Why? {Third book in the I am...

By neverlandhiraeth

30.7K 1.2K 404

{3rd book in the I am Who? series.} Orion has gone off to Romania to work with Dragons and Fred was too late... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Fourth book?
Oneshot No.1
Oneshot No.2
Author Tag

Chapter 30

486 22 0
By neverlandhiraeth

Chapter 30>> Thy Wedding

Song of the Chapter>> Wedding Bells by Coldplay

The next day Bill was at the house that Sirius, Remus and Tonks stayed at currently getting ready, Charlie helping him. All of the other males were dressed and putting up the marquee in the garden whilst the girls got ready. Both Fleur, Molly and Fleur's mother were running around frantically wanting everything to be perfect, this made everyone try their hardest to avoid them for fear of being scolded or ordered to do something. Ginny, Hermione and Orion were getting dressed in Ginny's room. Hermione constantly looking in her small pouch-like bag. " 'Mione what's got you so panicked over that?" Ginny asked as she brushed her hair. 

"It's just essentials I have packed just in case Ron, Harry and I have to go." 

Orion nodded, "I forgot about that. You three going off in search of horcruxes. Sirius really wants to go with you y'now?"

"I know, but like Harry has pointed out, he is still not fully cleared and it is bad enough him being present at the wedding, we can't risk anything." After Ginny had pulled on her gorgeous bridesmaid dress she exited the room, still with the back zip open revealing her pale back. For what reason, Orion didn't know. Hermione, too, exited not a moment later in her beautiful red dress and pouch slung over her shoulder. Orion soon slipped on her beautiful dress courtesy of Tonks, Remus and Sirius. 

It was a deep red mesh dress which was longer at the back. She paired it with some nude heels which also matched her nails. She slipped on her charm bracelet from Cedric, her earrings from Alicia, Katie and Angelina took up her first holes whilst her usual earrings were in the rest. Her hair was in neat waved that fell over her right shoulder showing off her necklace from Bill and Fleur. "Knock, knock." 

"Come in Fred." She replied as she heard his voice through the door. 

He came in a proud manner as he looked her up and down before stopping. It was as if his eyes were deceiving him. Never had he seen her look so beautifully and elegantly dressed. Fred breathed out, "Damn." Before edging closer to her. "I hope that you've dressed like that to impress me and not some French cousin of Fleurs."

"Has it worked?"

Fred nodded placing his hands on her waist. "Words can't describe how gorgeous you look, Ry. I think it's the best I have seen you and I've seen everything of yours, literally. I'm not calling you ugly but please wear this every time I see you." Ryan rolled her eyes and began to fix his tie. "Please leave it as it is, it's awful."

"No, it's not." Fred shook his head and pressed a kiss to her lips. Everything was perfect then, no worries, no war. Just the two of them. 

* * *

Waiting for the ceremony to begin, Ryan, Fred and George were sitting in the same row as Remus, Tonks and Sirius. Harry, who was disguised as a ginger boy from the local village and called the Weasley's other cousin, Hermione and a few veelas were sat behind them and Orion could hear some of them giggling about the twins. Fortunately, Orion knew some French and was able to understand them. "Ces jumeaux est beaux, j'en veux un!" 

She glanced back at them glaring but they didn't notice. "What did they say?" Sirius whispered leaning closer to her ear.

"Those twins are beautiful, I want one." Sirius sniggered and patted her shoulder. She scowled at him before turning her attention back to the twins. 

"When I get married," Said Fred tugging at the collar of his dress robes, "I won't be bothering with any of this nonsense. You can all wear what you like, and I will put a full body-bind curse on mum until it's all over." He locked his fingers with Orion's fingers and bent down to kiss her knuckles. She snorted at his words and raised her eyebrows. 

"If that's your way of proposing to Ry, Freddie, that was utter shite," George commented and both Remus' and Sirius' eyes snapped onto them. 

Fred stiffened and sat up straighter, "It wasn't me proposing I was just saying that all of this stress and chaos won't happen when I get married." Sirius and Remus both sighed in relief sitting back in their seats and Remus holding onto his wife's hand calming his heart rate. It was too early for them to marry, in his eyes. Despite Lily and James getting married early it still wasn't, in his opinion, a great time for Ryan and Fred too. 

* * *

The ceremony was beautiful and both mothers of the bride and groom were sobbing, their husbands rubbing their backs. Ginny and Gabrielle, the bridesmaids looked gorgeous and so did Fleur. The guests watched the newlywed dance the first dance before joining them on the dance floor. Orion and Fred danced to the slow one, the girl receiving glares fro Fleur's cousins who were giggling about Fred earlier on. The pair were about to sit down to rest for a little bit when a bright blue light entered the tent, Kingsley's voice echoing. "The minister of magic is dead, the ministry has fallen. They are coming." 

Panic erupted among everyone and Bill and Fleur pressed their foreheads together telling each other that they loved the other one and soon disapparated. Many guests disapparated just as deatheaters arrived. Spells after spells were being sent flying towards the opposing sides and Ryan and Fred lost each other in the crowd. The girl saw Hermione, Ron and Harry get away safely, along with a few others leaving but she quickly ducked, an unforgivable curse narrowly missing her. She spun on her heel to find, Kasey staring at her a sinister smirk on playing on his lips. "Hello, dear sister." He greeted and it was as if time had slowed down. She was sure that her family did not escape Azkaban with the other deatheaters that rioted Hogwarts but clearly she was wrong. It was like seconds before, Luke and Kieran joined her older brother all glaring at her, their wands pointed at her. 

She could hear Fred's shouts for her, and she wanted so badly to shout to him but she couldn't move. It was only when someone knocked into her disapparating with her that she came back to normal. It wasn't until she landed on the sofa of her and Charlie's home in Romania did she come back to reality. Charlie sat staring at her, running his hand over her face and glancing at her body for any injuries. He wiped the tears that fell from her eyes, that she didn't know she was letting spill before pulling her into a hug. "It's okay, you're okay. Everyone is okay." He said to her. "They will never get to you." 

If only she could believe him. 

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