Wolf Tech 6: The Pups

By Wolphin5

98.4K 5.7K 3.5K

The academy has been at the pack for almost their term of three decades. Tala, Adam and Brook's daughter, ha... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 - Tommy's Friend
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 - Tom's Consequences
Chapter 13 - James vs Tom: Fight!
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 - Punishment Starts
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 - Full Moon
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 - The Challenge
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 21

2.5K 178 89
By Wolphin5

Tala and Carla were up and well awake a couple hours later, and Tommy pulled his mate close when she joined them. The rest of the team had relaxed in their suite for the couple hours they were down.

"We decided to wait for you for most of it, although we did decide that Graham and Aiden should stay out of sight for at least a couple of days." Tommy said, "Hesta volunteered to make sure they get food to their room, and when she arranged it, she found out some interesting information."

At Tommy's look, Hesta took a deep breath, "It seems that Aiden is well liked by the 'Unranked' here, and while officially he had the rank, most felt he deserved a higher rank. He just preferred to follow his morals instead of cozying up with the leaders, so his excelling was just rated as 'barely adequate' which blocked him from advancing. It seems to be changing now that James is Alpha, but many felt that with his preference, it would be a while before he could be ranked where he should be."

Tommy smiled, "From what I sensed, I am wanting to record his rank as Delta, with your permission?"

Tala sighed. She wanted to growl at whoever was keeping him down, but that wouldn't change anything. "Do it." She agreed, looking at the other mated pairs who were there, "It is always better to have Mates ranked the same."

Jake frowned as he considered what Tala had said, "What does that mean for us? He is a wolf and we aren't yet. Do we need to wait until we are changed?" They had been busy enough watching their mates work there was a great deal they hadn't learned about. Add in working at the club, this trip, and even reading the manual he simply didn't know.

Rachel didn't bother worrying about it. Trying to get to their level was going to be very hard and she wasn't going to force it. Even if she eventually made it to his level she was still going to end up working with the pups as a teacher one of these days. It was something she'd always wanted to do. Before then she had to go to school to learn to be one. Then she would need to be interviewed by Willow and the Elder in charge of training.

Tala nodded at Jake, "You will get the training you can, and will have the authority. Some of the physical work is beyond your ability, so it won't be expected of you. You are expected to apply yourself."

Tommy nodded, and responded to Tala's order, "We'll have him training over winter to hopefully pass the Delta qualifications in the spring." Taking a deep breath, "For my initial look at the pack; from what little I see here so far, I am liking what I see. The fact that Tom's bullying has already caused him to be on disciplinary action seems to support that. After dinner, I want to send in a quick report to the Alphas."

Tala nodded and started to herd them out the door, "I'm hungry. Let's see how their food selection is."

Tommy grinned, "You're always hungry." He teased, as he pushed her gently out the door, closing it behind them. They joined the line of the pack, and many gave smiles of welcome to them, chatting with those around them so they could get a feel for the regular pack members. They chose a spot at random sitting down almost as far as they could from the alpha's seat.

Tala grinned at the wolf beside her, "How's the food?"

Ed smiled slightly, "Good. Especially since my arm is out of the sling, so I can cut my own meat!"

Tala frowned, "Why was your arm in a sling?"

Tommy sat down facing them, so he could join in with the discussion.

Ed sighed, "You weren't around but, Tom had come out of the Alpha's office enraged, and he decided to shove any he could reach out of his way. I had the misfortune to hit a side table and knock over the fragile urn, that cut up my arm, then the heavy table fell on it, cutting it more, and shattering the bone."

All that could hear growled at that.

Another wolf on the other side of Ed hugged him, "He left out that he was an Omega then, and had been one for several decades."

Tala and Tommy snarled before they could get their wolves under control. "That is why Tom is on punishment. I would have just killed him and been done with it."

Rachel glanced at the team who was growling, *What is going on Logan? Why is everyone upset?* She was still trying to understand the ranks and how they worked. Part of it was being dropped into the top ranks of the pack. She'd never really had a chance to work her ways up the ranks the way the others had.

