Why? {Third book in the I am...

By neverlandhiraeth

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{3rd book in the I am Who? series.} Orion has gone off to Romania to work with Dragons and Fred was too late... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Fourth book?
Oneshot No.1
Oneshot No.2
Author Tag

Chapter 23

530 23 1
By neverlandhiraeth

Chapter 23>> Back In Romania.

Song of The Chapter>> Bringing sexy back by Justin Timberlake.

As much as he loved England and seeing his family there was no denying that Charlie was glad to be back in Romania. He loves the dragons to pieces and it made his stomach drop in the night when he wasn't in Romania. Strangely, Orion felt glad to be back too. As much as she hadn't been working in the country for as long as Charlie she still felt as if she was home when she returned, despite her home also being in England. 

Immediately the pair dropped their bags off and headed down to the enclosures. They greeted Jesse and Cassie who were overjoyed to see the pair, so jubilant that they each pulled them into a bone-crushing hug. "Oh, how wonderful it is to see you both! Norbert and Descar have been acting awfully since you both left," Cassie gushed. "Oh lovie! Your eyes are brighter! The colour has returned to your skin, you seem happier!"

Orion blushed, "I am, I had a lot to sort out over the holidays and it's all good now." 

"Well, that's great. Jasper has been asking about you, says you and him are sort of a thing. I suspect you have a lot to catch up with." Jesse grins. 

Charlie's jaw tightened, his hands balled into a fist, he was about to say something when Ryan cut him off. "There is no Jasper and I. We are not even friends. I'm sorry but he lied to you."

The man gasped and shook his head. "I am so sorry!" The woman shook her head and the man continued, "Anwyho, we shan't be keeping you any longer. Off you the pair of you. Go see your dragons!" 

Charlie sighed and waved the goodbye to the elder sorcerers before he and Orion sprinted towards the enclosures. Upon noticing the two being back, both Norbert and Descar bundled over towards them and flopped onto the ground at their feet causing a rumble and vibrations along the floor. "Hello, you two!" Charlie cried. "I hope you have been behaving yourselves!"

Orion giggled and pointed at the pair putting on a stern face. "Yes, otherwise daddy Charlie will have to ground you both!"Norbert and Descar huffed and a puff of smoke erupted from their nostrils, they glared at the Weasley for a little while. 

Charlie turned and poked his tongue out at her before turning back to the dragons, "Ignore auntie Ryan! She's just moody because she's had to leave uncle Fred, whom you won't meet because he is a bad influence."

"I am not moody! And Fred would be the best uncle to these dragons! Of course, I would have to keep an eye on him so he does not sneak them any treats because that is naughty, especially not any he, George or Zonko have made. He also isn't a bad influence! he bad influence is their uncle Bill- the bloke with a piercing and long hair, next minute we know he'll have a tattoo of 'I heart Phlegm', sorry, 'Fleur'." Exclaimed the metamorphmagus. 

"I'm telling them you said that,"Charlie smirked. 

Her eyes widened and her face paled, "Please don't! They'll kill me!"

"I know! Besides you bloody hypocrite! You have piercings too!"

"I know, but I suit them."

Charlie scoffed, "I'll make sure your gravestone reads, 'death by Bill',"

"No! I was kidding, he suits them!" Orion cried, before coughing as dragon smoked choked her. "Oi! Don't be stroppy! Otherwise, you won't get any rat for dessert." She warned. 

Descar and Norbert huffed once again and glare at the woman before the latter swiped her leg with his tail. "Oi naughty! Mummy Hagrid will be getting a letter about your behaviour young man if you carry on that is!" Charlie said. 

"Ew, you have just implied that you have fucked Hagrid!"Orion chortled. 

Charlie slapped her arm, "Language in front of the babies!"

"They're hardly babies! Besides you didn't deny it!" Charlie shook his head and picked up a rat from the bucket near a tree. He threw it for Norbert before throwing one for Descar. 

* * *

"So Hermione showed me how to do this." Said, Fred, as he talked through Skype with Orion, using Hermione's phone. 

"Gathered that, love. How is everything? I bet the room is cold now that my hotness has left!"She jested. 

"Well, my view has definitely turned ugly, the only good-looking people in the house is George and I. Of course, I am still better looking but he's a close second. Other than that everything is fine. I am still gonna seep in your bed though." 

"I don't doubt that for a second. Can't you just apparate here every night though? I want to be next to you." Orion pouted a cheeky glint sparkling in her blue eyes. 

Fred mimicked her pout but shook his head, "I wish but I can't ditch Georgie can I?"

"Bring him, I'm sure Charlie would love cuddle buddy that isn't his pillow." 

Fred fell back in laughter, the picture of his twin and older brother at their ages cuddling in the night filled his brain. Tears began to stream from his eyes because he couldn't stop laughter from rolling out of his parted lips. The sight of the young man caused his girlfriend to snort and screenshot a picture of it. 

After a while, the pair calmed down and Fred sat back up wiping the fallen tears from his cheeks. "That was a vision!"Fred cried grinning at Ryan who furrowed her eyebrows. 

"You realise you basically visioned you and Charlie cuddling too right?"

He scrunched up his nose in disgust, "Yuck! No, I didn't, I happen to look sexy and he is a toad!"

"You're identical!"

"Clearly not otherwise you would have fallen for both of us!"

She scoffed, "I didn't fall for your looks, you twat." Fred pretended to be hurt by placing a hand on his chest, "However, you got that sexy part right."

"Are you calling George sexy?"

"Nope. That's the only difference between your looks, you're goddamn sexy and he's just George." 

"Why thank you, my love. It's a gift.!

Ryan shook her head in disbelief, "You're so very unbelievable."

"Unbelievably sexy."

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