POWER {Levi x Reader} REWRITI...

By XxLynnelXx

654K 19.7K 22.3K

"She's a strange one, isn't she?" Throughout time, there's been a certain.. tradition, if you will, that occu... More

Chapter One-The Underground City-[REWRITTEN]
Chapter Two-Saviours-[REWRITING]
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 8.5
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
|| (Y/N)'s Arc ||Explained!
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Samuel Bekket
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 34.5 ||Lemon||
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Samuel's Awakening Part 1
Samuels Awakening Part 2
Samuel's Awakening Part 3
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Character Chart + Questions
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 70.5 ||Lemon||
Chapter 71

Chapter 35

9K 244 193
By XxLynnelXx

When I wake up, I take notice Levi had return just like he said he would, and that he had cuddled himself besides me on the couch. It looks as if he had changed clothes considering he wasn't wearing his suit anymore, but rather a long black sleeved shirt and his favorite pair of cargo pants. I recall last nights events and shriek, waking Levi. I forgot he's such a light sleeper.

"Are you okay? Why are you screaming?" He asks, rubbing his eyes and sitting up. He looks down at my naked body and almost smirks, "oh,"

I cover my body and close my eyes. I didn't want this...I didn't want to lose my virginity so early. I wanted to be married first...

"I've seen you naked before. Stop being a child." He says and forces my hands away.

"Levi! I didn't wait that! I wanted to be married first!" I yell and push him away. I order him to close his eyes while I throw my uniform back on.

He sighs and stands up from the couch. "You're being an idiot."

"I don't care! Just help me with my straps. I need to go meet Eren. And please, for the love of God, try being nice to Samuel." Levi frowns at me, but listens to my command and tightens the straps on my uniform, securing me.

"My idea of being nice differs from a lot of people. And are you sure? That stupid ass friend of yours attacked me not even a couple of hours ago. Whenever my foot heals and he attacks me again, I swear I'll kill him. I keep saying that but I never do because I know that you and him are close, but he's got one more chance."


"And I'm still your captain, so don't ever raise your voice at me. I don't care whether we're a thing or not. You'll respect me the same way everyone else does. Or I'll make you. You choose." He suggests and adjusts my rose. He uses his other hand to tilt my chin to look at him. "I don't want this to be toxic, and I'm still wary of the idea of us. Just don't fuck it up, alright?"

I nod and push him off of me, "Okay. I've to go. I'll see you later." I stalk out of his office, looking behind as I do. He stands in the middle of the room with his arm cross, anger well written on his face.


"Alright, Eren! Let's do it!" Hanji yells out, throwing up her arm.

Eren wearily smiles and bites his hand.


The same lightning that happens whenever a Titan transformation occurs hits the ground. It was almost a flash. Hanji flies backward due to the strong force of wind, but I stay in position.

We were a bit far away from Headquarters, more
Inside of the bunch of trees stored away. A couple of soldiers, including Samuel, had acquainted us just in case of an accident.

Samuel and I stood side by side, watching the scene.

"Alright, (Y/N)! I'm not sure if Eren can control his Titan form yet. We've been testing it but..anyway! You do something to see if anything triggers. I and these five guys will be back there! Try not to die!" Hanji winks and scurries off. Samuel looks back as if he's contemplating following, but he doesn't.

"I'm honestly getting sick and tired of these experiments..." I sigh and hug onto Sams arm. He laughs and pokes my cheek.

"Chin up. It's better to know than not know..I think."

"(Y/N)! Stop talking and get busy!" Hanji screams at us.

I roll my eyes and walk up to Eren's Titan. "Um. Hey Eren, can you understand me?"

His Titan looks at me in confusion, and then in anger. He brings out his leg to kick me, but Samuel grabs me in time and quickly pulls me back. "Woah!"

Eren roars and attempts to punch me. Samuel grabs me and shoots an anchor into a nearby tree.

"Eren! Eren! What's wrong with him? Eren, you have to calm down!" Hanji shouts.

Why is he attacking me? Has he lost control?

Samuel grabs his sword from out of his gas tank and ushers me up toward a higher branch. "Stay up there."

I nod and grab hold onto the tiny branch, clinging for dear life.

Eren grunts and grabs at the tree, shaking it intensely.

"No! Samuel don't hurt him! He's important!" Hanji rushes down from a tree and knocks the sword from Samuels grasp. It lands with a clink!

"What the hell....that was the only defense we had, you idiot!" Samuel yells at Hanji and almost pushes her, but controls himself. "Are you telling me Eren is more important than (Y/N)? Right now the dumb ass is trying to kill her!"

