Our Story: A Lux Fanfic (Book...

By major_bookaholic

10.1K 295 50

Ok so if you have not read the first book yet turn around and read the first! This is about the continuum of... More

Not a chapter(sorry)


279 5 2
By major_bookaholic


Mr. What's-his-face just got off a really strange phone call. He sounded a little off. And when he kept looking back at me...

Oh well... maybe that was his mommy and he got into trouble. He may hav been looking back at me to make sure I didn't abandon him. Who knows. I just hope he isn't in trouble. And i hope my mommy doesn't find out I ran off and am helping a stranger because I could not pay for my ice cream. She would be very angry with me. And daddy...

Ok maybe I should not think of this right now. Ill make myself sad and I don't like being sad. I don't like mommy and daddy sad either. I really don't like it when Adam is sad because i can feel that. And he can feel my sadness. And having baby Kai sad would make me sad. But mommy also told me that any Kai doesn't really cry when he is sad. I think he just needs to figure out his emotions. Crying is boring enough. Not adding demand-crying not it... ugg.

I don't know how to help out this ice cream dude tho. He just told me that we need to go to another street to sell ice cream after his call with his friend. We have been driving for hours though and I'm starting to get really bored. Does this guy at least have a book? How can he stand this job. This ride really does seem longer then a street tho...

"Hey, sir? How much longer are you going to drive?" I asked him as I peak over his chair. He took his weird hat off so his sandy hair shines in the light that peaks through the trees. He has dark circles under his eyes making him looks exhausted.

"No, dear. We need to go to a place where there is people like ice cream. How else d you think we can sell it all."

I shrug

"Go sit down and relax for the ride. I know exactly where to go."

I go back to the spot i was previously in and try to relax. I'm starting to get an ugly feeling I don't like. Maybe i should have listened to mommy and not gotten in here. I should have packed money so that i didn't have to get int the truck. This guy is really giving me the creeps.

I close my eyes and try to forget the recent events that happened and drift off to sleep.

When i wake up the truck feels like it had stoped. I look over or see Mr. Ice cream gu is not in his spot anymore. I sit up and climb some chairs to be able to look out the windows.

Where am I?

Realization his me really hard and I forget how to breath. We are not in Colorado anymore. At least, not around home. Not in my town. I don't want to be here though, I want to be home with mommy and daddy and Adam and baby Kai. Not here in a place I don't know. And not knowing where the guy who brought me here is. I can't breath.

The back doors of the truck open and the ice cream man who brought me here shows up on the other side. There he is!

A lady dressed in a funny looking outfit that my teachers wear stands beside him. Her hair looks like the really tight pony tails that aunt Dee somethings puts my hair in for ballet. I usually get a headache from them. This lady doesn't seem too happy either. Not even when  she sees me. I don't smile back. I just try to hide myself the best i can. I dont want her to see me. I don't want her to be anywhere around me. The ice cream man lied to me. He to,d me I just had to help a little bit. He said I had to go a few blocks with him. He said-he said..

He promised! He promised I could go home after I pay for my ice cream. I did not know I had to buy ice cream. He should have told me first. I want to go home...
I want to go home.

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