just one day • jungri

By squishytuan

174K 6.6K 2.2K

❧ from glancing at each other in award shows to trying their best to hide their relationship on stage... a re... More

1: Beginnings
2: On Stage
3: Awkward?
4: The Bet
5: 'I kinda want to see her'
6: The Text
7: The Text (2)
8: Tonight?
9: First Date
10: First Date (2)
11: First Date (3)
12: Tired
13: Rehearsals
14: Show Time
15: Cold
16: Amends
17: Second Date
19: 'Oppa'
20: Cookies, Kookie
21: Official?
22: Dare or Dare?
23: Red Flavor
24: Surprise Visit
25: Surprise Visit (2)
26: Overwatch
27: First Kiss
28: Music Bank in Singapore
29: The Breakup
30: Just One Day

18: BTS' Dorm

4.9K 194 80
By squishytuan

Yeri's eyes widened. She was shocked he invited her to his dorm on their first proper date. I guess he had been inside part of Red Velvet's dorm that morning too - for barely a minute - but dorms were every idols' only 'safe place' and inviting the other gender around to properly hang out was somewhat of a big deal.

'Your dorm? Really?' Yeri questioned, doubting her ears.

'Only if you want... I know it's quite sudden but we don't really have anywhere else to go. Or I could drop you home...' he lowered his voice near the end, wanting to stay longer with her.

'No, no it's barely been a couple hours! I want to stay longer' Yeri smiled warmly to Jungkook, sending tingles in his body. 'I-if you're members are fine with it, sure!' Yeri accepted, knowing they really had no where else to freely talk. 'I should probably contact my members' she said, pulling out her phone.

'Oh, yeah, of course!' he said, pulling out his own phone and sending a message to his BTS group chat.

'Guys, Yeri's coming! Tidy the place up a bit! We'll be there in 20. Thanks :)' he sent, getting a little nervous now that he actually invited a girl around. It would be the first ever time a girl's been round BTS' dorm.

Almost immediately, messages flooded in from all his members.

Hyung V: Jungkoooookie! What!!
Hyung RM: Ya! Jeon Jungkook! You're bringing her here?!
Hyung Jin: Oooohhhhhh
Hyung Jimin: Ohmygod did you actually just-
Hyung Hobi: Gahskjskskaksksjk
Hyung Suga: Well done

Jungkook chuckled at all their reactions. He could perfectly imagine all his precious hyungs completely freaking out right now. Grinning at the thought, he was interrupted.

'Yeah, I can go!' Yeri exclaimed, 'Ah, my members are so funny' she laughed.

'Mine too!' Jungkook smiled, 'Ok, let me just call my manager' he said, 'God, he's going to be surprised...' he continued, dialling in a number.

'Tell him when we're in the car' Yeri suggested, 'So we can see his reaction' she smirked.

'Ohh, good idea!' he said, before a deep voice bellowed out of his phone. 'Oh, hello! We're ready to be picked up... Yep, okay.' The short conversation ended. 'He'll be here in five'

'Okay! Hey... should we do something?' Yeri lowered her voice.

'Hm?' Jungkook tilted his head.

'Prank your members?' Yeri suggested, an evil smirk plastered across her face. Yeri loved pranks and BTS seemed like an interesting target.

Jungkook's lips parted, as if hearing something spectacular. 'Yes!' he exclaimed, his dark eyes glistening. 'What shall we do?'

Yeri sat up, thinking. The two only had a mere five minutes to think of a fun scheme before Jungkook's manager was to pick them up. 'Hmm... do they think we're... you know, dating?' Yeri asked, a little embarrassed.

Jungkook was a little taken aback at the sudden question. 'Err.. um..' he mumbled, becoming nervous. 'Well.. no, I don't think they do?' he replied, wondering what Yeri's grand scheme would be.

'Perfect!' she yelled, grinning. 'We should pretend we are! But then act out as if we're having a fight in front of your members ' she proposed, rubbing her hands together.

