto the couch, she gestured for the two to stand up. "Get dressed, we're going to a party."

— • —

Mateo needed no excuse to party, but even he was unhappy to be attending a Do Gooders party. It's not that he attended them often, because the truth was he only attended them twice, both with Orion, but he was especially unhappy to go now knowing that they may be the cause for his twin sister's demise. But as soon as Orion retold the conversation she overheard, he was swapping out his graphic tee for a sleek button-up, prepared to stomp into the party and escort his sister back to where he knew she was safe. 

As for Tom, he was more concerned about Orion than the party. Of course, he cared a great deal about Kelsey and didn't want to see her banished out of their home. But he cared more about his girlfriend and the distant look in her eye as they approached the long line of people waiting to enter the club. She's barely spoken since ordering they go to the party with her, and that was concerning in itself because the girl never passed up a moment to voice her opinion on just about everything. 

With a subtle nudge to Mateo's side, the boy was able to direct their friend to walk faster, allowing him a minute alone with the girl. As Mateo moved forward to the line, Tom pulled Orion back by her hand, snapping the girl out of the rage-induced daze. 

Her features softened immediately when she locked eyes with Tom, his brows pulled together as he looked her over. "Are you going to be okay?" He asked her softly.

Orion hesitated with her response, unsure of whether or not she should tell the truth, or lie just to ease his worry. Because the truth was she didn't know what she was going to do once she saw Kelsey or Clover. She's never felt such an intense anger for two people in her entire life, meaning just about anything could happen when she lays eyes on the two. But looking into Tom's worry-filled eyes, she knew she couldn't tell him she was on the verge of having a mental breakdown in the form of a psychotic rage. So, instead, she nodded, squeezing his hand that still held hers. "I just need to get Kels out of there," she insisted, "then we're out of here." 

"Then why the outfits?"

"We need to fit in," Orion mumbled, her eyes trailing over to the growing line, Mateo waiting impatiently for the two to finish. "Everybody knows who I am, but they don't know me personally. The outfit makes me look more corrupt." 

Tom couldn't help but let his lips quirk up, momentarily forgetting about the situation they were about to get themselves involved up. "I think I like your corrupt look."

Orion flushed when his hand dropped hers, instead, landing on her hips, tugging her closer to him. "Behave yourself," she muttered, shifting away when he leaned in to kiss her. "You know how I feel about being in public."

"But these people are rebels, right?" Orion rose an eyebrow. "I'm just saying, you really wanna convince them you're corrupt? Giving me a kiss might do that."

"You just want me to give you a kiss," Orion snorted softly. 

Tom shrugged, hands tugging her forward until she was flush against him. "Maybe, but I'm right, aren't I?"

She pursed her lips as she thought over his proposition. A lot has changed since the last time she attended this party to find Tom, but the biggest thing being she was given an award. She was well known before, but being given such a high-status award took its toll on the rebel crowd. She could feel the eyes lingering on her when she walked past, people clearly tense and skeptical in her presence. So, tactically speaking, it probably would help to see her kiss someone who was once her client.

Tom could see the gears moving in her heads as she thought of his suggestion, and a smile tugged at his lips when she gazed up at him, knowing she made her decision. Eagerly, he leaned down to the girl's level, planting his lips on hers.

For a second, she forgot where they were. She forgot all about the case, and Kelsey, and Clover, and all the risks of being in a relationship with Tom. For just a moment, she was just Orion, a girl with no worries, kissing her boyfriend in a public place as most normal couples did. Then a throat cleared, and she was brought back to reality, her eyes snapping open as she gently pushed Tom away from her. 

"Get a room."

It was intended to be rude, but Orion found herself fighting back a smile, seeing she was being treated normally now. Tom shot her a knowing look, which Orion met with a roll of her eyes. Intertwining their hands, the couple made their way around to where Mateo waited, a smile playing on his lips.

"Enjoy your make-out sesh?"

