Meet the Kid (TF2 and Child!R...

By PennNamedQuill

140K 2.8K 4.3K

The red mercenaries are a little more than surprised to find a stowaway in the back of their bread truck, Loo... More

Meet the Crew
The Hiding, the Seeking, the Child, and the Scout
The Little Nurse
An Interesting Visit
Purple Dress
First Day
Play Nice
(A/N) Guess Who's Back!!!
A Simple Saturday
The Pacifist (Blue-napped part 2)
Knuckleheads Don't Win
Faded Illusion
Through the View of His Eye
(A/N) New Book! RVB fans where you at!
Spooky Sleepover
Sweets, Treats, and Heartbeats (SS part 2)
Touching Base (SS part 3)
A/n: Tf2...School Play
Curiosity (SS part 4)
Found (SS part 5)
Welp....(SS part6)
A/N: Poll time!
In Death We Part (SS Finale)
(A/N) Plot direction...
Rewritten "Prolouge" Preview

How About Another Round of Hide and Seek

7K 166 201
By PennNamedQuill

After their short moment, Medic and (Y/N) continued to work in his lab. (Y/N) began to get bored and began to explore the lab. She looked and touched almost everything she could get her hands on. She was about to go sit down with Medic when she heard a 'coo' she turned to see it was coming from under a blanket she walked closer to it and closer when suddenly.

"Coo!" a couple of doves came flying from their hiding place causing (Y/N) to stumble back with a startled cry. This caught Medics attention. The doves all dissipated from the area to perch themselves of the ceiling, except for...

"Archimedes!" Medic yelled. Archimedes had found himself a nice spot in (Y/N) head. (Y/N) giggled at the bird on her head. Medic ran over to help up (Y/N). He attempted to shoo Archimedes  away, but (Y/N) stopped him insisting that it was fine, besides it didn't look like Archimedes was going to move anyway. Suddenly there was another message from the alarm-o-Tron.

"We are under attack!" She spoke. Medic panicked because he wasn't sure what to do with you. He grabbed his equipment, then scrambled to get you out the door.

"Quickly fraulein go hide. It is not safe here." He said. (Y/N) watched as Medic rushed down the hall to get to the field.

"Yay! Another game! Come on Arch-Ar-chi-med-es... can I call you Archi?" She asked the bird. The bird replied with a short coo and nested himself deeper on her head. "Archi it is then. Now it's time to get to work" She said. She ran down the hall with Archimedes on head, but couldn't help but feel like someone was watching her. She decided to set up a few traps along the way because it was fun last time. She put the finishing touches of honey, syrup, and glue on the wall before she was finally satisfied with her last trap. Finally deciding it was a good time to hide she ran to the room with the red brief case inside. On her way she saw a brown briefcase sitting inside of Spy's room and decided to empty it and take it with her. It may come in handy.

????? POV

I made my way across the battlefield undetected as those imbeciles began battling. I successfully made it all the way inside and began looking for the prize. I made my way down a hallway searching everywhere I thought it might be hidden. I was sneaking down a hallway when I heard someone coming I made a hasty retreat down the hallway when suddenly something tripped me and I smacked into a wall covered in.... I don't know what it is. The footstep were getting louder so I quickly ripped myself off the wall. I heard a giggle coming from a nearby room. I quickly ran down there and opened it to see the briefcase room. The briefcase was sitting on a desk in a corner of the room. I heard the sound of someone shifting coming from under the desk. I quietly snuck over to the desk and then quickly looked under to find the little girl from yesterday.

"Ah-Ha! I have found you espiègle petite fille." I shouted as I uncloaked myself. She jumped and squealed in surprise as she got up and tried to run. I quickly caught her before she could leave. She struggled and tried to escape but I kept her secured in my grasp. Suddenly I felt something cut my face causing me to drop the small girl. She landed on her feet and ran behind the desk. I looked in front of me to see nothing.

"You'd think you'd be more careful my blue counter." a sly voice replied. My red nemesis appeared in front of me. I quickly equipped my knife and tried to attack but he swiftly dodged. The battle continued till I finally had him cornered. I was about to deliver a finishing stab to his chest, but I suddenly felt a sharp hit to the back of my head and I passed out. The last thing I saw were a pair of (F/C) rain boots.

Back to the third person POV

(Y/N) had just saved Red spy. She hit him on the head with a frying pan she found in the kitchen. Spy was a little more than surprised when the little girl took down his counterpart with a kitchen tool.

"Red team wins." The administrator said through the alarm-o-tron. (Y/N) cheered and Spy prepared to drag his counterpart out of the base, but noticed he was gone and something else was still there.


The other mercenaries had arrived back at the base, ready to celebrate. (Y/N) excitedly told the others what happened earlier and received around of praise from the red mercs. (Y/N) yawned and Scout decided it was a good time for her to head to bed. Scout walked (Y/N) to her pillow fort and Spy believed it was a good time to bring-up one of his concerns. As soon as Scout came back  he began.

"Gentlemen, I believe we have a problem." Spy started.

"Well what is it spook?" Sniper asked taking a swig from his beer bottle.

"During (Y/N) and I's encounter with my blue advisory I noticed something that I found...strange. He didn't try to take the briefcase."

"Well if he wasn't after the case then why'd he come?" Scout asked not catching on.

"He wasn't after the intelligence. He was after (Y/N)."

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