By offIine

140K 6.8K 1.5K

HEAVEN. ❝You make me feel alive again.❞ ❝I don't know what being alive feels l... More

00. Special Person
01. A New Life
02. Disappointed Father
03. Reintroductions
04. The Rebellion
05. The Quest for Friendship
06. Distracted
07. Hold Me Tight
08. Trust Issues
09. Apologizing
10. Betrayal
11. Party of Hell
12. Alive
13. Family Matters
14. Warm Heart
15. Backstabber
16. Loser
17. Pretty Girl
19. Middle School Dance
20. Oblivion
21. 20 Questions
22. Unlucky Clover
23. Careless
24. Gay
25. Stargazing
26. Little Kid Stuff
27. Us
28. Dirty Little Secret
29. Secrets to Keep
30. Peer Pressure
31. Banished
32. Departure
33. Good Times
34. Love is Pain
35. True Family

18. Catching Feelings

2.5K 187 39
By offIine

— • —

Everyone was awake early the following day, ready to head to the office and hear what Tom gave Orion after spending a month together. Orion was slightly less nervous than she was the previous day, confident enough in her friendship with Tom to believe he wouldn't give her anything bad. Tom, on the other hand, was nervous as hell. Not because of the fact that he had to rate Orion, but for other reasons.

Mateo was sitting on Tom's counter while Tom ate, watching the twitching boy with an eyebrow raised. When Tom asked him to come over, he expected him to tell him what he was giving Orion ahead of time so he could get all his celebrations out early and not make a scene. But since he arrived, Tom seemed to be stuffing his face, almost like he was trying to put off whatever it is he needed to say.

"Okay..." Mateo trailed off as Tom ate the last bite. "So, did you just call me here so we can walk to the office together, or....?"

Tom cleared his throat, fiddling with the hem of his t-shirt. "I've always been physically attracted to Orion," He stated, Mateo raising his eyebrows, unsure of where the conversation was going. "I swear everyone is though, like once, Kelsey told me–"

"Did you and Orion sleep together?" Mateo blurted, his eyes widening.

"No–Oh my god, no!" Tom rushed out, rapidly shaking his head while Mateo visibly relaxed. "I just mean... it's normal to be attracted to her right? Lots of people are?"

Mateo nodded slowly, "I mean, yeah, lots of people find her attractive. She's got a cute face. Why?"

Tom let out a sigh of relief. "Okay, good. Because lately, I've just been looking at her and thinking about how pretty she is. But, you reassured me now."

Mateo's lips curled into a smirk. "You like her."

Tom's eyes widened in utter horror, "What– No."

"That's why you're so freaked out!" Mateo grinned. "You like Orion!"

"Not in that way."

"Yes in that way!"

"Mateo, no."

"Mateo, yes!" He clapped excitedly, Tom's cheeks now being a new shade of red. "This is great news! Orion has never had a boyfriend, you're the perfect first boyfriend. You guys are gonna be so cute together." He gasped suddenly, eyes wide with excitement. "Can I be the best man at the wedding? I look amazing in a tux."

Tom blinked. "Mateo, we aren't dating. I don't like Orion that way." Before the boy could protest, Tom was heading towards the door. "I'm due in fifteen, so let's go."

"You can't avoid this! Love will always prevail!"

"I don't love her."

"Deeply like?"


Mateo smiled sheepishly as Tom shot him a glare, though he was stuck thinking of how similar his glare was to one Orion wore almost everyday. "Fine. I'll drop it now, but after we're discussing the way your heart aches for my best friend."

Tom frowned, but chose to stay silent, the two boys walking in sync to the office. His heart didn't ache for Orion. Of course, there was the occasional skip of a beat when she'd laugh loudly and throw her head back, but the sight was beautiful enough to make anybody's heart skip a beat... right? His frown only deepened as he thought more of the way he felt around Orion, comparing it to the way he felt around Kelsey or Mateo. After all, Orion was his friend, just like Mateo and Kelsey were. He should feel the same way around her as he did with them.