Jungkook fell silent for a while, planning how it would turn out in his head. 'Lets do it!' he smirked, 'Two evil maknaes together!' he said, high-fiving her. 'This is gonna be too funny' he chuckled.

Just then, a car beep was heard outside. 'He must be here' Jungkook spoke, getting up from his seat.

'Oh, let me quickly say bye!' Yeri rose, calling out to the coffee shop's owner. 'Ahjummoni!'

Some moments later, the woman burst in to the room. 'You're leaving already?' the woman pouted, her hands holding Yeri's.

'Thank you so much for the drinks! And for letting us be here.' Yeri beamed, hugging the woman. 'I owe you one!'

Jungkook came from behind Yeri, 'Thank you.' he bowed, money in his hand.

'Oh, no no. I was joking, everything's on the house today!' the woman said, rejecting the money.

'No, it's okay!' Jungkook smiled, trying to hand the money to her.

'No, no no! Seriously! I don't want it!' the woman fought, stepping away.

Jungkook looked at Yeri who simply shrugged to him. 'Okay 0kay, you win!' Yeri giggled to the woman. 'I still owe you though!' she smiled, giving her another hug.

'Ah, I hope you two have a bright future! Invite me to your wedding, understand?' the woman ordered, chuckling.

Yeri and Jungkook both turned to each other, wide eyed. This felt like deja vu and they both were rendered speechless. 'A-ah, yes' Yeri shyly nodded, too lazy to explain that they were 'just friends' since she knew they had to get going. 'Ahh, I guess this is why Jungkook did it too' she thought, remembering the time he easily agreed to invite that other woman to their 'wedding' last time, since it was getting late and they had to leave quickly then too.

With a last thank you and goodbye, the two exited the coffee shop and entered the black car that was stationed outside.

'Hyung,' Jungkook called out to his manager, 'I forgot to tell you something...' he continued, causing the head of his manager to turn around.

'What?' the man simply questioned, starting up the car.

'Um, Yeri's coming over...'

His manager whipped his head around, looking at the two in the back. 'To the dorm?' he queried, taken aback. Jungkook replied with a cute nod. 'Do the others know?' he continued to query, answered by another nod from Jungkook. 'O-ok then...' he offered little reaction and started driving.

*imagine their old 'new' dorm where jungkook has his own room*
'Ding dong!' the bell rang, before Hoseok hurriedly rushed to open the door. He was greeted by a surprising sight: Yeri's arm was snugly curled around Jungkook's, linking them together. 'A-ah... hello?' Hoseok welcomed them, somewhat shocked. 'Come in' he gestured, the two strutting in.

'Hello' Yeri nodded politely, her arm still entwined with Jungkook's. She was met with the rest of the members now infront of her, all their faces showing a little bewilderment. 'Are they really that shocked? This isn't even the start...' Yeri thought inside her head, 'Wow, Jungkook must have never been with any girls like this...' she concluded, a little surprised herself yet feeling rather special.

She continued to bow to all the members whilst they each gave their greetings. 'So, er, did you have fun?' Namjoon asked, the members seeming slightly uncomfortable at the fact that a Red Velvet member was currently inside their dorm.

Jungkook and Yeri looked at each other, smiling. 'Yup, we had loads of fun' Jungkook answered, grinning at all his hyungs.

'You both seem close already' Jimin awkwardly chuckled, not knowing what to talk about.

'So what did you guys do!' Taehyung beamed. 'Wait, wait..' he walked towards Yeri and guided the couple to the living room with his hand. 'Make yourself at home!' he exclaimed, 'It's a little messy but we're boys after all' he laughed, breaking the ice smoothly.

Yeri was pleasantly surprised by Taehyung's personality. He reminded her of herself and could tell he just wasn't an awkward person. Jungkook and her sat down together on the floor around a table, the rest of the members circling them on the other side.

'Go on, tell us everything' Taehyung continued, anticipating.

'Well...' Jungkook started, looking at Yeri. He didn't really know how to go along with their prank - was he supposed to do more skinship with her? Although he knew they were pretty much just acting right now, every second with her still made his heart flutter. And of course, he secretly loved the feeling of Yeri's arm tangled with his but having his closest hyungs around inevitably made him a little nervous.

