Lily's Daughter

By kayla24680

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Nicole Lily Snape. Have you ever heard that name? Well I suppose not. She was left out for obvious reasons. H... More

Lily's Daughter
Chapter 1 Hidden:
Chapter 2 Diagon Alley:
Chapter 3 All aboard:
Chapter 4 Hogwarts:
Chapter 5 Classes:
Chapter 6 Metamorphmagus:
Chapter 7 Friends?:
Chapter 8 Apologies:
Chapter 9 What happened?:
Chapter 10 Engaged? :
Chapter 11 Explaining:
Chapter 12 The team,Halloween, and Goodbyes:
Chapter 13 Enemies, a new school, girly girls, and expelling
Chapter 14 My brother, Drumstrung, and Quiddich
Chapter 15 Professional Quiddich?:
Chapter 16 The dance:
Chapter 17 Jealousy and Lost Stories:
Chapter 18 Chirstmas time chaos :
Chapter 19 Finding Lily's Diary:
Chapter 20 Visiting A Old Friend.... That I Have Never Met:
Chapter 22 Why:
Chapter 23 Both New Friends and Old:
Chapter 24 Epilogue:

Chapter 21 Oliver Wood's Hidden Past:

1.3K 46 6
By kayla24680

   Jane P.O.V:

  Sirius all of a sudden attacked Remus. Why would he do that? Snape’s daughter just said I had sons.

  “Remus!”,I shout when I see he’s starting to lose consciousness. He barely seems to hear me as his head hits the floor. This has been the tenth time Sirius has injured someone just these last two days! I am done being the girl who has to constantly get him out of trouble. I’m done with Sirius Orion Black!

   I go up to Sirius and punch him straight in the nose. A sickening crack sounds throughout the room. Everyone in the room is shocked. Especially Sirius, well that’s what he gets when he tackles my best friend. I think after this wedding I’m going to Scotland for a while to cool down.  

  “Sirius I am tired of your constant fighting. I am done Sirius. I’m done. I can’t be with someone who constantly puts fighting in front of me on his priorities. We’re done.”, I say deathly calm voice.

  “Jane I can change. Please trust me on this.”, Sirius pleads tears cascading down his cheeks. I shake my head and apparate to Scotland. What do you know I’m at one of my favorite wizarding ice cream shops. I order and finish my ice cream. On my way out I bump into this guy . He’s pretty hot.

  “Sorry about that.”, he says in a cute Scottish accent, “I’m Scott Wood.”

  “You don’t have to apologize it was my fault. I’m Jane Fawley by the way.”, I say while shooting him a flirty smile. Well I guess I’m getting over Sirius pretty fast.

   Sirius P.O.V:

   It’s been a year since Jane left me. I have to admit I am a mess.  She got married to that Wood guy a week ago. I completely forgot why she broke up with me. When I try to remember I see a young girl with Burgundy hair. I know Jane is happy at the moment but, I can’t help wishing it was me she married.

One year later…..

   Jane and that guy Scott Wood just had a son a month ago. They named him Oliver. Since Oliver was born Jane and Scott have been fighting a lot. I can’t help but feel happy about that. Is that a bad thing?

 Two years  later…...

   Jane and Scott have separated. Jane gets Oliver for eleven months a year. And Scott gets him for a month. I feel bad for little two year old Oliver, but at the same time I’m happy because Jane is single again. Maybe I can show her how well I am with kids?

  Two years later…..

   I miss Jane. She went into hiding from Voldemort with a four year old Oliver. Harry was born. I’m Harry’s godfather. I’ve never felt I would ever be a godfather. It feels great.

   Jane P.O.V:

  I had another son. Sirius has a son, but he won’t know until I come out of hiding.

    Two years later….

   I officially hate Scott! Ever since Sirius betrayed James and Lily, and Frank and Alice were tortured into insanity, Scott has been trying to fully gain custody of Oliver. And the Ministry gave him it! My five year old baby boy is gone. All I have left is Chase and Mason. But, Scott put a spell on me that’s making my mind slowly become a non-functioning brain. I miss Oliver and what makes it worst is they aren’t giving him the chance to know about me until he turns seventeen. I can’t send Chase or Mason to Hogwarts for fear that I will only ever talk about Oliver to them. I can’t do that to my little boys. They have to go to Drumstrung. I have to wait twelve more years until Oliver even knows about me. At least Oliver can get anything he wants or needs from Fawley Quiddich Supplies Inc. that’s the Quiddich store my family has owned for two hundred years.  

   Scott P.O.V:

  Why did I even want custody of Oliver? How am I supposed to go to Quiddich with this kid? I can leave him at home, but then they will give custody back to Jane. I can’t have that so I guess he will have to come with me. Maybe he’ll follow in my footsteps and love quiddich as much as I do. I doubt it though since I love Quiddich more than him and Jane combined.

   Nicole P.O.V:

  I’m back to my own time and it’s the same day it was when I casted the spell. I left the past when Chase’s mum slapped that guy’s face. I learned that those people won’t remember what happened until only mere seconds before their deaths. At least my mum will have remembered seeing me before she died. I go to bed and the second before my head hits the pillow I’m out.

   Oliver P.O.V:

  My dad came home from Quiddich early today. I wish I could have gone but Professor Snape gave me lots of homework for winter break. I always hear people from Hogwarts saying how their mums yell at them for not doing their potions work. Where is my mum? Whenever I try to remember her a picture of a woman in her early twenties with light brown hair and hazel eyes wearing a white shirt pops into my mind. I walk into my dad’s room to see him engrossed in his Quiddich plays. He turns around.

   “Oliver why are you here son?”, he asks.  

    “I want to ask you something.”,I say.    

    “Ask away.”,he replies.

    “Where is my mother?”, I question.   

     "Dead.", he lies. Why would he lie to me about this?

     "Tell me the truth dad.", I say through gritted teeth.He sighs.

      "I did this for you.", he says.

      "Tell me.", I urge.

       "You'll know when you turn seventeen.", he replies.

    With that in mind I storm out of his room and am sure to slam the door on the way out. I will find out who and where my mum is before I turn seventeen.

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