His Beauty Her Beast

By AlexisMartinez424

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Meet James Anderson a spoiled rich kid who has had a rough life with his mom dying. Leaving him with a work a... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Evelen
Chapter Tweleve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Forteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty

44 0 0
By AlexisMartinez424


Turning over i feel for Alena body to pull her towards me but all i feel is the bed cold. After a couple minutes i sit up in bed. Clearing the fog from my eyes i turn looking for any signs of her. I turn my head the right where she usually is but don't see her but see a christmas present on the night stand. Reaching over i grab it an open it. I see new cufflinks inside that have A.A on it. Turning it over i see a note. Grabbing the note i read it.

Dear, James I love you these are for you for our wedding day. Hope to see you wearing them I will be the one in white. I trust you an I hope you trust me. If you ever get out of control mad think of me and my love for you. It will help. With all we been through I hope we love and trust each other enough to come out of this stronger. See you at the alter.
Love, Alena Anderson. A.A

It's a week before our wedding an she just left. The girls they must know where she went. With that i place the cufflinks down but take the note. An run screaming at everyone. "Wake Up! Everyone down stairs Now"! I reach the bottom an just go to the living for everyone to come. Starting to pace back an forth. Soon i hear foots steps coming down to the living room. Five minutes everyone is their even dad who is drinking a coffee. What happened? What's going on? Everyone ask me similar but different question. "Quiet"! Repeating what the not says they all have mixed reaction. "What did your cards say from Alena say? Let me see them". All the girls go quiet an they all look at Hope. Seeing as Alena is not here Hope is second in charge. She steps forward putting on a brave face. But i am better then her at this I am a powerful CEO. 'Sorry James but Alena told us to burn them after reading them'. "Bull shit". I step toward her to intimate her more. Lucas already doesn't like it. So he moves in my way blocking me to her. 'Stop James she doesn't know anything. Even if she did she's Alena second she die then give up her secret'. "Get out my way". I all but grit out to him. Lucas knows better then to get in my way when i am angry. But he's fight for someone he loves to bad so am I, an he's out match. Lucas sees the look of a fight. An prepares to fight as well. Knowing each other we wouldn't hurt each other you much but would leave some bruises. 'Enough'!! Turning over to my dad i see him calm an collective but still have the deadly eyes. 'Ladies, gentlemen leave James and I alone. He needs some time to figure out if he does love an trust Alena'. They cast my father a sad smile of compliance before leaving. He walks up to me slow;y to keep me calm. But with Alena not here my anger is building. 'Calm down James take a breath imagine Alena right next to you. Here her smile calming you down her hands in yours'. Doing what he says I imagine Alena right next to me telling me she loves me. After a couple minutes i am calm enough to talk to him. "Okay. I'm good now". He comes right in front of me. 'Now James i know you love her and miss her but you aren't doing what she wants. She wants trust and your love that even through this mystery disappears'. "I know i trust her and love her but my anger will get out of control without her". 'You will just have to make due'. He gives me a sad smile an leaves giving more time to think.


Ms. Williams wake up were here. Hearing my name i start to wake up. Opening my eyes i see the same body guard from last time. 'Hello mam we are here'. "Okay are all my bag in the car waiting"? 'Yes'. "Alright lets go what time is it here"? 'Back home it would be eleven in the morning and their a time difference of nine hours here. So its seven in the evening here'. "Oh okay. I really do have jet lag i feel like being busy right now". 'If you want we can take you to one of your corporate office instead of your hotel'. "Yes i would like to do that. An find me a private ice rink". 'Right away if you would please bundle up its reaching the thirty degrees'. Getting up i put on my thick coat and beanie. I follow him through the tunnel an out to the airport. I take one step and i have multiple body guards surrounding me. Hiding or blocking me from anyone to see me. 'Sorry miss Williams they don't have a private air strip so we have to walk you through out the airport'. "Its alright lets just keep moving". I hear cameras clicking and wispier of people talking in french. Wishing i would have taken French instead of Japanese my freshmen and sophomore year of high school. I am escorted out and to a waiting SUV. Opening the door i am put in and the door closes. Soon the front doors are open as well and they start the car. All to soon we are off. "I want a French translator". 'Don't worry Ms. Williams Liam here speaks French and English. He can translate​'. "Okay whats your name"? Directing my question to the driver. 'Carl'. "Nice to meet you both. How many others are with our group"? 'Well us two then we have another van with four more one of them is a women. She's Mayra she here mostly to secure the restroom or accompany to some where we can't'. 'Don't let her size fool you she gave Liam a concision last week'. "My kind of girl i think i will higher her when i go back home. My fiance is seriously going to kill me for disappearing a week before our wedding. No doubt he's probably trying to kill one of our friends". 'We are here'. Looking out the window i see a building with some words in French. Going out this starting the first of my week without James.

