POWER {Levi x Reader} REWRITI...

Door XxLynnelXx

654K 19.7K 22.3K

"She's a strange one, isn't she?" Throughout time, there's been a certain.. tradition, if you will, that occu... Meer

Chapter One-The Underground City-[REWRITTEN]
Chapter Two-Saviours-[REWRITING]
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 8.5
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
|| (Y/N)'s Arc ||Explained!
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Samuel Bekket
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 34.5 ||Lemon||
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Samuel's Awakening Part 1
Samuels Awakening Part 2
Samuel's Awakening Part 3
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Character Chart + Questions
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 70.5 ||Lemon||
Chapter 71

Chapter 55

3.6K 110 93
Door XxLynnelXx

Please enjoy!


I've lost count of how many times I was awoken from Levi's nightmares. He tossed and turned in our now shared bed, knocking over the dark blue duvet in the process.

I had begged him to begin sleeping, claiming how it was not good for his health to be such an insomniac. He began doing so per my requests, but all it did was increase the amount of times he woke up screaming, tears pouring from his eyes. I had hoped him sleeping with me would calm his tendencies, but all it seemed to do was make it worse.

"Nnnn..." He groaned, clenching his fists and curling up into a ball.

His breathing rapidly accelerated, his chest heaving up and down.
Any second now, his nightmare will awaken him. He will get up screaming and cursing, and I would once more have to calm him down and offer him sleep again, which he would obviously refuse.

"Levi?" I called his name, reaching for his pale cheek and softly caressing it.

Like so, he yelled, "Hhn!" And quickly sat up, huffing and puffing. There was sweat, or what I would like to believe as sweat, running down his face.

"Did you have a nightmare?"

I took the moment to adore his features while he breathed heavily. Even through the sweat(or tears, I couldn't exactly tell) running along his cheeks, he still looked as if someone had crafted him in Heaven. His ravenette hair flopped against his forehead, and his toned chest reflected against the moonlit night.

"No." Was he simple, one-worded lie. Levi stood from our bed and picked up the duvet he had knocked onto the floor. He folded it four folds and lay it back down across the sheets. He was obviously now fully awoke.

Levi had an odd way of dressing when it came to sleep. He stayed in his regular clothes often, but when he did dress for sleep, all he did was take his shirt off. He left his pants on, straps and all. Perhaps he was shy of being in the nude in front of me, despite that one time we had slept together.

Walking over towards the dresser, he picked out a blank, black T-shirt that showed a hefty amount of his collarbone.

"Levi, come back to sleep. It's still early, the sun hasn't even come up yet." I pressed my cheek against the fluffy pillow, basking all of it's glory. The soldiers of the Scouting Legion were still fast asleep in their bunkers, all except for Samuel, whom had to stay inside the infirmary for the nurses to retrieve the bullet lodged inside of his arm.

According to him, Reece had been arrested. I don't blame the Military Police. She was an S rated criminal, and it was hard to capture her because she was so sly. I doubt they'll have her in custody for long. She'll escape one day or another.

"I'm not tired," He simply states, walking out of the bedroom and towards his office. Another lie. His eyes were beginning to form dark circles underneath. I honestly felt somewhat guilty~He was so stressed, but he never showed it for our sakes.

With the Expedition next week and all, he once more had piles upon piles of paperwork to do, and so did Hanji. Due to this, it's simply been only Samuel, Eren, Armin and I working on controlling Eren and mines supernatural abilities. Alas, to no avail.

I squealed into the pillow, muffling my cries of displeasure to this rude awakening and got up for the day.

I wore a simple outfit; a normal tee; the same color as Levi's, and the pants of the scouts(just without the straps, I detested them)

"All you ever do is paperwork. Can't you hold off on it?" I say, watching Levi as he scribbles down words on a document.

"I'm actually not doing paperwork. I'm studying something. For one thing, I'm looking up Hanji's theories on you and Jaeger. Second, I'm...." He pauses for a moment, looking slightly at me with his steel grey eyes,  "I'm just researching about Kenny and Edward."

