Wolf Tech 6: The Pups

By Wolphin5

98.4K 5.7K 3.5K

The academy has been at the pack for almost their term of three decades. Tala, Adam and Brook's daughter, ha... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 - Tommy's Friend
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 - Tom's Consequences
Chapter 13 - James vs Tom: Fight!
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 - Punishment Starts
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 - Full Moon
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 - The Challenge
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 22

2.7K 180 99
By Wolphin5

The next morning, after an early breakfast, and making sure they stayed away from Tom, the rest of the team mingled with the pack, with most going for a run then some weapons work.

Tala and Tommy headed into James' office for a meeting with the Alpha.

"Come in, come in!" James said with a smile, as they were escorted in. The receptionist closed the door behind them, and James had them sit down on the couch.

"I have heard that there was a system for dealing with applications?" James started.

Tala nodded, "Yes, and while Tommy gets the laptop ready, I'll give you the overview." She replied, as Tommy unpacked the laptop, for doing a live demo. She took a big breath, as this was the third time on this trip they had done this demo. The other two were small packs they were just staying the night at, that the topic of recruitment came up and they found out they hadn't even been aware of it. "Alpha Adam realised that they would be flooded with applications when they came out, so they designed the system then. It really helps to weed out those that wouldn't be willing to commit, as it also gives them the general information about our Laws, punishments, and details about being Turned. The Alphas have the Master account for the pack, and they create delegated accounts for others, for us we did all the elders, the Seconds and a couple on their team, a couple on the Alpha team, us two, and a couple others that help out with monitoring or filling in. At any point, if you have a name, e-mail, or phone number, you can override and accept an application for further review, or blacklist, and hide it."

Tommy was ready and turned the screen so James could see it, "This is a demo system, that is on the Werenet, not the live one. It works very similar, but skips a few of the verification checks, and just simulates them." He took him through the applicant process of creating a user, which had the general laws that basically all packs had, then an agreement that they wouldn't try to get around the system and make multiple accounts.

"Here, it generates an e-mail for verification, and puts it in a queue." Tommy told him, "You can see an ETA for it to arrive, and number in position. That system is there to slow it down, so we don't get overloaded."

"Also, to make sure we weed out those that are very impatient. If they try to make a new account without waiting, it blacklists them." Tala added.

"When it sends the e-mail, it changes to requesting the verification code from the e-mail, then it will ask for a phone number, and call or text them, and get another code." Tommy stated, "After that, it checks the mailing address by generating a snail-mail letter with another code."

Tala grinned, "We have packs around the globe that help with that; we do all of western Canada, another does Eastern, and four do the US."

Tommy took up the narrative, checking the spots as if they had been done. "Next, it starts gathering the information, with forms to sign off. It requests for Credit History, Enhanced Background Check — now, we do that in-house with the help of the Folicans.—"

"Wait." James interrupted, "You have contact with the Folicans? I thought they left."

Tala looked at him with an almost challenge, "I can't force you, but please keep that to yourself. They are still around, but for similar reasons for us taking so long to come out, they are staying hidden. They are waiting for the humans to decide to work together instead of against each other. Anything further about them, you will need to talk to our Alphas." At his nod, she turned to her mate with a frown, "You are not supposed to say that."

Tommy looked sheepish, "Sorry." He replied. Getting back on track, "It asks employment history, and then goes into details about what sort of work they are looking to do initially. It also asks if they want to be Turned. They can also tie in family members to their application, mostly spouse, or children."

James nodded, and read the other information that was on the screen.

Pointing at the bottom, "They also select regions, and/or packs they want to join." The region had counters for total packs in area, 'No', 'No Review', and 'Further Review'. "They don't see the names of the individual packs." Tommy added. "They can add up to ten named packs as well. Those also have the three statuses, but they have the ability to appeal one of them."

James frowned, "Why only one?"

Tala grinned, "That is to cut down on the manual work. Over ninety percent of the applications are rejected by the system. Many humans can't understand rejection, so they would hit an appeal for each one. The appeal is done by an actual person. Even if they are rejected at that stage, they can't appeal another. They can click the 'All' link, and it will add all regions of the world, or just a human country."  In many cases, as like Sentinel Star, the packs crossed human national boundaries, as they were there often long before the humans put a border there.  For Sentinel Star, about a quarter of their pack's territory was technically in the US.