"No. I'm not saying that, but we can't kill Eren just because he lost control. In fact, this is the perfect time for (Y/N) to see if anything triggers." Hanji says and strolls past Samuel who was sending death stares her way. She pulls me down from the branch I held onto it and looks me dead in my eyes. "Humanity is riding on you, (Y/N). I believe in you."

It was almost instant. I heard Samuel shout name as I fell off of the tree.

Hanji had pushed me.

Eren roars and quickly grabs me, squeezing the life out of my body.

Samuel didn't have his blade, and the other soldiers who had accompanied weren't prepared for a situation of Eren attacking. Rather restraining.

My head aches as the voices return.

Eren's going to kill you, one sang

No, he wont. You've got this, (Y/N)! Think hard. You can overpower him with your mind alone.

Eren screams at me and tightens his grip onto my body, making me scream out in pain.

"(Y/N)! I'm coming! I'm coming! Just hold on! I'm coming!" I hear Samuel frantically shout down at me.

"No! Don't! Let her handle it!" Hanji beams.

The only reason why I seemed to still be alive was because I was much stronger than a normal human. I could withstand more pain, and easily recover from it if given enough time. However, this did not mean I couldn't feel pain.

Abnormally, Eren doesn't eat me. He doesn't even bring me close to his mouth.

He stares straight at me, his putrid Titan breath heating my skin.

"Eren..." I whisper quietly.

He squeezes and I literally feel my ribs crush.

I scream and I don't stop. I've been within a titans grasp so many times now, you'd think I'd grow use to it, but when Eren did it..I actually felt the life being sucked out of me.

"(Y/N)!" Samuel yells. I wanted so badly for him to save me, but I had no clue where he was. He was probably searching for the blade Hanji threw.

"Come on, (Y/N)! Trigger it! You can do this!" Hanji screams at me and I felt the sudden urge to kill her. How dare she throw my life in danger multiple times and continue on!? Does she have no limits?

Eren eventually stops squeezing.

I pant in fatigue from the pain, and hopes he comes to his senses and puts me back down, but, however, he doesn't.

He stares at me for a while longer, and then I felt my body being whipped through the air. My eyes widened as I looked up at the crystal sky.


Everything goes went slow as I soared through the air. I felt finally free, like if I wanted, I could go higher and higher into the sky and leave everything. The titans, the death and the blood; everything. I smiled eagerly as my life flashes before my eyes as I feel I'm nearing death. It's in chronological order, beginning from when I was born.

"She's beautiful, isn't she, Johnson?" Amani asks, snuggling her head into the crook of her lovers neck.

He smiles in return and strokes the newborn baby girls  somewhat bald head. "Of course. She looks just like her mother. What would you expect?"

The woman laughs at his comment of the daughter and gently kisses her cheek.

"Ha..indeed, she does look a lot like me, doesn't she? What would you like to name her?" Amani asks, looking into her lovers (fathers eye color) eyes.

Johnson thinks for the longest time. He wanted a name to remember. Something that would go down in history. Something people would think of whenever the name was brought up.

"(Y/N)." He simply states.

The mother gasps at the idea, but follows up with a smile.

"I think that's beautiful. (Y/N) it is." She says and kisses her daughter once more.

The father leans down to kiss his lover and his daughter, "My Beautiful Amani. My exquisite (Y/N). Oh. Amani. Thank you." He says and begins to cry.

Amani brings her free hand to rub the tears from his eyes, "Dear, Why are you thanking me?"

He cuffs his hand around her cheek and smiles dimly. "For choosing me."

He leans down and kisses his daughter once more, "and thank you, for choosing us."
"Sammy!" (Y/N) calls out. A wild Samuel appears from nowhere, startling her.

"Gotcha!" He yells and tackles her to the ground.

She shrieks and pushes him off. "You've dirtied my dress! I'm telling your mama!" She quickly runs off with him following closely behind.

"No! No, no! I'm sorry! Don't tell my mama!" He calls, but she ignores him.

She wasn't actually about to tell his mama, but rather hide. She ducked behind a ran down home and squatted, trying her hardest not to giggle.

He comes up to the location and looks around idly. "What? Oh, I see"

She holds in her breath, afraid to even let out the slightest huff.

Samuel walks around and whistles, looking at every spot besides the one (Y/N) hid in.

(Y/N) pulls up her dress and stuffs it under her knees so Samuel wouldn't take notice of the bright colored object skiing the dirty ground.

For a while, she doesn't hear him any longer. The footsteps, the breathing of, his whistles,


She wanted to get up and search for him, but she figured this might would just be a battle tactic against her.

Don't fall for it.

She stays in her spot and covers her mouth with her tiny hands.