(Time Skip)!!!
Its been a week two days before my wedding. Cole has message me my whole wedding is still planed. All is left is to go back home and pick up the girls. To go to my grandpa house for next two days. Liam and Carl have been like good uncles. At first Mayra would take her job to serious. But i got her to open up more now she's pretty relaxed. Liam told us about a funny story about her. Which in result in us going to the emergency room for Liam. He got a broken nose. Carl let Liam have it, he ripped on Liam for an hour for getting hit by a girl. Well he didn't realized Mayra was right next to him so he also sported a broken nose by Mayra too. She has a husband and a daughter back in the states. I can tell she misses them but with her job she has to go anywhere her charge goes. I might just hirer her to be my guard for the states and just for their. So she won't have to leave them so often. After i got to my French office i met the rest of the group. Their was Francis, Kevin and Greg. With Francis being the closes to my age at twenty. Tall with muscles and dirt blonde hair with grey eyes. He likes to pull pranks but makes sure he doesn't do anything with Mayra. I think he scared. He says he's scared for his face. 'Alena'?! "In here". I see Francis come in from the door an walks into my hotel room. 'Everything is ready for us to go back to the states'. They know about James and I wedding and are traveling with me back to the states. 'Carl, Mayra and Liam are already their. They will have your friends at Mr. Williams house by time we get their'. "Great i can't wait to be back and hopeful get married". 'Don't worry Alena he'd be crazy not to wait for you. Plus with all the times we seen you go do a dress fitting anyone would wait for you. He's going to realize waiting for you was worth it. Even if you are left at the alter i will marry you'. "Good to know". "Now come on i want to go some where i know what people are saying". 'Come on then your plane is ready'. With that we sneak out the back and go to the waiting car. Only Francis and Kevin we make our way to the air strip. With it being so close to new years its slow. Not having to check my bag or anything we just take the tunnel to my airplane. Once we are all seated we take our eight hour plane ride back home. Resting my head down for a nap. With all the work and planning I've done, I am beat.