Tommy hit the simulation's next control, "If they are accepted by a pack for further review, they can see what pack has set it, and a profile of the pack. The system does allow for multiple packs to be at this stage, but all but the first one get warnings. The packs ahead of them in selection must reject, or the applicant can choose a preference order. They can also reject a pack."

James frowned, "Why would they want to reject a pack at that point?" he asked.

Tala shrugged, "Not sure, but Adam decided to add it—he did it more for if they did multiple regions, I think."

Tommy continued, "From there, once all the paperwork is in, generally the pack will have someone contact the person for interviews, and if they are accepted, the system flags them as complete. A pack can also reject at that point, and drops them back as if the pack hadn't accepted. If another pack has accepted for review, it would notify them."

James nodded, "That really does look like it is fairly simple from the application side, but what about from the management?" He had also seen a button at the bottom that was 'cancel application' that had a note it would cancel all applications and suspend their account.

Tommy smiled, "Even easier." He agreed, switching the demo interface to the Pack's side. "It has a secure login, that you enter." He entered the demo Alpha interface, "This is what it will look like to you." The top had a bar in blue, "The blue part controls the users who will have access." He tapped on the button to manage the permissions, "Each user you can set what they can do, from just review applications, to approve or deny them, manage the points and blacklist items—I'll talk more about those later—and to manage other users."

James nodded, "That is nice smooth control." He agreed.

Tommy backed out then down to the applications, "The point of the system is to find those who are the best for your pack. Since each pack looks for different things, and have different things of what is good and bad, there is points, which can either be positive or negative, and a blacklist."

Moving into the list, "This is a basic one, that is a bit out of date, but was what we had a while ago." Tommy stated. It had Trophy Hunter listed as a blacklist, along with a list of other serious crimes, but also items like fraud or other anti-social convictions. At the time it had a +25 for kitchen, that Tommy pointed to, "At the point, we had vacancies we were having trouble finding competent people for, so it was bumped way up. Right now, the biggest bump is for gardener."

James chuckled, "Isn't that always the case? Everyone wants to eat the food, not get it ready."

Tala and Tommy chuckled and agreed, "You can also see that enforcer, which often have enough wanting it, is a down mark."

James nodded, "Yup."

Tommy smiled, "What a blacklist does, is it hides the applicant from the system, but you can see them." He backed out of the system, and pointed to the selection blacklist, "It drops them there. Going into it, will list what blacklists they hit, and you can override them individually. It would be as if they never had that selection. Those that aren't blacklisted, but have yet to have all the paperwork are here," he pointed at the in-progress link, "You can pre-select them there, which will bump them to the selected list, but generally you have no need to review the in progress ones."

James nodded. This looked like it would take much of the tedious work away.

"When they have all the paperwork in, and they haven't hit any blacklist, they drop to the completed list." He clicked on it. It listed a user ID, application start and completed dates, and a point score, and what jobs they were looking for. At the top, there were controls for sorting and filtering. "I won't go into the sort and filters, as they are simple and fairly self-explanatory. By default, it shows the application that has the best scores at the top, then if there is a tie, they go by completion date, and if there is a second tie, by the start date. Generally, packs just work their way down the list, as they have set the points to put the ones they want the most to float to the top of the list." Tommy advised.

Opening the top entry, it had the basic information, with links to all the collected reports, and a space for notes, "The note field is visible only to your pack. It is so that someone reviewing the application, they can make notes either to condense or to bring attention to a part of a report, before someone else with the authority to approve or deny it does so." Tommy advised, sliding to the bottom, there was buttons to Select, Approve, and Deny with a text field for a reason. "The Select would bring it for a second review, approve would bring it past the second stage review, and deny would put it in the blacklist."

Tommy then showed the second review, which had no automation, was for if they were doing any physical interviews with the applicant. "Mostly it is for if you want to have two or three people review applicants. Some packs have a Beta review applications and make notes, then an elder reviews the application, and only then does the Second or Alpha review and interview, and give final approval. Once they are approved, it hides the application from all other packs."

James grinned and stood up, and poured a glass of iced tea, "I can't think of anything else I would want for a system like that. How secure is it, though?"

Tala shrugged, "It's secured on the WereNet. It just has the front-end that is accessible from the human internet. So much more than any of the human systems. It is also spread out with redundancies in several countries to reduce the chance of it going down. That is normal for any idea Adam has come up with. Even his internal systems have multiple redundancies." They had three separate data centre bunkers, each with its own fusion power and backup network connection. Only their location precluded a redundant fibre link to the pack.  They did have a backup in a satellite link, though, for the essential systems.

