Married for his business.

Bởi Gabie_lyon18

20.6K 812 45

Dylan Walker is one of New York city's richest business men. He has the reputation of being a ruthless busine... Xem Thêm

chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
Happy New Year!
Chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

chapter 4

924 31 4
Bởi Gabie_lyon18

As he walked gracefully into his company, Xander walked up to him with reports on the board of directors

"you look worried" Xander said to Dylan as they got out of the elevator and into his office.

"Well, I'm not" He said bluntly

"it reminds me of the time you were worried about that lady" Xander said making himself a cup of coffee

Dylan heaved a sigh "You are right, it's her I'm worried about. I took her to one of my apartments yesterday night when it was raining"

"what! Why" Xander said, surprised.

"I got her sent out of her house and she came here to confront me about it" Dylan explained.

Xander spat his coffee out like he heard a taboo "she confronted you!"

"yep" Dylan did a little anxiety spin on his chair "she left and got stuck in the rain.
I had no choice but to help her"

"Hmmm... You were feeling guilty" Xander said with a sly smile

Dylan ignored his comment and continued
"she's there now and I asked her to marry me again"

"just like that" Xander said looking flabbergasted

"Sure, what else was I supposed to do?" Dylan furrowed her brows.

"Propose to her!" Xander rolled his eyes "I think you've been a Casanova for far too long and now you don't know how to relate to women anymore"

"No... I can't do that... I'll be committing myself" Dylan protested

"And what's the harm in that?
You need a wife
You have to do anything to have one" Xander explained

"I ca—"
Xander cut Dylan off

"You will"
He commanded firmly
Xander was Dylan's best friend but sure acts like his father

He and his mother were the only people who had a strong hold on him

"And what exactly do you expect me to do" Dylan scoffed.

Xander shook his head in frustration
"Get her a ring for goodness sake!
You can't just propose to her like that"

"fine!" Dylan sighed exasperatedly.

He called his secretary to put him in touch with his jeweler... Mandy

She has been his jeweler for years

She came over with boxes of rings to his office

He examined the rings with Xander who pushed him till he got the perfect one

"But, do you think I should be getting a perfect ring since its just a marriage agreement?" Dylan asked after Mandy left

"Of course you should... People must think you two are in love and that's why you got her an expensive ring" Xander explained m

"right" Dylan said looking at the box.


Lorraine wasn't willing to get up from her bed which is now her new comfort zone

Not until she heard someone open her door did she jump
She sat up expecting the person to show

It was Dylan

How did he move around the house till he got to her room without her knowing noticing

"you don't just enter a woman's room like that. What if I was naked?"
She protested

"I didn't mean to" Dylan was not someone to say sorry

He walked to her "I need to ask you something"
Then he remembered what Xander told him

Be romantic

How was he supposed to be romantic
He never has been

He put his hand in his pocket and cleared his throat

Dylan had always been a straight forward guy. If he were to  ever propose to a woman he would have loved to just say "hey here's a ring, marry me"
He didn't have to beg to have something, ever...

But in this case he has to be romantic how ridiculous, He thought.

He was going to do something he never saw himself do, propose to a woman, thanks to his bastard of a father.

He slowly went down on his knees making Lorraine look at him confused

"will you marry me Lorraine Hurst"
He said with his husky bedroom voice as he brought out the ring and popped it open catching Lorraine's attention

A ring which she was sure was decorated with pure diamond was revealed

She gulped like a fish gasping for breath

"oh my Gosh"
She almost touched it when she cautioned herself "are you crazy? It's a marriage agreement you didn't have to"

"if you'll marry me people need to think that we fell in love So... Will you?"

"I will... But don't get me wrong
It's not for the ring. I need the job that's why I'm marrying you" She stated

Dylan who was getting mesmerised by her voice already and the fact she said yes almost kissed her out of so much happiness already but held himself back "good" he said instead like he didn't want to kiss her as he put the ring in her finger.

"we get married in two days" He announced

He got out of the room and called Xander to get the paper work ready
Every thing they need for the wedding like the prenuptial agreement.

He went back into Lorraine's room and found her undressing
"for the love of Christ please knock before coming into my room!" She yelled

"didn't know you were getting your clothes off" He said after turning around. The sound of that triggered something in him

She wasn't one of his model lovers but she was sure attractive

"You can turn around Now" she stated

"Why are you getting changed?" Dylan asked

"I'm going out". Lorraine said simply.

"you can't" Dylan ordered

"and why not?" Lorraine protested

"Because we are getting married in two days and there are a lot of things to be done and if you must go out we need to be seen together" Dylan explained

"right... But I need to tell Kyle" Lorraine said

"who is Kyle? And what do you need to tell her?" Dylan asked

"Kyle is my best friend and I need to tell her I'm getting married" Lorraine explained simply.

"you can tell her that later, right now we need to sign some documents. So if you could wear something nice, like a dress" He said trying to be nice

"Errr... that's not going to work" Lorraine told him.

"what is... What isn't going to work"
He asked looking confused

" I don't have a dress or anything classy to wear all I have are pants and tops, mostly crop tops" She said kinda looking out of place

"what!"Dylan  let out a little playful and mocking laugh" "what kind of woman doesn't have a dress?"

Lorraine walked to the bed and sank into it "a pathetic bar tender"

Dylan was struck by what she called herself "you aren't pathetic a little wild but nothing a little curbing can't take care of"
He said making her relax her brows. "Well, let's get you dresses for you to wear as my wife" He said with a smile

She hasn't seen him this free before, he has smiled twice now already.