But he didn't.

That was the problem. He didn't feel the same way around them as he did around Orion. He tried to brush it off as the fact that he was attracted to her, but then again, he was so attracted to Kelsey that he slept with her. How was that any different? Kelsey didn't make his heart skip a beat when she laughed, and she certainly didn't make him grin at the sight of her smile. Yet, Orion did.

"About time!" Tom's was brought back to reality as a voice yelled out, Kelsey staring at the two with wide eyes. "Orion's about to pass out from nerves, hurry up." She hooked arms with both boys, quickening her pace when they entered the office, eyes turning to them instantly. It seemed everybody knew what was happening in the office that day, some trailing behind the trio on their way to Baxter's where he waited with Orion. Kelsey turned to Tom when they reached the door, her eyes narrowed. "I get I owe you and stuff for getting her to talk to me again, but if you screw this up, I will end you."

Tom rolled his eyes. "I'm not gonna screw this up, don't worry." He pushed open the door to the office, two pairs of eyes immediately turning to him. His eyes immediately settled on Orion, her teeth latched onto her bottom lip out of nervousness. His gaze then trailed over to Mr.Baxter, his figure stood tall as he nodded for the boy to step in, Kelsey and Mateo following behind.

"Nice to see you again twins," He nodded to the two, both offering a silent nod in greeting. They stood to the side, while Orion and Tom stood side-by-side, Baxter analyzing the two. "I suppose we should just make this quick."

Orion swallowed harshly, sneaking a glance at the boy beside her. He seemed much calmer than her, and she wasn't sure if it was a good calm or a bad calm. He could be calm because he was prepared to ruin her life and not care the slightest bit about it, or he could be calm because he was going to make her the happiest she's ever been. She was really hoping for the former.

"No tablet needed since I'm here," Baxter shrugged, making his way around his desk until he was leant against the front. "So, Tom, on a scale of 1-10, how was Orion's treatment as an angel? Because of the special circumstances, I'm going to ask for reasoning as well, just to reassure me that it's well deserved."

Tom nodded, turning to his right, eyes immediately locking with Orion's. She was practically pleading with her eyes, the sight making him frown. "10," He spoke confidently, Orion's features instantly softening. Crinkles appeared beside her eyes as her lips curled into a smile, her gaze still trained on Tom, even when he was no longer looking at her. "We got off on the wrong foot, immediately knocking heads due to our different opinions. But we got to know each other and our pasts and that really helped. Since we turned a new leaf, Orion has been nothing but helpful, not only as an angel, but as a friend. She showed me the ropes of a new life, and comforted me about the loss of my old life. I couldn't have asked for a better angel."

Baxter's eyes trailed over to Orion, the girl biting her bottom lip to stop from grinning. The sight was enough to make him crack a smile, nodding in response. "Alright," He chuckled, walking back around his desk. "Then it is my great pleasure to announce that, because of yet another perfect score, Orion now holds the record for best status of all time across all sectors." Orion's mouth fell open, eyes beginning to fill with tears. "Congratulations Orion, a party will be held in your honor to present you with the award."

"I–I–Oh my..." She was at a loss for words, feeling an overwhelming amount of excitement coursing through her body. Unable to form a coherent sentence, she let out a squeal, jumping in place. Tom's smile widened at the sight, the girl resembling a child at that moment as she let out excited yelps with every jump.

Suddenly, she turned to Tom, her smile seeming to widen. "Thank you!" She cried out, throwing her arms around him. Tom opened his mouth to respond that it was deserved, but the words never made it past his lips, the boy falling silent when a pair of lips pressed to his cheek. Orion reeled back, unaware of the effect the simple act had on the boy, grinning up at him. "I mean it, thank you so much." She stepped back, rushing to throw her arms around Kelsey and Mateo, leaving Tom with his reddened cheeks and racing thoughts.

Maybe he did like her in that way?

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