James handed each a glass of water and received their thanks. "I barely know your Alphas, but I do hope that you will show this pack is trying to change, and not to let Tom's ideas limit you."

Tala nodded, "That is partly why us instead of the Seconds were sent. Zane had issues with Tyler, and Tom was often there supporting him. Right now, they are still dealing with the Rogue down in the US."

James sighed, "I heard of that. I do hope they catch him soon. I hope Zane can deal with the challenge, but the fact that as a pup he could even think of challenging an alpha?" he shook his head, "I don't think he'll have any problems."

Tommy smiled, "I don't think so either—he was an alpha for Ice Lake, and they now consider him an Elder there. He may come across as stone-faced, but that is from losing his parents young, and the fact he really cares; he just doesn't know how to express it."

James jerked and stared at Tommy, "You're joking..." he replied. He thought up the dates, "Zane isn't even half a century old..."

Tommy shook his head, "Not joking. Even Zane himself thinks he's too young for it, so I have never heard him claim the title, and even times has rejected it."

James shook his head, "And to think Tom thinks you have to have a century before you can do anything." He grinned at the two, "I am trying to get rid of that law, but I have more urgent priorities. Like making sure the residences stop being drafty, leaky buildings. Many of the lowest ranking ones are forced to sleep as wolves to stay warm in winter. That is going to change."

Tala smiled, "I already saw that as we came in."

James nodded, "Now I have a couple questions. How does one get onto that recruitment system? And is there one for transfers for those that are Were?"

Tommy grinned, "We can get you onto the system right away, but you would need to work with your Elders and probably others to work out what you want to look for. I'll get the pack account set up, but it does take a while when you log in to get all the information in. Until you get it all set up, I suggest just ignoring the applications."

James nodded, and Tommy started working on the laptop.

Tala shook her head, "While he gets that set up, I'll answer your other question." She stated. "Not shown in the trainer, is that there is another section that was added later, that requests much less information, and different information, for other Weres to request to join your pack. Either from being a Lone or from another Pack. There is a section for those who feel they were wrongly named Rogue to appeal to a pack for leniency and a second chance."

James nodded, "Tom loved to rant about how you reversed many of Alpha Night's rogue orders. I know I sent in several who had been given no chance here, for closure." He paused, "I never told Tom that I was doing that, and I know he would have stopped me."

Tala sighed, "And we, on behalf of the surviving families thank you for taking that chance. It meant the world to them to get the closure. We have nine who have never been able to have any record of what happened. They had all been presumed dead about two decades after they took over."

"Done" Tommy announced, "I e-mailed you the first-time login." He told James, "It will make you set a password and then go through an initialization to get it ready. It is fairly self explanatory. I enabled both systems for you on it."

James smiled, "Thanks. Is there a cost?"

Tommy nodded, "There is," he described the cost. There was a flat fee to be a part of the system, and then one for each successful application that joined them. Packs that had a member transfer from them to another, half the fee was given to the pack they left, as a credit in the system.

James shook his head, "The charges are tiny!" he stated, "How does that pay for itself." The amount of work to vet a single application if they did it themselves would be more than the yearly fee and three applications.

Tommy smiled, "That is due to volume. The system can pre-vet most of them so that you don't have anything to do with those that you know wouldn't make it in, which costs next to nothing. Also, the overhead is so low, when you think that more than three quarters of the world's packs are paying into it."

James didn't even bother trying to figure out how much money that was; way more than he ever could think of. "I'll look into it later, and it seemed to be fairly straight forward. I'll have to think on who should be involved with it. Now, onto the biggest reason I wanted to have an official visit." He took a breath, "I would like to see about getting some trainers here for myself, and for others of the pack. I would have loved to go to the Academy, but Tom had decided to boycott it, as he didn't like the training they did with accepting others."

Tala nodded, "I will have to pass that on, but from our impression, and the fact you are changing the pack, it might be possible."

"Another," James said, "Is I would like more than just the Inter-Pack Treaty to bind us together. I want to be friends with the other packs, especially ones that seem to be leaders, like yours. There is much that we can learn from you."

Tala and Tommy nodded.

James sighed, "I think we have enough for one meeting, as it's almost lunch time. I have some pack work to do this afternoon. Let me know when you get the answers." Standing, he opened the door for them.

