From Soldiers Rifle To Dragon...

By taro619

3.5K 125 48

Our government, our leaders, they tell us what is real, what we should believe in, what we should stand for... More

The Harbor
Battle Scars
Mountain Ally
Make Bank
Cloudless Sky
Return Of A Hunter
Spa day
Egg Watcher
Hide and Go Seek
Blood Stained Sand
The Hunt
Lone Survivor
The Game Begins
Heavy Hitters
Eternal Bond
Stranger Tides
Rally point
Demon of The North Sea
Lost Words
Lost City
Truth In The Dark
The legend lives on
Prosoner 01
East Against West
Authors Notes


89 3 1
By taro619

Another cold wave swept over me. It lifted my snout with a cough as water filled my nostrils. It had only been 10 minutes or so since i blacked out, but it felt like days. The cold oceanic water swept over my wet scales, causing me to shiver heavily.

"I........i need to get off this beach." I growled to myself as i slowly stood with a wobble. I was unable to apply pressure to my front left paw, and unable to lift my left wing. That blue Subaru did a damn good job of crushing my wing and arm. It wouldn't heal properly unless casted up, so it was pointless to try and reset the bones properly. The pain throbbed in my joints as i limped up the beach, my goal was to find somewhere safe to hide. At least until i could contact Nina and get out. As i limped, i perked my ears. I could hear helicopters in the sky toward the bridge, sirens, and machines.

"We defiantly did a number on there movement." I mumbled, glancing toward the bridges direction as it disappeared behind a wall. I was standing between a grassy alley. Glancing behind myself once more, i quickly limped to the end where it opened up into a suburb of a kind. To my left led to the main road that led in and out of the suburb. To my right and front led to dead ends, the ends being large and rounded , having multiple large, beautiful homes around them. Each home seemed to have a basement, and top floors. A....middle to high class neighborhood to my understanding.

I sighed and quickly scanned my surroundings. There was a home directly across from me . It had a porch i could use as cover to move through the area. With a deep breath , i took the chance. Limping as fast as i could i made my way across the road, my wing catching for a moment as i made it to the other side. I let out a muffled yowl as i bit down on my good wing, trying to stop the pain. After a moment , i quickly made it under the porch. I relaxed and pulled my bad wing close to me.

"Your going to be the death of me." I sighed inspecting where it broke. It was a clean break, but a painful one none the less. I let my wing go and turned to look at a next possible moving option. In the next yard was a large above ground pool. I could hide around the back of it and plot my next move. With my confidence high. I took a step out from underneath the porch. A low growl causing me to freeze. To my left, hidden against the trees was a large German Shepherd laying in a dog house. A chain around his neck ran to a spot in the ground to tie him off. He let out another confused growl as i shrank into the darkness underneath the porch. He stood and began a quick trot toward me. His ears perked up with a curious expression.

"Dammit go away." I whispered causing him to stop. He leto out another growl and began slow cautious steps toward me. I growled back causing him to break out with loud barks. He began leaping toward me , his chain allowing him to easily reach under the porch , and to me. I heard footsteps in the house as the dog barred his teeth and jumped at me. Too close! I leapt and snatched him underneath the porch, out of sight of anybody else. He immediately began yowling and yelping as he tried to escape. I heard a door open and quickly shut my muzzle around the dogs, silencing him. With my good paws, i held him down, keeping him from making any sounds or movements.

'Just fucking keep quiet!' I thought to myself as i heard footsteps above me. The human stood still for a few minutes before turning to go back inside.

"Damn dog." She stated as the door shut. I let to dog go slowly, he kept low to the ground in a sign of submission. His ears close to his head as he made his way back to his kennel.

"Good dog." I quietly called as i stepped out from the porch and made my way to the pool. After the pool, it was open for 3 houses, then a fence surrounded the 4th and final house. Deciding not to chance another dog, i swiftly limped all the way to the fence where i hopped over. The yard was empty, and looked like it hadn't been cut it a few months. The exterior of the house said "i make a lot of money, be jealous of my success." So why would they let the yard go to waste like this? I slowly crept around the house to the rear door where the words "CLOSED PERMANENTLY" were tapped to the rear door. I pressed myself close to the glass and peered inside. The interior was torn to shreds. No carpet, holes in the wall and floor, a wreck.

"A meth lab maybe?" I said as i reached to try the door. It opened without problem and i quickly entered, closing the door behind me.

"Its not perfect, but its better than sleeping in the open i guess." I said as i began walking through the house. It was a disaster. There were no steps to go into the basement, which looked like somebody had been killed in. And the ground floor was ripped and torn to shreds. The top floor was the best of all 3. Its floors were carpeted, and tiled, but every now and the you'd find a hole. I glanced out the top window at the surrounding area. I didn't like being in an active neighborhood without a good way to properly defend myself, but at least i was hidden. I walked to the bathroom and turned the water on in the sink. It slowly tricked out the faucet and i closed my muzzle around it, drinking for a good bit until i was satisfied. I pulled the curtain off the shower and sat on my haunches, slowly wrapping it around my wing and arm to make a splint. With some working, i made due with it. Once happy with it, i went to the last room in the house. My eyes locked onto a mattress leaned against the far wall.

"This might work." I said as i pulled my weapons vest off and walked to them mattress. After inspecting it and the room a bit more, i found it had a large closet. Big enough to it 2 dragons with a bit of work. I slid my vest inside the closet and pulled the mattress so it leaned against the doorway of the closet. Making sure it sort of hid me from any prying eyes. After s bit more work, i smiled with success. It would do for now at least. I sighed and lay on my side, using my vest as a pillow. I pulled my Vests HUD so that i could see the time. 3:41 AM.

"Damn its early." I sighed dropping it and yawning. My wing and arm ached in the new splint, but i did what i had to do. I sighed and grabbed my radio.

"Nina......Nina its Shadow. Do you copy?" I said as everything got quiet. No reply.

"Nina, of you can hear me.........I'm coming for you." I said with a sigh as everything got quiet again.

"Over and out." I said pulling the radio close to me. I curled into a ball and sat in silence, alone and scared. My mind began tracing back to earlier today on the bridge. Hunters face as he told us to leave him. The expression he had when Artimus kissed him. I felt a tear role down my muzzle as i began crying for Hunter. He became my father figure when my real dad died. I looked up to him and respected him. Now he was gone. I hadn't even been able to say goodbye. I cried until i could no longer cry. Then i lay in silence, morning there deaths, morning about being alone, morning for my mom and dad. I just wanted to be held. I let every emotion i had bottled up out. Every tear i held back for my friends deaths. Every tear i wanted to shed for them, and soon the tears swept me off into the land of nightmares and darkness.

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