"Shut up," Orion muttered, dropping Tom's hand to cross her arms over her chest. "We were proving a point."

Mateo snorted. "What point? That you're a virgin desperately in need of deflowering?"

Orion's eyes widened as she stared at Mateo with an incredulous look, not daring to meet the gaze of her boyfriend as her cheeks flushed. Thankfully, the topic was avoided as they were called next, the trio stepping forward to greet a very familiar bouncer. "Well, well, well, if it isn't Orion and Mateo." His gaze shifted over to Tom. "Oh, Tom, right?" Tom nodded. "Good to see you guys again, I'm guessing Kelsey invited you?"

Mateo nodded. "She did, so you gonna let us in?"

Orion's brows furrowed when his eyes shifted to her, an expectant look on his face. When she didn't speak up, a snicker slipped past his lips. "I would, but a lot has happened since the last time you were here, like Orion here getting an award." The girl visibly paled. "I don't know how it'd look for us to have the number one angel in the sector at our party, but I'm willing to compromise if you are."

Judging by the way his eyes trailed down, she could only assume what his compromise consisted of. Instead of answering him, she looked Tom's way, frowning as his jaw clenched at the realization of what was being insinuated. "I...I don't think I can do anything you're going to ask me," Orion told him, a deep frown resting on her red stained lips. The bouncer rose an eyebrow at her in questioning, to which she shifted closer to Tom, the boy instantly wrapping his arm around her waist. "Tom is my boyfriend."

The bouncer's features hardened. "Looks like you're not getting in then." 

Orion straightened up, hands curled into fists at her side. "Oh, really?" His eyebrows raised when she stepped forward, the fire of her glare making him stiffen. "Either you let us into this party, or I let everyone know about that one time you wanted to experiment and couldn't find a single female willing so you resorted to the only person available; a male."

He swallowed harshly. "You're bluffing."

She arched an eyebrow. "Wanna bet?" Not a single word was spoken as he unclipped the rope, bowing his head as the three walked through. 

Mateo glanced back at the shaken up boy, his brows furrowed. "What did you even say?"

Orion pursed her lips, glancing back at the shaken up bouncer as she intertwined her hand with Tom's once more. "I used his fragile masculinity against him and made an empty threat. Works every time." The topic was dropped immediately as they stepped into the dimly lit room, the beat of the music being felt in their chests immediately. Her eyes narrowed as she took in the sight of the dancing bodies, every single person not having a care in the world. In a way, she envied them. They got to rebel, they could do whatever they wanted to do, while she was stuck tending to others and cleaning up messes they left behind.

"Are we splitting up?" Mateo called over the music. 

Orion shrugged, looking to Tom for a response, only to see his jaw was still clenched, brows pulled together in apparent anger. Heaving out a sigh, she gestured 'one minute' to Mateo, tugging her boyfriend in a few feet away. When they stood a bit away from Mateo, she cupped his cheeks, forcing him to look down at her. "What happened?" Her concerned question was heard clearly over the music, yet Tom still found himself hesitating to respond, eyes flickering between hers. 

Orion's frown only deepened with every second passing, until eventually, she dropped her hands from her face and took a step away. It was then that Tom's hands landed on her hips, and he tugged her forward. Ducking his head down to her ear, he whispered, "I don't like what just happened with that bouncer."

She expected as much. "He's a pig, don't take anything he says to heart." She cupped his cheeks once more, Tom's features softening as he gazed into her eyes. "I'm all yours, alright?"

His lips quirked up. "All mine?" She nodded. "I like the sound of that." Orion chuckled, before pulling Tom's face towards her, meeting his lips in a sweet kiss. Much to their dismay, they had to part quickly, the thumping bass of the music a reminder of what they were truly there to do. 

Sharing a look with Tom, Orion led him back over to where Mateo stood, his attention settled on the crowd. "Okay," Mateo's head snapped in her direction, "I think we should-"

"I found Kelsey," Mateo shouted over the music, nodding his head in the direction he'd previously been looking. "She's at the bar looking all emo."