Tala stood as Tommy quickly packed up the laptop and joined them. "Will do." Tala agreed.


Since Tala and Tommy were talking to James the others decided to split up and wander around. Logan had decided to take Rachel outside and give Bear a chance to stretch his legs. Logan would have liked to but he tried to save that for when Rachel was in class. She knew what he was but he didn't want to rub it in her face that he could change and run. Instead he settled for enjoying the warmth of the sun and was laughing as Rachel was tossing a ball for Bear.

Even with the Were blood in him there was still a fair amount of wolf blood. They loved to chase things and play. As Rachel was playing with Bear, Logan was leaning against a tree and laughing at their antics. Some days he could only wish he could be a kid again. They might be mates and active but sometimes, like now, she showed her age. They had been able to play and relax but by sixteen they were running patrols as extra's. They were training for a good hour and a half a day to ensure they could defend the pack.

Toss in all the lovely reports they were expected to do and then the Academy. For the last seven years they'd been either acting as enforcers or actively enforcers. Toss in learning the pack from the ground up and they'd been busy. He wouldn't change much of his life since it had been a good life, "Bear you are a silly dog. Get the ball all goobery and then give it to her."

Rachel made a face at him, "Bear go and give Logan a good face bath. Make his hair look funny as well." She tossed the ball in his direction though she knew Logan would either catch it or dodge it, "Get him Bear." The dog ran over and head butted before getting the ball and running back, which made her grumble at him.

Inside, Riley was relaxing on Jake's lap though she wouldn't be there for to long. She knew that it wouldn't take long for her extra weight to start squishing his legs. It was going to be a few more months before they could change their mates. It was still going to be just over two years before they could become mates but the change could be done, "So looking forward to getting home and relaxing. I've talked to Adam and soon after we get back we can see about changing you and Rachel."

Aiden and Graham were relaxing with them. For the most part Graham was being quiet and letting Aiden get to know the team. Since it had been decided Aiden was coming back with he needed to get to know them. Aiden glanced at Riley and Jake, "When did you meet and how?" He was curious since Jake wasn't that old. He came across as a human teen, not that there was a problem with that.

Across the room one of the other wolves was listening. He was about their age or somewhat older. He'd grown up with Tom in control and his father was one of his Beta's, or had been. When James had taken over he'd messed up the entire pack. One or two of the rules made sense but the rest? Stupid. Those in charge should rule and those lower serve. He agreed with his father about humans and turned wolves. They weren't worth the same as a real wolf. Having said that he could admit one or maybe two might be somewhat worthy.

There wasn't anyone who'd say Adam and Zane were wastes of changed wolves. Everyone had heard about Adam starting a new pack and taking out several Alpha's. Zane's rep was even larger than Adam's in a way. He was Second, had been Alpha, and gave it up to become Second again. He was going to simply relax and listen to the four talk.

Riley couldn't help but laugh, "I blame my brother. We were doing a long patrol and he came across Jake's twin. She'd twisted her ankle and brought her back to the pack, her and her family. Logan realized it the next morning. I'd found Jake when I came back after Logan had been badly hurt by a rogue." She wasn't going to go into her brother's reaction to discovering Rachel was his mate or how unprepared their family had been. It was amusing now, but was something to keep within the team, not to pander to these strangers.

The wolf was thankfully watching TV when he snorted. If anyone asked he was reacting to what was on TV and not some stupid wolf hurt by a rogue. If they were that good how had the rogue gotten lucky? That showed piss poor planning or execution. They usually had five wolves work together to take down a rogue or unauthorized lone wolf. Now, if they encountered a loner they had to bring him or her to the pack to be interviewed by the Alpha. He felt it was stupid since letting so called loners run free on their territory was just begging for trouble. Before the changes to the laws, very few loners ever came near their borders, as they knew it would mean their death. It was still much the same but word would get around.

Aiden had to wince, "Sorry he was hurt and glad he survived."

"Since we were still doing the long patrols he had to head back to his team. They were approaching one of the cabins some loners lived at and the wind was wrong. He didn't sense the rogue until he ran into him. It was a messy fight and he was bit in the neck. When I came back I found Jake sitting in the room while his sister was curled up with Logan." Riley shuddered at her fear of what it would have been like to have lost him, "We wouldn't have met our mates though. I hated feeling him hurt but feeling my mate in my arms was glorious." She gave Jake a good kiss.

