Bitten But Alive (The Walking...

By chibicandimei

1M 30.3K 17.8K

When it all began, you,being one of the best soldiers,helped get as many people as you could out of multiple... More



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By chibicandimei


Halloween Addition


(Your POV)


I held her in my arms tightly to keep her both warm but also protected. Our bodies pressed up against the tree as well. Once I was sure the multiple feet had walked far enough to not notice Sophia which took a very long time, I slowly unwrapped my arms from her. Even with her not pressed against my chest she refused to open her eyes or even make the most mininal movement in fear. I sniffed the air, and though some blood was still evident I believed it to be the floor the walkers had crossed over. Ok good, they're gone.

For now at least.

I sighed realizing the mess I had gotten myself into. Still it's not like I could have left her alone. Faces flashed through my mind as I had closed my eyes for a second. All the death, the loss...abondonment..Before I could continue with my "helpful" thoughts Sofia suddenly pushed herself against me causing me to fall backwatds onto the floor. Her body was shaking as she fumbled to wrap her small arms around me."Sophia?"

No answer.

I leaned closer to her head and pressed a small kiss to the top of her head before furrowing my brows. She smells like-like-I slowly leaned closer and sniffed her. Did she-I shook my head violently. No no no no, there is no way, I must have left my walker sent on her. I'm sure she's fine.

That was enough to calm myself down so with Sophia attached to my torso I slowly and carefully sat up before struggling to make it onto my two feet without hurting or dropping her. Never once thought in my life that I'd be in this type of situation. Me with a child...and alone. I felt myself lightly smile as once stood straight Sophia wrapped her legs around me and moved her arms around my neck. She is cute though I can't deny.

I lightly patted her back to calm her down, "I'm gonna see if I can find you some food. It's not good being that thin." I felt her small lips morph into a soft smile before a little giggle was heard. "Just sleep for now, alright?"

She slowly nodded before moving her head to the side and finally shutting her eyes. Now let's find some food for the little one. I began to walk, taking careful slow steps as to not disturb her attempt for a nap. Meanwhile my eyes looked at her exposed skin and my uncontrollable thoughts came about again, I should probably find myself food too before I bite her. I shuddered at the thought.

I'd shoot myself in the head before letting myself take a bit out of a human, especially her....but what if I can't control it? I sighed wishing my thoughts could shut up for once, and then continued on my way. My eyes darting around the floor searching for any movement.

After a little bit my ears caught onto something so I turned left and slightly crouched down. Instantly I grabbed my knife and being sure one of my arms was tightly wrapped around Sophias body to keep her in place I began to look. With my other arm and my trusty knife in hand, literally the only weapon currently on me, I aimed at a shadow my eyes managed to see I threw it straight on. A squeak was heard before my eyes and nose noted the tearing of its flesh. Why must flesh smell so alluring.

I practically kicked my thoughts away I walked closer to the animal. It turned out to be a rabbit and though it was on the small side it was still better than nothing. I reached down making sure I had a tight grip on Sophia and pulled my knife out of the rabbit. I wiped it's blood on my clothing before putting it back in it's sheath. Quickly I snagged the dead rabbit body off the floor and made my way back to the tree that I was at only moments before with an awake and terrified Sophia.

I wonder if the others are searching for us? I looked at the darkness that had now encased the forest. It wasn't that late yet but with trees closing off everything it...I sighed once more before tossing the rabbit on the floor to unocuppy my hand. Its better if they don't right now. It's too dangerous for them in the dark.

"Please don't wake up," I whispered under my breathe as I tried to untangle Sophias body from mine. Thankfully I managed to removed her arms and legs so I lowered her to the ground and propped her body against the tree.

I was ready to turn around and try to start a fire but my body froze with my eyes glancing over Sophias form. My eyes off of her for too long simply worried me. She isn't safe alone, especially with my back to her. After thinking a little bit I removed my hood and unclasped my "cape", as Sophia and Carl liked to call it. But if she smells like walker all should e fine, I smiled as I placed my "cape" over her small body and she isntantly grabbed onto it like a blanket and curled up more. Nothing should happen now.

This time without any worries I turned around and searched for some wood to start a fire. After getting enough thin but sturdy enough sticks all collected only minimal steps away from Sophia, I placed them into a pile and began to dig a small pit into the ground. There were way too many ways to start a forest fire and I am not about that life. Even if this place may be infested with walkers. God I sound that like god damn bear commercial.