*Even Theta wolves like Hesta or Carla will fight when forced. They are taught self defence so they can fight and run. Omega's simply can't fight. Even a Theta will get between an Omega and someone attacking them. When Tom shoved him, he simply couldn't do anything about it. That's why they are growling.* He sliced a piece of the roast off and held it to her mouth and smiled when she took it and ate it. She looked very pleased with the piece she'd been given.

Riley answered as well, *Omega's are very rare since the line between an Omega and being kicked out is very fine. In many cases it is up to the Alpha in charge.* When Jake fed her a bite she gave him a good kiss before giving him one.

The wolf grinned, "Almost did. And if he steps out of line, will be. I hope he does."

Another piped up, "Best thing he did was step down and let James take over."

"So, what is Tom's punishments?" Tommy asked gently, after he had savaged most of his steak.

Ed smiled, "First was a Challenge in the circle, where he had his arm broken, and lots of flesh cuts, no healers, and blocked from the pack healing. He was also tossed in the Alpha cell for several days, with only basic meals. Next was house-arrest to his room, except for meals."

Ed's friend piped up, "He had been behaving, so the Alpha let him join the Moon Night, but his wolf seemed to reject the idea, and locked him human."

Tommy nodded, the alpha had told them that.

Ed grinned, "I think even his wolf didn't like how Tom was acting."

Tala smiled and moved the topic to that of James, and how they felt about his leadership. They all were quite happy to say good things. The only thing they had to say against him, was some of the changes were taking a bit to get used to.

"Biggest one, that is harder for us older wolves," Ed explained, "Is that the females are not below all males, other than omegas. For me, since I was Omega so long, it feels normal, but others are needing to remind themselves. It used to be that once they were mated, they barely did anything without the OK of their mate, and even then, they still had to listen to them, and any other adult male. Now, the females were given the same rank as their mate, and the single ones were given ranks based on their abilities."

"James said there was going to be further changes, but seemed to not have put anything new for a few weeks." Another added before shrugging, "It'll just take us time to get used to the changes. So far most of the pack are happy for the changes. He has also started to slowly reduce the restrictions on the pack exiting the territory."

"What about the thoughts of human mates?" Jake added, knowing that was the task they had been asked to do.

Ed laughed, "Up till James took over, usually they left as fast as they could, if not before they formally mated, as Tom and the alpha before him, would kick them out. Now? The law is they are to be accepted. We don't have any yet, but expect it is only time."

Some of the wolves at other tables glared at the two pairs that were sharing the occasional bites. Most were older wolves, that still didn't like the idea of human mates. The four were pointedly ignoring it, but they had made note of it. Others had smiled at it.

"If you come back in a decade, I think you will see a whole new pack." One wolf offered, "We know your pack is young, but even Tom had to give grudging respect that you were attracting members, so had a good pack. Here? A single new member would be a good year."

Tala snorted. "One request a day is a slow day for us! Generally, there are two or three human applications that want to join us a day, and add on the pack transfer requests of generally one or two a day. Being Next-Alpha, it has been dumped on my team to slog through them. Luckily, the automated system filters most of the humans out."

"I heard about that system. How does it work?" one wolf asked. The others at the table and several tables around them were now listening in.

"Well, the first filter is how it signs the person in. There is a built-in delay that adjusts itself by how many applications it is processing. When they first sign up, they create a login, and it generates a verification e-mail, and adds it to an outbox. The outbox has a set rate to send them, so they trickle out. When I last checked, it was about two or three days before it actually sends. If they try to sign up again, it gives them a warning, and if they ignore the warning, it will blacklist them, and cancel the send." Tala said with a smile. Several chuckled, as many knew humans that were very impatient.

"Once they verified their e-mail, it will gather a fair amount of personal information. It will send out for credit, background, driving history, medical, and other details. It also sends an automated phone check, and when that is done, generates a paper letter with a check on their address." Tala continued, "If a parent or guardian has children, they can be put the whole family through under a single application."

Louise nodded, and took up the narrative, "From there, they can select a region, or packs they are wanting to apply for. For packs, they have to know the name of the pack, as it just has a search that will show only five entries, or fail with asking to give more of a name. All the packs in the region or selected can see the applications for their area. They are 'incomplete' till all the paperwork is in. The packs that are signed up can give items points up, down, or a black mark. Black marks basically will hide the application from the pack, since that is something undesirable."

