Flower Bromance | Kihyuk MONS...

By Simple_Plane

13K 1K 276

"Are we what they call art geeks??" Minhyuk and Kihyun are the best of friends who has a burning passion for... More

Chapter 1 (Prolouge)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 16

314 28 2
By Simple_Plane

"Any questions?" Kihyun calmly asked, pointing at the huge whiteboard behind him. The class had another of its meetings where nothing got done. As usual. Kihyun had struggled to make anyone open their mouth the whole morning. Everyone just sat quiet in their seats, glaring at him no matter how hard he tried to encourage a discussion. It was very frustating.

The short boy gave out a sigh just as a loud voice could be heard, cutting through the silence. "You're doing amazing sweetie!"

Kihyun's eyes twitched, trying to find the person responsible for that comment as the whole class broke out laughing. Just as expected, Wonho sat there, being the reason of the morning laughters.

Kihyun crossed his arms in fury. This was not the time for joking like this. If it was something he HATED, it was getting laughed at.

"Quiet! Be quiet!" He yelled, making the noisy students go completely silent instantly.
Clearing his throat, Kihyun pointed at the board with a determined look on his face. "Now, let's continue the meeting. No more silly jokes, we had our fun today." He coldly spitted, crucifying his classmates with his gaze and if looks could kill, the room would have been full of corpses.

By the time that the clock rang, telling it was lunch time, Kihyun was mentally burnt out. Being the student concil president was hard work especially when having to deal with a ton of "idiots".

After grabbing a plate and covering it with everything from vegetables to rice and chicken sauce, he spotted, first Hyungwon whoms small head rose above most of the others by that table. Shownu wasn't hard to notice either with his buff body and sitting position, the typhical "man-spread" taken to a new level. Wonho sat there too, looking quite funny as short as he was but just as buff as Shownu. It made Kihyun make a sly grin as he started walking over there. As he got closer, stick-like Minhyuk could also be seen, well hidden on Shownu's left side.

"Hello." He formally greeted, taking a place next to Wonho on the same bench as Hyungwon.

"Hey. Why are you here so late?" Minhyuk bluntly asked, stuffing a fork with rice on it into his mouth. His elbows were both resting on the table, a not so likeable habit of his.

"Student concil y'know. This shit is making my hair go grey." Kihyun muttered as a response, chewing a sliced piece of carrot while talking.

Wonho interrupted Minhyuk before he could reply and laid his hand on Kihyun's shoulder that was almost trempling from frustration. Everything was getting on his nerves lately.

"I'm sorry for making the whole class laugh at you earlier. I didn't mean it, sweetie." He cheesily said and Minhyuk made a puking gesture, witnessing the action with his eyes and hearing it with his ears.

Kihyun shook his head. "Don't worry about it. I'm just...So pissed off at everything."

Hyungwon raised an eyebrow, tilting his head to the side for Kihyun to see him. "And? Why is that?"

"I hate to say it but I think I'm just making life pissy for myself at this point." He sighed deeply, pulling his bangs back which got stuck there, revealing the two visible moles near his hairline. "It's hard being the student concil president when no one really cares for the whole thing. Meanwhile...Just school in general. I think I'm trying too hard." He continued to explain.

Hyungwon nodded from the other side of Wonho. "You're right. You need to relax."

"I know, I-"

For once, it was Shownu's turn to say something who had studied them all while quietly eating his food as his plate was completely empty. "Kihyun, wouldn't it be the best to quit?"

Everyone got quiet at the bold and straight forward comment, typhical for Shownu. He was the definition of honesty. Not because he was rude. He just never saw any reason for lying. Kind of like Minhyuk.

"I mean, if it's causing you this much stress and no one cares, why would you keep up with it?" Shownu further evolved his question since no one else knew what to say. Kihyun had been the student concil president ever since 6th grade so most people saw it as a part of him by now including himself.

Minhyuk sipped from his juicebox straw and nodded in Kihyun's direction. "I agree."

The others seemed to find the idea pretty good as well. This was after all one of the reasons why they all didn't have way too much time to spend with each other as a whole. It made them divided.

"I know it's probably the right thing to do but I really don't want to let the other represantives down. Even if the class doesn't care, the student concil plays a very important role as role models for younger students, hosts for events and represantives for our school." Kihyun described, choosing his word carefully without pausing a single time. He truly was born for something like this.

"But isn't your happiness more important than this rotten school?" Minhyuk asked, making a disgusted face.

Everyone got quiet again.

"No." Kihyun inhaled. "Others are always more important. My happiness is second priority. Don't try to stop me, okay? I appreciate your concerns guys but if no one else will do this, I have to."

All the boys around the table nodded slowly. They were slightly impressed by their friend's noble mindset, something that usually didn't really show. He was actually seen as a pretty narcissistic person and a diva in general. They've been reminded that was not the case once again.

Before the overwhelming silence would root itself again, Wonho leaned over to Kihyun and kissed his cheek. "You're the best." He said.

Hyungwon rolled his eyes, Minhyuk cringed very visibly and Shownu tried to look away.
Wonho and Kihyun were the ultimate receipt for what one could consider "A Cringy Couple" basically.

"Can you two stop that?" Minhyuk irritatedly spitted out of nothing.

"Minhyuk, calm down. You don't have to be so freaking jealous all the time." Kihyun hissed back.

"I'm not. I'm just trying to eat here and you're not letting me with your disgusting...affection or whatever."

"Stop being such a drama queen-"

That was when a brick loudly hit the table, making everyone rise their gaze, being met by Jooheon's intense eyes. "May we sit here?" He asked, flashing a smile, patting Changkyun's shoulder who stood next to him.
Jooheon was a very friendly person. His aura was just so powerful that his plain existence made people feel quite intimidated.

"Sure!" Wonho nodded, signaling Hyungwon to move closer to him to make place for Jooheon. Minhyuk and Shownu did the same thing on the opposite bench where Changkyun took a seat.

Jooheon stuffed his mouth full with rice, talking while chewing. "So what's happening here? Anything exciting?" He asked energically. Jooheon had been away for 2 weeks for a camp in another part of the country and therefore was not quite up to date with anything.

Kihyun shrugged. "Well..." He death glared Minhyuk. "Wonho and I are a couple now."

"Really?! That's gay." Jooheon laughed, making everyone else lose it too. Everyone except Minhyuk. He felt worse than ever but he still didn't know why.

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