He stroked her face in comfort, "I understand Riley. The idea of losing Rachel is enough to make me want to curl up and vomit. The idea hurts as much as the idea of losing you. I can't wait to be turned so I can protect you as you've protected me, Logan, or Rachel." Jake stroked her face again before returning the kiss, "Best day ever was meeting you even if it was due to Logan being hurt."

If this became any more nauseating he was likely to barf. Even his wolf was feeling nauseated at the moment, "Even changed you won't be worth a real wolf. Protect your mate?  Hah! What a joke. No matter how much training you get you'll be weaker than even an Unranked wolf." It was a definite sneer when he said that. It was very obvious what his opinion was. Riley's reaction wasn't what he expected.

When he finished speaking she looked at him and started laughing, "Oh goddess that's funny. I dare you to tell my dad that or even Adam. There are several others who would disagree with your statement. There are many others that wish they had kept it to themselves." Riley was amused, *Tala, letting you know I might be challenging some idiot. He's saying stupid stuff about changed wolves. Weaker and all that crap. How do you want me to handle it?* Before she did anything she wanted some instructions.

Even as she was laughing, Jake and Graham were laughing as well, "Oh man that's ripe." Jake said, "I've watched Adam and Zane spar. I don't know of many who could stand up to either." He was laughing hard enough he was having trouble breathing.

Tala sent a mental sigh. *Just finished our meeting. Be right there.* Tala, Tommy, and James came around the corner not much later. None looked happy.

When they walked in they found the three laughing hard while Aiden was looking confused and the other wolf looking pissed off, *How do you want me to handle it?* Not knowing his rank bothered her some but she was well trained and knew she could handle herself. His mate was a Delta, but he was counted as Unranked here.

As they were talking Logan and Rachel walked in, Bear walked over to Jake's dog and nuzzled his twin before flopping down next to her. Logan had heard the entire thing, "Try not to hurt him to badly, sis. Looks bad and all that. I don't feel like being handed over to Kat for training." It was obvious he wasn't concerned at all. When the wolf gave him a nasty look Logan was smirking, "Believe me, the females of our pack tend to go for pain and not just a win. I've watched Adam and Brook. Give me Adam any day of the week."

Tala glared at the young wolf, "You have the choice of my Mate, Tommy—who is turned—or of Riley." She stated to the wolf, "Your comment insults not only the two, but also our Alpha and Second, who are turned."

James just stood back, to let them deal with it. When the wolf looked at him alarmed, he shrugged, "You're the one challenging the fact they have different laws, and the Guesting Laws; you deal with it. Just so you know, those rules will be coming here, and there will be Turned wolves coming here."

Riley was not going to let him get of easy, "Well considering it was our mates who were being insulted I would like to claim the challenge. I'll be nice, I won't use the halfstaff's my family uses. I think quarterstaff's would be good don't you? Better yet scatter weapons around the training circle and whatever is handy gets used. That will really show who is better. Quarterstaff's, swords, knives, even some pole arms or what ever else is at hand. Does that sound reasonable Tala?" It would give them a variety of weapons to use to show their skills or lack there of.

Tala knew her strength, "Works for me." She turned to James, "Work for you?"

James nodded, "Works for me." He turned to the young wolf, "You have fifteen minutes to be at the challenge circle." He told him, making it an order, not giving him a chance to step back at this point.

*I almost wish Riley didn't claim the fight; I would have loved to show what a Turned Wolf could do.* Tommy told the team, *Finlay, eventually you will be good, but you were turned only a year ago, not sure you could win against them.*

*When your mate is insulted you can take the challenge. Also, as mentioned, you need additional training. We've been training since we were children. It is who we are much as it is who Kat and dad are. Oh, I want our room to ourselves for a while after the bout.* Riley stood and pulled Jake up, "Shall we?" They had been shown to the training centre so she knew the way.

"Come Foxy, shall we go and watch my mate?" He ignored her teasing even though he did turn red. He did find it very arousing watching her fight but he wasn't going to say that out loud or even over the bonds.

Tommy gave a mental sigh, *I passed the same Academy course you did! Maybe a little slower, but still well ahead of some slackers,* he growled, *Not that I am going to try to claim the fight. I do want to show him that a turned wolf is as good as a born one. You go girl, and show him that females are as good as males!*

The others followed them out and nobody looked concerned at all about the results of the fight. They made it look like it was a forgone conclusion he had already lost which was making him angry. Even worse they were talking about lunch and wondering what it was going to be. To be dismissed that way was getting him worked up. He was the son of a Beta!