Tommy interrupted, "For our pack, a black mark is trophy hunting, some sort of conviction for a serious crime, or involvement in a hate group of any sort. Another is they declared bankruptcy without paying it all back. Since we have plenty of Enforcers, if they are looking at wanting to be one, that is a negative mark. Those in construction or medical get a positive. Each pack can set their own filters. They can also go into the hidden items, and override the black mark on individual applications. If there is a black mark, and they directly selected a pack, the user applying will see a notice, and can request a manual review by the pack. If they directly selected multiple packs, they can only request one review, even if it's rejected."

Riley shuddered, "So many do that, that if they have more than one black mark, I don't even bother reviewing, and just deny."

Finlay smiled, "I have watched, and many balk at how much information we are requesting, so the completion rate is about forty percent."

Ed nodded, "That is one way to filter out those that aren't willing to commit, and aren't willing to be open."

Finlay nodded, "I was Turned, so I understand, but they are more than just finding a new place to live, they are joining a family, and a family that has no secrets." He stopped for a moment, "Well, few secrets."

The wolves nodded, as they knew what he meant.

Tala smiled, "Once the application is completed, it drops into a list for each pack to review. They can accept it, or reject it at that level. The user can see the number of packs that have accepted, rejected, or haven't decided for regions, or if selected individual packs, what their decision is. Here, they can also select one second look.

Tommy took it up, "Packs can see what the other pack's decisions are, including reasons, if the pack gives them. If they have selected packs, they are given first choice, but if they reject it, it goes to all the packs in the region. If they accept them–which is less than one in fifty completed applications that get to this level–the pack then can see the name, address, and contact information, so they can contact them for an interview. It also has a note for other packs, so they know a pack is doing personal review and interview. If they reject it, it releases it back to the others. If accepted, their application is dropped out of the system, and is only available to the pack that accepted them."

Some of the eyes were glazed over with that. "Wow." One said.

"Surprised you don't have one for transfers or lone wolves." Came a comment.

Logan chuckled, "There is one, that uses a similar system, but is only on the WereNet. Not quite as invasive, but still is used for first stage vetting. It also has rogue, lone, and member modes. Rogues have to give lots of details, and basically have to write an essay of why their conviction should be overturned. Loners have to give details and why they are now looking for a pack, and any packs they had been members of and why they left. For pack members, there is a fair detail of what duties they had and want. All hit the point system for accepting, but their applications are easier to process."

Several elders had joined the discussion by this point, and one was frowning, "How long has these systems been active?" they asked. It sounded like a fair amount of work has gone into them, but this was the first they had heard of them.

Tala nodded in respect, "The human one was activated days after we came out, Elder. The WereNet one was put in about a year or two later."

"How does a pack sign up for it?" the Elder asked. This may be a way to get some more members. The pack was little over half its size of when they started, if they hadn't taken in a fair number from Feral Star. As it was, they had few joining, and their birth rate was low. He had hopes with the new alpha that it would grow.

"An alpha would need to register for it. They then create users for pack members responsible for dealing with it–generally the Elders, and selected members. Did you want me to bring it up when we have our meeting with James tomorrow?"

The elder nodded, and many of the others there too, "Yes, please."

By that time everyone had finished their dinners. The unranked were busy collecting dishes. Carla and Hesta were looking put out, as they had been smiled at when they had their stacks taken from them and told they were guests and to relax.

Rachel groaned, "Thank goodness I plan on going into teaching. Just listening to that gave me a headache." Even now she was shocked at the amount of work they were being given. It wasn't just the amount but the level of authority they had. The idea of someone Logan's age giving the types of orders boggled her mind.

He gave her a kiss, "Don't forget who our father is. We've been trained for this. It is simply part of who we are. Once you are a wolf you'll understand better." *We grew up supping on the stories Zane and Kat told us. If you think I was hurt remind me to tell you about when Zane saved Beth.* Both would forget with everything going on.


Tom had slept most of the afternoon. He still was recovering from his fight, and as such was catching only the end of dinner. He sat down in what had become his spot and glared at the thick knot of wolves. He could see the guests, and he wanted to get a better sniff, as a few of their scents felt familiar. So far, he hadn't had a chance to get close to them, but with even Elders around them, he wasn't going to chance it. The cook swung a mean frying pan.