'We just went to this special coffee shop nearby my dorm' Yeri finished his sentence, taking lead. 'The shop owner closed it down for a few hours just for us,' she explained, truthfully. 'We just talked a lot,' she said, turning to Jungkook and flashing him a smile, 'It was really nice' she admitted, completely sincere.

'Did Jungkook actually talk?' Yoongi asked, causing the members and Yeri to laugh. 'What, that boy's always been a mouse near girls' he said.

'Well, yeah he did...' Yeri told them, 'It took a little time but he ended up talking loads!' she spoke honestly, confusing Jungkook as to where this prank was going.

'Wow...' the members gasped, 'Really?' Hoseok asked in disbelief. 'What did you talk about?'

All the members were focusing on Yeri, completely ignoring their very own baby. 'Err, loads of stuff. I can't even remember, um' Yeri turned to Jungkook once again.

'Look he's not even talking now' Seokjin laughed, 'Are you sure you went out with the right Jungkook?' he joked, causing another ripple of laughter from the members.

Yeri nodded, 'To be honest, I like how he's shy' Yeri revealed, making Jungkook's eyes widen for a second. 'It means it takes more time to crack in to him, I mean I'm barely there but slowly...' she said, seeming sincere.

Jungkook's heart tingled at the words, a warm smile across his face.

'Aw,' Taehyung cooed.

'Do you think he's handsome?' Jimin asked, curious for her reaction.

The two looked at each other again. 'He's cute.' Yeri scrunched her face cutely, wiggling her forefinger on Jungkook's nose. Jungkook grinned, grabbing her finger and turning it around, prodding it into her cheek to form a dimple.

'You're cuter' he said, assuming the prank had officially started, although frankly, there was some desire in his actions.

'Ew' they heard the members mutter. Yeri quickly glanced at their faces, laughing inwardly when she saw their faces scrunched up in a grimace.

'No way, bunny bunny' she continued, using her free hand and grabbing Jungkook's chin, shaking it around.

'Hey!' Jungkook shouted playfully, using both his hands to grab Yeri's face in to a 'flower pose' and shaking her face around too, triggering a loud giggle from Yeri.

Both of them were actually really enjoying this. It really felt like they were a couple and it gave them an excuse to do cute, cringey stuff without feeling awkward since it was supposed to be an 'act', however, it was super fun to them both, and made them realise why most couples loved skinship.

The other members, however, sat there in pure shock, confusion and horror. They were all absolutely bewildered and couldn't ever imagine their maknae being this touchy with another girl, let alone after their first proper date. They looked at each other in blank stares, not knowing what to do.

'Um... we should leave...?' Namjoon proposed, standing up and turning away immediately, shivers running down his spine and his fingers curled. The rest of them all followed, also turning away from the sight and shaking their bodies, revolted. 'That was disgusting' Yoongi said as they all dispersed in to their own rooms, still dumbfounded at what they had just witnessed.

Jungkook and Yeri looked around to see the room empty, Jungkook's hands still squished on to Yeri's cheek and the two erupted in laughter. 'We're too good' Yeri whispered, giving him a thumbs up.

They both rose up and headed to Jungkook's room. He opened the door to see his clothes all over his bed and half-eaten food everywhere. He immediately shut the door but that wasn't fast enough for Yeri to catch a quick glance. Jungkook cursed under his breath, 'I told them to clean up!' he whined, turning red from embarrassment.

Yeri just laughed, 'Let's see!' she said, wanting to see it better.

'No, no way!' Jungkook said firmly, grabbing her hands when she tried to open the door.

'Why~! I don't care, I want to see!' Yeri fought, not getting a clear look before.

'No!' Jungkook fought back, holding her two hands firmly so she couldn't further attempt to open his door.

'I seriously don't care if it's messy! Our dorm's always a mess! Besides, this will make us closer!' Yeri pestered, trying to free her hands from Jungkook's strong grip. 'Let go of me!' she shouted, struggling to free herself.