Eight hours Later

'Wake up Alena. We are here'. "What"? Getting up more i see we have landed at my private air strip. Putting on my coat i wake up a little more. "Is my car here"? 'No we brought a SUV it has your friends in it. They are blind folded'. "Why"?! 'Liam thought it would be funny. Which it kinda is'. "Francis"! Hitting him in the arm. I turn away to go out. Francis comes out with me and does a motion to let them out of the car. After ten minutes they are all out but still have blind folds. With a snap of my fingers they come off and they all look at me. A few seconds go by before they snap and run over to me. 'Alena'! They all but tackle me to the ground. "Ahh"! All of us on the ground. We all pause and look at each other before burst out laughing. Soon the guards help all of us off the ground. "Well that was quite a welcoming. Hows it been going since I've been gone"? 'Terrible the morning James found out you were missing Lucas and James almost fought'. "Why? What happened"? 'James thought i knew something but didn't. Lucas not liking the disrespect of me got mad and James on edge set them both off'. "Oh Hope I am so sorry". 'It's okay Jason stepped in before it could of have got worse'. "Is that all"? 'He has had some anger fits but with your letter helps. But we were still walking on egg shells with him'. "I will just have to have a talking to my husband on our wedding day". 'Oh your guys wedding i can't wait". 'James has still planned everything down to the T. He even made us go food and cake testing. Trying to figure out which you would like'. "What did he pick"? 'Salad then chicken pasta with sauce and red velvet cake'. "Yes! I love red velvet cake. 'James knew you would. No doubt he will flip out more when the wedding is tomorrow'. "Speaking of which Lexa said she dropped off all the stuff at my grandpa house". 'Its only one in the after noon we have time to kill before tomorrow. What do you want to do'? "I need to see my grandpa. Cole told me he's doing fine but i think he's sugar coating it". 'Oh okay. Well someone get me a car'. 'Heads up'! Turning over to Liam i see he's thrown a pair of keys. Catching them before they can fall. "Thanks Liam"! Going to the front seat i start the car while they get in. "Now on our way to grandpa house we go. Plus this is going to be our hiding place until tomorrow". 'Won't James check here'. "That's why their guards here they are going to keep him out". 'Oh okay'. 'You know right before the wedding he will be even harder to calm down'. "I know that's why i will finally call him. He's lucky you know he was give two hints this would happen. Most only get one". 'People have done this before'! Hope yells from the back seat. "Yes Anderson women have done it for centuries. An none have caught on. Nope the girls are told of the story how it got started. So they can do it too. But it is hidden from the boys so their fiance can do it to them". 'Why'? "Its to create trust. If you both trust each other you will meet on the wedding day". 'Who told you'? "Most Anderson girls are told by their mothers. Anderson boys fiance are told when they get engage. It gives them enough time​ to figure out when they want to do it. My mother told me, James Mom and my Mom were really close. So she told her about the tradition". "Then she told me. Jason knows he caught me sneaking out of our room. I know the full back story if you all want to hear it tonight". "But for now we are here". Parking the car. In the gate. "Liam set up the security. I called Cole no doubt that James is tracking his movements. Let Cole in no one else. I want this thing locked up more then the white house". With having going into CEO mode they snap into guard mode. 'Yes Mam'. With that they leave. Walking into the house. "Go where you want i am going to see my grandpa". I take the stairs up to the top and then go to the right. Lucky i know where to go other wise i would be lost. Knocking on the door i wait for something. Very lowly i hear a come in. Walking in i see grandpa laying in bed. Going over to him i sit next to him. Stella. "Sorry grandpa just me Alena". 'Oh right. I heard you disappeared'. "Cole told you"? 'Yes'." I am getting married tomorrow". 'What'? "I want you their you got to rest up now. Because tomorrow you are walking me down the isle with Jason". 'Why both'? He says but ends with a coughing fit. Waiting for him to catch his breath so i can continue. "You both are important to me". 'Megan is here she was going to go off on you for leaving me. But she will understand after she hears the story'. "What story"? 'The Anderson tradition'. "You know"? 'Of course you forget i was friends with Jason parents. They told me of the story so Stella would have told you too'. "Good to know the girls are here we are kinda hiding out here until tomorrow". 'I knew you brought them my security team is still watching the house'. "Oh okay". 'Tell your head of security to talk to Cody he's head of my security'. "I will are you okay with me getting married tomorrow"? 'I've learned long ago that i couldn't stop your mother. An you are just like her plus i see the way James looks at you. He loves you he will wait for you tomorrow'. "Thank you". "My mother did it you know". 'She would have your mother crazy and wild the only one to balance her out was your father'. "I know, rest grandpa i need you tomorrow". 'Don't worry about me I missed your mothers wedding no way I'm missing yours'. "Thank you i will check on you later". 