It's quiet for an entire 3 and a half minutes. The only thing she could hear was the whistling of the wind.

"Gotcha!" Samuel appears in front of her (your eye color) eyes upside down, scaring the life out of her.

She screams and pushes him down with him falling into her lap, laughing.

"Ha! I caught you again! You should give up on the act of hiding. You suck at it." He says, poking her cheeks.

"How'd you find me?" She asks quietly, pushing Samuel from her lap and scooting away.

"I could sense you. Don't ask, I can't explain. But, I could feel your presence and simply followed it. That's why I'm always good at finding you." He answers.

She sighs at his response and stands, walking away.

"I hate you." She says.

"Aw; don't be a sour puss, (Y/N). It's okay to be a loser!" He says, following after her.

She rolls her eyes at his statement and repeats the phrase, "I hate you."

Samuel laughs and hugs her from behind, " I love you".
"(Y/N). Stay here in this closet, okay? Don't come out until I tell you." Amani says, pushing her young daughter inside of a cramped, rustic room filled with items that haven't been used by her family in years.

"But why mama? What's happening? Where's daddy?" (Y/N) asks.

"Daddy is fine. Just stay in here, okay? This is an....a drill! Yes, that is what this is. If you do good, daddy and I will bake you cookies!" She says with a smile and urges her daughter farther into the closet.

(Y/N) beams at the idea of cookies and plumps down on the floor.

Amani leans down and kisses her daughter, "I love you. So very much." She says before closing the door and leaving the child in the dark closet.

(Y/N) doesn't come out of the closet. She follows her mamas orders, and stays inside.

She could hear the loud footsteps against the wooded floor of her home, and the repeated slamming of doors.

She would hear a scream and a bunch of curses every now and again, and she wondered if her mama and papa were perhaps arguing about something.

Thirty minutes turned into an hour, and an hour turned into two.

For two whole hours, she stayed inside of that closet. Her mother had never returned to let her out.

In fact, it seemed as if the entire house was flat out empty. She no longer heard the footsteps, and the door hadn't made a sound in over 20 minutes.

Did mama and daddy leave? No, they would never. I've never been left alone before, and if they had to leave for somewhere they would take me to Mrs. Bekket. Perhaps I should come out. She thinks to herself.

She pushes hard on the raggedy door of the closet, and falls down, landing with an "oomph!"

(Y/N) stands to her feet and rubs down her now dusty and smelly dress. She walks towards her parents room first.


She walks to her room.


To the Kitchen.


To the bathroom.


The entire house was empty, and seemed ransacked as if a bunch of burglars stormed the place. (Y/N) panicked, not knowing what to do, and left the home in search of her parents.

She walked outside and looked for her mother. She looked by the set of clothes that were left drying and on the porch where her mother would usually be.


"Mama!?" She screams out.

No answer.

"Mama!" She screams louder.

No answer.

Her mother had once told her if anything like this had happened, to go to Mrs. Bekket's home,

And so she did.

Little did she know that was the last day she would see her parents.
My body slams hard against a tree, and I feel my back crack. I fall against the tree and scream repeatedly in pain. I scream for Eren, I scream for Hanji, I scream for Levi, I scream for Samuel.

Anyone. I screamed for anyone, to come and save me.

Am I going to die? Will my new strength even allow me to die?

My voices storm my head. I can't even tell what they're saying at this point.

"(Y/N)...!"" Samuel screams in the background and hurries to my aid.

My vision grows blurry as Hanji comes to me as well, following closely behind the soldiers.

Eren's Titan form stares aggressively at my frozen body and lets out a growl.

"...Take Eren out of the Titan, Samuel." Hanji says quietly.

She lays down besides me and leans her head into my shoulder. "I'm sorry."

I don't answer, only pant.

I feel like I'm dying.

Am I dying?

I'm dying.

I watch as Samuel, whom finally found his blade, a little too late I might add, slices Eren out the titan. He pulls him out and begins to beat him.

"You fucking impeccable moron! I swear to god, all of you are stupid! All of you! You could've killed her! Hell, she's probably dying as I beat you!" He spits down at Eren's now bloodied, comatosed state.

Hanji doesn't stop him. She had no right to.

She's taken it too far, and she knows.

Samuel begins to cry over Eren and slowly stops hitting him. He stumbles over to my limp body and gently hugs me. "I'm so sorry. I'm so fucking sorry. I failed to protect you. I said I would when we were little, didn't I?" He says as he sobs on my

I wince in pain, just now feeling the surge of blood drowning my stomach. I gently touch it and lay my head back onto to the tree I was thrown to.

I'm so tired.

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