Happily ever after? /// Cedri...


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Evan is a muggle-born witch in her 5th year when 6th year Cedric Diggory is chosen to be a Triwizard Champio... Еще

Another life update!


2.5K 51 35

I think I might skip forward a couple of weeks, just to develop the plot, not trying to rush anything yanno? Plus I want to get to the exciting parts of the story *cough Triwizard Tournament cough*

EVAN'S POV (third person)

Since the first night, Evan hadn't had the chance to see Cedric unless it was passing in between classes and across the Great Halls during meals. In fact she was too busy getting back into the swing of things with the hardest academic year ahead of her with O.W.L.S drawing nearer. Most days it took everything out of her to appear cheerful when all she wanted to do was scream. Evan knew that times would only get worse when the students from the other two schools visited in a few days, seeing as it was already October.

Pacing down a quieter hallway on a Saturday afternoon, all Evan wanted was a place away from everything and everyone, if even for a moment. Even Charming, following at her feet, could feel the distress falling off the girl. As if the castle heard her quiet plea, a huge set of double doors swung open, revealing a huge, empty room. Intrigued, she walked through the doors to investigate further, Charming following closely behind. Upon closer inspection, the room seemed to be devoid of anything but a easel with a table next to it supplying paints and paper on which to paint, along with a stool. Next to that was a cat bed with a dish full of fishy treats, Charming's favorite. She couldn't believe her luck.

Evan didn't see the harm in sitting down and testing it out, so that is exactly what she did. Picking up one of the brushes from the far of clean water, a sigh came from Evan's bones. She couldn't remember the last time she painted, it must've been years ago. Feeling lighter with every completed piece, she painted for what felt like hours, unable to stop for fear that she would wake up from such a wonderful dream. She didn't even have time to think about what she painted, only following instinct. It wasn't often she found time or inspiration to paint, so she ran with it until hours later. Feeling as light as a feather, Evan set down her paintbrush and relaxed.

She glanced at her paintings littering the floor, still drying. She saw all her friend's faces, as well as her dad and sister, suspecting her brother's painting was just hiding. She caught sight of favorite creatures, like the Thestrals she visited in the forest frequently, Buckbeak, Fawkes, and several of the house-elves from the kitchen. There were several paintings with nods to her professors; there was a beautiful brewing potion inspired from Potions class and McGonagall's Animagus form of a wide eyed cat. Evan thought she even saw Mrs. Norris half hidden by another painting. She blushed when she saw that one grey eyed dark haired boy was painted on more than one paper, refusing to accept something that even her subconscious knew. Shoving that thought into the back of her mind, she felt more content and accomplished than she had all term. Although she wasn't fantastic, for being out of practice and spontaneous, she was proud of each painting.

Hearing her stomach grumble loudly, she realized how much time had truly escaped her and did not want to miss another dinner, knowing it was one of the last ones before the guests arrived. Quickly gathering up the collection of dried paintings and neatly putting them in her satchel, Evan ran to the door she came in from, Charming running out as well, and sprinted to the Great Hall as fast as she could, feeling in high spirits. Busting through the door, she was relieved that dinner had just started. She saw Dumbledore eating as well and wanted to ask him about the mysterious room she was just in. Dumbledore smiled at her as she approached him.

"Dumbledore, how are you this evening?" she asked, while realizing that in her busy, she hadn't had the time to go visit him.

"Oh I am quite well, Evan, it is quite kind of you to ask. You are looking much better than you were even at lunch. Pray tell, why are you late to dinner?" he questioned, with a knowing twinkle in his eye.

"Actually it is why I came to talk to you! You see I was hiding from the general public earlier on the 7th floor I believe, when all of a sudden, these huge double doors slowing appear in the middle of the wall. I went in and there was an easel with paper and paint and everything, which is exactly what I needed. I've been in there for hours just painting and destressing, oh it was wonderful! Do you happen to know what room I'm talking about?" she asked, knowing if anyone knew what it was, it would be Dumbledore.

"That sounds positively delightful but I'm afraid I've never had the luck of wandering upon such a room, I'm glad you found it and that you feel better know though," he answered.

Bidding him goodbye, she almost forgot something. "Oh also I painted this for you!" she said while reaching in her bag for her painting of Fawkes and handing it to him. He looked from the painting back to Evan with such admiration and glee that she knew she had to give each professor one, hoping to make them feel as she did at such a stressful time with the tournament so close.

She followed next with McGonagall until she got to Hagrid. She had painted several creatures she knew he was fond of; Fang, Buckbeak, and dragons, all of which she knew he had a fancy for. He eagerly took the paintings and looked as though he would cry. He even stood up and gave her a bone crushing hug. Evan was glad everyone was too engrossed in eating to notice the fuss Hagrid was making, which had caused her to turn pink. She found Filtch lurching close to Hagrid and quickly gave him the painting of Mrs. Norris, to which he looked wary of, but didn't say anything.

