I Caught A Thugs Eye

By Queennogoodeed

501K 12.3K 1.3K

(EDITING)Nashaé is 17yr old a senior in high school she has her regular teen problems until she meets a thug... More

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"Wassup Stranger?"
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What is. What it ain't.
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The Birthday Girl
Trouble In Paradise
What a family.
What Heart?
These Arms OF Mine
Thanks Again.
The Files Part 2
On My Own
{ Them }
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The Winter Stories Part 2
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Smoke and Mirrors part 2
Smoke and Mirrors part 3
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Unplanned Part 2

2.6K 77 9
By Queennogoodeed

( Continued )

Kayla:Unc and momma!

Sly heard Kayla yell but didn't say nothing so Lexa did

Lexa:You coming?She said with tears in her eyes as Sly looked at her with tears in his

Sly:We do this shit day in and day out for all our lives but at first we gave back to the streets but Malik and DeMarco was runnin' shit then them niggas got soft and gave Hakeem a lifetime in his hands muthafucka didn't even lift a finger he got cocky and reckless and what happen to him was better off for everybody I just wish it would've been sooner.

He said,got up and walked out the room as Lexa wiped her tears and looked at the picture as Sly was half way down the stairs into the kitchen with Lexa coming behind him

Sly:What lil girl?

Kayla: They having a ceremony for Quan and the news people are there

A lightbulb popped up in Sly's head went out the door and pulled out his phone as Lexa was wondering what was he up to now and he called Malik and Martin

Sly:Change of plans.

He informed them but Malik was shocked and got nervous


Sly:Have you seen the news?

Malik:Yeah but-

Martin:Are we about to?He asked cutting Malik off

Sly:Yep me at the building across from the school around back.


Sly:Did y'all hear from DeAngelo?


Sly:Aight y'all hurry up.


Sly and Martin hung up while Malik was hittiung himself on the head and Sly walked back in the house and Lexa came up to him

Lexa:Who did you call...what's happening?

She asked as Sly went to the kitchen and opened the basement door with Lexa following him

Sly:I have a better plan to get Nashaé and her family to take notice and back off.

Lexa:What was wrong with the original plan?She questioned him as he grabbed a big black long bag and came out the basement

Sly:Its still going to happen just after this new one takes places.

Lexa:Don't go to that school Sly.

She said as he stopped in the kitchens back door for a moment and continued to walk to his car but Lexa was right behind him,she turned him around as he was opening his car door

Lexa:I thought we had an understanding that I was going to help with this but not this way?Sly grabbed her and started to yell in her face

Sly:Listen to me I'm taking care of this now..tonight...I'm not waiting anymore!He said getting angry he let her arms go and he looked at Kayla then back at Lexa

Sly:Go home...now!He said getting in the car and driving away leaving Lexa mad and worried

Kami and Shaé pulled up a block away because the streets were packed with people but enough for it to function Shaé looked at Kami

Shaé:Are you sure about this Kami because I'll take you back home now just say it.

Shaé offered Kami looked back at Shaé,got out started walking Shaé exhaled and followed her,they were walking and got to the school some people hard on white and others didn't as Kami and Shaé make it through the crowd the see people looking at them and hear distant chattering but kept their heads up and walked to Quan's parents and gave them a hug

Lisa:I'm so happy y'all came anyway it means a lot. Quan's momma said holding on to Kami

Lisa: And before we forget we brought something for you but we left it in the car and it's to many people out here to go back it get so we'll wait til after.

Kami:When does it start?Kami asked

Marcus:Its about to start we were waiting on you.

Quan's daddy said as Kami teared up a little bit and Shaé shed a tear but wiped it as Kami and Quan's parents walked to the podium and Quan's dad cleared his throat,everybody got quiet

Quan's Dad:

Good evening everybody first I would like to thank you all for coming it means a lot to me, my wife Lisa and especially Quan of course now a lot of you probably wondering why it took weeks to  have a memorial or some type of gathering for Quan but to be honest we wasn't ready and we still not until we have his full body recovered so we can have an option as his parents whether or not to cremate our son or not but we won't do that unless we have his full body so I ask...no I beg of any body who knows anything please contact us...thank you...so with that being said the beautiful life that was taken harshly and so soon had plenty life in him Quan to us had lived pretty much a full life with the activities that he took advantage of him being on this earth running wild full of life is what made him who and what he was always the one who tried to keep things okay but we they didn't he kept trying so that what this memorial is about keep going now his beautiful momma and girlfriend.

He said backing up letting Kami and Lisa come up with Kami ttearing up and hugging Lisa while Shaé looked around and seen people with tears in their eyes and holding eachother ,she turned her attention back at Kami and Lisa as Lisa begin to speak

Quan's Momma:

Once again I would like to thank you all for coming tonight to remember a beautiful soul that was taken so soon from us that soon if he got the chance he would've like to try to make the city we live in great without all the violence again...