'Okay'. I give him a kiss on the forehead before leaving out the door. Hearing laughing a few doors down I headed in that way. With the door popped open before i open it more. Looking at it i see all the girls and Megan. Hearing the door they all look to the door to me. "Megan".' Alena where have you been? Your grandfather was worried'." I know I am sorry but it was for good reason. I am getting married tomorrow". 'So that's what Coles been hiding'. "What do you mean"? 'He comes over every couple days but he's been stranger. Always looking over his shoulder like something is going to happen'. "He must be worried about James". "You see I left James a week before our wedding. An barely came back today". 'Oh my he must be mad'. "You wouldn't believe he almost fought Lucas when he realized". 'Lucas and the guys wouldn't they be missing you all'. "Yep no doubt they are with James trying to find where we are". 'Well i hope Cole brought extra clothes and his suit no doubt he's going to have to stay here to survive'. Ding. Dong. "I guess we will have to ask him". They all go with me down the stairs to the front door. Next to the door i see Liam talking with a man I've never seen. He's probably Cody. 'Alena,Cole is waiting outside and this is Cody'. "Yes he's grandpa's head of security. No doubt you will and your team will be with mine tomorrow". "Making sure my wedding is secure so no party crashers or paparazzi catch wind and try to ruin it". 'Yes Ms. Williams very nice to meet you we will, your wedding will go off with out a hitch. Well excuse me i need to invite Cole in before he freezes. With that i turn and open the door. "Cole come in". I see some of the staff unloading his car. And a bag that probably has his suit. "Smart man you knew you wouldn't be going back home". 'Yes. I heard about the girls disappeared so when you told me to meet here. I rushed as fast as i could here'. "What about your wife"? 'My brother is in town still he doesn't leave until another two days. Is it alright if comes to your wedding? He wont get in the way'. "If you trust him Cole then he is more then welcome". "But if he causes any problems he gets thrown out faster then they can say Alena". 'Yes Ms. Williams now come on lets go grandpa has the greatest staff. They have lunch ready plus after that we need to go get clothes'. "I don't have any here and neither do the girls". We all start walking. 'Alena your grandpa has a room for you that jam pack with clothes'. "Since when"? 'Once you took over the company. He knew you accepted him as your family. It only felt right for him to have a room for you to stay in if you wanted too'. "How big is this house"? 'Ten rooms, eight restroom, in the back a pool. Two studies plus a game room and theater room and the garage. That holds Mr. Williams car collection'. 'Then the staffs house'. "An how many staff"? 'Well since he's gotten older. He got a driver, two cleaning ladies that tend to the house. Plus the cook that makes all of meals then the security. He has four during the day but two at night'. "What will happen to them once he passes". 'Your grandpa took care of that they can retire anytime they want. But they heard of his diagnoses so they all decided to stay until time comes'. "What about the house"? 'It's yours too'. "What am i going to do with a house"? 'Sorry honey that's one on you'. Okay thank you Megan. With that the conversation ends and we reached the dinning room. Seeing the table loaded with all sorts of food. I see what i am guessing is the cook and the two maids. 'Ms. Williams we haven't introduced our selves'. Three older women come up to me. Two dressed the same in a maid uniform and the other in a apron. 'I am Kim the chef'. 'These two are the maids. Whitney, Lesley. We made up your room and a room for your friends. An your security can stay in the staff house'. "Will you all have enough room over their". 'Yes Mr. Williams had the staff living area just as big as the main house'. "Alright thank you so much not only for all this but for staying with him". 'Mr. Williams has been very kind to us'. "Thank you anyway". "How about we all sit to eat. Would you all care to join us". 'No thank Ms. Williams'. "Alena you all may call me". 'We must tend to other matters to the house'. 'Ring this bell if you need anything'. "Okay". With that they leave and girls and Liam, Francis, Carol,Mayra. Start lunch. After we've all had our fill. Picking up the like silver bell with a wooden handle. Giving it a slight shake a sweet sounding ring comes out. And the cook and the two maids come in. "Thank you Kim lunch was fantastic we are very satisfied". 'Anytime but your thanks is unnecessary'. "Nonsense giving credit were credit is due". 'Very well.' Would you all like to see your rooms'? "Yes but i am sure Megan can show us, you must be busy". 'Of course. Alena room is two doors down from her grandpa on the second floor. The guests bedrooms are on the first floor. Pick and choose'. "Can you tell me when my grandpa wakes and do the guest bedrooms have any clothes"? 'Yes i will tell you when he wakes'. "The guest room don't have clothes but your closet is fully stocked for more then one person". "Thank you". With that we leave. Megan guides the group away. "Cole"? "A word". 'Yes miss'. Taking him into the closest office. "You lied to me Cole you said he was good". 'I know I am sorry Mason didn't want you to worry about him'. A traitor tear slips out." I worry for him all the time Cole he's my grandpa". 'It's okay everything will be okay'. Wrapping me in a hug he just holds me until i stop feeling so sad. "Thank you". Pulling away I wipe my eyes. 'Why don't you go hang out with the girls for a bit. They missed you they almost bother me as much as the boys'. "Good idea". With that i leave.

