POWER {Levi x Reader} REWRITI...

By XxLynnelXx

658K 19.8K 22.4K

"She's a strange one, isn't she?" Throughout time, there's been a certain.. tradition, if you will, that occu... More

Chapter One-The Underground City-[REWRITTEN]
Chapter Two-Saviours-[REWRITING]
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 8.5
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
|| (Y/N)'s Arc ||Explained!
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Samuel Bekket
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 34.5 ||Lemon||
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Samuel's Awakening Part 1
Samuels Awakening Part 2
Samuel's Awakening Part 3
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Character Chart + Questions
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 70.5 ||Lemon||
Chapter 71

Chapter 53

3.4K 100 32
By XxLynnelXx

Wall Sina

"Are you ready, (Y/N)?" Hanji asks, taking a peek at the shorter female sitting next to her in the carriage, "(Y/N)?"

She doesn't respond, only scoffs, scowling at Hanji.

Hanji laughs at her being upset and pokes at her side, causing her to slightly twitch and giggle, "I thought so! Look, it's perfectly fine to be upset. I would be upset being forced to do something I wouldn't want to do as well, but you must understand that this is your duty as daughter of the Queen. You have to take her spot,"

"I suppose," Is all the Princess replies with. There is a another long silence between the two, with (Y/N) staring at the citizens of Sina and Hanji thinking of a solution. She too did not want (Y/N) to leave the Survey Corps, but what could she say, with both Commander Erwin and Captain Levi urging she go? There was nothing to say. All that time and energy trying to figure out whether she possessed the power of the Coordinate had gone to shambles, and were a complete waste. She sighed heavily and fixed her goggles upon her ears.

Levi and the new members of the Special Operations Squad stayed behind at HQ, but Samuel insisted he come. He said he would serve as the 'bodyguard for us feminine ladies', earning a slap upon the head from Hanji. He had not spoken during the entirety of the trip, only taking quick peeks at (Y/N) every so often.

He adored her so. At one point in time it had not yet become clear to him as to why he was so attached to the girl, but he was. He was her sword and shield. The way the light from the rays of the sun had beamed down on her (s/c) complexion, and how it distinctly appealed that her hair shone brightly.

She's so beautiful. She has no idea. Dammit. - - This is what he had thought to himself constantly, and then cursing himself for adoring her so much while knowing she belonged to another man.


The mere thought of the black-haired man was enough to make Samuel cringe and clench his teeth in disapproval. Oddly enough, he hadn't thought of Levi as some type of love-rival, but just an obstacle, a challenge if you will, to make his job more difficult.

"Hey," The girl piped, "We're here."

Samuel broke out of his trance and nodded, "Right behind you,"

X o X

"You missed a spot, Sasha. There's still a marking on the table. I told you that I wanted to be able to see my reflection," Levi scolded, taking a sip from his piping hot black tea, but not wanting to show that it had actually burnt his lips in front of his cadets.

The new member of the Operation Task Force let out a frustrated groan as she began to furiously wipe down the table, over and over and over again until it had finally met her Captain's standards. Her brown hair kept in a high pony tail waved around as she wiped.

Mikasa and Eren both swept with newly purchased brooms, sweeping every nook and cranny in the Mess Hall until Levi was happy.

How is this supposed to fulfill my duty as a soldier? Thought Eren, slightly irritated by the irrational order on cleaning duty, I'm supposed to be killing titans, not germs!

Armin was the only one who was not set on cleaning. He sat besides Levi on a neatly wiped table with his head burrowed in his hands.

"Armin, what's wrong? Are you hungry? You can get some food, you know. We're in the Mess Hall," Levi pointed out, trying to cheer the younger male up with a slight joke.

"I-I'm fine, Sir. It's just that....I don't know. I'm just bothered is all," Armin says, rubbing through his mid-long blonde hair. This was his bad habit. He always doubted himself, not even aware that he was the brightest, most capable one in all of the Scouting Legion.

"You just told me you were fine, but now you're bothered? If it's about the situation with (Y/N), don't worry. You're smart. I have complete faith in you," Levi encourages the boy, lifting his fist and giving him a soft bump on his head, "I urge you figure something out quick. It's not very fun having two sociopathic killers after you,"

"Y-yeah..." Armin mumbles, taking a look at the Captain, "Do you think we will win?"

Confused, Levi's eyes widen, "Huh?"

"Do you think we will win? Humanity? Or at least, the good side of humanity?"