"How'd you find her so quick?" Tom questioned, a look of genuine confusion on his face.

Mateo rose an eyebrow. "You can get a lot done when you're not plagued with sexual desire for Orion." 

Orion immediately glared at Mateo, while Tom's cheeks flushed, neither of the two choosing to comment on his sly comment. Instead, she began walking in the direction of the exiled girl, not looking back to make sure the two boys were following. She was only a few feet away when Kelsey finally spotted her, the girl's eyes immediately widening as she straightened up.

"What are you doing here?" She immediately asked, eyes darting frantically around her, suddenly very cautious of her surroundings.

"What are you doing here, Kels?" Mateo shot back, his arms crossing over his chest. "You know you aren't supposed to be here, what made you think this was a good idea?"

Kelsey's lips tugged into a frown as she took in the look of disappointment her brother wore. "I just... Clover got mad at me, and I didn't want her to feel like I won't make sacrifices for her, you know?"

"So you sacrifice your own life?" Mateo fired back at the girl incredulously, a look of utter disbelief on his face. "No person is worth that much trouble, Kels." Kelsey frowned. "Come on, we need to go now. You're lucky Orion knew you were here or you wouldn't have such an easy escape."

"And why would she want that?" Orion, who'd remained silent thus far, immediately felt her lips tug into a scowl as the familiar girl joined them. Clover arched an eyebrow at the group, her blonde ringlets making her look all the more menacing in Orion's eyes. Despite having all the aspects of a seemingly innocent girl, she knew the girl was far from it. When she stepped towards Kelsey, Orion stepped forward, blocking her way. Clover's lips quirked up into a smirk. "Oh? That's how we're doing this."

Orion stared back at her in silence, eyes narrowed, daring the girl the try to step forward again. She did, and in an instant, she was jolted back as Orion didn't hesitate to shove the girl away. The three young adults stood behind her watched on with wide eyes as Clover's eyes darkened, her grip on the cup tightening. A few eyes had traveled over to them, clearly hoping to see the altercation go further, the word "fight" overheard multiple times. 

Clover's nostrils flared. "Orion, you don't want to do this."

"Do what? Save Kelsey from you? I think I do."

Clover shook her head, cheeks flushed with anger. "You don't get to do that. I let you have Tom, you can't take Kelsey from me too." 

'Let you have Tom.' As if she had a chance with Tom, to begin with. Orion could feel her anger grow more as she thought over the statement longer, how Clover was acting as if she did her a favor by sleeping with her best friend and giving up her advances towards her boyfriend. It was fairly obvious Orion was growing angry, but nobody expected her to snatch the drink out of Clover's hand and turn it over the younger girl's head. 

Gasps sounded around the group while Clover let out a yelp, the red alcohol immediately seeping into her shirt. In an instant, Tom was at Orion's side, hand grabbing onto her wrist. "You proved your point, maybe we should just take Kels and get out of here now," he whispered harshly, concerned eyes darting over her features. 

"We can," she mumbled, narrowed eyes still settled on Clover as she rose her eyes to glare at her, "if Clover agrees to back off."

Orion's lips curled into a scowl as Clover sneered out, "Over my dead body." She didn't have a chance to even think of a retort, Clover's final move causing her to see red. 

Clearly on a mission to rile up Orion, the younger girl rushed forward, hands grabbing hold on Tom's face before bringing his lips down to hers. The forced kiss only lasted a few seconds, Tom immediately pushing Clover away, but a few seconds was simply too long for Orion. Without saying another word, she gripped Clover's wrist and snapped her fingers. 

Tom stared at the spot where the two girls once stood, his eyes wide as he turned back to the twins, who looked just as shocked. "What... just happened?"

Mateo swallowed harshly, shaking his head. "I don't know, but whatever is about to happen isn't going to be any better."

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