Somewhere in Neverland

By brainjunkies

2.1K 121 17

A Jack Barakat/ All Time Low Fic Kirsten and Jack finally patched things up after the crazy situations they'v... More

Say Goodbye
to the halls and the classes
Say Hello
to the job and the taxes
The weekends with old friends
spilling into 9 to 5 routine
Tell me how you feel over and done with
Like your life is a map
with no compass to guide
At the bar drinking way too much
We sing along to forever young
We'll start a life
of a plain and simple
Of great times
with far better people
And weekends with our friends
Laughing about the wine that stains their teeth
We'll talk about how your parents separated
How you don't want to
make the same mistakes as them
I'll say it's all about sticking it out
and trying to feel forever young
Here we go again
Wishing we could start again
Wendy, run away with me
I know it sounds crazy
Don't you see what you do to me
Your last chance
A better reality
Wendy, we can get away
I promise if you're with me
Say a word and we'll find a way
I can be your lost boy
The last chance
Your "everything better" plan
Somewhere in Neverland

I wanna be your lost boy

32 2 0
By brainjunkies

□□ Winners don't need to wrestle with losers because they already won the fight. □□

"Uh.. So what is this supposed to mean?" Kirsten asked as she awkwardly wrapped her arms around Jack's head.

"Don't you get it?" his voice was muffled as he kept his face

"Well, I'm pretty sure that my bust size is not the reason why you kept me here with you."

"You sure about that?" Jack asked.

Kirsten held back her initial answer. It was like their roles was reversed. Ladies are the ones who ask such 'trap' questions. She could see the 'it's a trap' meme inside her head. Jack gave her a questionable look.

Kirsten slowly nodded her head, waiting for Jack's next action.

Jack stood up without saying a word. But Kirsten called out, "Wherever you're going, I'm thirsty!" she held the last syllable until Jack stepped out of the room.

She heard Jack's steps going down the stairs and she heard her phone beep. There's a message from her dad.

"Looks like there's something wrong?"

Kirsten replied, 'Nothing is wrong, Dad. What's happening right now is actually how should things go. I'm okay. He's with me.'

'Just keep yourself safe. I don't want you to be hurt, in any way.'

Kirsten laid back on the bed and stared at the ceiling. She was already hurt with what happened on the fireworks night. But on a brighter sense, she learned that day how to turn it around. She sighed before looking back to her phone. 'Sure thing! He's keeping me safe.'

"Are you putting up a fight with your bashers now?" Jack asked as he closed the door with his butt. He was carrying a tray with a milk chocolate drink and some classic butter cookies.

Kirsten chuckled at what he said. That was the one thing that she never thought of doing, nor even possible for her to do even in her wildest dreams. But then again, she never thought of getting married to Jack. "I won't fight back, Honey. Winners-" she said as she held his chin. "don't need to wrestle with losers because they already won the fight."

"You're right!" Jack exclaimed before jumping beside her on the bed.

"No!" she suddenly screamed out. Jack gave her a 'what the fuck' look. She looks like she's going crazy.  "Why am I saying those words? I don't want to be mean!"

Jack smiled at her crazy thoughts and held her hands, "Is it alright for you to share me with other girls?"

Kirsten cringed at the question that has an obvious answer, "Of course, no! You slut."

"Then it's not being mean at all! You're just o-on uh, self-defense mode!"

Kirsten silently looked at him. Inside her mind, she's already thinking of how she's going to defend herself if defending is not really a perk in her state. If she defend herself, Jack and their relationship, there's no solid proof that it can change everything into good. Even if she's not yet a someone, all her actions are being watched and criticized.

"Then it's not fun being there. I'd rather be unknown."

"Hey, come on!" Jack lifted her chin. "Where are the Barakat abilities that you've unlocked? Cheer up! You know, I'll always be here."

Suddenly, Kirsten's phone beeped again. Jack took it from her before she could even read the message. He held kirsten's head with one hand, like a ball as he read the new message. He smiled and his eyes almost teared up before he started to respond.

"Let go of meee!" Kirsten struggled but his grip and the length of his wrist was too long for her. Jack suddenly released her as he placed the phone to Kirsten's lap. Kirsten scrambled in looking for the message but Jack already deleted it!

"Did you delete it?" she asked.

"You don't need to know." He said before climbing on top of Kirsten and grabbing away her phone again.

The next day, Kirsten woke up in a different way. Kinda icky knowing that a tongue is touching her lips. "Wake up!" a low voice said, most likely was Jack's. But if he's speaking while someone is licking Kirsten-

"Olivia!" Kirsten exclaimed and she received a cute bark in response. Kirsten quickly sat up and reached out for Olivia. Jack was all smiles as Olivia seemed to have taken a liking to Kirsten.

Kirsten laid her down to the bed and gave her a tummy rub. Olivia's foot moved like crazy and it brought out a lovely laugh from the two. "When did she came?"
"Joe brought her just now. They're going on vacation so they can't take care of her anymore."

"But Olivia's your baby? I even forgot about you, you little patootle!!" Kirsten asked then cuddled into Olivia's damp nose.

"Olivia's been there since the start of the tour when we met you. My niece and nephews love her so much that they wanted to keep her for good."

"So you agreed to that?!" She sounded a bit furious about the idea.

Jack shook his head with a chuckle, "Of course not. I just couldn't get her immediately because of everything that happened to us. I don't want my baby to get so stressed out in travelling." then they shared a kiss for Olivia's cheeks.

"So where are they going?" Kirsten asked as they went down the stairs, Olivia was already waiting on the first floor with her tail wagging like crazy.