Levi shrugs, "No clue. I try not to keep my hopes up," He takes a sip of his now cooled down tea, holding it awkwardly but firmly by its rim, "Getting your hopes up is what gets you killed. Remember that, Armin,"

The boy nods, "Yes sir,"

Though he would never show or admit it, Levi was the most concerned about (Y/N)'s safety. It would have been different if it were just someone regular, but it's Edward and Kenny. He set his tea cup down and ran his fingers through his black hair, letting out a sigh, Please protect her, Samuel.

X o X

Hanji and (Y/N) had to hold in puke, but it was very hard considering the image before them. This was not what they had expected. At all.

"Wow, they're all dead," Samuel says, stepping over a guards corpses and bending down to observe the damage, "Do you think Kenny and Tate did this?"

"So, they know that (Y/N) is the princess? Did you tell them that?" Hanji asks, turning to the younger female, "Please tell me you didn't!"

The girl collapsed harshly onto the ground in hyperventilation. All of these bodies, the smell of death right before her very eyes, it was all too much. Their blood was on her hands. She watched as Samuel began to pull the armor off of guard, leaving him exposed. He then lifted up his neck to show off a long, open gash running along the chin.

"Look, his signature. Levi said that he slit the throats of MP's right? His throat is slit," He points out, dropping the head back on the ground.

It was dead silent. There were no sounds. Everyone in the palace was dead, a mass murder. It was only them three.

"(Y/N)? Did you tell them you were the princess? Tell me!" Hanji squats before the Royal and shakes her by the shoulders, trying to break her out of her trance.

Suddenly, the girl shouts, "Let go of me!" And pushed Hanji down with brute strength.

Unaware of what happened, Hanji asks once more, "Did you? Are you okay? Tell us what's happening! You've got to!"

The voices of the girl had once more began. She pulled herself up towards the closest wall and cradled her knees up towards her chest, "It hurts...."

Samuel winced at the sight of (Y/N) curled up in pain. Hanji bent over to stroke her hair, but was rudely smacked away by the girl.

"I said let go of me! Stop!" She screamed harshly.

"My, my. A lady's voice can go that high? I wasn't even aware. How interesting," A voice called.

Samuel recognized the voice instantly and unsheathed his dagger. They had not brought their blades due to this more of being a formal meeting, but none of them expected the entire palace to be dead. The only protection they had was his knife

"Clear our!" Samuel shouted, pointing back towards the door they came through, "You have to get (Y/N) to safety!"

"What? Why? Sam, what's going on?" Hanji asked, leaning down to pick the girl up, only to once more be smacked on the hand roughly.

"It's an ambush!"

Suddenly, the trio was being shot at from above. (Y/N) screamed in horror as they were being targeted by over twenty people. An unfair disadvantage.

"Haha, you're like little ants trying to run from droplets of rain! Samuel, you should know better!" His cousin called.

"Edward!" Samuel clenched his teeth in pure anger and attempted to pick up (Y/N),"Stop fighting me! I'm trying to get you two out of here!"

She fought and spat and smushed his face trying to escape his arms.

The bullets flew past, one even managing to go straight through Samuels shirt, a few inches more and it would've went through his flesh.

"Reece, go get them," Kenny called, ordering the masked girl to kill their targets, all except for (Y/N).

She nodded and jumped down from her hiding position. She quickly chased after the trio who were slowed from having to carry the Princess.

"Fuck," Samuel wheezed, "She's still as agile as I remember," He was running out of breath from carrying her, but he kept pushing forward with Hanji following closely behind.

One of the high-powered bullets managed to hit Hanji in her heel. She fell over in a high-pitched scream, grabbing her leg and pulling it towards her chest.

"Woo! Yeah! Atta boy!" Kenny praised the man next to him, clapping an arm around his shoulder and patting his head, "Nice one!"

"Hanji!" Samuel yelled for his Squad leader. The door is right there. Will I be able to grab her too? Fuck, fuck.

He tried to think fast, debating between just escaping with (Y/N) or returning for Hanji and then make a run for it. Reece was right on top of him.

If he went for Hanji, he would have to pull her all the while carrying (Y/N), he would no longer be able to run for his life, but on the other hand, if he left Hanji behind, they would most likely kill her.
(Y/N) shuttered and wheezed in his grasp. He looked down at her and bit his bottom lip.

I have to go....I can't risk losing her. I'm sorry.

He ran towards the exit and searched for cover. There simply was only the garden and the pond, "I don't think you'd like getting wet," He jogs over towards a large bush full with blooming purple lilacs. Setting the girl down, he whispered, "Stay here. Try not to make a sound,"

He ran back at full speed in the attempt to recover his fallen comrade in the hopes she had not yet been killed.

