My Mate Is The Alpha King

By kissa96

434K 9.8K 683

Xena is an 18 year old werewolf. Yes i said werewolf. She is very shy and quiet.She is shy,sweet,and innocent... More

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11.2K 309 29
By kissa96

The woman screamed as I tackled her the ground. I felt my wolf take over as I grabbed her by the neck.

"Who you calling a mutt. The only mutt here is you." I growled tightening my hand slightly.  I growled as I felt her scratching down my arms. I hissed as she dug her claws into my hand that was gripping her throat. I growled in her face  making her stop what she was doing.

" Dextyn baby help me." The woman choked out looking at my mate. I growled tightening my hand tighter around her neck. "Sorry but Dex can't help you. I'm alpha Dextyn's mate which makes me the luna of this pack.  You will respect me or there will be consequences to your actions of going against your Luna." I growled out as I let her go.

I got up and walked over to my stunned lpha mate. "You okay there baby." I said as I wrapped my arms around my mate pulling him out of his stunned state.

"Ya that was sexy to watch as you took charge." He smirked as my face turned red from the blush that appeared.

I heard coughing and a annoying high pitched voice. " Your just going to let that mutt attack me like that baby." She said as she pointed a finger at me as an held her throat.

I growled as she called my mate a pet name. Dex growled at the woman.

"She had every right to attack You oxsana. You called her a mutt to which she is not one. She is my mate which makes her your Luna. You will show her the respect you showed me. Do I make my self clear." He growled out.

"But baby I was supposed to be the luna not her. Your mine." She schreeched I growled out as I began to walk towards her, my eyes darkening every step I took towards her. I felt the arms of my mate wrap around my waist pulling me into his chest. I felt my body relax and my eyes going back to normal.

"You were never going to be Luna. You aren't my mate. What we had is in the past. Oxsana you should go look for your mate. He will love you and cherish you. I only love you like a pack member nothing more than that. I have a mate now she is the luna." He said as she began to cry.

I felt bad for her. She obviously had feeling for my mate that was one sided.

"No you were supposed to be mine. She won't love you like I do dextyn. I love you. I always have." She cried as she walked towards my mate. I growled make her stop in her tracks.

" look why don't you just move on. It's pathetic that your chasing after a man that does not return your feelings. He found his mate which is me. You are disrespecting as your Luna by trying to claim him as yours when you know it is not true. You need to go find your mate. He move on and so should tou." I said sympathecily.

"You can go now oxsana." Dex said in his alpha voice.

She went to say something but closed her mouth as she seen the look on Dextyn's face.

There was tension in the air around us. Dextyn's body was tense as I touched his back. His shoulders slacked as his body relaxed against my touch.

"I'm sorry baby I should have told you about her." He said as he pulled me against him placing his head in the crook of my neck inhaling my scent.

"Its okay." I said wrapping my arms around his neck.
" no you should have know that I had an ex who would becoming back into the picture." He spoke walking towards the couch sitting down pulling me into his lap.

He rubbed small circles on my hip. He was looking down at my lap before he began talking.

"Oxsana and I grew up together. Me being the alpha son and her being the head warriors daughter. As we grew up we heard about mates. I was excited about finding my mate. I vowed that I would save my self for my mate. When I turned eighteen I was so happy about finding my mate but she never showed. When I turned twenty three I was giving up on finding my mate. Oxsana hadn't found hers either so we started dating. We dated for a year when I broke the vow I made." He said as I held my breath. " we continued dating and hanging out. I broke it of after 4 years together." He stopped talking deep in thought. I already hated this story.

" I loved her or I thought I did." My breath caught in my throat at the thought of him loving someone else.

"I was twenty-seven and still mateless. So I was going to make her the luna. My pack needed a Luna. She lived in Paris while I here. I flew out to see her on our fourth year anniversary. I drove to her apartment with flowers and jewlery. I even had a dinner reservation at an expensive restaurant. I was planning on asking her to marry me."  My eyes filled with unshed tears at that thought. I pulled away from him slightly.

He noticed my movement as true to get up but he tightened his hands on waist forbidding me to move. " baby I'm sorry I know this hurts you to hear but please let me finish." He said as he kissed mark.

I nodded my head for him to continue his story. " as I was saying I was gonna ask her to marry me so I went to her apartment to surprise her. She had called a week before asking me to come visit her but I was busy with alpha duties for the  next culouple of weeks. I told her I couldn't make it.

I had placed my alpha duties on hold just so I could go see her. I felt bad about it always being busy never time for her. So I made all the plans to go see her.

I had made it to her apartment with a few hours to spare before out dinner date. I had a key to her place so I unlocked the door   and made my way into her apartment

Something didn't feel right cause she would be sitting in the living room doing yoga or doing something. But she wasn't I hollered her name but she didn't answer. I followed her scent to her bedroom where I found her with another guy having sex." I felt so bad for him but also happy cause he wasn't with her.

"I made my presence know to them. I looked pathecting standing there with roses and a bag of gifts. She looked at me with a  surprised look. They were trying to find there clothes. She kept saying how sorry she was that it was a mistake. She was only saying that cause she had gotten caught. I told her it was over that I never wanted to see her again. I through the flowers on the floor along with the the gifts. I had the engagement ring in my pocket I took it and tossed it at her and I walked out of her place. She kept calling and texting me. I had to have my number changed because of it. I never trusted another woman again. Until I met you. Who would have thought that when I turned turn thirty and took a job as principle that I would find my mate.

I'm sorry baby I should have waited for you. Please forgive me." He whispered as he buried his face in my neck. I didn't know what to say. After hearing his story I  felt slightly hurt but also felt relief. I stayed quiet trying to  fingure out what to say.

" say something baby." He pleaded grabbing my face too look at him. I let out a slow breath that I didn't know I was holding.

" I'm happy about what you told me." I said. He looked at confused.

"Why are you happy. I figured you would be angry, upset, hurt. But I never figured you'd n happy." He said suspiciously.

I laught slightly at what he said. "I'm happy because if you hadn't went to go see her and caught her cheating. You wouldn't have got the job as principle and we would have never met.

Im glad you caught her cheating cause it brought me you. My handsome mate." I said as I kissed him. His body relaxed against me. " You never answered my question, baby. Do you forgive me?"

" Yes I forgive you." I said as I kissed him.

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