
By geeesuschrist

17.6K 305 26

Ella's just a regular girl living life to the fullest. Until one night out clubbing, she's raped. Her past st... More

Chapter 1: Help
Chapter 2: I'm Here
Chapter 3: Cry
Chapter 4: Let It Out
Chapter 5: Not me
Chapter 6: Again
Chapter 7: Before
Chapter 8: Like He Hurt Me
Chapter 9: Truth
Chapter 10: Lies
Chapter 11: No More Lies
Chapter 12: Crash
Chapter 13: For You
Chapter 14: Gone
Chapter 15: Destined
Chapter 16: Stronger
Chapter 17: If only
Chapter 18: Hell
Chapter 19: Attached
Chapter 20: Alive
Chapter 21: Coming Back
Chapter 22: Anything
Chapter 23: Hide
Chapter 24: Queen
Chapter 25: Why Me?
Chapter 26: Love
Chapter 27: A Broken Promise
Chapter 28: Hello
Chapter 29: Brother's
Chapter 30: I Promise
Chapter 31: Always
Chapter 32: Forever
Chapter 33: Time
Chapter 34: I'll Pull It
Chapter 35: Secrets
Chapter 36: Flashlights
Their House
Chapter 37: Past Life
Chapter 39: Mothers Intuition
Chapter 40: Brotherly Bond
Chapter 41: Mine
Chapter 42: Sad Soul
Chapter 43: Not Again
Chapter 44: Any Cost
Chapter 45: Won't Forget
Chapter 46: Moments
Chapter 47: Breathe
Chapter 48: I'm Home
Chapter 49: You Did This

Chapter 38: Trust Issues

116 2 1
By geeesuschrist

A/N I have anticipated doing a point of view from Ethan because like I wouldn't know what to put, but I think now maybe I know what Ethan would do, think and say in this chapter. So here we go.



I hate all of the secrets that are kept in this family. Whatever happened to telling each other everything. Whatever happened to being there for one another when we needed it the most. Whatever happened to being so close to one another. Christina and I barely talk anymore. We were so close. She's my best friend. Or was. I don't know what she is right now.

Everything that is happening just seems so unfair to Grayson. Especially after everything he suffered when she left. He just isn't the same. I don't think he'll ever be. I knew deep down somewhere that she'd be the death of him. Or she'd be the one to save him. But honestly now she seems to be doing both but neither at the same time.

He's hanging onto her with dear life as she throws disasters and tragedy down his life. I love Ella. Or Christina. Honestly whatever. But I love my brother more. And I don't want to see him become more hurt than he already is. She's broken him and fixed him. And she keeps repeating that cycle. Their love is toxic to Grayson. I know he loves her with all of his heart but how far is he willing to lose himself to be with her.

It just seems so unfair. Grayson deserves the world after everything that he's been put through. And yet she doesn't give it to him nor does she take it from him. I want him to find a love that doesn't affect him negatively. But if I tell him that now he'll never leave her. Never. I can see it in his eyes when he looks at her. He has completely fallen for her. For everything about her.

So much so that he doesn't realize he's breaking himself as he loves her. Maybe her love will heal him. Or maybe it'll break him entirely. And honestly I don't want to take that chance with all of the things she's kept from the both of us. Not just her past but everything. And I know she's hiding more. I just wish I'd know what it is.

I need to know more about her. It can help me create a sense of what her intentions might be. Oh god I sound like mom and dad. But still. Who knows what else she has been keeping from us. From Grayson. And Christian doesn't seem to help lighten the situation. He supports Christina or Ella with all of his heart. With everything he has. So I must do the same for Grayson. But first I have to get into Christina's head. I need to know what happened to her. Why is she the way she is? I'm a very logical person. I know there's always an answer for everything.


"Justin. I need a favor"

"It's about Ella"

"What do you need?"

"Find everything you can about her. Her past. Her childhood. Her family. Everything Justin. Everything"

"Whats her full name?"

"Christina Alejandra Lupe Hernandez" I sigh.

She left me with no other choice. I'm going to know her past whether she likes it or not.

"I'll find out everything I can and send it over to you as soon as possible" he replies.

"Thank you" I end the call.

I look into the mirror and see the bags under my eyes. Those kids have kept me up for lord knows how long. As much as I love the twins, her mother creates a large piece of suspicion that I have yet to uncover. What else could she be hiding? Did she murder someone? What is so bad hat she has to hide it from Grayson and I? Other than murder I can't think of anything else.

