Memory (Harry Styles)

By bookwormDS

40.8K 1.3K 335

He was almost at the end of the hill about to turn onto the sidewalk when time stood still. The loud screechi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 (Bonus Chapter)
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54

Chapter 43

344 14 0
By bookwormDS

Bree's POV

It's been a week since we got back.

Don't get me wrong, it was the best thing in the world to be able to see my dad again after three long months halfway across the continent from him. The trip was good overall, the thanksgiving dinner was amazing, I even began to get used to the idea of my dad and Allie's mom being together near the end. As they both saw us all off at the airport, I no longer felt that pang of disgust when their faces collided in the car. Several times, I might add.

However, something has changed since we got back from the trip.

Ever since we got back, Harry has been well, different. Actually, even before then he was acting a little strange.

The plane ride was silent. I tried to initiate conversation, talking about random, stupid things like how I got this odd tickle in my stomach every time the plane lifted off that made me wanna pee. I meant it to be kind of comedic. I even imagined him laughing and making a teasing comment, but I got nothing. Instead, he just shrugged his shoulders and gave me a tight-lipped smile.

Eventually he just ended up sleeping through most of the ride, and I think that was just to get away from talking to me.

Did I do something to upset him?

As far as I can recall, things went great on the trip.

What changed?

I continue on with my everyday life once we get back. Back to five days of school, long nights studying in my cramped dorm room and back to the college life. This also meant back to working at Starbucks after school.

I am cleaning the counter and refilling the napkin dispenser when Allie and El walk into the store.

"Hey, what are you guys doing here?" I ask, a bit confused by their prescence. I've been working here quite awhile and this isn't the usual time they would come in. I mean, my shift is almost over. The walk and both sit on bar stools at the counter I am cleaning. El has her sad face on, puzzling me even more. Did something happen?

"Heeey, Bree." Allie starts off, elongating her greeting. This confirms it. Something is wrong.

"Um, Harry sent us. He said he couldn't come to pick you up after your shift today. Something about helping Louis with something?" Eleanor says reluctantly. "Sorry, hun." She shrugs before giving me a comforting smile.

"It's fine." I sigh. "I guess I kind of expected it." I really did. I mean, he's been avoiding me the entire week. I haven't really even seen him besides in psyche class. Even there, he hardly even makes eye contact with me and leaves right when we are dismissed.

"What happened with you guys? I thought things were going so well." Allie comments.

"I thought so too. I don't know, I guess he's been kind of distant lately, after the trip." He's been more than distant. It doesn't even feel like we are in a relationship anymore. We've barely said more than a few words to each other, which is really out of the ordinary for us.

"Did something happen during the trip?" El questions, making me revisit my thoughts on the subject.

I don't think anything happened. He was fine during the race. I guess it was after then when he started pulling away.

I go through our conversations after then before something sticks out.

I told him about what happened with Greg. How I lost my virginity to my best friend's boyfriend and kept it from her all these years. And here I am, sitting here with that very same friend, talking about my relationship problems when the very cause could possibly be the thing I have been keeping from her all these years.

That has to be it.

"Bree?" Eleanor snaps me from my realization. How long was I zoned out?

"Huh? Umm, n-no I don't think so." I mumble.

"Yeah, Liam was kind of distant after the trip too." Allie adds, taking some of the heat off of me. "I think it was the whole Greg thing. After we ran into him he kept asking questions."

"What did you say?" El asks.

"Well I had to tell him the truth. He was a bit upset at first, but it was such a long time ago so I told him he had nothing to worry about. It was so long ago."

Hearing this somewhat relieve my mind. Knowing that she is over Greg makes it easier, it makes my guilt easier to deal with. It was a long time ago. We were young, stupid and reckless. It didn't mean a thing.

Then why was she acting so odd after she saw him again? My conscience reminds me. Sinking me back into the pit of remorse. I think more about as they continue on with their conversations about Liam and Allie's relationship.

"Hey Zayn!" Allie greets Zayn as he emerges from the supply room. That's odd. She doesn't usually greet him, except for that one time when she was trying to hook him up with me, but I that was before Harry and I. Is that what she is trying to do now? I know I said we were having problems, but that doesn't mean that I'm just ready to move on to the next guy already.

"Oh hey guys, what's up?" He sets the box of Java packets on the floor before leaning on the counter beside me and engaging in the conversation.

"Oh you know, just talking about what we did over the weekend." She says nonchalantly as she lays with napkin dispenser that I just refreshed.

"Oh right, I heard you guys went back home for the holiday. How was it?" I had briefly told him we were going back to Toronto for thanksgiving, mainly because I needed him to take my shift, otherwise I probably wouldn't have mentioned it.

I feel kind of bad. I have barely said two words to him since we got back. I've been to busy thinking about my problems with Harry.

"It was great! I t was so nice just to be back with our families again. How was your thanksgiving? Did anything special?"

"Actually I was working. Yeah, I didn't really have enough to go back home so I just ended up having a TV dinner and skyping them. It was alright though. Since I worked this time, I'll probably have enough to head down during the Christmas break." He explains.

Oh jeez, now I feel even worse. Those shifts he were working were my shifts. I'm so stupid. I can't believe I dumped my shifts on him, not even considering that he had his own thanksgiving plans and a family to go back home to. I'm horrible.

"Aww," Allie coos. "Well hopefully you will be able to during Christmas. That's when it really counts, I guess." She talks to him a bit more before my shift is over and we leave.

By the time we get to the dorm room I am exhausted. I slump into my bed right after I change, my body melting into the sheets once I hit the mattress. I close my eyes and try to let sleep encompass me. However, as hard as I try, it never comes.

Instead, I find myself thinking about Harry, of all things.

What is it about our conversation that made want to avoid me this whole week? I knew that the whole Greg thing would make him think differently, which is the whole reason why I tried to avoid the topic entirely, but I had no idea it would lead to this.

Is it because I slept with my best friend's boyfriend? Is it because I lead him to believe I was a virgin when I wasn't? Or is it just the simple fact that I am not a virgin that turns him off?

The thought sickens me and I pray that that isn't the reason.

I toss and turn, mind swirling with reasons why. Finally, my mind can no longer take the what ifs any longer.

Before I can fully think it through, I am tapping his name on my phone and waiting for his voice to interrupt the ringing.


Hey Everyone!

Okay, so I know said I would be updating regularly on the weekends, but I couldn't take it. I just really needed to write and update aha xD I still will be updating on the weekend, so don't you worry your pretty little faces :) It will be longer than this one and probably be more relevant to the story. So consider this an extra little gift from me to you because you all are such wonderfully awesome readers :)

Anyways, don't forget to vote and comment! It means the world and Iw I'll try and reply to all!

Thanks a bunch, love you <3


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