The Catalyst (GirlXGirl)

By LBrooks23

1.1M 43.7K 6.1K

~COMPLETED~ In a world that is overruled with corruption and a new incurable disease sweeping through several... More

Chp. 1 "New Best Friend"
Chp. 2 "One Year Later"
Chp. 3 "Attraction"
Chp. 4 "A New Face"
Chp. 5 "Undeniable Feelings"
Chp. 6 "Change of Plans"
Chp. 7 "Close Call"
Chp. 8 "Realization"
Chp. 9 "Here's the Plan"
Chp. 10 "Good Guys and Bad Guys"
Chp. 11 "Finishing Up"
Chp. 12 "Oops"
Chp. 13 "Revelation"
Chp. 14 "Who Am I?"
Chp. 15 "What's Next?"
Chp. 16 "The Call"
Chp. 17 "Recruiting"
Chp. 18 "Last Day"
Chp. 19 "Rehearsal"
Chp. 20 "A Familiar Face"
Chp. 21 "And We're Off!"
Chp. 22 "A Friendly Chat"
Chp. 23 "Arrived"
Chp. 24 "Meet the Masons"
Chp. 25 "Eye Opener"
Chp. 26 "Close Call"
Chp. 27 "Home Sweet Home"
Chp. 28 "New Ability"
Chp. 29 "A Serious Talk"
Chp. 30 "Untimely Introductions"
Chp. 31 "Proper Introductions"
Chp. 32 "Preparation"
Chp. 33 "Convincing Lies"
Chp. 34 "Bad News"
Chp. 35 "Secret Skills"
Chp. 36 "Goodbyes"
Chp. 37 "Phase 1"
Chp. 38 "Finally Alone"
Chp. 39 "Deep Thought"
Chp. 40 "Doctor Henson"
Chp. 41 "Down Time"
Chp. 42 "Pursuing Phase 3"
Chp. 43 "Surprise"
Chp. 44 "Welcome to the Bureau"
Chp. 45 "The Lab"
Chp. 46 "The Truth Sucks"
Chp. 47 "Deep Conversations"
Chp. 48 "It's a Date"
Chp. 49 "Desperate Times, Desperate Measures"
Chp. 50 "Two-Sided Story"
Chp. 51 "Hard Work"
Chp. 52 "Great News"
Chp. 53 "Shocking Information"
Chp. 54 "Saving Avery"
Chp. 55 "Confessions"
Chp. 56 "Shocking Secrets"
Chp. 57 "Unexpected Call"
Chp. 58 "Old Wounds"
Chp. 59 "Training"
Chp. 60 "A Much Needed Talk"
Chp. 61 "Awkwad Introductions"
Chp. 62 "Business Meeting"
Chp. 63 "Late Night Talk"
Chp. 64 "Round Two"
Chp. 65 "Friendly Advice"
Chp. 66 "Forgive Me"
Chp. 67 "Morning After"
Chp. 69 "The Plan's in Motion"
Chp. 70 "Mishap"
Chp. 71 "Plan B"
Chp. 72 "Escape"
Chp. 73 "The Final Chase"
Chp. 74 "Aftermath"
Chp. 75 "A Step Forward"
Chp. 76 "Welcome Home"
Chp. 77 "A New Beginning"

Chp. 68 "The Final Meeting"

8.6K 361 24
By LBrooks23

Chp. 68 "The Final Meeting"

"It needs to be tomorrow, Pearce is going to be in the office. Let Boyd and the rest of the group know. We'll meet in the same place as last time at 5:00 in the afternoon."

The words hit me like a ton of bricks, and I felt the air catch in my throat at the reality of his words. This was happening, we were going through with the plan tomorrow, and there was no turning back.

"Andrea? Hello?"

I came back into reality, "Sorry, yes, I'll let them know."

He was silent on the other end of the phone, as if he knew I was having second thoughts. I heard him exhale heavily on the other end, "Andrea, if everything goes according to plan, nothing bad will happen. I promise."

For a second I had remembered Agent Walker was still considered a bad guy, because he was working for who we were obviously against. Now talking to him and actually realizing he wasn't bad made me aware that not everyone that worked for the F.P.S. was evil, and we could possibly kill innocent people by going in there and messing up.

I sighed, "Thanks Walker. See you tomorrow."

Then I hung up, letting my head fall into my hands as I tried to go through the plan just one more time. I would do it a million times tonight, and a million more times tomorrow. I was a nervous wreck, and because of my stubborn friends I would be a nervous wreck until this whole situation was far behind us. I needed out of here, and that's when I realized I wanted a normal life.

I didn't want to work here like my father, and I didn't want to live here and have a job here. I wanted to go to college and experience the normal kid experience.

And that's what I was going to do after this.

They wouldn't need me after this anyway, at least not until something this catastrophic happened again. I wanted a normal life, because I had never really had one.

The only thing that was preventing me from having one was the whole Healing thing. I needed to age, I wanted to, but I knew that this was going to be the one thing that would stay in the way, because it was irreversible.

What was I going to do? I would never be able to get older, get sick, or even get one gray hair. I was immortal, and knowing that I would be forced to watch everyone die around me really depressed me.

There are plenty of people that claim they want to live forever, but for what? I saw absolutely no reason, because you would have to run and hide, like Blaine had been doing for years. It felt more like a curse than a blessing.

A curse that was incurable.

I had absolutely no control over my future, because I wouldn't be able to do the one thing I had always wanted. I wanted to grow old with someone I loved, and live life the only way I had known. I hadn't asked for this fate, and there was no getting out of it.

I raked my hand through my hair as I stood from my bed, knowing I would need to tell Roger and the rest of the group about Walker. It was time to prepare, and I would drive myself crazy if I just kept sitting here thinking.