Pushing back my h/l h/c hair I began to set up my little fire before attempting to ignite it with friction. After much struggle and the loss of a few sticks cause I may or may not have been breaking them I finally reached a spark that slowly inflamed all the sticks, "Finally, of all the things I learned to do easily this was not one."

Ok and now, I turned around seeing the huge gap between the fire and Sophia. It was enough to keep her warm as well but at a safe distance. Where the heck did I put that rabbit....well tossed it..actually. I slammed the palm of my hand onto my forehead as I tightly shut my eyes. I swear to fucking hell if I lost that god damn rabbit.

I walked around the small perimeter for a little bit before I felt my foot kick at something. It was the rabbit. Last time I do that...Hopefully.

After taking a quick glance at Sophia to make sure she was still soundly asleep I raised the rabbit to my mouth and took a small bite. Mmm..I felt myself groan at how good it tasted and I almost went in to take another bite but I quickly stopped. No no no I can't. Sophia needs it more...what's wrong with me.

After cutting around my bite ,I carefully gutted the animal and did as best as I could to prepare it for eating. After making sure it was set and safe to consume for Sophia I stabbed a stick through the bottom portion and began to roast it over the fire. As it's smell started to become prominent I heard Sophia shift from behind me, "It'll be ready in a bit."

"Mhh,"she yawned, "you found food? Is it a rabbit like the ones Daryl always gets?"

I smiled at her comment, "I think so, but I'm not completely sure about that."


I could imagine the sleepy but adorable smile that adorned her face,"Yes,what is it?"

"Thank you."

I lightly laughed as I ran my fingers through my h/l h/c hair hoping to remove the few tangles it had gathered after my search of the tossed rabbit."Don't worry about anything Sophia, as long as I'm here we'll both be fine."

When I got no answer I expected she had begun to drift to sleep again so I stood up straight after ensuring the rabbit wouldn't completely fall into the fire but would still be cooked. "Sophia,are you starting to-," I froze as I had fully turned around to face her, "sleep.."

My eyes widened into saucers as I stared at my completely abondoned cloak just resting on the dirt floor, No...she was just..talking to me



I felt myself begin to panic and I rushed to the tree to make sure my eyes weren't tricking me,I bent down and picked up my cloak. That was it, just my cloak. "Sophia? This isn't funny ,you can come out now."

I looked all around just hoping she would appear and when she didn't I began to freak out, "Sophia! Sophia!"

I ran outside the fires perimeter and searched as much as I could, "SOPHIA! COME OUT PLEASE!! SOPHIA! SOPHIA!!!!"


I sat up abruptly my arms instantly reaching out only to be met by complete silence and darkness. I was inside the house again on the floor, staring at random furniture and a white ceiliing. Everyone in our group was asleep and strewn about house but I happened to be on the floor with Glenn nearby who was slightly snoring. I flopped myself back onto my back and raised my hand. SImply starring at it in the darkness. I glared at my gloved hand to the point of believing I could burn a hole if I stared hard enough.

But seeing as my hand was still in one piece this was real life again..

What just..happened though?

I slowly lowered my hand and felt the ground graze my finger tips. I need to go outside. I still didn't believe I was awake, but me sitting here doing nothing with the risk of waking anyone up wasn't ideal either. After sighing I carefully stood up and walked towards the front door, thankfully me and Glenn chose to sleep very close to the exit. Then the door creaked as I attempted to push it open and I froze in place. Hearing nothing but the same breathing rythm throughout the hourse I moved and looked back into the house. Good no one seemed to hear. Feeling safe I finally stepped outside and slowly set the door back into its place. The only light outside was the moon, but it was enough to make the entire farm light up.

Without even thinking my eyes attached themselves onto the dozens of trees that clustered together to form the grand forest. With my eyes still gazing at them as if hypnotized I slowly made my way down the front porch steps and onto the grass. How..

The dead don't sleep

Walkers do not sleep

I have not slept since that day

I have not even dreamt since that day

I hadn't realized how much I had walked until I was in the middle of the huge grass landscape with trees surrounding me. The house so far I could tell it apart from the barns it had. My eyes slowly gazed up into the sky away from the trees.

Walkers don't dream because they physically cant...

I furrowed my brows as I stared up at the moon, Did I really just dream...for the first time since I... died? And why....what it about her....

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