Ah, yes. I'm aware that both Erwin and Levi have been very weary of the situation regarding me and them. Two sociopathic killers are after me, and they would've had me If it weren't for the MP's. They both managed to escape, but a lot of their men had been taken out or were arrested. Erwin, at first, didn't even want me to go on the Expedition, but I managed to persuade him.

"But you're stressed. Come on, just let off on it. Let's go to the Mess Hall and grab some black tea. Wouldn't you like that?" I walked behind him and took hold of his muscular shoulders. Indeed, they were very tense.

A low growl could be heard from Levi, as he dropped his ink pen and snatched my hands away, "If it's regarding your safety, I'll remain stressed. I don't want these men after you, (Y/N). I've been up close and personal with them both. I used to work for them as a child and it wasn't a good life. When they are after a target, they will not let up until that target is destroyed." He looked me straight in the eyes, his usual stoic expression was now overcome with anger, "They want power, (Y/N), and that is exactly what you have. They'll tear you open, take your spinal fluid, pour it inside of a syringe~and there you have it. A serum. A serum that is capable of turning hundreds of thousands of innocent people into mindless titans that could destroy humanity in one sitting."

I've never been in close contact with Kenny and Edward besides that one day they kept me locked inside of the basement, so truthfully, I could see what the big problem was. I watched as Levi ruffled his ravenette hair with a long sigh, returning to the documents plastered upon his desk.

"It's my job as a captain, to protect my soldiers and these citizens. It's my job as your lover, to protect you. That's what I intend to do. So stop fucking bothering me." He said with slanted eyes, finally returning to scan over multiple documents and signing sheets.

"What are they like?"

I ignored his demand, following up with my very own question, purely out of curiosity for these men. I've heard much about them, but I've never heard of what they've done, how they've become so infamous.

Levi closed his eyes once more and flicked his ink pen down on the desk, obviously growing more and more annoyed that I kept bothering him when he was trying to concentrate.

"Ils sont hommes méchant,"(They are wicked men)

As I've said before, Levi only spoke this language to me when I had angered or annoyed him towards the point where he wouldn't say anything to me in English. Out of fear of saying something he would regret in the future, I suppose. Honestly, I couldn't help but wonder what this language of his was, and what he was saying.

"Je m'inquiète vraiment pour toi. Tu ne comprends pas?"(I really worry about you. Don't you understand?)

Levi placed a hand on my wrist and pulled me forward, gently kissing me on my lips. I returned the gracious kiss gleefully, of course.

"Je t'aime tellement"(I love you so much) He said between our kisses. "But I still have to do this. Get out."

Immediately, his once tranquil expression turned into seriousness. He escorted me towards his office door and locked it once I exited.



Later that day when the Sun arrived, my squad members and I had been practicing in hand-to-hand combat. Levi had finally come out of his office after a long period of time just to take himself upon my offer of black tea. I knew he couldn't resist the urge.

"Ah! Shit!"

My fellow members had adapted to combat since joining the squad, but they still weren't enough to beat the elites of the group: Samuel and I, and certainly not Levi himself. It was ironic. I'm a supposed elite, but it seems as when problematic situations arise, I'm the one that always has to be rescued. Despite these factors, soldiers shake within their boots at the slightest glare from me. In all honestly, I wasn't sure if it was because of my status as royalty, or because they knew of my capabilities.


After Samuel's bullet was removed, he was given simple cloth to wrap around it due to the budget of the Survey Corps. Our funds were lowering by the day, and we had no way to produce income unless it came strictly from the aid of the Goverment. However, due to the circumstance involving both the queen and the king being murdered, we had no government. Commander Erwin had been very strict on what we were allowed to get, and our daily meals only consisted of stale bread and a measly piece of potato.

I think Hanji was the most affected by our poorness. She wasn't able to purchase supplies for her laboratory, therefore decreasing her researches progression.


I lay on top of Eren's back with my knee digging roughly into his spine. The brown, wooded dagger in one's hand that would signify victory was in mine, but Eren was one stubborn bastard. Despite being at a major disadvantage with his hands locked, he refused to give up.