I pull myself together and leave the room. It's a guys night considering Christina left with both of the twins for her photo shoot. The plan that Christian came up with is completely ridiculous. Why in hell would they want to bring him back here? Here! Of all places. Why to the home Grayson and I have created? It was just us before she came along. And honestly since then the only good she's brought to his life is the twins and the love he feels for her.

This home. My home. Grayson's and I's home. The home we built for each other. So we could be safe and loved all within the comfort of each other. When she first moved in it was quiet. Peaceful. Definitely not what I had expected at all. Then months later everything started to change. I could see Grayson change as a person within those few months. He was no longer soft and caring but protective. At that time he just didn't want to get fucked over again. And she promised she wouldn't. And she kept that promise. She didn't break it. But she broke him. I couldn't fix him. Only she could.

"Earth to Ethan" Grayson waves his hand I front of my face finally getting my attention.

"Oh yeah"

"Are you going to answer the question or?"

"Can you please state the question once more?" I ask.

"In which plant can be used to help treat acne amongst other things such as aftershave, sunburn, moisturizing and aging?" Christian says once more.

"Aloe vera" I say without another thought.

"Correct one more point for Ethan" Grayson marks the board with another tally.

"Who's winning so far?"

"Christian with a total of 35 points, then Ethan you're second place with 30 and I'm last with 15 points" he mumbles his points under his breath.

"15 are you serious?" Christian and I both laugh.

"It's not funny. You know I never payed attention in anything. Lunch is the only subject I know"

"Lunch isn't a subject and the fact that you think it is proves your incompetence to this game" Christian chuckles.

"In-comp-entence?" He tilts his head to the side trying to figure out what the word meant.

He takes another few seconds before opening his mouth again, "Hey, I'm not dumb."

"I didn't say that"

"Yes you did"

"I have no time to argue with a child, shall we move onto the next game?" Christian raises his eyebrows as Grayson's furrow.

"Yes please. Maybe a game I can kick his ass at?" Grayson suggests clearly mad that Christian had insulted his lack of intelligence.

"Alright Alright. Stop fighting you both are acting as such children. And I mean you too Christian. Insulting someone's lack of intelligence is not only rude but childish and Grayson, we know you're dumb, get over it. You can't even read" I roll my eyes as Christian spits out the water he was drinking.

Grayson's jaw clenched tighter than it was before. I clearly did not help the situation but who the fuck cares at this moment.

"Why don't I suggest a physical game?" I raise one eyebrow with a smirk upon my beautifully carved face. No I'm not an egotistical asshole but my face is a perfect shape. A bicycle seat. I softly chuckle to myself.

"What game?" Grayson's smirks back knowing exactly what I mean.

"Can you please tell us?"

"A game of hockey. Real life in the rink game of hockey"

"I accept the challenge" Christian stands up straightening his suit.

"As do I" Grayson pulls himself off the floor.

"Then let's go"

We all make our way to Grayson's truck. The moment Christian sees it he rolls his eyes as I'm sure he thinks it's a child's truck. I mean it is because he has wanted this truck since he was a child but I chose the design. So in a way he's calling the both of us children. But it's a nice truck. Especially the design. Christina is the total opposite. She has a matte black Range Rover. Classic but expensive. Grayson is more of an oldie.

The drive is silent and thank god because I didn't want to hear bickering the whole way there. Especially with those fighting like cats a dogs. And I know which is which. Christian is classy, respectful, protective and very intelligent. While Grayson is childish, humorous, protective and caring. They only attribute in which they both contain is protective. Obviously protective of Christina. But other than that they don't seem to mix together so well. Like water and oil. They will always separate but will come together if forced to. And once again, in this case, they will only come together for Christina.

"We're here" Grayson smiles.

"Let's get to it" Christian unbuckles his seatbelt.

We all get off and walk inside the rink. Not one word is spoken within the time it takes us to get inside.

"How many?" A lady asks not paying attention to us. It's obvious she doesn't care.


"Alright, here you go" she hands us three tickets and a key to one of the rinks.

"What are the tickets for?" Christian asks not thinking.

"To get the equipment. We can't play hockey without hockey sticks and a hockey puck" Grayson rolls his eyes.

"You could use that giant ego of yours to hit the puck" Christian replies annoyed. I never really noticed until now but he has a slight British accent. Maybe he hides it.