After he slowly ate his meal, by which point the guests and almost all of the pack were gone, he put his dishes in the tray, and slowly plodded back to his room. As always, one of the Enforcers followed him and made sure he took no detours. He could move slowly and they would let him, but there was no stopping allowed.

When they got to the room, they went inside, and grumbled, as an unranked had been in and cleaned it, again. That was getting annoying. Over breakfast, they did his bed and basic cleaning, over lunch they took his laundry and did any tasks that didn't get done over breakfast, including anything he hid. Dinner, they did his bathroom, and returned the clean laundry. Even taking a short meal, they were gone before he got back. He had yet to catch anyone inside his room. It was almost like they took it as a game.

Settling down in his chair, he pulled out the e-reader and started reading the next story. He had been told he was expected to have read them all before he would finish this part of the punishment.

Some of the stories had almost a fable theme to them, and were quite enjoyable reads, others were so dry that he kept falling asleep while reading them.

This one seemed to be a long one, luckily it had a fair amount of detail, and was easily read. Only bad thing, was he could easily see himself in that former-alphas pawprints. When he finished it, he shuddered; he had been torn apart by the pack, when the alpha kept trying to give him more chances, and the pack felt he needed death. The alpha stood back and gave him to the pack, and the pack tore him apart... he shuddered again. What the story gave was too close for comfort.

Putting it down, he slipped into a fretful sleep where he was hounded and chased by wolves set on his death.


After staring at the human that was beating on the rogue for a brief moment one shifted and jerked on some clothing. He almost jumped over and doing his best gently pulled the woman off Mik. While he was trying to calm her down the others quickly cuffed the rogue and gave him a quick check to ensure he could walk, "Calm down ma'am. I'm Enforcer Calon from pack Cascade. We're here to rescue you. The Rogue has been detained. Brinley pulled some of your clothing out and help her into it." Brinley was the one she-wolf on the team.

She shifted and pulled on a long shirt, "Let me take over boss." She had pulled some spare clothing out, "Come let me help you get into clothing which will cover you up hun. As boss-man said we are pack enforcers. There are others who are going to be coming in to pack this mess up. Let's get you dressed, Kailee." She took several minutes to calm the woman down, "Someone make some coffee. We're going to be here for a while. Start something decent to eat as well.

Once she'd calmed down Kailee almost collapsed in the she-wolf's arms and started crying, "What about my little girl? Is she okay? Tell me she's okay?" She'd been so worried about Laken since she'd been taken.

"She's fine, Kailee. Right now, she is at our pack to ensure she remains safe. We've sent someone to help work your property for you. Now dress, coffee will be done soon and then something to eat. The food is going to make this stuff look like crap." She turned and started getting the fire going even as someone handed her a small pot and a bag of water. As she was working on some food she was keeping half an eye on the woman.

The senior wolf pulled a phone out and made a call, "Alpha Kadrian, we have the rogue. Seems the human female objected to some of his plans and tried to bash his head in. What do you want us to do?" He'd already contacted his pack via the bonds.

When the call came in Kadrian was pleased they had caught him. It was quicker than expected but he wasn't going to complain, "Interesting. We are going to need her and the rogue brought to my pack. I'm going to call to have her daughter brought up as well. Pack everything up, toss it in the back of his car and bring it as well." The car didn't come back to him so they needed to look into it. If he killed someone for it that was more charges. In a way it didn't matter since he already had a death sentence but they wanted to know everyone he impacted. He passed the information on before they started carefully breaking the tent down. Anything which could be classified as evidence was packed up in plastic bags and signed for. Before they touched anything, they also took photos of everything from every angle.

All the wolves were keeping an eye on the human, but they were staying at a distance. They were impressed with how she had dealt with her captor.


Layla pulled her pack off, and unlinked Digger from the wolf-sled, pulling off the harness while she was at it. She was taking a few days off from lab work to go out and take pictures. Adam over the years had infected her with the hobby of taking photos. She had signed out a bunch of gear from the shared photo gear, and planned on it. Pulling up the small tent, she quickly set it up in the trees at the edge of the clearing, so that she didn't need to worry about the wind.

