Wolf Tech 6: The Pups

By Wolphin5

98.4K 5.7K 3.5K

The academy has been at the pack for almost their term of three decades. Tala, Adam and Brook's daughter, ha... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 - Tommy's Friend
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 - Tom's Consequences
Chapter 13 - James vs Tom: Fight!
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 - Punishment Starts
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 - Full Moon
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 - The Challenge
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 28

2.9K 166 171
By Wolphin5

Adam and Brook were lingering over their breakfast when Zane came marching up to them.

"When is Riley and Logan going to be back?" he demanded. As much as the pups in his team helped, he needed to see his oldest pups and get comfort from them.

Adam grinned, "Well, they were going to be leaving tomorrow, and they are looking a bit cramped, with Graham having found his mate. I'll have the bus prepared and you can leave shortly to meet them there and bring them back. Will get you doing something good for a couple days."

Zane nodded, "That sounds good." He replied before stalking off.

Brook chuckled. "You're going to have a fight when he realises he was set up."

Adam nodded, "And I'm looking forward to it." He agreed. He and Zane rarely sparred, as they were both very busy. He always looked forward to them, as they were his best workout. They tried to avoid breaking bones, but both usually were covered in bruises when they were done.


Zane growled when him and a few of his team came out with their overnight bag, and the bus was already there. Adam was leaning against it with a grin on his face. He considered saying something to Adam but frankly he needed to see his kids and say hello to their mates. It was needed far more than to have a fight with Adam. Maybe when he came back he might growl at him but for now he was too tired to even bother. Last night had helped a good deal though he knew his team was going to be wolf piling him for some time.

Adam grinned, "I had planned on sending you there right as you got off the plane, but had got messages from Kad and Mike, and pushed it back. This is a job uniquely for you. I have been getting mixed, but mostly positive reports from Tala's team. Some are nice and good, but there is also a recommendation to not open dialog for a while, till they are more settled." He let out a deep breath, "I need your view on it. I just have a request that you don't kill anyone; it would look very bad for us, and would affect relations with other packs."

"I'll try not to. Don't have any urge to end up an Alpha again. Being made Alpha of a second pack wouldn't do my resume all that much good. Besides if I was made an Elder of two packs I might become a lone wolf." With a nod he helped the younger pups into the mini-bus before climbing in himself. Someone else could drive since he wasn't in the right place to consider it. Once seated he leaned against Kat and did his best to relax.

Even as he was relaxing against Kat, Beth leaned against his other side and stroked his neck, *We'll be there soon enough and after that to the lodge to relax. We'll start talking there and help you deal with what you had to do. Love you Zane and we'll take care of you.*

He enjoyed the touch which helped him relax, "Love all of you as well." He didn't want to talk but knew he would need to. It was something he'd learned as he was dealing with his feelings about being turned by the rogue. Before he realized it, he'd slipped into sleep again. His body was forcing him to sleep with a bit of help from Beth and the comfort from Kat. Someone passed a blanket that they tucked Zane into.


Adam called James on the direct channel they had set up. He had passed him the directions and contacts for the technical equipment. As MacLaren was closer, he had also passed them the contacts he had there for tech support. "As I had thought, Zane and some are on their way. They are going to be there about dinner, and expect them to leave after breakfast."

James nodded. "I had always wanted to meet with Elder Zane."

Adam laughed, "If you want to annoy him, call him 'Elder'. He really prefers to use the title 'Second' and really doesn't like being called Alpha or Elder." He had to think about it before changing what he said, "Actually right now just call him Second or Zane. There are reasons which I'm not going into. He is off for two weeks along with his team."

James nodded, "I will be honoured to host him, and will make sure Tom doesn't cause a problem. I have heard from the US Council what happened, down there. With how fast he's out, I should stay away from it, right?"

Adam nodded, "Yes. That is part of why he's on a vacation when he gets back." He paused but nodded to himself, "Be advised, that he has our Mind-Healer with him, and is under her care."

James sucked his breath in. "Understood." Mind-healers were rare, and to have one that is travelling him for even a short trip showed how must stress he was under.  That it was being mentioned meant that Adam would take issue with him if care wasn't taken to deal with it correctly.