"You have an accent?" I ask furrowing my eyebrows clearly I interested.

"Yes I do. But I can also speak like an actual American so I prefer to talk like one" he shows all of his accent.

"How'd you get it?" I smile.

"I worked in the UK for a few years. In the time there I picked up the accent and the language and I clearly fell in love with it. The biscuits there are amazing. Along with the tea"

"Biscuits?" Grayson tilts his head to the side once again confused.


"Why call them biscuits?" Grayson asks.

"Because it sounds classy"

They finished getting on their equipment and strut out into the rink as do I. I plan on merely watching them but heads. This will be without a doubt amazing.

All holding hockey sticks in our hands we look at each other as we stand the middle of the rink. Obviously we can't break into team as it would be 2 against 1 and I feel that's unfair.

"I'll be the ref and you to go against each other" I smirk.

"Fine with me" Grayson smiles.

"Same here" Christian agrees.

I skate to both ends and set up the hockey nets and make my way back to the middle with the puck. I sit it in between them both eyeing them to not touch it until I say so.

"This is going to be fun" Grayson says underneath his breath.

"Finally we agree on something" Christian smirks.

I move as far away from them as I can, not wanting to be hit. They both get into a ready position. Christian mimicking Grayson's stance.

"Go!" I yell.

Grayson takes off with the puck with Christian following him closely behind. He speeds as fast as he can swerving from side to side trying to get Christian off of his tail. He comes in closer and takes the opportunity to chuck it into the goal. With one hit it goes in carelessly. They both make their way back to the center as I align the puck in between them once more.

"I seem to have underestimated you" Christian admits.


Christian swiftly takes the puck from the center and races down to his side of the rink. Grayson catching up quickly he makes his way in front on Christian and tries to steal the puck. Christian immediately slows to a stop and flip passes it into the goal making it in at the top corner. They both go back to the center. I place the puck in between them again shocked due to the goal he had made.


Grayson chucks it down to his side of the rink, racing after it. Christian pushes him causing Grayson to fall. He grabs the puck and races to the other side of the rink giving him a perfect opportunity to shoot, and he does.

"What the fuck?! Foul!" Grayson picks himself up and throws his hands into the air clenching his jaw tightly.

"Ethan!" He yells.

"That was a clean game to me" I shrug.

"Oh my god" he gets back to the center after I place the puck in the middle.


Grayson immediately grabs the puck with his stick and speeds towards the goal faster than I've ever seen him go and chucks it in with no effort. Wow. The things he can accomplish when he's mad.

After an hour or so they tie up.

"Okay one more, y'all are both tied up with 54 points each. Whoever makes this last one wins" I announce.

"Let's do this" Grayson smirks as does Christian.


They each go after the puck and fall leaving the puck slowly making its way down to Grayson's side of the rink. Pulling themselves up the speed towards it and push one another. Grayson pushes Christian off of him and speeds to the puck. Christian races over and runs into Grayson purposely knocking him over. Grayson falls hard as Christian makes his way the his side.

"Foul. Grayson gets a penalty shot"

"No way that hit was totally clean" Christian argues.

"No way in hell was that hit clean" Grayson picks himself up from the ground.

"This is bull" Christian furrows his eyebrows obviously angry.

"I'm not picking favorites and you know that. I called foul on Grayson when he hit you earlier. I didn't have to but I did because I want a fair game" I assure him.

He rolls his eyes, "psh sure."

"Hurry up and make your penalty shot gray"

"Dam chill" he mugs me causing me to roll my eyes and mug him back.

He stands there for a few moments readying his stick and aligning it with the puck. He takes in a deep breath and gives it a full swing. The puck glides through the air making its way into the bottom left corner of the net.

"Yes!" He jumps up only to fall down with a smile.

He picks himself up and makes his way to Christian who obviously isn't taking his loss very well.

"Hey good game man. You play some mean hockey. I underestimated you" Grayson holds out his hand with a sincere smile.

He takes his hand and shakes it saying nothing. What a sore loser. My phone rings in my pocket causing me to jump. I pull it out and see Justin calling me.

"What did you find?" I move away not wanting them to hear.

"Some deep shit man. This girl has gone through hell. I don't want to say. I'm sending over all of the stuff I found. This stuff is really gonna get to you" he sighs.

"Is it that bad?"

"It's terrible Ethan. Purely terrible"

"I'll read it when I get home. Thanks. I owe you one" I hang up and get back to them.