He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Hanji, and quickly ran towards her. The bullets had seemed to fade, but Reece, Edward and Kenny were somewhere out there, but where?

"Hanji. I'm going to get you out of here. Hold tight!" He picked the soldier up and set her on top of his back. It was beginning to give out from carrying such heavy cargo for far too long.

"Hey," Kenny called, "Why are you running? You damn traitor,"

Samuel couldn't see them, but they could see him. He was starting to worry.

"I'm not a traitor! Come out here and we will see who the real traitor is! You fucking psycho!" Samuel shouted back, trying to run quicker.

"You're going to talk to the man who taught you everything you know that way? Hell, I'd should kill you where you stand. You're still just a child, Sam." Edward pointed out, trying his best to irritate Samuel. He knew that his pride was his weakness. Hurt his pride, you'll hurt him. Hurt him, he'll fight, "Are you still coming to work? We've got a big one comin' up,"

"No! You're trying to kill my best friend!" He said, panting.

Suddenly, a heavy weight tackled him to the ground and caused him to fall hard against the floor.

A female.


Her white hair shook as she wrestled again Samuel on the ground. He was stronger than her, yes, but from all that running and carrying of his cargo, he was out of strength. His muscles flexed within his black shirt as he began to push against her small body. She grabbed her knife and pointed it at him.

"Reeece, why are you doing this? They sew your lips together for crying out loud! Join us! Join me! I can help you! They can't!" He said, struggling between her arms.

She didn't respond, alas she couldn't. He was right, but she would never admit it.

"Join the Scouting Legion! You don't have to do this!"

She brought her knife up and began to glide it across his neck. She was going to kill him.

"Go for it, Reece," Edward said with a grin.

"Reece!" Samuel panicked. He knew she was not going to hesitate to kill him, for she never did with her murders.

She poked the knife into his flesh, and it began to tear. Samuel screamed out in pain. I have to protect Hanji and (Y/N), but I can't if I'm dead!

"You're really going to kill the man you love?"

She froze in her place and frowned. Pulling her mask down, she showed him the ugliness that had become of her once beautiful chapped lips.

"Kill him, dammit!" Kenny yelled, throwing up his fist, "Shoot him! Shoot her too if you need to! We will be taking (Y/N) with us, and if not now, we will go to your Headquarters! It's a promise!"

The bullets flew again.

Reece looked up at the ceiling and quickly grabbed Samuel, yanking him by his collar for cover.

"You goddamn traitor! I'll kill you!" Edward screamed, jumping down from his position and pulling out his own pistol from his trench coat pocket.

"Hanji! I have to get her!" Samuel pushed Reece away from his body and once more sprinted to recover the woman who now lay unconscious with blood spurting from the bullet wound in her heel. She passed out from the pain, it seemed.

One of the bullets managed to hit straight through his arm. He winced in pain and grabbed it. I have to get Hanji.

"Samuel!" Edward called, standing in front of Hanji's unconscious position. He held his pistol and pointed it at him. If he were to pull the trigger right now, the bullet would go straight between Samuels eyes and shoot through his skull. "What the fuck are you doing? You're going against me like this? For what? Some stupid girl? Pathetic." He says, kicking Hanji's head with his boot, "I'm going to retrieve (Y/N) whether you like it or not. You lost. The Marley has lost. Give up,"

Samuels knife was not enough to beat a pistol. One move, and he would be shot instantly.

"You call yourself a warrior, but you're weak over a girl. How do you think you got that power in the first place? It was because of me! Me! You would be nothing without me! Your father would've killed you! I gave you that! I trained you!" Edward says, hitting his chest with his hardened fist, "But you have the audacity to go against me? Your own flesh and blood?"

Samuel panted and looked down at Hanji, trying his best to think of a solution without causing her or himself to be shot and killed.

"I'm sorry, but what you're doing is wrong! I can't go all of my life killing people! I'm going to take (Y/ N) away from here. I can't have you probing her trying to get her power for yourselves!  I won't allow it!" Samuel quickly raised his knife and threw it at Edward's chest, hitting it perfectly in the center. It didn't go deep enough to kill him.

Edward staggered back and set his finger on the trigger, holding onto the knife now stuck in his chest with his free hand, "Goodbye, sweet cousin,"

With a sudden squeeze, he pressed the trigger and a powerful bullet escaped from its muzzle.

Votes and comments are appreciated!

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