When the bus pulled up at the gate, the driver just flashed his pack badge and they were waved through.

For most of the drive-up Zane was either sleeping or being stuffed with food. Even as he hadn't been sleeping well he hadn't been eating well either. He'd lost a bit of weight though it wasn't obvious. At one point Victoria had crawled in his lap and curled up against him. Even though he'd been asleep his arms had wrapped around her and held her close.

Alpha James was waiting outside the door along with the four most senior of the team. Logan and Riley were bouncing slightly wanting to see their father.

Once they arrived at the pack house, Zane woke since he could feel his oldest pups' excitement about seeing him. He yawned and stretched before moving Tori off his lap and stumbled down the stairs. When he was finally on the ground he opened his arms to them and pulled them close when they almost ran over.

Riley watched their dad come down and was shocked at how he looked. He didn't look older as some humans might but he was slightly pale, drawn, and thinner than she'd ever seen him. When he opened his arms she ran over and wrapped her arms around him, *It's good to see you dad.*

Logan came over as well and gave his father a good hug. Since Riley was saying what he would have, he settled for sending him his love. They stood there for a while as the minimal luggage was removed and taken into the house.

Rachel and Jake were even more shocked than his children had been. Even when Logan had been so badly injured Zane hadn't looked this bad. Rachel nodded to Tessa and made a furtive gesture indicating she wanted to talk to her.

Tessa came over and gave both a hug, *Zane is very upset about having to kill the person who'd been causing problems. I'm not saying more than that, just give him a good hug and relax with him and your mates.* She gave both a good hug before she picked up the bag she had and headed inside.

Alpha James nodded, as Zane came up to him, "Second Zane, I am sure you have heard it before, but it a pleasure to meet you. I have arranged for dinner to be delivered to the suite Tala and her team has, and have sent in several soft mattresses, as I expect you will want to pile together. I would be honoured if you would join my pack for breakfast, as I have been honoured to host your pack's Next Alphas for the last while. I will understand if you decline, though."

Tala and Tommy had hung back, but were shocked at how Zane looked, *Looks like we're going to be doing the Second's work as much as we can when we get back* Tommy commented. While Melody could do much of it, they had the authority to deal with some of the work that otherwise would have to wait for Zane or the Alphas to deal with.

Tala gave her mental agreement. It would help the pack, and with Zane,*I bet he's going to a lodge when he gets back.  Along with the four from our team.*

Kat looked at Zane who was being comforted by his pups, "Thank you Alpha. Right now, he needs some privacy with his pups. It was very hard on him. We will be down for breakfast and thanks for adding some mattresses. Tala is a good heir and Logan and Riley will probably become their seconds down the road."

Carla moved over and leaned against Kat for a moment, *If you'll come with me, I'll take all of you to the suite.* She grinned at Victoria, "Hey Tori, I think you have grown again. Help me get everyone inside and to our rooms." It wasn't hard to get everyone to the suite before Zane actually broke down. She could feel he was close and knew he wouldn't want to have a strange pack see him start crying.

When they walked into the suite Zane collapsed on a couch and waved Rachel and Jake over, "Good to see you again. Hope you've been enjoying the travel and learned some. I know for me, visiting other packs is interesting. Hope none of you shot any Alphas though. Adam would be horribly upset if you had. I'm way too young to be an Elder. It'd be utterly ridiculous for one of you to be an Alpha and then Elder at your age." He was trying to make a joke though it was rather lame.

Jake and Rachel joined in on laughing at his joke, even if it was a bit lame. "Nope, but we all have caught the disgusted look Tom has on his face when he thinks nobody is looking. We are just working to not be near him, and if we see him, having some of the local pack at least around. Right now, he always has an Enforcer following him, so it is unlikely that anything will happen." They flopped down beside Zane and as they were getting used to it, leaned into him.

He shrugged, "Tom is a milquetoast and nothing else. If I snarled at him he'd probably piss himself as would his wolf. Considering I caused the death of his cousin, nephew or whatever the fuck Tyler was when I was a pup younger than you, I can't see him even considering trying to challenge me."


