Behind you #Wattys2014

By Ilovefingerprints

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The car pulled up closer and closer, I squint to look at my new house. My heart stops when I lay my eyes on i... More

Behind you
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty- one
Chapter twenty- two
Chapter twenty- three
Chapter twenty- four
Chapter twenty- five
Chapter twenty- six
Chapter twenty- seven
Chapter twenty- eight
Chapter twenty- nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty- one
Chapter thirty- two
Chapter thirty- three
Chapter thirty- five
Chapter thirty- six
Chapter thirty- seven
Chapter thirty- eight
Chapter thirty- nine
Chapter forty
Chapter forty- one
Chapter forty- two
Chapter forty- three
Chapter forty- four
Chapter forty- five

Chapter thirty- four

448 20 14
By Ilovefingerprints

It has been five days since the day I sneaked downstairs and found the useless telephone. And each day, I transform more. Today, I cannot think of my new self as the one who volunteered to help Alicia. When I was able to do anything I wanted, not stuck in a room of nothing.

Each day, Gayheart comes in with a different weapon at around midnight. I started off as a normal teenage girl with blonde hair and blue eyes.

On the first day, right after the day he knocked me out with a flashlight, I felt homesick, I had to get out of here, and not have my family worry any longer, but I didn't know how to escape, and Eleanor didn't know what to do either. She tried, again, to get into his body, but that didn't work. I was so desperate. I tried what all abducted girls in movies do.


A big mistake.

My screams were sharp. It was around midnight. Nobody came to help me, and Gayheart came in with a knife. When I saw the knife, I screamed even louder, that scream was the ear- piercing kind, which is why he panicked, and charged the knife straight into my mouth. I remember how it almost sliced my tongue, and I flinched, biting back tears, I felt the blade almost touch my throat, pausing my entire body from movement.

"Shut up, Bitch." He had said. "Do you want to live?"

"Well, if you let me go." I said. "I won't tell anyone about this. Only if you'd let me go now." I thought about what I just said for a while. I remember a girl saying that in a movie to her kidnapper. He had decided to let her go like that, but she didn't keep her promise, she told the police and her family when she got back. The kidnapper went to jail, but his friend found and killed her.

"No. I don't believe you. Remember what a big deal you made of your sister being unconscious for just a few days?" Gayheart snapped.

"Just a few days?" I snarled, my upper lip was stinging, all the way down to my chin. I know that that's what his knife did.

"And didn't I say I'm trying something new with you?" With that, he left.

"Molly... Are you okay?" Eleanor said, I looked at her; she looked so worried, making me worry.

"I'm fine. I just need to leave." I said. "Very badly."

"Molly, look." Eleanor said, she pointed at the wall. "This is a sliding door."

"What!?" I jumped up, mouth dropping open. "I never realized that this was any special thing. Are you sure?"

"Well, it's not a sliding door leading to outside, it's well, there's just a mirror behind it."

"What!?" I felt my heart drop. "Well, thanks a lot." I walk over to it, and slide the stupid useless door open. Does this tell me that everything in this house is useless? Eleanor was right about the mirror, I was shocked when I saw my reflection, because there was a deep cut, right where it was stinging, from right under my nose to the curve of my chin, crossing my lip like that. And being locked in the dark for so long, I look really pale, no color at all, almost matching him.

My face is ruined. I don't want him to ruin it any more. I know he's not going to stop, I just hope that he doesn't do anything to my face later on.


That movie about the girl, who died in the hands of her kidnapper's friend, really scares me, what if I could escape Gayheart, how many friends does he have? That girl, Cara, had a kidnapper who was like a thirty year old, my kidnapper is only one year older than me, but that doesn't really make a difference.

On the second day, I decided to get information from Gayheart, hoping that that could help me plan my escape. I have to wait until he comes in to check on me.

At midnight, he came in, this time with a different knife. I eyed it, shivering, my head started to feel dizzy. I need to talk, in order to leave. I need to ignore the knife.

"Um, hi," I started. Eleanor gave me a helpless look.

"Shut up." Gayheart said. I knew it wasn't a good start already.

"I think it's about time, you tell me where I am."

"I said shut up."

"And-" I open my mouth, but suddenly, my leg started to hurt terribly. I lost my voice. I screamed. Through my blurry vision, I saw Gayheart smirk, his arm with the knife moved a little more, and then he left the room, his knife was dripping red.

"Next time, just shut up. Got it?"

"What did- what did he just do?" I dropped to the ground.

