The Boy In The Back (Muke)

By ostricheatingcheese

8.4K 376 77

Michael stays in the back of the classrooms, barely bothering to speak to anybody. People are mean to him, an... More

1 (Intro & Warnings)
30 - Note (Epilogue)


278 13 1
By ostricheatingcheese

Laughing. The laughs and scoffs of my peers that surrounded the pool filled my ears and my brain. Had that really just happened? The burning in my eyes and nose from the chlorine confirmed that it had.

"What the fuck, Grant!?" I heard someone exclaim.

I looked to find the source of the voice, which ended up being Michael. Michael? What was he even doing at a party like this? And what was he doing with an accusing tone in his voice and an angry expression on his face, confronting this boy about his actions towards me?

"Shut up, Clifford. It's not like it matters, anyway. He's a fag. Just like you. Besides, everyone else thinks it's funny." Grant chuckled.

"Well I don't! And these people only think it's funny because they're stupid and pathetic!" Michael snapped.

Grant rolled his eyes.

"Whatever, Mike." He said before walking away to his group of worshippers.

Michael came to the edge of the pool that I was at.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

I nodded. Suddenly, he lifted me out of the pool. The cooled air hit my soaking body, making me shiver instantly.

"Let's leave." He said.

"Okay." I responded.

We walked through the crowded house and into the front yard. Michael led me to his black truck.

"Get in." He smiled lightly, opening the passenger side door for me.

"B- but I'm soaked." I stated. He shrugged.

"It doesn't matter."

I hesitantly climbed in and the door closed behind me. I put on my seatbelt as Michael got in the driver's seat.

"Here." He took off his soft black jacket and tossed it into my lap. "Put that on."

I looked at it for a moment. Why was he being so nice to me? It didn't make sense, as he would barely say two words to me at school, but I shrugged it off as I slipped the jacket on.

It was warm and comfortable, and it smelled like him. It was nice.

Once he started the car, he turned the heat on.

"W- why are you being so nice to me?" I questioned, still shivering a bit.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"You won't even talk to me much during school. Now you're taking me somewhere and giving me your jacket and standing up for me." I tried to explain.

He shrugged.

"I am not letting anybody be treated like that around me. And you're a cool person, Luke. Plus you're cute. I'm just shy and introverted. And where do you want to go?" He replied.

"My mom thinks I'm staying the night with Ashton." I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth. His gaze held on my face for a second before flickering back to the road.

"I'm not taking you to Ashton's. Sorry. I have a lot of issues with him. Plus, I know how he gets when he's drunk. You don't want to be around that." He sighed.

I frowned.

"Then where are we going?"

"We're going to my house for the night." He responded.

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