Tom had overheard Zane was coming at lunch. He started thinking about what he wanted to say or do to that turned-wolf. That some said he was a Second, but as he had given up an Alpha's position, could be also considered Elder? He had to snort at that; nobody gave up an Alpha role to be Second! He didn't even want to give it up to be Elder, but it had basically been stolen from him!

Lingering on his way to dinner, he saw one that the wolves called Zane being greeted by the other visitors, and lead off. He looked horrible. But there was a contained feeling of power that stilled his tongue before they even noticed him, and had sent him scurrying off for the dining hall. His hands trembled on his tray as he collected his food. He had the power of an Alpha alright; one that would be an Alpha of Alphas. The fact he gave up the power to be under Adam said that he had even more power there than just being an Alpha of a pack way off in the hinterland! It frankly scared him.

Wolf-Tom was cowering in the back of his mind, with his tail tucked. If he had been wolf, and Zane had looked at him, he would have rolled on his back in submission instantly, and if they came close would have peed on himself in fear.

Zane could feel the eyes on him. When he turned and looked he found it was Tom. He didn't care if he was on punishment detail since he didn't matter to Zane, *Why would I want to?* He told his wolf, *He wants power and I want to protect the pack. It's who I am and why I chose to remain Adam's second. Nothing more, nothing less.* He turned and kept going, as his wolf was in agreement, and just panted laughter as the other wolf scurried away scared.

Both halves of Tom were in agreement that they were glad they wouldn't have to deal with him. With the power, they were surprised he had only taken out one Alpha. With the backing of Adam... they could take over all the packs in the area! He was glad Zane didn't say more. If he had, everyone would know what sort of fear he had; as it was, he knew he reeked of fear.

Quickly eating, unlike his normal way of lingering over his meals, he quickly returned to his rooms, and locked the door. At least he heard they were leaving in the morning, along with the other guests.

He hoped they would be gone, as he really didn't want Zane to take an exception to him, or remember how he had been opposed to what they wanted the last time they were together. In the morning they were not leaving till Zane was gone; even if it meant they went hungry.


Zane was glad as the bus pulled up to the packhouse, and the two SUVs that had their auto-pilots slaved to the bus were behind it. Not needing to have a driver in them was nice. They stayed right on the tail of the bus, as if they had been hitched to it. They had been filled with their gear, and all the wolves relaxed and chatted in the bus.

When they got back, everyone allowed Zane to be the first off, and most of his team was there with their packs already on, and one for Zane. Willow had an Argo there for Zane's pups and their mates, since the two humans couldn't run as wolves.

He gave Willow a good hug though he didn't say anything. He simply wasn't in the mood to do or say much to anyone. After stripping his clothes off he handed them to Tessa and shifted. She'd tucked them into the pack before handing it to him. Even his wolf looked tired and worn. He bumped the others in their team before turning and trotting out of the clearing behind the pack. He simply didn't have the energy to run to the lodge and if they had to spend the night somewhere they would.

Most of his team kept their speed down and randomly came and rubbed against him before moving away so someone else could. They could sense his hurting and Rico understood. He'd been there a number of times when he simply couldn't do anything as an officer. He made sure he gave Zane an extra rub for comfort.

"There is a couple of laptops in there with all the software needed for their classes, that start next week," She told the four, handing over the keys. "Along with the contact information for their instructors, who are all fine with the distance learning."

Kat took the keys and also hugged her, *Don't care, Zane needs the comfort and help. If they are a bit delayed such is life. Thank you and later.* Even as he was changing she and the others who'd come back with were doing the same. Rachel and Jake were settling in the Argo even though their mates were in Wolf form.

*We need to run with our father. Love you two and will relax with you later.* Both sent that as they looked at Zane has he slowly, for a wolf, left the clearing.

Bear and Foxy could tell their owners were upset. Both dogs were upset for their owners. From the senior wolf they could also sense a deep sadness.

Rachel had the map and the directions to the lodge, but she smiled as a wolf waved their tail in a way they had learned meant for them to follow, as they hit the start of the trail. Even with the eight-wheel drive, they would still be much slower than the wolves were. The wolf jogged ahead of them as they followed.