"He just cut your leg, let me see it." Eleanor said. Then she looked at my arms, and sighed heavily. "You know what, Molly? I can't stay here; I'm doing no help here."

"You're helping by staying with me." I promised.

"I want to find your family, go into some random person's body and tell them they think they know where you are. That way I could get you out of here, without getting hurt anymore. This is too wrong."

"But that's impossible, how's the random person supposed to know that I'm missing?"

"Molly, remember that dude? Ashton?"


"Your family reported your missing case to the FBIs, and he printed out many pictures of you, and made a lot of 'Missing girl' ads. You're on the news too. Everyone knows that you're missing."

"Really? Ashton? Why?"

"I thought you guys were friends?"

"We are but only for a few weeks." I sigh.

"I guess he's a really nice person then." She widened her green eyes. "Anyways, I'm going to try to find them, as soon as possible. Be patient and brave, Molly."  

 "Thank you." I whispered she gave me a hug then left. I was alone again.

Gayheart is a brain-dead person, I know that there's no way I can get him to let me go and it seems to me, escape is too risky.

I slid the wall open, and looked at the mirror inside again, I was ruined more, and the pain in my leg had blocked me from noticing the deep bloody cuts in my arms and wrists. I'm greenish pale, now. My heart started thumping hard, and I desperately tried to feel my pulses, and luckily, they were not where Gayheart had cut. I sighed in relief, and push the sliding wall close, and when I did, the cuts in my arm started to sting and bleed more.


Eleanor was not back, the next day, and I wondered why I even expected her to be back so soon. On that third day, I felt worn out. But I still wanted to escape.

I waited until it was completely dark outside, and crept out the door. I found that the only way to get out of here was to just escape now, and wait for Eleanor's arrival.

The hallway was completely dark; I walked all the way to the stairwell, with a thumping heart. I was afraid the sound of my heart was going to give me away. I headed downstairs, and that time, decided to ignore anything that may look like something helpful. All I needed was a door.

Scanning the huge first floor of the Victorian house, I finally found the front door. I looked around and unlocked it, when I pulled the door open, it screeched really loudly. My heart stopped, and I felt dizzy again.  

I froze, for quite a few minutes, but Gayheart didn't come, and I made a run for it, closing the door very carefully, behind me. I haven't seen the outside world for so long. There is no sun, but I don't mind, the smell of just air made me very desperate, I start to run across the huge front lawn of the Victorian house, but just to end up realizing that the creepy old house is surrounded by nothing but trees, reminding me of my own house.

I still really wanted to get away, even though I started to doubt that I could, since I didn't know where I was, and there are absolutely no one here.

I entered the cluster of trees, and spotted a road at the other side; I made another run for it. I started to feel excitement in me. I had escaped! I had escaped! Just like that! I was just too preoccupied to notice what I've achieved!

The road is narrow and surrounded with trees, and very very long. I will probably not even get anywhere by taking this road, but Gayheart got me here, somehow.

I started running down the road, feeling panic and happy at the same time. But after a while, I got tired I looked back, and I could see that I got pretty far away from that Victorian house I was trapped in. I silently congratulated myself.

Gasping, I look around, I was finally out of the cluster of trees, the road is turning into a city, but I'm not even close to the city. I passed the first few stores to my right, wondering what to do next.

People start to appear. People. I haven't seen much of them for what feels like forever already, except for Gayheart.

 Two teenage girls walked pass me, took one look at my face and giggled, then one of the girls looked at the cuts in my wrists, her eyes widen, and she shrieks, the other one notices and they run away.

I am now some sort of monster, everyone's afraid of. The thought made my heart sink so low, I feel like turning back, hiding in the Victorian house is better than feeling this way.

I star running again, on top speed, trying to make no one able to see me. Just as I was about to be out of breath, I ran into something and fell to the ground. Someone.

"Sorry." I muttered, the person doesn't answer, but stand there. I looked up. My heart stopped, immediately.


He was dragging a drugged girl. He's as surprised to see me, he drops the drugged girl's hand, she's' giggling, definitely Rohypnol Gayheart didn't kill me, he went on to his next, but now he probably will. I freeze, not believing it, this coincidence is impossible.

He grabs the front of my shirt, and yanks me up to his face.

"What are you doing here, Alyssa?" My mouth dropped open, speechless. I couldn't believe it. He wasn't in the house. I could've gotten out much faster. I had escaped; I had just lost my chance.

The drugged girl giggles. Gayheart pulls out a bag of Rohypnol. There aren't much. He sighs, annoyed.