During Lisa talking Keisha came out of nowhere and walked to the podium and police didn't even try to stop her and Shaé became confused and on edge on why didn't the police stop her,Kami looked at Shaé and only thing Shaé could've did was shrug because she was just as confused when Lisa pit her arms around her and continued to speak when,Sly pulled up across the street around back and waited on the others while he looked at the scene from a distance

Back at the house Andre just arrived to Melody's front door, knocked twice and Melody came running out the kitchen to the door

Melody: Hey what's up?She said letting him in,Andre walked in

Andre: You tell me you sounded upset on the pho-

He stopped what he was saying when DeMarco came out the kitchen drinking

Andre:Why is he here?

DeMarco: Don't address her address me.

Andre:Why are you here DeMarco especially tonight of all nights?

He said as DeMarco sat on the arm of the sofa

DeMarco: My wife calls crying,I come running same thing you did.

DeMarco noticing how Andre came when Melody called him,Andre rolled his eyes at DeMarco's comment while Melody and DeMarco looked at eachother,Melody rolled her eyes at DeMarco while folding her arms walking to sit down

Andre: Anyway,what was the emergency?

Melody: Kami got really upset earlier about Quan and when I looked at her phone before she left the same girls that she fought earlier in the year said she set Quan up and I think them going to Quan's ceremony maybe a bad idea and can lead into something terrible.

Andre shook his head and sighed

DeMarco: What's wrong?

Andre:Late last night Kami asked me to check two houses.

DeMarco: Why?

Andre: She said that it was some boys that use to say small things to her and Quan when they passed to get to Embers house.

Melody: Did you believe her?

Andre:No but I'm still going to check because it might be something in there that will put pieces together.

Melody:Alright...now what did you have to tell me?

Andre:I've been digging way back and I've added to my theories because when Amara died we went to her sister Cassie to ID the body the officers that went to inform Cassie the lead her to morgue but as the officer that was driving away from the house he said he looked in his mirror and a woman came out her house.


Andre:And well like I said I digged a bit and something didn't seem right to me with how the day before and after Hakeem, Kim, Brittany, Amara and Quan died their files were messed with and Chief wants me to find out what information they had to die for and why and some officers think it was to keep y'all from looking for the truth.

Melody: What do you think?

Andre:I think that too...also I believe somebody is trying to protect something bigger than we're realizing.... You say you out the game but are you really?

Andre questioned DeMarco as Melody turned to look at DeMarco waiting for him to answer but he just sipped his drink


Sly was fixing his gun up as one car pulled up,Malik and Martin and two others got out the car

Malik:Why are we here?

Sly:Because I got a better I idea for everybody

Sly:Alright...stick to the plan I got two cars a block away to follow Nashaé and Kami home so Martin and you two go up to the top floor,not you.He said as he grabbed Malik's arm

Sly:What the fuck is up with you?

Malik:Me? Really?Nigga you about to have them crazy ass niggas open fire on innocent muthafuckas out there all because of a Késhaun but you started this shit

Sly:Damn right Imma finish it.He said brushing pass Malik and heading upstairs and seen that Martin had a sniper out alreayd

Martin:Aye Sly Keisha here.

Martin said as Sly eyes got big as Malik came in the room while Sly was looking out the window then Sly pointed to the target

Sly: Shoot.

Martin lined the gun up with the target and shot,the gun went off and the bullet hit Lisa right in the middle of her forehead and the blood splattered on Kami's and Keisha's face then everybody ran and some got low and started running Marcus was getting ready to been down and go to her side but Martin shot him on the side of his head making the bullet go ear to ear clean out while everybody was screaming and polices were calling for back up

Meanwhile, back at the house the cameras weren't rolling people knocked them down trying to get home while Melody and DeMarco was losing their minds,Melody tried to get out the door but DeMarco was in her way

Melody: Let me go!

DeMarco:Let them handle it the girls are smarts to get out of this.

Melody: It's a fucking sniper in the air.She said pushing DeMarco as Andre was watching the news and talking on the phone trying to get answers but he only heard yelling and with Melody and DeMarco arguing he got angrier

Andre:Call them!

Melody stopped pushing DeMarco and called the Nashaé phone, Nashaé got her phone from out her pocket and seen it was her momma 

Nashaé:Its a sniper and I can't see it!

DeMarco heard Nashaé voice and took the phone from Mel

DeMarco: Shaé listen I need you to keep it together and get you and you're sister out now!

Nashaé: Kami isn't listening to me she's in shock.Shaé said crying as Keisha was crying a little and came to her senses and peeked from out the podium and seen people standing in a window and just went off her gut feeling and knew that it had to be Sly so she turned towards Kami

Keisha:Hey Kami listen we have to move from right here amnd run ok?She said softly with tears running down her face as Kami had blood all over her hands and clothes she nodded at little at Keisha as she looked at Nashaé

Keisha:Move over some!She yelled as Nashaé hung up the phone,Keisha looked back at Kami

Keisha:On three I need you to run Nashaé....One...two...three!

Kami ran as Keisha shot four times up at the people in the window while Nashaé figured this was the only opening to get in the crowd of people to make a run to the car they ran hearing more gun shots with kids,adults and police screaming they finally got to the car Shaé dropped the keys got down and hurried to try to put the key in the ignition but it dropped on the ground and she was startled by somebody bagging back hitting her car so she got the key off the mat put it in the ignition and left racing to get home
Sly and his men were in the car driving while Sly was on the phone

Sly:Once they get to pass the stop sign on the left by the house shoot out the back tires.