Zane did stop for the night halfway to the lodge near a stream which was used for patrols to stop. After they stopped he shifted back and settled for some shorts and a shirt. When the dogs including Shelly came over he gave them a good hug, "Hello Bear, Foxy, I'm glad to meet you and good choices you made. Good to see you as well Shelly." Their youngest children had been in the Argo and now they were in their puppy form bouncing around. For some reason one pup was barking at a blade of long grass which was moving in the light wind.

When Rachel settled down next to him he gave her a hug before leaning back against a tree and enjoyed the comfort. The others were setting up the campsite. His team had been very fruitful and there were now as many pups as there were original team members after Kat had become his mate. Tory was tossing a ball to keep the pups occupied. Tessa was working on some food with Jake's help. Watching his team don't the simple things needed for camping was helping him relax.

Rachel leaned against Zane and petted Bear when he settled down on the other side of her. She didn't know what to say so she settled for simply giving him comfort. Much like Logan she felt completely safe around him. Even his cold expression hadn't bothered her. He exuded comfort and protection. She'd seen him around the pups and he cared and he showed it with them.

Logan looked over at Rachel and smiled. She was the right one to help comfort him since she was still a pup and eventually related by mating with him. Between those she'd help Zane start to relax and recover, *Just stay with him. Being still a pup will allow him to relax where he wouldn't be able to with his team. It's a wolf thing. Notice the pups are being sillier than normal and staying close to him? They know the same thing. It's why Tory is keeping them close as is the oldest pups.* He pulled a pot out of the Argo and after filling it with water started it boiling.


Layla grinned as she, Adam, and Jake appeared on the medical ship. "Autumn!" she called out, bouncing over to give her a hug.

Autumn returned the hug and tucked one of her arms around one of Layla's, "Adam said he'd come up tomorrow and give you an evening to relax and look out the viewport. Alien food and all that. We need to swing past Medical as well for an implant which will control the sterility barrier and allow us to monitor your status. You will get a temporary ship suit as well. It is required for anyone going to be aboard the ship for more than a few hours or a day."

When Adam appeared she had to blink, "Ah, thought you were coming up in the morning for the bite. I'm running her past medical and then to the lounge since it isn't time for dinner yet." She ship was parked in Geo-stationary orbit over Adam's property so there wasn't any dealing with a time change.

Adam smiled, "And give up a chance to sleep on one of your beds?" he teased. "Actually, it's to help the two settle down, and to make sure nothing happens. He lifted an insulated basket, "I have some elk steaks here, and enough to share with the Captain and her Liraque in thanks."

When Digger pawed at the floor Autumn had to laugh, "Sorry young man, don't think you'll be able to dig holes here." When he grumbled at her she laughed even harder, "I'm sure Sarah will be happy to see you. Still trying to figure out why she decided to bond with me. It isn't like I need a guard dog. I think she just wanted to come to the ship and sniff around. She's been chased out of engineering, hydroponics, the bridge, and the kitchen. The staff weren't happy when a leg of something for dinner vanished."

Sarah trotted up with a bone in her mouth and dropped it in front of Digger, *Show you around later. Beds really nice. Warm, comfy, keeps right warm.*

Autumn frowned at Sarah, "I hope you asked for the bone and didn't just pilfer it. If one of the cooks comes after you with a skillet I won't blame them. If the Captain wants to have a talk you are going to be there."

Sarah just sat there with an innocent look.

Digger picked up the bone after nuzzling his littermate, *Show me* he replied as they ignored the glare from Adam.

Adam sighed as the door closed behind the two, "Those two..." he shook his head before turning to Autumn, "They are supposed to be much better behaved."

Autumn sighed, "Not until you get a ship suit. For you it'll be on automatic. Might have the bracelets on your paws instead of around your neck just because. Or better yet in the shape of a bell on the end of your tail." She was still frowning when she contacted Adam, *The kitchen staff has picked up a supply of bones she can steal. It keeps her happy and the menus on track. If it helps we're getting them from the slaughter house you use.*

Adam grinned, "Wondered why you wanted the bones." He turned to Layla, "Tell Digger to return to you. He should be wanting to stay close." He shook his head, "Those two shouldn't have been graduated from their training." He grumbled.