"I couldn't even give her much; she's going to wake up in about two days." He muttered to himself, gesturing at the other girl. His next victim. "I can't waste any more on you, Alyssa."

If I were him, I'd try to hide; he's supposed to be in jail, right now. How insane can these people go? He grabs me by the neck and the other girl by her hair, and drags us.

We passed the trees, and I knew we were alone again. The other girl laughed and giggled, she tried to move around. She's a little older than me, I wonder how she's' going to feel when she wakes up and figures out what happened.

Gayheart dragged us back to the Victorian house. He threw me on the ground, and tied the other girl with duct tape to the wall of the living room.  

"I can't believe you're so brave, Ally." He smirked, as he dragged me upstairs, and back to my jail cell room. My heart thumped terribly, I couldn't breathe right, I couldn't think, I feel like this is a dream, I feel like my head is going to explode, I feel like I'm going to die.

"How dare you?" He slammed me hard against the wall with the mirror behind it, his fist collided into my stomach, and then my nose, then he kicked my leg so hard, I fell on the floor, seeing stars.

More than just stars.

I saw my failure, and how my life isn't worth living, that he should just kill me, because Molly McAllister is ruined, and there is nothing that can put my life back together.

A while after he left, I got up, crying like a toddler. I don't want him to try anything "new" with me. I just want to die. To die.

The badly beaten parts of me hurt very much, I crawled over to the mirror behind the sliding wall. Bruises, cuts, blood, worry.

The tears filled my eyes, I failed to escape, I am so useless. The thought makes me feel so depressed, so hurt that I couldn't change what happened today, I collapsed on the ground, and closed my eyes.

I may have to accept the truth, soon. That I will be stuck with Gayheart forever. This is my life. I will have to learn to say goodbye to the old Molly, the girl who had a brother, a sister, and parents, the girl who had friends, and a life. I will have to learn how to accept the new Molly, the girl locked in a light- less room of a Victorian house, left to be beat up and sued as a toy for her kidnapper.


There are so much stuff I could've been doing if Gayheart hadn't took me. Over a week ago, I have been here. I wonder if even Gayheart knows where this is.

 I kept my eyes shut, the beating yesterday, and the failure, was just too much. I don't know how long I've been on the ground; I know that I've fallen asleep. I dreamed of Alicia being in my place. Right, I've thought about Alicia being the victim too much, I've always tried to protect her, I didn't think about protecting myself. I had no preparation, I never imagined myself as the victim.

I turn slowly, but stay at my spot on the ground. I don't think I can open my eye, the tears seal them like glue, not that I wanted to open them. I don't want to see Gayheart, and he is the only person I can see if I open my eyes. He is the only person the new Molly can see. This was the fourth day since I had courage to sneak downstairs for that useless telephone, and I feel hopeless and worthless already.

"Help!" There was suddenly a really sharp scream. Gayheart didn't tie me up; probably because he thought that I was too beat up to move.

I slowly oozed my way to the door, my heart was ponding hard. The girl screams again, it's coming from the room next to me.

"Shut up; just tell me where you live, now." Gayheart is with her, his voice is sharp, I stepped out of my room. "Seriously, I can't get any more Rohypnol, so I can't keep you down." I heard Gayheart say to the girl. I know who it is, it's the one yesterday.

"Who are you?" The girl sobbed.

"It doesn't matter, where do you live?"

At that point, I backed away from the door, the girl said something, but I couldn't hear her, apparently Gayheart could.

"Which house?" he asked. She answered, again a muffle. I wanted to save her life, make myself useful again, but the thought of Gayheart and my wounds tells me that I am not ready to save anyone's life yet.

The door opens, I quickly ducked away, ran back into my room, as Gayheart grabbed the sobbing girl to the staircase.

"Hey Ally, come watch this." He appeared at my doorway.


"Come on, it's part of my plan for you." This is part of why he hasn't killed me yet.

I stopped when I saw the girl; I couldn't move my legs anymore. He has her dangling over the railing right where the staircase starts. Her hands are clutching the bars, one of her legs are already all the way over. She screamed.

"Let her go!" I cried. At that point, I didn't care if I was in danger, or if I didn't even know that girl. I ran over and grabbed her upper arms, using my badly cut arms I hauled her over.

"Thank you... Thank you so much." Her voice was faint and her cheeks were wet with tears.

"Ally, you're doing it wrong, you're supposed to push her over." Gayheart snapped behind me. He came over to where the girl and I were, and grabbed her hard away from me.

She screamed.