I walked slowly down the empty hallway, hoping Roger would be alone in his office. I hadn't seen him or Taylor in a couple of days because I had wanted to stay clear of Taylor, and I risked that if I went to the Office Sector.

But now it was inevitable.

I knew Avery had joined Max and Gage in the Training room since she had wanted to go over some techniques but I was still worried about her. I knew she had claimed to forgive me but I couldn't seem to forgive myself. The guilt was continuing to eat me alive, and I knew I deserved it. I had hurt her, and I deserved to feel like shit no matter what, because I messed up, and I knew that.

The elevator opened to the usual office scene, allowing me to take in the staff running around filing paperwork. I continued walking down the hall, heading for Roger's familiar office as I dodged Agents that passed me. I was nervous but I knew this would eventually come, I really just wasn't prepared. I would never be, because we were doing the unthinkable, but it was necessary.

And I was initiating the plan.

I found Roger's office and let myself in, knocking softly to grab his attention. He looked up from some paperwork he had scattered on his desk and spoke, "Andrea, what's up?"

I sighed heavily, bringing myself to deliver the news we had all been impatiently waiting for. "Walker called, we're meeting the same place as last time at five tomorrow afternoon."

The information settled into his brain as he stared at me, and I knew the reality of it was hitting him like it had hit me. He nodded slightly, "Ok, I'll let Taylor know.You tell the others."

I nodded, knowing I shouldn't stay any longer and risk seeing Taylor, but naturally when I walked out she was there.

She spoke, "Oh, Andrea, hey."

I nodded in response, knowing I shouldn't make small talk considering I was still feeling pretty shitty about everything. I spoke, "Hey."

She tilted her head, shifting her weight onto her other foot as if she was a bit nervous and uncomfortable. She sighed, "How's everything?"

I knew she was talking about Avery and I but I was having a hard time paying attention because I was refusing to look at her. I didn't want to look into her eyes, I couldn't, I just felt too disgusted with myself.

I shrugged, "Getting better I guess."

"I'm really sorry Andrea, I feel like shit."

I nodded, agreeing with her, "Me too Taylor."

Then I walked away, leaving her to continue with whatever she had originally been doing. I couldn't stand to be around her anymore because when I was I felt the guilt and sadness overtake me. Every time I saw her I felt her lips against mine, something that didn't mix well with the guilt I had suffocating me. I hated myself for being vulnerable I her, and when I saw her it only made it worse.

I walked swiftly through the hall and into the elevator, heading to the Training room to find the rest of the crew. I felt the stress settle upon my shoulders as I watched the slow movements of the descending floors, knowing I would be delivering news I didn't want to believe.

The doors opened and I walked in, seeing barely anyone here. I knew it was a work day, and not many people would be in the facility, so it was easy to locate my friends. I heard Avery's voice, along with Max's usual bickering and I couldn't help but laugh.

So it wasn't just when I was around.

I rounded the corner and saw Avery with Max, and if I had to say so myself, Max looked a little worn out. I smiled as I approached them, momentarily forgetting about what I was supposed to tell them in the first place.


All three pairs of their eyes shifted to me, and Avery spoke, "Changed your mind about training?"

I shook my head, walking up to her and wrapping my arms around her, mostly for comfort. I sighed, knowing the news would have to be told eventually.

Might as well get it out of the way.

I continued, "Walker called, we're meeting him tomorrow at five."

I felt the mood in the air shift, and I began breathing a little heavier at the anticipation of their reactions.

"So the plan is officially set in motion."

I looked at Gage who had responded with quite a bit if nervousness, letting me know I wasn't the only one. The reality of it settled in all three of my friends like it had to me and I knew they were beginning to think about all of the bad things that could go wrong.

I had done it too.

Avery gripped me, feeling me tense in her arms, "Everything's gonna be ok Andy, nothing will go wrong."

I looked at her, trying to find comfort in her words but soon coming up short. I was nervous, and I was getting ahead of myself, but I could t help it.

Max continued, "Yea, the plan is genius, everything's going to work out."

"No, the plan is crazy," Gage retorted.

"Yea, crazy smart," Max looked at his brother, indicating for him to shut up. Max tore his eyes away and focused on me, "Andy, don't worry."

I shook my head, "Max I can't help it, y'all are risking y'all's lives going in there."

"But this is the best way Andy and you know that."

I studied him further and I realized Max wasn't nervous, but he was ready. He was ready to end this and return home to normal, and I knew he was ready to go through with the plan.

We were going to come out of this strong, and finally end all of the bullshit that we had originally set out to do.

~ ~ ~ ~

The car ride there had seemed longer than last time, as if we were never going to make it there. My heart had been beating extremely fast the entire car ride as well, as if I was about to have a heart attack of some sort. I was scared, and I was sweating from the nerves building up inside me.

This was it, we were going through with the plan.

I breathed heavily as we made the familiar right turn down the road we had traveled not to long ago. I remember the meeting, and how shocked we had all been, and now look at us.

We were about to break into the F.P.S. and kill a very high ranked officer to save the country.

Avery's grip on me tightened as we made our way into the parking lot, and I knew this was it. The familiar building came into view as did Walker's black Charger. The mood in the vehicle shifted to something even more serious, as if that was even possible. I looked at Avery as we all began getting out of the car to meet with Walker inside.

I felt my heart slamming against my chest at the thought of actually going through with this crazy plan. I knew I shouldn't be as worried as I was, but I just couldn't help it.

We met with Walker quickly, allowing him to speak with nervousness laced in his words.

"Ok, let's go over every thing one last time."

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