Autumn shook her head, *Don't let her know. She likes playing with the kitchen staff and they find it amusing when she sneaks in and steals the bones. They get her food from your pack as well.* "Come and we'll stop in medical and then to the lounge." She turned and led them off. Even though she kept saying to medical the entire ship was medical. Not the crew quarters but the rest of it was wards, ICU units, scanners, labs and everything else needed. She might think of it as a small one but it was about 2/3's the size of the USNS Peace which was an American Navy Medical ship.

When they walked into the medical section it was the one which had the scanners and dealt with the implants normally, "This is Spike and her Liraque Aqua. She decided to give her junior doctor the fun of taking care of the pack."

Spike laughed, "Silly woman, I just wanted to get in a vacation before my next pup is born. Her belly showed but not much." This is relatively painless. There is a bit of pain with the injection for the implant but it's not bad. Like someone pinched you."

Adam smiled, "Nice to see you again, Spike, Aqua," he replied, giving each a hug. He turned to Autumn, "They had been to the pack before." He told the others. He laughed, "You are welcome to come down to the Pack. Healer McCoy would love to see you again."

Layla and Jake gave the two a hug and peck in greeting, as they knew the way of the Folicians.

Digger sniffed at Spike's leg before wagging his tail and giving her a gentle headbutt.

They returned the hugs and kisses, "We'll start with Digger and then you and Jake for the scans. I'll give you the temporary suit, Adam. For the others remaining aboard it will be a full suit which will be removed when done." She patted Digger's head before having Layla direct him to a bed which had lowered for him. His scan didn't take long as did the limited implant he'd need to control the suit and some of the functions aboard the ship. She provided the suit which settled around his neck and through the fur, "We've discovered the male wolf-dogs end up with a mixed light and dark brown. The female wolf-dogs have the green. If one ever comes back purple I'm not sure what the temples would do."

Adam chuckled, "Well, we do have some special ones for mental issues..." he replied, "We could see if they do? They have special training but rarely do they fully bond, often they are with a human much as a Liraque, and often after, another dog steps in to bond with them."

Adam just stripped, not worrying about the nudity, so they could do a quick scan.

Aqua snorted, "Nope, not happening. I've heard stories about some of the wolf dogs. I can see someone like Digger finding the temple gardens and digging holes everywhere. I don't think the Goddess or the Temple Mother would be amused." When Digger pawed at the deck again she rolled her eyes for good measure.

Spike gave Adam and odd look, "Mind you, I'm not complaining but is there a reason you are stripping? We already scanned you several years ago. Based on what you said, and we've learned, your body isn't going to change for centuries." Several of the women in the section were eyeballing Adam. They knew better but one sighed.

Adam shrugged, "Thought you needed a scan and the suit, but if not..." he grinned at the others, "Sorry ladies, all I can offer is cuddles. My mate would not be happy if I did more. If you have time, and your Captain is OK with it, you would be welcome to come down to my pack and spent time with some of my single wolves. They are aware of the Folician customs."

There was a definite growl of interest at his suggestion. Even though they only had the one main patient, the ship was fully staffed just in case. It was always possible they'd be called for an emergency and stopping to pick up the crew or even having to wait for a shuttle could cost lives. She'd made sure Adam understood they could be called away. Spike helped Layla on a bed and started her scan. While waiting she gave Adam the temp bracelets. Since Jake would be here for the entirety of the time he received the full implant.

Just to tease Adam she leaned against him, "Or we could bring a few on board..."

Aqua leaned against his other side, "I'm sure they wouldn't have any complains. We could even cycle through a few females as well as males." She sighed for good measure.

Adam grinned, "I see no problems with them coming up for a night—as long as your Captain has no issues. Although I am sure you would love to come down and spend time out in the fresh air, or soaking in some hot water with real nature around you." He knew that was a big draw for the Folicians coming down. He looked down at the bracelets on his wrists, and as expected he had the dark brown of a pack father, but since he was an Alpha, it was expected.

Autumn looked at Layla and rolled her eyes, "Not sure they'd survive a night, even being were-wolves. We aren't in heat, but I heard a few things from some when we were getting everything set up. Might be safer to send the horny women down. More to satisfy them." Now she helped Layla up and smiled when she was given bracelets and the injection. They were the standard green. The implant was the full one with a medical addition. It would be removed later but they needed the information, "I think it's time for the lounge and to relax." She was trying to sound offended at the subject of the conversation.