"We should go" Christian says not wanting to talk about the loss he just experienced.

"Yeah" I agree.

What could be so terrible that he couldn't tell me over the phone? What else has she gone through? It can't be that bad. Right?


We finally get home. I race to the door and pick up the package filled with files Justin had left. I make my way inside and into my room not wanting them to see. I sit on the edge of my bed hesitant to open the package.

I finally build up the courage to open it. I pull out all of the files and set them on my bed. Files for all of her family members including Christian, and some for court. I open the one about her mother first.

Alejandra Maria Guadalupe Gonzalez Matta

Born on December 29, 1978

40 years old.

Children, Christian Miguel Jesus Enrique Hernandez and Christina Alejandra Lupe Hernandez.

One miscarriage.

Ex-spouse, Pablo Alejandro Jose Gomez Hernandez, currently incarcerated.

Mother, Adriana Ana Maria Elena de Rosario.

Father, Roberto Jose Antonio Rafael Garcia.

Siblings, Margarita Leticia Isabella Garcia, Francesca Gloriana Luisa Villanueva Garcia, Carla Paloma Abril Garcia, Eduardo Martin Arturo Garcia, Cesar Santiago Andres Garcia.

Currently divorced.

Real-estate agent for 6 years.

Address, 1831 Maple Drive, Corpus Christi, Texas, 73908.

I skim over all of the over useless information. I put it down and pick up get fathers file.

Pablo Alejandro Jose Gomez Hernandez

Born on June 18, 1975.

43 years old.

Children, Christian Miguel Jesus Enrique Hernandez and Christina Alejandra Lupe Hernandez.

Currently divorced.

Sibling, Jose Martinez Jesus Manuel Hernandez.

Mother, Rosa Maria Juana Sanchez, currently deceased.

Father, Juan Carlos Martin Hernandez, currently deceased.

Incarcerated for 8 years for domestic abuse and child abuse.

Address, Texas State Penitentiary.

I set it down not wanting to read more. I pick up Christians file.

Christian Miguel Jesus Enrique Hernandez

Born on November 3, 1993.

25 years old.

No children.

No spouse.

Mother, Alejandra Maria Guadalupe Gonzalez Matta.

Father, Pablo Alejandro Jose Gomez Hernandez, currently incarcerated.

Sibling, Christina Alejandra Lupe Hernandez.

BAU federal agent for 3 years.

Address, 4518 Anon Road, Washington DC, 39475.

Basically everything I know about Christian. I finally get to Christina's file.

Christina Alejandra Lupe Hernandez

Born on December 29, 1998.

22 years old.

Children, Christian Manuel Hernandez Braille Dolan and Christina Fiorella Abril Braille Dolan.

No spouse.

Mother, Alejandra Maria Guadalupe Gonzalez Matta.

Father, Pablo Alejandro Jose Gomez Hernandez, currently incarcerated.

Sibling, Christian Miguel Jesus Enrique Hernandez.

A&F Modeling Agency for 4 years.

Address, 2091 Spring Valley, Los Angeles California.

I finally pick up the court file.

Charges against Pablo Alejandro Jose Gomez Hernandez.

Domestic Abuse, Child Abuse, Rape of Alejandra Matta.

Alejandra Maria Guadalupe Gonzalez Matta filed for sole custody of both Christian Miguel Jesus Enrique Hernandez and Christina Alejandra Lupe Hernandez.

Testimony of Alejandra Maria Guadalupe Gonzalez Matta:

"He's beaten me so many times. He'd come home drunk and get violent with not only me but the children. One time he threw Christian to the wall after he had choked him. Another, he had beaten Christina and broke her arm. Then I was pregnant with our third child, he beat me as a lesson to listen to him. I lost the child. I couldn't go to the police in fear for my life. He had buddies that worked as policemen. They were close. And I know they'd never believe me if I told them. And the cycle would repeat again."

"How long did the abuse go on for?"


"Did you ever tell anyone?"

"I tried to once."

"Then what happened?"

"He beat me in front of the children and raped me"

"So he not only physically assaulted you, but sexually as well?"


"No more questions your honor"

"The defense?"

"Yes, your honor"

"How many times has he so called beaten you?"

"More than I can count"

"How about how many times he has raped you?"

"At least more than 15 times"

"You never went to the hospital to be treated for these so called rapes?"


"Then how can we be sure if he sexual assault is true?"