She then went to the other side of Dumbledore. She gave Professor Moody a dancing white ferret and hoped he would remember the humor of when he turned a Slytherin into one. The wink he gave her when observing it showed her he did. At the end was Snape, whom she was most nervous about. Although Snape seemed to treat her less awful than most students, he still scared her and often tsked her attempts in class. Mustering up some courage, she approached him with the kindest smile she could, knowing he could smell fear. She quickly handed him the painting and waited apprehensively. Glancing down at it surprise and suspicion filled his eyes.

"What is this for?" he asked cautiously.

"Well, I was painting earlier and wasn't thinking much but that's supposed to be a potion, although it might be hard to tell," she lied, knowing that was one of the best paintings she created. "I just wanted to let you know I was doing something I enjoy and your class inspired me. It's sort of a peace offering for all those times I would daydream in class, showing you that Potions can be inspirational," she laughed nervously.

"Well it is nice, thank you. But this won't get Hufflepuff any house points, so don't even ask," he replied.

She nodded of course, as that was never her intention. Finished, Evan left to join her friends at the table, oblivious to the fact that Snape had never received a gift from a student and was touched.

"Where have you been all day? I was hoping we could finish our Transfiguration homework before dinner," Becca whined as soon as Evan sat down to eat.

"Oh well, I got a little turned around in the castle and a little distracted, we can work on it tonight if you'd like, or tomorrow?" Evan replied, knowing full well Becca would just end up copying her work but still too happy to be bothered. She also handed her friend the painting she did of her, knowing how much Becca liked random gifts. The squeal and bear hug following the gift only proved her point The girls chatted for the rest of the meal and planned to invite Katherine over to their dorm later for some much needed chill time. As the meal finished, Evan felt better than she had in a month, and was actually looking forward to the Halloween and Tournament festivities.


Cedric had just realized a certain tiny blonde was missing at dinner and chided himself for even noticing. All term, he tried to find excuses to run into Evan, but never found time to talk to her alone. She was always surrounded by either her two best friends or some other younger year, even during meals. Earlier this week he saw her rushing to what looked like Charms class but she was moving too fast for Cedric to catch up with, and he didn't want her to be late and cause her to get a detention. He had planned on finding her earlier today, but she seemed to disappear. She wasn't even with Katherine and Rebecca when he saw them in the courtyard.

While talking to Dallas about the Triwizard Tournament, he couldn't help but notice a flash of crazy blonde hair. The girl he had been trying to find all day slip into the Great Hall, looking exuberant and out of breathe while clutching her school bag. Why would she bring her school bag to dinner? he thought while watching her quietly approach Dumbledore. He watched as they had a quick conversation and it ended with her handing him what looked to be a piece of paper. Curious, he watched as she went to all the professors and gave them one. Cedric stifled a laugh as he watched her get crushed by a teary eyed Hagrid. Curious as to what Cedric was laughing at, Dallas turned to face the High Table, too.

"Oh my gosh, she's going up to Snape. Sorry dude, but your girlfriend is totally toast," Dallas commented, earning him a punch to the arm while they watched Evan hand Snape a paper as well. And they were left flabbergasted when Snape not only didn't yell at her, but looked almost pleasant. Realizing she was turning around, they both whirled back, trying to look as inconspicuous as possible Evan joined Rebecca at the other end of the table. Once she sat down, they both pulled their heads together in a guessing game about what was on the papers.

"Maybe it was a letter of appreciation!" Dallas said, confident he had the correct answer.

"Or maybe it was a certificate for free Butterbeer for the next Hogsmeade trip," Cedric countered.

"It could be some weird muggle thing only old people get," Dallas continued.

At that moment, Cameron sat down by Cedric and threw an arm around his neck. He had spent the beginning of the meal trying to sweet talk Katherine into going out with him, but by his return, he was most likely unsuccessful, though he didn't seem too discouraged.

"Well boys, I'll get her next time. What are y'all talking about so intensely?" Cameron demanded.

"Cedric's girlfriend somehow just charmed every single one of the teachers by simply handing them a piece of paper. Even Snape looked less horrible. We were trying to figure out what she did," Dallas answered for them, full well knowing Cedric hated when they called Evan his girlfriend.

"If she can melt even Snape's heart, she's definitely a keeper. You better keep a close eye on her, Ced. Even I'm tempted to give up on Kath and get with Evan if you don't step up your game," Cameron said, only partly kidding.

Rolling his eyes, Cedric returned to his food, tired of his friends messing with him. He couldn't deny, however that they had a point. If he didn't hurry up and talk to Evan, someone else would.


Ahh so this chapter didn't go where I thought it was but I kinda dig it, thoughts? Might come back and change it but it felt right. Fear not, sappy content is on the way, and as Evan said in the last chapter, things are better with a little bit of patience.

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