Love, Life, One Direction, an...

By HopelessLovers4

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The sequel to One Direction's mate. Death, it's the one thing everyone has to go through, except me. My na... More

Chapter 1-- Girl Almighty
Chapter 2- I Wanna Lay Beside You
Chapter Three- When He Opens His Arms and Holds You Close
Chapter 4-- In Their Arms, I Get Weak
Chapter 5-- If She Took a Look In My Brain
Chapter 6-- I'll Send All My Loving To You
Chapter 7- I'll Take You To Another World
Chapter 8- And The Tears Stream Down My Face
Chapter 9- Help! I Need Somebody!
Chapter 10 Holding out for a Hero
Chapter 11- I Wish That I Could Have This Moment For Life
Chapter 12- Don't Speak
Chapter 13- Isn't She Lovely
Chapter 14 - Baby Love
Chapter 15- Tell Me A Lie
Chapter 16- Meeting the Family
Chapter 17- Twins?!
Chapter 18- Truth
Chapter 19- Family Reunion
Chapter 20- Ball Of Them All
Chapter 21- Baby Love
Chapter 22- Baby Boy Birth
Chapter 23- My Little Angel
Chapter 23- Baby, Don't you Cry
Chapter 24-New Little One
Chapter 25- Love
20 things about meee!
Chapter 26- Proposal
Mini short story- Emily's Wedding book and Character Ask prompt
Chapter 27- Love Affair
Chapter 28-Homeward Bound
Chapter 29- Reunion
Chapter 30- Bride Preperations
Chapter 31- First Dances
Chapter 32- Maybe I Miss You
Chapter 33-Our Little One
Chapter 34- GiGi Needs to Go
Chapter 35-Easy Win
Chapter 36-Tag, You're It
Chapter 37-Lune
Chapter 38- Here We Go Again
Chapter 39- Cuddly
Chapter 40- Rainy Kisses
Chapter 41-Best Night
Chapter 42- Angelic Birthday
Chapter 43- Show Time
Chapter 44- Relaxation Day
Chapter 45- Album
Chapter 46-New Mate
Chapter 47-Home Again
Chapter 48-Happy Together
Chapter 49- Pizza
Chapter 50- Hotel Goodbyes
Quick A/N
Chapter 51- 'Till We Meet Again

Chapter 30-Here Comes the Bride

330 12 1
By HopelessLovers4

I watched the doors, shaking nervously. God, I've never been this nervous in my life. I was to run away when my anxiety started to increase. What if something went wrong? What if they weren't at the end of the aisle? What if..? I wouldn't worry now. The music had started. The doors were opening. I was walking, with a little help from my (a/n; friends) dad. I looked at the end and smiled as I let out a tiny breath of relief. They were there, looking at me, along with my friends. My mother had tears in her eyes as she kept a hold on my sons. 

My beautiful sons were wearing tuxes, they looked like little men. They were my little boys and they had a big part of my wedding and my life. I got to the end and my father handed me off. I smiled as they stood in front of me.

Toby started since he was doing our wedding. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here on this beautiful day to witness the union of Jessica and Liam, Niall, Zayn, Harry and Louis in holy matrimony. This is a day of great celebration and reverence, on which we come together before the Elements to recognize and commemorate the sacred love and dedication shared between these two people. It is wonderful to have family and friends here to join us today. The bride and groom would like to thank their guests for being here and would like you to know that each of you was invited here on this day because you have played an integral part in their intertwining lives. In the time that Jessica and Liam, Niall, Zayn, Harry, and Louis have spent together, they've built the sturdy foundation for a lifelong relationship. After a great deal of thoughtful consideration, they have decided to bind themselves to one another for the rest of their lives. May you all remember and cherish this sacred ceremony, for on this day, with love, we will forever bind Jessica and Liam, Niall, Zayn, Harry, and Louis together.If anyone has any objects, please speak now or fo. rever be at peace" The whole place was quiet, deadly silent. Good.

"Marriage is perhaps the greatest and most challenging adventure of human relationships. No ceremony can create your marriage; only you can do that – through love and patience; through dedication and perseverance; through talking and listening, helping and supporting and believing in each other; through tenderness and laughter; through learning to forgive, learning to appreciate your differences, and by learning to make the important things matter, and to let go of the rest. What this ceremony can do is to witness and affirm the choice you make to stand together as lifemates and partners. The bride and grooms have written their own vows. Emily, please start"

"I devote myself to you, heart and soul. There is truly no me without you. Life has no meaning, truth doesn't exist without you. You are the feeling of life. You are the glory of creation. You are my love and my light. Be with me always and I will give you everything that I have. I take you to be my faithful husbands, my best friends, and my true loves. I promise to inspire and love you truly - in good times or bad. That I will be with you forever to laugh together, cry together, to support you and encourage you on our journey of marriage. Take me as your wife and I shall take you as my husbands. Together we will have and hold each other, know each other's secrets, learn each other's every need, and try every day to fulfill the promise that we make to each other today. As I take my place as your wife, all I ask is that you always trust you can look to me for love, friendship, and support as I will rely on you for these things as we journey through our lives together. I will dance with you in joyous times and embrace you in times of sadness. I promise to enjoy our health and to comfort you in sickness. Together we will grow and learn and each day will be blessed for the rest of our lives. I love you all very much and I wouldn't change a thing for the world." I recite and smile at them. I was ready to kiss them all and hug them. "Now for Liam," Toby says and nods at Liam.