A couple of senior trainers under Alpha James' supervision was putting a wide selection of weapons around the outside edge of the pack's main challenge circle. As was normal for a pack, a crowd was gathering, as word of what was coming down spread. Tala and Tommy stood behind the four, showing the support. The rest of the visitors, and including Aiden were standing with them as well.

Max stood with his father as he stretched. Max's father kept sending glares at the female visitors as the clock ticked down.

Tala just ignored the glares, but if he said anything disparaging, she could feel Tommy being riled up enough to take a challenge for it. *If you do feel the need for the challenge* Tala told her mate, *Save it for just before dinner, or in the evening. James said he had work to do this afternoon.*

Tommy gave her an amused look, *Of course, and not right after a meal; I don't want to be weighed down by still digesting it. And not right away, either; even if the kitchen staff doesn't go after me, ours will, when we get back, on their behalf.* Most wolves knew to try to stay on the good side of the Chef and their staff, as not only did they have many sharp things, they also dealt with the food, and you would get the leaving that usually would go on the compost pile otherwise.

Riley stepped forward, "Challenge is in human form only." She took a few minutes to stretch. Before entering the circle, she pulled her shirt off since she didn't want it damaged. Her sports bra would cover everything needed, not that she was worried about it. Once she was ready she stepped into the ring and waited.

Max grumbled but stepped into the circle just before the appointed time.

James stepped between them, "You will stop if I command it. Exiting the circle is automatic forfeit. You may use any weapon that is here. You are fighting till submission or one is unconscious. This is not a rank fight, even if it is a Challenge." He stepped out of the circle, "Begin!"


Zane was talking with the ADA when Kadrian and his uncle called for him, "I'm being called for. I'll be back shortly if possible." He stood and walked out of the room. When he came out he found Kat coming out of the room David and Leon were in. He assumed she'd been called for as well.

After trading kisses, they quietly walked to Kad's office and knocked. When they were called in they walked in and sat down when indicated, "What can we do for you Kadrian?" He gave his Uncle a nod as well.

"Keep as calm as you can, the rogue was caught and is going to be brought here sometime late today. Right now, he's been secured and his camp site is being carefully examined. The woman he took is safe though she needs to be examined. She is coming here right now though it will be a bit of time. Her little girl is coming as well." Before he contacted Adam to give Zane some orders he wanted to see his reaction.

Zane froze before he took a deep breath, "Let me know when he is going to be here and I'll go for a run. I don't trust myself near him unless there is a thick door between the two of us. Also let me know when the woman and her child arrives. I'll help get them settled in. I'll have Alonya take care of them for the next day or two." He leaned back in the chair and almost went limp in thanks.


The child arrived before her mother since they'd left immediately after discovering the rogue and his capture. When the vehicle with the young girl arrived Zane, Kat, and Alonya were there as well as. Kadrian, Esther, and one of their junior wolves was there.

Zane stepped forward and greeted the enforcer with the girl, "Second Donovan of Wild Valley. Welcome to the Tire Mac Dona' pack. This is my mate and..." Once he was done introducing everyone he gave the girl a polite smile. For her he could let his face relax to help keep from scaring her, "This is Alonya who is a member of my team. She is going to be helping you until your mother arrives."

Alonya smiled at the girl and other wolves, "Come with us and we have a room ready for you and your mother. There is a second room for those with you. Would you like some hot coco and something to eat? I can make some chocolate milk as well if you would like." She waved the others to follow before giving Zane and the others a look. There were too many people around. Thankfully everyone took the hint and left the area.

The little girl was being held by the junior wolf assigned to take care of her, "Mommy? Is she here yet?" It was obvious she was terrified of what was going on.

Alonya stepped forward and gently stroked her back, "She isn't here yet but she is safe. She should be here soon. Until then let me show you to your room. It is also next to my team leader's suite. Zane will ensure you and your mother are safe." She led them into the house.

After a good deal of discussion by the wolves at the scene, the woman was going to be brought back now. She was going to come back separately from the rogue, so that he would be alive when he arrived. He was going to be in a SUV designed for transporting rogues and injured wolves. They were informed of this and that she was going to be there shortly. Mik was going to be delayed until they had his camp site packed up. Nobody really cared what his face looked like. He wasn't going to survive all that long anyways. Currently he was chained to a tree waiting.