I could hear Jean laughing in the background. The two really did not like each other one bit, but I never could understand why.

"(Y/N)? You should really let up! Eren's going to get hurt!" Armin said, a look of concern on his face. I took a slight peek at him and laughed.

"Then he should tap out."

"N-no! If I can't beat a woman, how will I be able to beat a Titan?" Eren grunted beneath me, struggling to take my weight off of him. I removed my knee and sat on top of his back, his hands still locked within mine.

"I think you're forgetting that I am a Titan; the strongest Titan of them all, in fact. No matter how hard you try, you simply cannot beat me. Tap out, Eren." I say, playing with the wooded dagger. I was beginning to grow bored with this child's play, "Even if you did manage to overpower me, my wounds heal faster than you can make them. We can do this all day, and you wouldn't be any closer to beating me. Not that it wouldn't be fun." I say with a laugh.

Honestly, I , nor Hanji, were aware of the abilities of my titan form. Sure, it holds the power of the Coordinate apparently, but that's about it. I don't even know how to control the Coordinate. For all I know, Eren could very well beat me. It was fun to anger him, though.

Mikasa appeared in front of a pained Eren and took a hard look at me, not saying a word.

"Is there a problem?"

No response.

She held the same dagger as me, indicating she too, had won some fights. Eren once more fought to free himself from beneath me, and I had to shove his face in the dirt, using my legs to slow his ruckus.


Samuel comes from his hidden location and watches as the scene unfolds. Levi sits on a barrel, tea cup in hand, taking sips every so often.

"Is that a fact?" She asks with her usual blank stare. It was so strange to me to see her. She resembled Levi so much, and even shared the same surname, but both were completely unaware as to if they were somehow related or not. There's some allegations that their siblings separated at birth, and others say that Levi could supposedly be her uncle.

"I don't know. Want to see for yourself?" I say, holding up my dagger. I lift myself off of Eren, in which he groans in response.

"Hey! I wasn't done with you, damn it!"

"Well, I'm done with you. Go fight Jean."

Eren frowns and grudgingly trots away towards Jean, who reluctantly threw his fists into the air.

"Are Mikasa and (Y/N) about to fight again?"

"They do this all of the time!"

"My money is still on Mikasa."

"Pfft! Please! (Y/N)'s royalty for crying out loud. She's got this in the bag!"

Just like the last time Mikasa and I had fought outside in the Training Yard, an entire flock of our fellow soldiers had gathered around us.

"I heard Mikasa has stabbed a man to death. You really think (Y/N) can take on such a...monster?"

Mikasa and I threw our daggers onto the dirt and had a stare down. I have no idea why~I assumed it was a domination thing since that's exactly what Levi does to show his authority over cadets. If she's anything like him, it seems as if she were trying to intimidate me.

Suddenly, our staring competition turns into a brawl.

It wasn't a fight-fight; just a regular fight to test our combat skills.

We clash elbows, each of us trying to block the others upcoming attacks. Mikasa still has that uninterested glare on her face that I hated so much.

She lays her hand upon my shoulder, I assume in hopes in grabbing me and pulling hard towards the ground. I lock my left leg against her right and put my hand on her chest, exerting enough force to easily knock her down to the ground.

A new strategy I had come up with during our last training session. It's used to get the advantage against an enemy larger than you. I've used it on both Eren and Reiner, and now Mikasa.

"Oh! Did you see that?"


The dagger!

I had completely forgot about the dagger. I do not win until I retrieve her dagger.

I searched heavily for her dagger, but could not find it. The time it took to search for the weapon was more than enough time for Mikasa to push me off of her body and grab me roughly.

Indeed, she was very strong. She squeezed me and the amount of pressure she exerted was enough to knock the breath from my system. She pulled me by my hair and forced me down into the dirt. We once more fought hard for dominance, neither one of us able to come out victorious.

Suddenly, she just stops.

Mikasa stops fighting against me, and simply sits there, covered in dirt and her hair a mess. I can't explain it, but it was the strangest thing I've ever seen in my life. That's something to say because I've seen many  strange things in my lifetime.