"You are the first person I want to see in the morning and the last at night. I look forward to loving the smallest moments, like your eyes while you toss your hair. Spin a coin into a fountain and make a wish for us. You are my wish come true. You are my other half. You are the one that makes me laugh when I'm sad, makes me consider when I want to be rash, and finds me when I am lost. You are my guide, teacher, and one true love. I promise to be your faithful husband. I promise to love you when the sun shines, when the rain falls, in sickness, and in health. When you look at this ring, think of me and remember that I love you always. You look so beautiful to me today, but know that you always look beautiful to me and will always be this beautiful to me, and four others," everyone chuckles, even the rest of my grooms, "tomorrow and the next day and the next. As gorgeous as you are right here and right now, I will only love you more and more each day." He finishes and I smile at him. "Now for Zayn," Toby says and Zayn takes a deep breath.

"You are the culmination of a dream come true. I can't believe I'm standing here about to start a wonderful life together with my best friend, my greatest miracle, and the person I love most in this world. Our love is unique because we are unique. Together we make something that has never been seen before. Together we make a force that holds the power to stand against any disaster, an engine of love the likes of which the world has never seen. Take my hand and as your husband, I will begin our journey in honest and true devotion. What is a husband? I must admit, I'm not sure. All I know is that I am devoted to you completely and am made a better person because of your love. A husband then is a thing that a good marriage makes, molds, and creates a whole. If that is what a husband means, then I am prepared to be yours." Zayn finished and I start to tear up Jesus, will I be able to make it through these? "Louis, it's your turn," Toby says.

"I promise to try to be worthy of your love in every way, to climb mountains and swim oceans just to be by your side. I will be honest, caring, patient and forgiving, and I will always be a loyal husband. Love is a transitive property. I stand here as your loving husband and proclaim my love in order to share with you, but also to share our love with our community of friends and family, to bring the world to a high water mark of love. To raise the threshold and say, "All are welcome to witness, all are welcome to love, all are welcome to our home, built on a bedrock of kindness our love. Together we are two halves of one whole - I vow never to take you for granted - to always appreciate your love. To be earnest, honest, and forthright, to apologize when I am wrong and to be graceful, caring and devoted. I love you and look forward to spending our life together. I will persevere when times get tough, and always treat you with compassion, never worrying about what might be fair, or the idea of what might make sense in my head, but knowing what is right in my heart." Louis finishes and I wipe away a tear or two. "You may go now, Harry," Toby states

"The miracle of our love is not in what happens today, but in the path, we take together. Our friends and family join us here to wish us well on our journey and to celebrate the beginning of our passage. With every glance you truly slay me - you do. There is no one in the world that I would rather take with me to do anything, from romantic trips around the world, to the drug store on the corner. You make everything an adventure, imbue everything with meaning and give me goosebumps. I love you so much. It is said that love makes the impossible possible - and I know that is true - because it is impossible that a wonderful angel like you could come into my life and it is only love that makes it true. I promise to laugh with you, cry with you, and grow with you. I will love you when we are together and when we are apart. I promise to support your dreams and to respect our differences, and to love you and be by your side through all the days and nights of our lives," Harry says, wiping my tears away for me. "Finally, Niall, Your vows"

"I love you unconditionally and without hesitation. I vow to love you, encourage you, trust you, and respect you. As a family, we will create a home filled with learning, laughter, and compassion. I promise to work with you to foster and cherish a relationship of equality knowing that together we will build a life far better than either of us could imagine alone. Today, I choose you to be my husband/wife. I accept you as you are, and I offer myself in return. I will care for you, stand beside you, and share with you all of life's adversities and all of its joys from this day forward, and all the days of my life. Today, I promise you this: I will laugh with you in times of joy, and comfort you in times of sorrow. I will share your dreams and support you as you strive to achieve your goals. I will listen to you with compassion and understanding, and speak to you with encouragement. Together, let us build a home filled with learning, laughter, and light, shared freely with all who may live there. Let us be partners, friends and lovers, today and all of the days that follow," Niall says and I smile, wiping the rest of my tears away.

"Do you, Liam James Payne, Niall James Horan, Harry Edward Styles, Louis William Tomlinson, and Zayn Javadd Malik, take Emily Jessica Koch to be your wedded wife, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

"I Do," they said simultaneously, making me smile as Liam slides the ring on my finger

"Do you, Emily Jessica Koch, take  Liam James Payne, Niall James Horan, Harry Edward Styles, Louis William Tomlinson, and Zayn Javadd Malik, to be your lawfully wedding husbands, In sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

"I do," I say, smiling, trying not to cry as I look at them. I slide a wedding ring onto each of their fingers.

"By the power vested in me, as the king, I pronounce you, Jessica and Liam, Niall, Zayn, Harry and Louis as wife and husbands, lawfully wedded. Liam, Niall, Zayn, Harry and Louis, you may now kiss the bride, forever sealing your union," Toby says and I kiss each of them.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to present to you Mr. and Mrs. Jessica and Liam, Niall, Zayn, Harry and Louis Stypayhorlikson!" Toby says after I kiss the last boy and I hear cheers. I smile and look at my husbands.

Now for the reception.


Welcome to the 2000 word chapter I've been working on for the past few weeks. This is why I needed time to complete it.

there will NEVER be another chapter this long ever again.

your welcome.

-lei, the tired girl.

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