She opened the valve on the pad, to allow the memory foam which was inside it to inflate. Dumping the drybag with a couple changes of clothes in it, and pulled her sleeping bag out of the other waterproof stuffsack, then closed up the tent to keep the bugs out of it.

For protection, Digger was staying close. He was happy when she put him in the harness to haul the sled. Right now, she was just going to enjoy being in nature. A portable picnic table to double as a workbench was next to be set up, with a small backpacking stove and pot set still sitting in the sled, along with a large jug of water.

She filled a collapsible bowl with water for Digger, who headbutted her in thanks before starting to lap some up. She had considered to have a fire, but decided against it, as it was late summer, and was fairly dry. They didn't have a fire ban, but she knew it was better to opt on the side of caution. There were areas that still showed spots of the large fire that happened way back in '17, if you knew what to look for even after thirty years. She was just a baby at that point, but the pack had stories, and how they had worked to limit the fire, before it moved to their inner pack area. It had made them very sensitive to fires, and added classes on how to prevent them.

Pulling out the camera, she added a wide-angle lens, and after grabbing the tripod, walked the short distance, with Digger pacing near her, to the bluff, overlooking the valley. It was one spot she had taking a fair number of pictures, but she planned on taking a couple days to relax. She had a laptop with a couple of spare batteries along with a freshly charged e-reader. Since the pack had wired the entire territory when they had taken it over, there were solar powered WI-FI access points all over, so she had a phone if she needed it. Since she was still in the controlled areas, there were patrols, and she had checked in with the security office before she left.

If she decided to stay more than the night, she would have to call to check in, but with the mental bonds, that was easy. She wanted this time to relax, and to read more of the documents before the Folicians got back about the data from her turning.

Right now, she had no idea who to have turn her. Her preference was for Adam, but he would not be able to stay with her. She considered arranging for another friend to stay with her, and just have him bite her.

Sitting to just enjoy the sounds of nature, including all the birds. She always loved getting off into the backcountry, far away from all the tourists and the noise of other humans. The fact she was way out in the bush, but was still within the pack's area, was nice. Snapping off a few shots, she played with the camera. It was her favourite Nikon now. It worked well, even if she didn't use all the features. When she started, she used the lowest model, and just the 'auto' mode. Adam worked with her, but now she knew how to use the manual modes, and as a result, got pictures that were more of what she wanted. She also had moved up to the higher models. This one, she had winced at the street price; it was almost three months wage. The lenses she had signed out combined were over twice the value of the camera.

Digger whined, a tone she knew was he wanted some food.

Layla sighed and backed off the edge, before heading back to her campsite.

"You're a mooch, Digger!" she told him.

*Hungry,* he told her, giving his best puppy eyes.

Layla chuckled and tossed him one of the steaks that she had packed. The number of ice packs in the cooler would keep them fresh. She pulled the stove out and put the frying pan on it to heat the bit, since she was a bit hungry too.

Afterwards, she moved the cooler a bit off, and used the bearstrap to lock it to a tree. It was rated to withstand a polar bear for an hour, so she would be able to get a patrol here before a bear could get at it. The bears knew to not stay too close.

She watched the sun set, getting some nice pictures, then headed in. There were some pools that were nearby that had rare species that she was taking some pictures of. A scientist had contacted her through the university, and when he had learned she was now living at the pack, so had unlimited access to the pools, requested some field information. She was going to get it the next day, and see if he needed any more before heading back.

As she reached the tent, a patrol padded up, *Mind if we stay with you? We all have a morning patrol in the area, instead of running back to the packhouse.* the leader asked. It was true, but they had also been asked to keep an eye on her.

*No problem.* Layla replied, *If you use my water up, you get to get it refilled.* before crawling into the tent, yawning. She closed the valve on the pad, to make the pad almost like an air mattress, but one that didn't suck the heat out of you. Digger crawled in before she could zip the door closed, clearly wanting to cuddle.

Slipping into the sleeping bag, she chuckled, and patted beside her. Digger wagged his tail as he flopped over and she cuddled him, burying her face in his soft fur as she fell asleep.

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