Adam and Jake followed them, and grinned at all the attention. Adam shook his head at several who looked ready to pounce him, letting them know he wasn't looking for fun. He was glad the heated basket on his arm was large, and full of small steaks, as he might need to use them as bribes to keep the women off him.

Several of the women came over, "We understand you are mated, Pack Father. We were given an indoc course to the proper feeding, handling, and maintenance of wolf's single and mated. You're safe other than maybe being cuddled to death. If you want to bring your mate up that would be fine as well."

Adam smiled, "Thanks for the suggestion, but since my Seconds are dealing with some major issues, so are unavailable, Brook had to stay down to run the pack. Before you offer a Liraque to help him, he already is in the care of a Mind Healer and his team is with him. I'm here to Turn Layla, since she asked, and she is almost a daughter to me. Jake is her friend that will be staying to help her over the first part of the transition. I'm just here for the night."

Aqua could tell Adam was worried about Zane and she gave him a good hug, "Beth is very good but depending on the issue, I can go and help him while she takes a break. Next time you see him give him a hug and hope he recovers soon." Kevin had updated them about what was going on. She couldn't understand how someone could do that to others. She'd met Zane and knew just how much he hated certain aspects of his job. Being this was a personal attack made it even worse.

Adam smiled and hugged Aqua back, "I believe he will recover, it just will take time, and during that time, myself, Brook, and even our pups will step up and help cover his jobs, so he isn't worried about the impact to the pack." He grinned, "If he was to get bracelets, I am certain he would be considered a Pack Father."

As would most Alphas, Aqua thought, "True, but then again you are Alphas and similar to Pack Fathers, so it makes sense." Aqua replied.

Jake, Layla, and the two dogs headed over to the view port and Jake couldn't help it and wrapped an arm around Layla. He caught Digger standing on his back legs with his paws on the view port, "So beautiful. Now if the authorities could get their crap together and invite the Folicians back, it would be even better." Digger looked down though his eyes weren't really designed for what he was looking at, *Place we live? Colourful, pretty. Black pretty as well.* He found the moon peeking out from behind the planet and he lifted his head and howled a greeting to her as did Sarah.

The crew were still getting used to the animals and jumped when they started howling, "Relax, because they have werewolf genes in them, they are simply greeting the moon, since she is their mistress. They believe the moon is their goddess and goes by several names, Selene, Luna, Goddess, even some the Ultimate Alpha. She is all things werewolf. Little pup, teen, maiden, newly mated, mother, junior wolf, Alpha, Elder, and so many other aspects it'd take all day to define who she is. They describe her as being tall slender, pale as a moonlight, and beautiful most of the time. Sometimes she can be a roly poly puppy, pregnant and even an old woman. To them she is something similar to the Goddess of Fertility." Autumn had looked into it after a random comment she'd overheard.

"Yes, that is the planet we live on." When a tiny light started to blink on the window he looked at it and smiled, "That's our pack house and our territory is about this size." He ran his fingers around where it would be. From here it was barely larger than the dot showing the pack house.

Spike couldn't resist, "Silly wolves, howling is silly, meditate and say hi. It's much quieter." She stroked Sarah's head and ears.

Adam laughed, "We're singing our love to her, and in my case, the thanks for being up here and the friends we have."

When Digger finally decided he'd seen enough he dropped down and hopped up on a couch and stretched out. He rested his head in someone's lap and after a wiggle closed his eyes and relaxed. He could smell the woman's shock before she started to stroke his head and face. To be silly he gave her hand a light lick. When Layla left, he would follow her but for now he was going to seen about all the pets he could get. When the couch wiggled slightly he twitched before he realized it was more comfortable now, *How couch wiggle? Feels funny.*

Layla started laughing at Digger's reaction, "I'd explain but even I don't really understand completely. Just go with it is designed to provide the most comfort. The beds are much the same." She finally moved back from the view port and settled down. Sarah curled up at her feet and after a wiggle or two she closed her eyes as well.

To Be Continued...

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