Eventually she arrived and again Zane, Kat, and several others were waiting. It was obvious she was in someone else's clothing. Zane moved forward with Kat, "Evening Ma'am, Seconds Zane and Katya Donovan. Your daughter is here and waiting. We were asked to bring you past medical for a quick check before showing you to her. Our mind healer Beth is with your little girl comforting her. Medical won't take very long and we'll show you to your daughter."

She looked angry, "No, I want to see my daughter first. I have to make sure she's safe and sound. That before anything else." Kailee had to see her first before anything.

Kat looked at her, "Kailee, I would strongly recommend medical first. I understand your need to see her but on our word, she is fine. She had something to eat and is currently curled up asleep in the room you are being provided. This will only take maybe fifteen minutes." She looked at Zane, "We really do understand. Zane's son was critically hurt recently and he was as driven as you are. Come, we'll take care of you. Our junior wolf is keeping an eye on her as are some wolves from the pack nearest you." It took a bit of encouragement but she finally allowed a quick stop at medical before going to the room.

When she opened the door she almost froze as tears started. Her little girl was asleep on the bed asleep and looked healthy.

Alonya came over and gave her a good hug, "She wanted to stay awake but was too tired. Come and eat. After a shower and some clean clothes which fit you can crawl in with her. If you want a shower first I'll get you some night clothes and then you can eat.

At the mention of a shower she scratched her hair. Another itch hit before several more. She realized she was feeling grungy enough that she had to have a shower first, "Shower, food, sleep in that order please." It wasn't much longer before she was clean, full, and asleep curled up next to her daughter.


Tom was awoken by the sound of the fight. He growled to himself for the interruption, but as his windows was wide open, he couldn't really blame anyone. Standing up, he walked to the window and growled again. It was one of the visitors and the son of one of his Betas that were fighting. What was strange was that they had a large number of weapons scattered around the edge of the challenge circle, including some very strange looking ones.

Watching the fight, he realised the one fighting the pup that he had thought showed great potential, was not even close to the skills of the pup. He was thrashing Max to the extreme, and just stopping short of humiliating them. Tom was stunned when he realised it wasn't a he at all! It was a female that was doing it. He was so stunned that he couldn't even growl at the look at the other visitor's faces.

He still hadn't been able to tease out the part that he remembered of their scent. He would have to get close to them. Hopefully at lunch today.


Since the attacks had been directed at him, Zane took the initiative to call Adam. As soon as that was done he was going to soak in the hot tubs they had. Almost as soon as he discovered Mik had been captured, it felt like his entire body had collapsed. Since he didn't feel like being passed up the chain he called Adam's direct line. When he picked up, Zane heaved a large breath, as he had a bad habit of leaving his phone in his office and not taking it with him, "Caught him and the woman is alive. Not sure if she was raped or not but Kat took her to medical to be checked on. Anything you want or need me to do?"

"Good." Adam replied. "I think you have a good handle on it from our side. Just make sure if you are in a challenge circle, that you get out of it alive and he doesn't."

Zane grunted, "I gave him one chance to meet me in the circle and he lost out. Doesn't matter if he was captured before he could reply or not. Now it is straight punishment. I'm going to do to him what I asked you to do to Tyler. Quick and done with. Well after I pull his fingers and toes off to find out any others he might have impacted on." He wouldn't but he could threaten.

Adam snorted a laugh, "Or let the others deal with him, and have them let him know you are too busy to deal with him. It would enrage him more, and would get more satisfaction from it."

Honestly it would be a good idea if someone else dealt with him, "I'll probably go down make a few threats and then let them deal with him. I'm just feeling a bit blood thirsty right now. I'll keep you updated on what is going on. Later Adam." He hung the phone up and leaned back in the chair in his suite and took several deep breaths. It didn't help knowing he'd been put in Elder quarters.

Every time he saw one of the elders, it seemed to amuse them to treat him as a visiting elder, knowing it annoyed him. Kat seemed to find it amusing too, especially when Ice Lake treated her as an Elder too, when they visited, since she was his mate.

He didn't bother growling at him, as he had been raised to respect the Elders. If they got amusement from treating him as a peer, he would let them. It seemed they took amusement from the smallest things, but after four centuries of life, that was actually a good thing.

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