Walking out of the bathroom and another day not seeing Alena getting dressed. It's a day before our wedding. My anger is alive an well mostly getting anger fits here and there. But reading Alena note and carrying the cufflinks help. All of our friends seem fine but i can tell they are being careful around me. Especially Lucas and Hope after a day or two i apologized. Of course both forgave me for it. Putting on some jeans and a grey long sleeve sweater. Making sure Alena letter and the cufflinks are in my pocket before heading out. Going out of our room and into the kitchen. Making a simple eggs and bacon breakfast i sit down and eat alone. Eating the last few bites i was interrupted by a big bang and arguing. Slamming​ my hand down i get up and go see what's going on. Walking into the living room i see all the guys. Lucas arguing with Alex and Adrian trying to keep them apart and Charlie just their. "Hey. Hey. Hey"!!! Slamming my hand down on the wall they all turn to the noise. "What's going on here"? 'James! The girls are missing'?! The girls they all just remind me of Alena. Alena. It all clicks into place Alena has them. "Calm down all of you. Its a day before my wedding they are probably with Alena". 'But we want them back'. 'I'm not complaining if they are with Alena they are fine. Probably more then fine'. 'How are you so relaxed James'? "Alena if she has them that means she back in town. I am off to find my Fiance shes here some where. An no one is going to stand in my way". Grabbing my keys and putting on my boots. I walk out the door. Getting in the car i speed my way to Alena grandpa house with guys trying to keep up. Seeing that gates are closed but cars are parked inside it. She's in their. Driving up to the gate i press the button to talk. "James Anderson to see Alena Williams". 'I am sorry Mr. Anderson. Ms. Williams isn't taking any visitors'. "You tell Ms. Williams to come out right now". 'I am sorry sir but Ms. Williams has asked you to leave'. "Alena come out here. I am your husband".