I watched in horror as Gayheart brought her back over to where the railing was. Her arms got an iron grip on the bar, I stared helplessly, and then our eyes locked. It happened too fast, Gayheart pushed her, hard. When I heard the loud thud of her body smacking onto the hardwood floor, from almost one story high.

Gayheart turned around and smirked at me, that was definitely not the first time he's thrown a girl over the railing. Killing her.

"Now Ally, we have to get her body to her house-" He started, but I ran downstairs, and found where her body was facing down. I grabbed her and turned her around. Her eyes were open like she was alive, but the blood told me she wasn't. Not anymore.

I looked away from her fallen body, just to see the faded eyes staring at me, her apparition. I stared back at her, and then the spirit slowly faded. She chose to go on

"This is how you kill people!?" I screamed, as Gayheart came downstairs. He smirked.

"You look pretty much ruined now, maybe I'll bring her home, you can stay here." He suggested. He escorted me back to my jail cell room, and this time chained me to the pole in the middle of the room.

I closed my eyes and stayed like that for the rest of the day, I watched a person die. I watched a person die.


One o'clock in the morning, I woke up, and I was no longer chained to the pole, and Gayheart is nowhere to be seen.

I cannot stand this place anymore, not for one more day. This is too much, I hate seeing all the blood, I would do anything to be able to go home. I'd never complain about my house again, or the houses around it. It's not that bad; you're here so Alicia doesn't have to. I think. If only I went on with my usual plan of skipping the wedding, I was going to fake sick with Alicia. We should've done it. I'd still have a life right now, if we had.

I walk over to the sliding wall, and hesitate, I don't know if I really want to look at my condition. A strange smell has been filling the air and it's not blood, it's following me.

I slowly push the sliding wall open. My heart stopped immediately. I look like a vampire girl with deep cuts on her arms.

 I blink a few times, but it doesn't chance. My hair doesn't chance. My hair is black. Midnight black. I stare unblinkingly at my refection. Shiny black strands falling right below my chest. The strange smell... definitely hair dye. The anger boils in me. I've been a blonde for my entire life and I've never wanted to change it. A girl should be in charge of her own hair.

"I want to kill Gayheart." I muttered, slamming the sliding wall shut. "Stupid guy. What does he want to do? Make me look like him? So they'll catch me and not him? Too bad, he doesn't look like a girl." He's changing my life and my looks, he's controlling me, and I want to kill him. No, I can't kill him, if I do he'll become an apparition and that's even worse. I can't let him get away, the easy way.

My door suddenly opens, interrupting my thoughts. I spin around, expression burning with hatred. I breath heavily, but Gayheart walks in casually and smirking.

"Hey Ally; I just got that girl home, wonder how her family's going to deal with this." He sighs. "I'll capture a new bitch soon, and this time I'll teach you how to kill her, then I'll bring you with me to place her on her front door, you'll get used to it Ally. Don't worry."

"Okay, what did you do to my hair? And why the hell did you do it?" I reach over and with all my anger shove him to the wall so hard, I could hear the mirror crack behind it.

"Whoa! Ally! Take a breathe there."

"And why are you trying to teach me this?" Instead of killing me, he's teaching me how to kill? And get away with it?

"It's part of my plan for you. You're different, from those other bitches, Ally."

"From those other innocent girls." I correct. Then, I wrap my hands around his neck. His eyes widen. I squeeze. "You better tell me what you're trying to do with me, now."  He struggles to push me away, but when I glance down at his hands, I flinch, letting go of him. His hands are stained with blood. With the blood of that girl killed just yesterday.

"Hold it, okay? I dyed your hair because of my plan, Ally."

"There is no plan, Trevor Gayheart, because I'm going to leave." I regret saying that the second it left my mouth. But Gayheart just rubs his neck. I smirk, I'm a good choker.

"You won't want to see Maricia and whoever you live with anymore, after I teach you all the fun stuff."

"Fun stuff?" I roll up my sleeves, shoving my scrawny pale arms in his face. "I won't call getting cut with knives, fun."

"That's not even the fun stuff." He shrugs. "We can only stay in this house for two more days, Ally, I move around a lot, you know?"

"So you don't know where we are, either?"

"Ally, I'm not going to tell you a lot about myself yet."

"Okay, then I won't tell you anything either."

"You don't need to, I know everything about you." He smirks. I laugh.

"You don't know me."

"We're wasting time, come on." He leads me downstairs, and outside.


"Just get in the car." He shrugs. I hesitated before shakily entering the black Acura, where I was kidnapped.

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