The loud bickering caused the members to return, wondering what the lovebirds were fighting about. This wasn't even part of the prank, they were genuinely arguing already.

'Ya, Jeon Jungkook!' Yoongi called, seeing the harsh grab he had on Yeri. 'What are you doing?' The members all gathered around and was yet again shocked at the new, completely different scenario compared to what they had just seen only a few minutes ago.

Jungkook and Yeri faced the members, looking at the state they were in. Jungkook immediately released her hands before Yeri took the chance and quickly opened the door to his room.

'No!' Jungkook yelled, running in to his room to be met with a complete mess, and a surprised Yeri. His room was an absolute state from how he left it that morning; piles of clothes everywhere from when he was rummaging through his closet to find the perfect outfit.

'Wow...' Yeri muttered, slightly taken back. The members all filed in, also surprised at all the mess.

'Jungkook...' Jimin let out, a little grossed out.

'I told you guys to tidy up!' Jungkook barked at his hyungs, clearly annoyed.

'We did!' Hoseok said, pointing outside to where they had all sat.

'We didn't know you were going to take her to your room..' Taehyung emphasised, smirking.

'It's fine, it's fine. Yeah, it's a little messy but my room's like this sometimes too' Yeri confessed, smiling. 'It's fine!' she turned to Jungkook, noticing his bright red face. 'Anyway... I guess we should tell them now since this didn't work out as planned..' she started, causing the members to furrow their brows.

'You've been pranked!' Yeri finished, jumping up and down like a kid.

'Eh?' the members chorused, baffled.

Jungkook cleared his throat, trying to calm down. 'Yeah, you've been pranked!' he repeated, attempting to draw attention away from his pig sty.

His members looked at each other, still puzzled and wanting an explanation.

'We're not really a couple' Yeri told them, the words striking a sting in Jungkook's heart for some reason.

'What?' They all mumbled.

'We planned this before coming here. To act as a couple and then have an argument. I mean, that's what we did but this argument came a little too early..' she laughed.

They all stared at the two blankly. 'So you're not a couple? That was all acting?' Jimin asked, wanting confirmation.

Yeri nodded, Jungkook standing beside them, unresponsive.

'But Jungkook sucks at acting' Taehyung laughed, a little unbelieving at the situation.

'Shut up,' Jungkook spat, 'I'm a great actor'

'So you're telling me you acted this all out? Look me in the eyes' Taehyung demanded, stating deep in to his soul.

Jungkook gulped, his heart beat speeding up. He wasn't lying - it was all an act. But did he secretly yearn for it to be real? Did he secretly imagine it was all real for a moment? It wasn't all an act for him and that was the truth.

He looked in to Taehyung's eyes and was unable to say anything. At that moment, Taehyung knew. Taehyung simply nodded and looked at Yeri.

'So you're really not a couple?' He asked. 'You have no feelings for him? What was today for then?'

'We're just friends... today was a day that I found out a lot about him.' she answered.

'Do you plan on dating?' he asked sternly.

Yeri was starting to grow a little uncomfortable and was a tiny bit scared at Taehyung's sudden change to a interrogative, serious person.

'U-umm.. well..' she stuttered helplessly.

'Leave her alone' Jungkook suddenly voiced out, sensing she was getting nervous.

'I just don't believe that was all an act' Taehyung shrugged.

'Yeah, just now, outside this room, that wasn't an act' Jungkook said.

'I'm talking about your lovey dovey scene out there' he continued, but decided to leave it. 'Whatever, Yeri, are you hungry?' he smiled, transforming back to his usual puppy-self.

'Um, a little?' she said, blinking at his unexpected smiling face.

'Jungkook, let's make some ramen' he said, dragging Jungkook to their kitchen, leaving Yeri with the rest of the members.
helloooo guys ^^ this chapter's a bit eh, idk where i was going with it lmao but enjoy nonetheless!

my xmas holiday is starting in half a week and then i have a full 2 weeks of no school, bless :') so expect more frequent updates after it starts <3

thanks to all still reading this story! don't forget to vote and comment :) ily xx

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