Meet the Kid (TF2 and Child!R...

By PennNamedQuill

140K 2.8K 4.3K

The red mercenaries are a little more than surprised to find a stowaway in the back of their bread truck, Loo... More

Meet the Crew
The Hiding, the Seeking, the Child, and the Scout
The Little Nurse
How About Another Round of Hide and Seek
An Interesting Visit
First Day
Play Nice
(A/N) Guess Who's Back!!!
A Simple Saturday
The Pacifist (Blue-napped part 2)
Knuckleheads Don't Win
Faded Illusion
Through the View of His Eye
(A/N) New Book! RVB fans where you at!
Spooky Sleepover
Sweets, Treats, and Heartbeats (SS part 2)
Touching Base (SS part 3)
A/n: Tf2...School Play
Curiosity (SS part 4)
Found (SS part 5)
Welp....(SS part6)
A/N: Poll time!
In Death We Part (SS Finale)
(A/N) Plot direction...
Rewritten "Prolouge" Preview

Purple Dress

6.3K 164 103
By PennNamedQuill

(Third person POV)

Back at the base the other red mercenaries are trying to figure out what to do. They had just finished a battle today and none the less they found the blu spy wondering no where near the briefcase. It was obvious he was looking for (Y/N). Before blu spy could continue his search Pyro torched him and everyone was on high alert for the rest of the fight.

"Now just what are supposed to do about this here situation?" Engineer asked the remaining mercenaries.

"This can't happen because eventually that spy might just nab the youngin before we can do anything bout it." Demoman said as he took a sip of his juice box. Ever since (y/n) started staying at the base, Demoman tried to limit his alcohol. That doesn't mean he doesn't find loopholes though. He mixed some whiskey in the apple juice box he was drinking.

Spy was about to chime in when suddenly Scout phone began to ring. Scout quickly pulled it out to answer.

"Hello?" he answered there was a muffled voice on the other side of the line. "Somethin' wrong?....Oh-wait that's today!.....NO! No, no, no, no there's nothing wrong, it's just that-........Uh-huh...uh-huh......Well then see ya soon." Scout hung up. He finally paid attention to the other mercs in the room, who were staring at him through the whole conversation. "Uh- guys we may have a problem."

"We've noticed Scout." Spy said irritably.

"What exactly is the problem scout?" medic inquired.

"Uh- Well, as it turns out....Ms. Pauling s' coming in for a visit." Scout said.

"What!" The other mercs reacted.

"Well how long until she gets her-"

"Guys?" a feminine voice called out. It was miss Pauling! The men rushed out of the meeting room, save for Spy who walked out calmly cause he already seemed to have an understanding of how this is going to go down.

"Umm, miss Pauling we weren't expecting you," Scout said as he ran up to her, the rest of the Mercs following suit.

"Scout I had just talked with you over the phone and this has been scheduled for a while now. It on the calendar." She said as she pointed to the poorly kept calendar barely hanging on the wall.

"So how long are you intending to say mademoiselle?" Spy asked as he lit his cigarette.

"Oh, I'm just here for a routine check up. Just making sure everything's okay. I mean engineer did call me saying that you guys had a situation a couple of days back." That when they remembered that they did call miss Pauling concerning a little problem, they just didn't mention that it was a little girl.

"Oh, um, you don't have to worry about it anymore. That problem has been- sorted already." Engineer said choosing his words. He suddenly noticed a stray stuffed animal on the floor and quickly pushed it under the couch with his foot, while miss Pauling began walking in a different direction. This is basically how most of the day went, the mercs rushing, sneaking, and putting away anything that might give away their new resident. Heavy saw pictures on the fridge that Y/N drew and before miss Pauling could enter the kitchen he randomly hid them between something. When miss Pauling entered he noticed something he made them into a sandwich, that's right, paper, lettuce, and tomatoes between two whole wheat tumor bread slices. Miss Pauling gave him a strange look when she came in, since when did Heavy not eat sandwiches? Heavy put on a nervous smile and took a big bite out of it. Luckily the bread was big enough to hide the paper and miss Pauling walked out of the kitchen. Heavy let out a sigh of relief and had a short thought: "Hmmm... needs some mayo."

Next miss Pauling was heading to medic's medical wing. Medic had taken a short cut and had reached the infirmary/laboratory way before Pauling and had already begun clean up with the help of Demoman. Demoman seems much more efficient doing normal tasks when sober. They quickly finished and tried to look casual when miss Pauling walked in. That when Medic noticed (Y/N)'s "special" first aid kit lying on his desk. A first aid kit normally wouldn't seem that out of place, but "Y/N)'s kit was extremely decorated, in a way that it would be unlikely for Medic to have it on hand. Demo noticed too and reacted quicker.

"Ayie, get otu of here ya overgrown, winged rats!" Demo said in a drunken slur he threw a stray medicine bottle at Medic's flock of doves causing them to scatter and swarm miss Pauling. Medic quickly catching on stashed the first aid kit on top of the cabinet out of sight. Miss Pauling recovered from the bird attack and moved on after a quick scan of the rest of the room.

This was going to be a long day.

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