"M-Mikasa?" Though we were not friends, I worried for her health. I worried for everyone inside of this Regiment, enemies and friendlies alike.

"What's wrong with her?" A solider asks. The people in the flock that were once enjoying our battle were now looking at each other with weird expressions.

"What the hell happened? She just stopped!"

Mikasa looks as if she was from another planet. Her black eyes are wide, her hair is strung, her lips are agape, and a little wink of drool was escaping.

"Mikasa!" Armin calls, right before she in enveloped in a sudden wake of panic.

She shakes involuntarily, her eyes going blank. She collapses onto the floor, and Eren immediately runs over to her and cradles her on his chest.

"M-Mikasa! Hey! Get up! Get the fuck up! What's wrong with her?" He screams, looking directly at me.

Levi and Samuel walk up to us, pushing their way through the flock of soldiers crowding us. Levi holds up his arm and orders, "Go on. Give the lady some room to breathe. She's probably just a little constipated is all. I heard it's not good to fight when you've got a hunk of shit lodged up your ass."

A couple of females in the group couldn't help but giggle. Levi was known for not only being insanely strong and remarkably handsome, but for his outrageous poop jokes.

"Eren, I'm sorry! I don't know! We were just fighting and then she suddenly stopped! I don't know what I did!"

Mikasa's black eyes rolled inside the back of her skull, and her lips turned white. It scared all of us tremendously~It looked as if she were dying.

Armin caressed her black hair and attempted CPR. It shocked me. Armin is the smartest in all of the Scouting Legion, but yet he's attempting CPR when she's clearly breathing normal-

I was cut off by the sound of Eren screaming loudly. A look of sheer panic was written across his face.

"She's not breathing!"

My heart dropped at those three measly words.

"Check for a pulse, Armin. The wrists and the neck." Levi orders, dropping on one knee to observe the situation.

Jean seemed the most upset about this. He was in tears~literal tears. He couldn't bear to watch, as he immediately just took off running back inside of HQ.

"Sir! She's got a pulse!"

"Alright. She's still alive then. U-um...." Levi trails off, obviously unaware on what to do next.

Armin attempted CPR once more, and when that failed, he attempted mouth-to-mouth. Nothing was working.

I covered my mouth in disbelief. Was it something I had done? If Mikasa were to die, I would be accounted for it, Princess or not.


You murderer.

I've had these voices run through my mind for so long, but it didn't stop it from hurting like a bitch. I clutched onto my temples and let out a pained shriek.

"(Y/N), you too?" Samuel calls, sitting down on his knees.

Levi takes notice of me and hums.

"Shit, this isn't looking so nice. Someone get Hanji. She's no doctor, but I'm sure she'll know more about this than us."

Connie and Sasha act upon this order and run off to retrieve Section Commander.

"It hurts...." I weakly say, snuggling my head into my arm.

Armin and Eren crawl their way up to me, completely forgetting that their friend is laying in the dirt about to die. Eren reaches for me, but I flick his hand away.

"I'm fine! Tend to Mika-Agh!"

As Eren had gotten closer to my body, the more the pain of my head had seemed to throb. The voices raced and spoke extremely loud. My vision blurred until all I could see were blobs.

"You're not fine! Let me take you to the infirmary! I'm not strong enough to lift Mikasa. I'm strong enough to lift you, so let me help you!" Eren argued, grabbing hold my waist.

Like whenever you rub your feet fast and hard against carpet and touch a doorknob, where his hands had touched sent a spark of electricity through my body.

"Ah! It hurts! Please leave me alone!" I begged the group continuously for them to abandon me, but they did not listen.

They did not listen.

Eren once more attempted to pick me up, and suddenly, my body is engulfed by an immense surge of heat.


My vison completely goes out, and it's like as if I'm looking through the eyes of a completely different person.

I'm no longer able to control my body movements; my arms and legs move completely on their own. The only thing I'm able to do is think.


That's all I'm able to hear.

And then the world goes black.

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