Hearing from the staff that James is outside and demanding i come out. 'Alena you should let us hand this'. "No i am going out. I will handle this". Putting on my jacket I unlock the door. Stepping out i walk up to the gate and see James standing their in all his handsomeness. Seeing him just hit me. As how much I missed him. "James". His voice breaking in the middle.' Alena'. 'I missed you'. "I missed you too". 'Please let me in I just want one hug'. I can feel my resole breaking one hug won't hurt. Giving the signal to the guards to open the gates. The gates open up and James enters. In a instance James wraps me up in a bear hug. 'I missed you princess so much'. "I am surprised search parties didn't go out looking for me". 'Oh they did but you took your own plane and only told the pilot where to go'." Yeah". 'My anger may have got the best of me at times'. "I know Hope told me". "Oh that reminds me. Why have you been starting fights James". 'Sorry to break this up guys but can we come in too'? Breaking away i see it's all the guys outside the gate and gate sealed shut. "Yeah sorry they must of closed them after James came in". Giving the guards the signal again they open the gate for the guys. Seeing Lucas reminds me of the fight they almost had. "You James Anderson need to apologize to Lucas right now'. He gives me that look of are you serious. "Yes now hurry up". 'I am sorry lucas. Its cool man'. "Now your turn Lucas". 'What? Why"? "You shouldn't have pushed him Lucas he was on edge already". He silent for quiet a bit. 'Go on Lucas I am waiting'. Turning around I see all the girls outside with coats and Cole hiding behind them. "Come out here Cole, James owes you an apologize too. No doubt James has been scaring Cole all this time". Cole comes over to us. 'Sorry Cole'. 'Its cool'." Well bye James". 'What'?! "Yeah you have to leave its girls day now go". 'Why can't it be you and me day. Giving a brief pause. "Fine only if you kiss me". Giving a kiss that was supposed to be a little peck but James deepened it. After a few minutes we hear a cough and pull away. "Alright now go". 'Fine see you at the alter love you'. "Will see about tomorrow love you". With that I give him one last peck before stepping away. "Gentlemen please escort Mr. Anderson and friends off the property". 'Yes Ms. Williams'. With that Cody and Liam and Francis escort James and the guys out. Thanks Francis with that Francis nods and gives sly wink. Letting out a laugh i turn and see a fuming James. "Oh James"? He turns still clearly upset. "I love you". Once my words make it to his ears he visible relaxes to answer me back. 'An i love you'. With that they all walk away. After they leave out the girls and I go to the living room. Ten minutes pass and Francis, Cody, Liam all come back in. 'Dang Alena I've never seen a guys so whipped Alena'. "He's not whipped Francis". 'Sorry Alena i have to agree with Francis on this. They way he looked at you when you he saw each other. After he calmed down after Francis because you said i love you'. If you all say so. Ringing a bell for Whitney to come. She comes just a few minutes later. Yes Alena? "Yes did Mrs. Armor drop off my wedding supplies". 'Yes yesterday morning they came they are in your room in the in your second closet'. "I have two closet"? 'Yeah the walk-in and then the normal one'. "Okay thank you". 'Alena sorry to bother you but you have a bit of paper work to do'. "Alright we will go into my office. We will be back girls then we can beige watch movies". "Make sure we have ice cream and snacks for later". 'Sure'. Walking with Cole to my office I sit in the desk and start up my laptop. "Alright Cole. What is it i need to do"? "Oh any extra work I can do before my honeymoon". 'Yes'. 'Theses paper need to be signed. We needed to schedule that meeting with bored for after the holidays and honeymoon'. "Okay lets get to work".
(One hour Later)
'Alright and meeting will be schedule Friday January Five at five'. "We will just be getting back from the honeymoon and start school again the day before". 'Good by the way where are you two going'? "I don't know James days its a surprise".' Are you two coming back to live with Mason or Jason'? "I want to come live with my Grandpa as much as I can but i know Jason wants us their". 'Talk to James i am sure you two can work it out'. "What if James an I fight about it"? 'Then you two will work it out like a married couple you will be'. "Thanks Cole". Giving him a thankful hug. After a couple seconds someone knocks on the door. Breaking apart I sit back down. "Come in". In walks Whitney. 'Kim said she is making pizza for you and should be ready in an hour'. "Alright thank you". She leaves out the door. "Well go settle in Cole its going to be a long day tomorrow". 'Thank you i will see you at dinner'. "Yes". With that Cole leaves too. Closing down my laptop I leave out the door. Going to my room I walk in and see clothes everywhere. "What's going on in here"? Hope pops out from a door which I am guessing is my closet. 'Oh sorry Alena we just came in to look for some clothes'. "An then you found out that Mason stocked my closet with anything and everything of the Lexa Armor collection". 'Yes were sorry but you even have her night wear clothing collection'. "It's fine now we need this messed to clean up". 'We will clean it up'. "Okay now go get changed or not pizza is ready in half an hour and who else is in their with you". 'All of us'. "All of you are in my closet". 'Yeah you have a walk in closet that goes for a mile long a whole army can you fit in here'. "Good to know now lets go we are having pizza tonight and no way I am missing that". 'Alright we are coming out in a bit'. "Fine meet me down stairs and please be respectful my grandpa is coming down for dinner too". 'Don't worry we will Alena'. Going out i head down stairs to the livingroom and wait until dinner is ready. Sitting down for another ten minutes Whitney comes through the door. 'Ms. Williams dinner is on the table'. "Thank you can you call the rest down they are in my room and if there's a mess remind them to clean it up". ' Will do mam. Your grandpa is already in their waiting for everyone'. Walking in i see Mason sitting down at the head of the table. "Hello grandpa". 'Hello Alena'. "I hope you are feeling better". 'Yes i am'. "Great are you eating pizza with us or eating something else"? 'Alena I am pushing ninety this year. I am going to eat what ever I can when ever I can. "What ever you say". In walks all the girls and Cole in the back. Standing up I go and walk to them. "Grandpa this is the second family I have. My best friends. Hope, Melissa, Jessica, Ashley an of course Cole". 'Very nice to meet you all I am glad Alena has you all'. ;Of course sir Alena such a nice person a great friend'. 'I wouldn't doubt it her mother was such a people person'. "Come on lets eat". Sitting down at the table everyone grabs a slice. Grabbing a piece for myself. I notice how crazy this all is. We are eating pizza on expensive china. ' What's wrong Alena'? "Nothing at all". Continue eating a couple slices of pizza we eat and chat about what tomorrow holds for all of us. After eating we all clean up after our selves. "Anyone up for a movie night"? Hearing a corse of yes from the girls and a deeper yes from Cole. Leading them all to the theater room. Open the door it looks like a real movie theater and James game room put together. Letting them in I hear gasp from everyone even Cole. "Welcome everyone please sit down I am just going to change and get blankets I will be right back". Walking away from them I head up to my room and grab some clothes to change into. Looking at it I see grandpa even put in a few items that say Bride. So cute grabbing white shorts and the shirt that say Mrs. and the kimono that has the Bride in the back. Changing quickly I go back down stairs and grab as much blankets I can find on my way their. Walking into the theater with hands full of blankets. Seeing me struggle first Cole comes and helps me with his help we pass out the blankets to everyone. Once everyone is comfy I take my seat with the remote and pull up Netflix. Login in with James account I put on The Longest Ride.I hear one groan and I just know it's Cole. "If you want Cole there's a TV in your room you are welcomed to use it if you don't want to listen to our girly movie marathon". 'Thank you'. With that he leaves out the door. Resuming the movie we are sucked into the world of cowboys and bull riders.

Two Hours Later

After a couple hours and many ice cream tubes later its going to hit two in the night. "Okay girls we should all crash we have to be up early I get married in nine hours". I hear tired yes and okays. Turing off the TV and turning on the light on dim so we wont wake anyone else up or hurt our eyes from being in the dark for so long. Walking away wrapped in my blankets I head up the stairs with a trail of tired bridesmaids to follow. Getting to my room I go brush my teeth quickly before throwing my self on the bed. Today is going to go great. With my last thought of becoming Anderson today before getting pulled into darkness.

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