"When a man beats his wife, he uses it to humiliate and punish her, what better way than to rape her too"

"But you were never treated for any rape kits so they never happened"

"Your honor speculation"


"No further questions"

Testimony of Christian Miguel Jesus Enrique Hernandez:

"How much do you love your mother?"

"More than I can express. She has been there for Christina and I when we've needed it the most. Helped us, fed us, kept us clean, protected us as much as she could"

"Would you ever lie for your mother?"

"As much as I love my mother I'd never perjure myself on the stand. My father has beaten and raped my mother throughout my entire childhood. He is not man but a coward who likes to control and manipulate people. He's beaten me and my little sister Christina our entire lives. When will enough be enough."

"So you'd never create false allegations about my defendant, your father, in order for him to go away and your mother to get sole custody of you and your sister?"

"Your honor, speculation"


"My father has beaten my mother more times than I can count. He's always drunk. And when he is, he becomes violent. Then after he'd beat me, he'd coming crying to either my sister or I pleading for our forgiveness only to start the cycle back again once more the next day. Like I said earlier, he's a manipulative abusive coward"

"You ungrateful little bitch! I've given you everything you ever have and this is how you repay me!"

"Order, order in the court. If you do not restrain your client he will force me to send him back into incarceration for the rest of the trial"

"No your honor that will not be necessary"

"No more questions your honor"

"Prosecution your witness"

"Thank you your honor"

"Have you ever seen your father physically hurt your mother?"


"Has he ever physically hurt you?"


"Your sister?"


"How long has the abuse gone on for?"

"Nearly my entire life"

"Has he ever threatened your mother?"


"Have you ever feared for your life?"

"Not a day goes by that I don't"

"So you'd say your scared of your father?"

"Your honor leading the witness"


"Yes, there is not a time that he doesn't"

"You said earlier he'd come crying to you begging for forgiveness, why is that?"

"Because like I have said, he likes to be in control and to do so he manipulates people into seeing what he wants them to see."

"Speculation your honor. The witness can not speak for the actions of my defendant"

"Sustained, jury will disregard the last sentence Christian said"

"No further questions your honor"

Testimony of Christina Alejandra Lupe Hernandez:

"Prosecution, your witness"

"Thank you, your honor"

"How old are you?"


"And how many years has your father beaten you?"

"My entire life"

"Has he ever broken any of your bones?"

"Yes, my arm"

"Anything else?"

"He fractured my leg once"

"And how did he fracture it?"

"He held me down and twisted my leg until he heard a slight crack"

"Why did he do that?"

"Because I had spilled water onto his shoes"

"You were there the day your mother lost her baby, right?"

"Yes I was"

"And you were the one who called 911?"


"Your exact words in the call "mommy's been hurt. I think the baby's hurt too. Please help her. She's bleeding. Daddy got angry." Right?"


"So can you tell us what had happened?"

"My mom and I were sitting just talking about the baby's kicks and how one day he'd become a pro soccer player for Mexico because the Chivas suck. Then he came in and yell at her to get her lazy ass up and clean. She told him to give her a minute and he continued to yell at her to get up. She didn't and he threw her to the floor and kicked her until she was unconscious and bleeding. He told her "at least now you won't have anymore piece of shit children" and I called 911. She lost the baby after that."

"I'm so sorry you had to experience that, no more questions your honor"

"Pablo Alejandro Jose Gomez Hernandez not guilty on the count of rape. Guilty on the count of domestic abuse. Guilty on the count of child abuse. Sentenced to 25 years in prison" I read aloud to myself.

Holy fuck. That's why she has all of those scars. Her father gave them to her. I thought they were all from her rapist but they weren't. She was abused. And so was Christian and their mother. This is what he meant by terrible. My god.

Why did Ethan believe she would be the death of Grayson?

Why was he so desperate to find out the rest of her past?

Why doesn't he trust her?

Will he tell Grayson what he found?

Or will he keep it to himself?

Or will Christina find out that Ethan knows?

Sorry this chapter is soooo long but I didn't want to split Ethans POV up into two chapters so I just made one long one. I really hope this chapter wasn't confusing or anything. But finally a chapter from Ethan's POV. I know it seems like he doesn't really trust Christina but he does, he just doesn't want Grayson to be hurt again. He cares for them both but if he'd have to choose, he'd always choose his brother.
It's 6:45 am and I'm just now posting this. Hope you like it :)

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