A road less traveled

By KatherineDeniseTully

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Rayce is a local "Gang" leader who protects the residents of his town from nearby rival gangs. He can't stand... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10- Doc's in
Chapter 11
Chapter 12-
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51

Chapter 23

20 1 0
By KatherineDeniseTully

Rayce flipped through the tv channels as he lay in bed. Breaking News flashed along the bottom of one the channels and he stopped. The image of the car with the hand hanging out was again on the screen, but this time there was more information. He turned the volume up and listened as the newscaster began his speech.

"In breaking news tonight, the body found in the lake belongs to shrewd businessman, Damien King. He was traveling with his recent fiancé, Svetlana Blackstone and their son Andrew Blackstone-King; their bodies have not been discovered at this point. Foul play is suspected at this point but no autopsy results have been made available at this point. If anyone has news on the whereabouts of the fiancé and child traveling with Mr. King you are urged to contact the Williamson Sheriff's Department. They could be in great danger, as Mr. King was known to have ruthless business associates with ties to the Russian Mafia. We are awaiting a photo of the woman and child as soon as we receive it we will provide it. Please stay tuned for further details."

Rayce laid back in his bed, stunned. It couldn't be. Was it even possible she was that woman? A single woman and child traveling alone, no identification on them, little to no possessions with them? This seemed too much a coincidence. He grabbed his laptop and decided to do a search of the woman they named on tv versus the woman living in his house currently. His results came back shortly and all he could do was chuckle. Svetlana was only mentioned as being the fiancé of Mr. King in one of the big city newspapers. Apparently, this was a big event in social circles. Any photo that was taken she managed to avert her face, all that was shown was her body and the large sparkling diamond on her finger. As for Lyth, there was no mention or photo of her. He would have to do a little digging, get in touch with some of his contacts and see what he could unearth about her. The woman pictured with Mr. King was a knock, out that was for sure, she looked to be Russian, she was sleek and soft, blonde hair and blue eyes, the clothing she wore was revealing but she managed to pull it off well. She didn't look anything like the woman currently in his house who was dark headed, hazel eyed and carried weight on her in all the right places, not to mention a hellcat. They couldn't be the same person. Laughing at himself for jumping to conclusions Rayce closed the laptop, turned the tv down and pulled the covers up, calling it a night. The lamp made a soft click as he turned it off. He didn't notice the person standing outside his window, watching him, watching the news.

Lyth felt herself begin to shake, as she watched the breaking news report from outside Rayce's room. She had come by to thank him again when the news caught both their attention. She noticed him grab his laptop as he watched and she could only imagine he was putting two and two together. She would have to find a way to get documents and quick. Cutting ties had been her plan, but it looked like it was a good thing she hadn't burnt all her bridges, Vlad was probably her best bet at credentials with this alias. He loved her, she knew it, and sadly would have to play on that to keep him quiet. She didn't want him knowing her current location, so there was going to have to be some lying involved but at this point, that's all her life was lies and more lies. She didn't know how else to protect Ben from the madness that would be his life if she hadn't done what she did. Hiring the Russian model to play at being her was the smartest thing King had done. Granted it had been done out of spite and malice on his part, but it played well into her overall plan. She let him have his model and the media attention and praise, while she had been plotting and planning their getaway. Hopefully, no one would be able to get past the ruse, the woman had been paid and paid well once, her contract had been filled and King was out of the way. The woman would change her appearance and live comfortably with the tidy sum she had received for her part in the play. The lights clicked off and Lyth realized she was still standing outside his window and quickly moved away towards her own door. Slipping inside she softly closed the door behind her. A hand landed on her shoulder and she reacted purely on instinct. She grabbed the hand holding her, dug her feet in and pulled them over her. The body landed with a thud and a rush of air from the lungs in front of her. Dropping down quickly, Lyth placed her legs on the arms of her assailant and held the pen dagger she had pulled from her hair to their neck.

"Damn woman!" the voice gasped from underneath her. "If that was all I had to do to get you on top of me I would have done that sooner!"

Lyth scrambled backward off the body of Auggie laying prone on her bedroom floor. She was shaking, both from fear and adrenaline. People didn't normally catch her unawares, especially in her own room. Gathering herself she stood up, slid the dagger back into her hair and looked down on the man, currently splayed on her floor, in a rather attractive manner and spoke.

"You're very fortunate not to be dead, sir. In my younger years, I would not have shown such restraint. Now, what in heavens name are you doing in my room? Especially at this hour of the night? How did you get in?"

Coughing Auggie propped himself up on one arm and looked at the most beautiful creature he had ever seen, clothed in some of the most unattractive clothes he had ever laid eyes on, yet she made them sexy, before speaking.

"Well, I thought, what better way to get myself accosted than to show up unannounced in the sexiest woman's room that I happen to know. I was praying the element of surprise and this body would convince you to take advantage of me. Any chance of that?"

Lyth couldn't help herself. The hopeful, childlike look on his face was endearing to her. She kneeled next to him, leaned over to his ear, and whispered in his ear, before nipping it with her teeth, moving to his lips she placed a kiss upon them and found it was eagerly returned. She broke them apart and stood again, her breathing a little faster and her face a little flushed, luckily the darkness hid it.

"I am sorry to say but I can't accost you. I find you much too innocent." She teased.

Auggie sprang up to his feet and stalked across the floor towards her. Seeing his intention Lyth backed quickly towards the door, flung it open and moved into the hallway. He was like a lion hunting prey as he moved after her. His stride was long and graceful and he was a sleek and sexy machine in his khaki pants and polo. His hair was tousled and his eyes were hooded as they gazed upon her in the full light of the hall.

"You won't get away from me. I hope you realize that." He growled softly.

"That's where you're wrong. I can and will get away if I so desire. No one keeps me if I don't want to be kept." She stated in a dangerous voice, heavily laden with the promise of truth.

He moved in a sudden burst of speed and his hands landed on either side of her head, trapping her against the wall. His head was next to hers as he leaned down and looked her in the eyes. She saw a sea of emotions rolling through them as he looked deeply into her eyes before speaking.

"You don't realize much about yourself do you woman?"

Lyth cocked an eyebrow quizzically at him.

"I just want you to know, right here right now. I intend to court you. In as many gentlemanly ways as possible, and most likely some non-gentlemanly ways as well. I've never set eyes on a woman who has captured me as you have. I won't give up. There's just something about you."

"Auggie, please. You don't want to...."

"Hush. You can't change my mind. You don't get to tell me what I do and don't want. Just know I plan to see a great deal more of you Lyth. Please don't deny me."

He tilted her chin up with his finger and placed a soft kiss upon her lips before pulling her close in a hug. She laid her head on his chest for just a moment before she pushed him away.

He smiled before turning and leaving out the side door. Lyth sighed and shook her head. This was not in the cards. She didn't need the stress this was bound to bring, but she would be a liar if she said she didn't like him or that the kiss hadn't rocked her world like nothing had in a long, long time. Sighing she plopped down on the chair nearest to her and put her head in her hands, letting a few tears escape. How long would her life have to be so darn complicated?

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