"Grand Canyon?" Jack answered absent-mindedly, but he doesn't really know. "Just kidding. I already forgot about it."

Breakfast was already served and all that's missing is the carton of milk and while Jack's at it, Kirsten made a quick scan on her phone. No more messages from her dad. He might have got pissed with Kirsten pushing Jack as her hero and protector in every text, though it's the truth. 

Kirsten showed her phone to Jack, right at his face like how he would do it. "I'm getting support now!" She said.

Jack noticed the message, but above and below the comments were all nasty remarks. He smiled at her, knowing that she's narrowing her vision to only the good things. Jack kissed her and hugged her right after he put the milk to the kitchen island. "That's my girl!" He whispered.

"More like" Kirsten looked up at him from where she was sitting, "that's my wife!"

"Mrs. Barakat!" Jack exclaimed and Olivia second the motion before they continue with their breakfast. There's a busy day ahead of them. Kirsten still have some voice lessons with Harry; they will meet up with May somewhere down the city proper and then they will all go to another doctor that May recommended. If the pregnancy test kit that Kirsten used a couple of days before is right, then they are expecting an angel to come to their lives again.

Their minds were at rest since the pregnancy test resulted as positive. It must have been a helpful factor to Jack and Kirsten in dealing with the fans' varied reactions regarding their relationship.

It still seems like the worst is just waiting around the corner since these fans haven't figured out that the two are actually married already. Kirsten couldn't imagine the look on their faces, the objects on their hands, and the bad remarks that are lingering in their tongues, waiting for the right time to spew out.

And when they came to the doctor's office, the couple's anxiousness was rising like crazy. They have to wait for a bit more since there were a lot of appoitments. For sure, they were not the only ones who are being anxious, some of the patients are too.

It's a good thing that May was there to accompany them. She'll crack a joke once in a while, make some compliments and talk about her wanderlust days. Kirsten and Jack would be preoccupied for a while before another name will be called by the nurses. It went on and on like that until it was finally their turn.

They went inside the doctor's office but May suddenly backed out before closing the door. She thought it would be better for them to face it together.

When the two opened up about the miscarriage that Kirsten had before, one of the doctor's concerns was if there were no complications after the incident. "Miscarriage isn't just about losing the precious baby. Sometimes it leaves wounds and scars, both physically inside and outside your body; and mentally in forms of trauma." the doctor told them.

They were never sure if everything was all good that past year. Kirsten still opened up about the chances of miscarriage, rendering her unable to bear a child.

"There's a chance - tinier than the people in Horton's speck." he laughed afterwards at his own joke.

"So there is still a chance?" Kirsten persisted to get an answer that doesn't have any movie facts.

The doctor cleared his throat before answering, "There's a chance, but the probability is really small. I would suggest that you guys should stop thinking about it. Life's like a roller coaster ride - enjoy and live like its the peak of your life."

"Well, at least there's some kind of words of wisdom from him." Kirsten said as the three met up again on the hospital lobby.

May was all smiles at them as they found the doctor a bit unamusing. "He's really like that. He's awkward and he just want to lift up the mood as always."

"You talk like you know him." Jack said as he opened the front passenger door car for Kirsten.

"Well, maybe I do." May whispered to herself before Jack zooms off.

After a quick visit to Starbucks, the two passed by the playground first. It was the place where they ran away after turning their engagement party to an advance babyshower. They sat on the sand pit even with the cautious looks of other adults in the place.

"I feel something, Jack." Kirsten said and Jack immediately checked up on her like crazy. "It's not about me."

Jack looked at her with confusion and asked, "Then what is the problem?"

"You're suppressing yourself. Tell me, are you excited?"

"Yeah!" Jack tried to sound different about it. "Of course, I am."

Kirsten giggled like a high school girl before whispering to him, "Let's just go home and celebrate. It pains me to see you being so happy and restless and you know, really suppressed."

"But we just came here. We could at least wait for a food truck to come first before we leave."

"Hey!" Someone shouted behind Jack.

The two looked at him - a cute little boy who was jumping up and down towards Jack. "Hey there little buddy!"

Kirsten smiled at the kids happiness in seeing Jack. She could see the kid's mom following him.

"How are you?!" Jack asked his little friend. It has been a while since he flew to Baltimore to pick up Kirsten and he was briefly accompanied by the little kid.

"I'm fine!" He answered before he looked towards Kirsten. "She's pretty! Is she your girlfriend?"

"She's my pretty wife! How did you know?!" Jack ecstastically asked before his mom took his arms. She was obviously looking all worried and embarrassed.

"Mom! Mom!" the kid called out to her, not even getting a hit that his mother wasn't happy and excited at all. "Do you remember him? He still looks like Daddy!"

"Yes, sweetie." the mother hushed her little child. "I know, but we should keep going now. We need to get to the airport fast."

Jack looked at the two with confusion. The first time he saw them, they're on a flight to wherever. And now, it's the same deal. He saw Kirsten all confused but still able to give up a smile.

"Bye-" the kid bid them before pausing and thinking, "Mr. Jack! Bye!"

"What the fuck is wrong with destiny. What are the odds that I would see them here again?" Jack asked the still puzzled Kirsten.

"Who is that boy again?" Kirsten asked with an awkward smile.

"Oh!" Jack exclaimed and tried to speak out betweem fits of laughter, "I never told you about him! He was the kid that I met when I flew here to pick you up. Remember that day?"

"Oh yeah! I thought May was being ridiculous just like you and your destiny shit."



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◆ brainjunkies ◆

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