He said as Maliki looked at Sly and didn't say nothing

Jaceon was sleeping and his phone started ringing off the hook and started reading his text messages he got off the bed and started to run down stairs when he heard a slight moan come from his mommas room he turned slowly and put his ear to the door and heard the bed so he opened the door and seen Sasha on all foiurs getting fucked by DeAngelo, Jaceon was lost for words as Sasha and DeAngelo looked at him


She said but Ace just cut her off by waving her off

Jaceon:Don't.He said looking down at his phone holding it up showing the message about a shootout at the school

Jaceon: Did you know this was going to happen?

Sasha:About?She responded but Jaceon seen right through her

Jaceon:Sly opening fire at the high school killing Quan's people!

Sasha:How do you know it was him!She said defending Sly and Jaceon got pissed

Jaceon:Who else's could it be unless its something else you not telling me!He said looking at DeAngelo

DeAngelo: Jaceon?

Jaceon:Nah Fuck you nigga.He said walking out the room,heading back to his room trying to call Ember but she sent him to voicemail and tried to call Késhaun but he didn't answer either
Shaé was hitting corners so fast panicking trying to get home she was a block away not noticing the black jeep that was following her the whole time ,Chief called Andre while he was looking out the window


Andre: Yeah?

Chief: The shooting stopped and the girls are nowhere to be found they should be on the way home.

Andre:How many injured?

Chief: Two deaths,seven injured trying to get to covered

Shaé was coming to the stop and heard car tires behind her,she looked in the rear view and seen the jeep and before she knew it people on the block were running and screaming because the jeep started shooting they blower out both back tires making Shaé car spend DeMarco,Melody and Andre heard the crash and ran out the door looking both ways and seen that Shaé car crashed by the stop sign and electricity pole causing a power outage the streets were dark they ran calling calling Kami and Shae's name soon as they got by the car the men in the jeep started shooting and Andre and DeMarco did the same while Melody went to Shae's side of the car where she was hearing yelling from from Shaé

Shaé: I smell gas!The door is stuck!

Melody:Hold on!

Andre stopped shooting,stepped back got the brick from Melody and throwed it hard as fuck to crack the windshield it did some damaged so he took out his nightstick and started hitting it broke

Melody: Kick it out the glass hurry!

Shaé put her feet over the wheel and started kicking ,it took three kicks and busted Shaé leaned over and got Kami and Andre got on the hood to pull her out as Shaé crawled out the and the gun fire stopped Andre looked and the shooters were running and DeMarco took Kami away from Andre and all of them ran back to the house Andre shut the door

Not even a minute later as Melody was cleaning the blood from off Kami's head they heard car tires and then bullets were flying in the window they couldn't see in because the power lines so they were shooting blind Andre knew they had them pinned down and Andre knew it was only one way to go but DeMarco wasn't going to like it

Andre: We're pinned down right here!

DeMarco: Keep shooting!

Andre: We don't have enough bullets between the both of us to hold them off I have to call for back up...you have to leave!

DeMarco: And let them die hell no!

Andre:We all will die if I don't call!

DeMarco:I'm not leaving my family!

He said as Melody crawled in the kitchen with Shaé

Shae:Who are you calling.

Melody: Our lawyer.

Melody: Listen I don't DeMarco came by the house and a shoot out is happening and my ankle monitor is beeping because I left the house because my daughters were in a car accident down thee street and the police are headed here please get us out of this got go.

Andre:Those are sirens you can go now.

DeMarco ignored Andre as he was about to shoot again but the cars were gone and the police pulled up with an ambulance they came and got Kami as Chief rushed in before the other cops

Andre:What's wrong?He said seeing his Sergeant behind him

Chief:I was trying to catch you before you left the station.

Bennett: Gone ahead finish.

Chief:Sergeant here had the houses tapped and we have two to three months to close this case out or-

Bennett: Or me and my boys upstate will take over but by judging this scene I want some progress on everything in three days,now send in two men in.He said yelling out the door as two mean came in and he pointed at DeMarco and Melody

Bennett: Arrest them.Nashaé looked so confused and tried grabbing Melody's arm but Chief held her back

Nashaé: What's going on...Where are they taking them!

Andre:Listen to me I'm here Ok!

Bennett: Not for long you won't!He said coming from the stairs

Andre:What ?Andres said walking up on Bennett but Chief put his hand on his chest backing him up


Andre:Stop!?...What the fuck is he talking about!

Chief:Since Nashaé is seventeen and Kami is sixteen both of them will be placed in foster care!

Nashaé:Will we be split up?She asked Bennett

Bennett: Possibly.

Nashaé: Listen to me.She said pulling Bennett making him turn around while Andre tried to stop her


Nashaé: I don't care about any of this I already lost my brother and by the looks of it my momma and daddy but I will not lose my sister too.She said told Bennett and walked to the ambulance with Kami crying as she was walking she seen someone standing  by the police car but didn't think to much of it

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