They went to a shopping mall to get clothes and even before they got to the cloth shop they had been interrupted by more than five women.

She looked at the pink lip print on his cheek as they got into the the shop before the shop attendants came.

She wiped it up faking her soft caresses making Dylan enjoy every second of it.

"Tell me, Mr Dylan how many lovers do I have to deal with as your wife" She asked with a fake smile

"jeez, calm down woman. We aren't even married yet and you are already jealous" He said sarcastically

"You know I'm not jealous"

"Good, And please stop calling me Mr, I'm gonna be your husband soon"

"right... You don't have to remind me of the situation I got myself into" She whispered


Lorraine tried out a bunch of dresses till she found what she liked.

She came out of the dressing room to where Dylan was with a dress that made him choke on his drink.

She wore a short red dress that revealed her curves in the right places it even exposed her cleavage

"Wow, you look good... really good, I mean... for someone who hasn't worn a dress before"
Dylan said frankly

"you think? I like it but I was thinking its too short" Lorraine frowned.

"It's just perfect on You" Dylan told her

"thank you Mr Dylan" She said with a shy smile.

He walked up to her and whispered in her ear "call me Dylan" making tingles rush down her spine from the sound of his voice and his breathing on her skin.

"Dylan... " She said finally

He loved the way his name sounded coming from her lips   "Good!" He smirked.

She went back inside and changed to her clothes.

Dylan almost pulled his hair out
Calm down Dylan
Xander said be nice

He walked up to her "Why don't you wear one of the dresses I bought for you, my love" he said with a smile making Lorraine think she must be dreaming

Dylan Walker smiling with her.

She looked around and saw that the had company around so she continued with the drama "of course... My darling"

She changed into the red dress and went to stand beside Dylan as he paid for the fancy stuff he bought for her

"You should get rid of all clothes you used to wear before and start wearing the clothes I bought for you" Dylan said putting his hand on her thigh to catch her attention as they got in the car making her squirm

She looked at his hand on her thigh and said
"sure... but, do you mind?"

"oh right" he slowly moved his hand, making every part yearn for his touch.

They went to a restaurant where Xander was at a table waiting them. Dylan walked to his sit earning a glare from Xander as he whispered "help her with the chair"

Dylan stood up abruptly and helper Lorraine with her chair. Once she was nicely tucked into her chair Xander started "Wow, Lorraine
When Dylan said you were beautiful he didn't add that you were charming because you are charming" he said, making Lorraine look at Dylan

"can we go to the business of the day?"
Dylan snapped at Xander

"sure... What would you like Lorraine"
Xander asked nicely

"A glass of water will be good"

"Alright then" Xander said

He ordered for a glass of water for her and they started to go right into business

Dylan didn't even notice that the restaurants attention was on him, all he did was just stare in Lorraine's eyes, every minute making her heart jump each time

Lorraine wasn't sure if she could pull this off anymore "Look, Mr Walker you are charming and you really shouldn't be wasting your charm on me. And since we are here for business you should have chosen a less romantic place for it"

Xander got a call
Once left alone
Dylan leaned in
"why would you think I'm wasting my charm on you, Lorraine?" He pronounced her name like a lovers caresses, tender and seductive "you don't have to reconsider getting married to me. Your life wouldn't change much, just a quick visit to Las Vegas to the justice of Peace, and a few appearances in public that's all" She heaved a sigh as Xander joined them again

Dylan moved a file to the her

"what is this?" She asked, putting her hand on the file not wanting to open it yet

"just an agreement you need to sign... A prenuptial agreement that's all" Xander explained.

"what kind of appearances?" Lorraine asked.

"a few appearances in from of the press to show my Dad's lawyer's and the board of directors that I'm married for real and let's say a mini reception"

It hit Lorraine suddenly, she didn't know how to act like a billionaires Wife. "And how am I supposed to act as a billionaires wife?" She asked

"Even I don't know, I've never had one before"
Lorraine couldn't help but crack a laugh at Dylan's joke.

"this is crazy" Lorraine sighed

"you don't have to turn back on saying yes now" Dylan said

"I'll be a fool If I did so" Lorraine sighed again

"you don't strike me as foolish" Dylan smiled

"and the agreement?" Xander asked

"I'll go over it" she answered simply.


The plane balanced on air so the pilot told them they could remove their seat belts. Dylan used the opportunity to move around his private jet and get a bottle of Champagne.

Lorraine said little words once they boarded the plane and since she agreed to be Dylan's wife for a Year.

Dylan glanced at his fiancé and saw her hands trembling. Funny because he's the one with everything to loose but she's the one fidgeting "maybe this would help"
He handed her a full flute of Champagne

"is it that obvious I'm nervous?" she asked

"your paleness gives you away" he explained

"I've never wanted to be an actress" she stated

"I think the studio would pay millions to hear your Voice. You do have a beautiful voice" Dylan smiled at her

She hid her blush "I think this agreement would work out if we didn't see anything spectacular in each other"

"you're right, but honesty is we both agreeing that your voice is sexy as hell" watching her squirm under his voice was to pay for, not to mention the full blush she had on which was super adorable.

"you don't have to be a liar" Gosh her glass is empty

"ouch, you wanted honesty" he smirked "the only person who has called me a liar is Xander" he added

"your friend?"

"my good friend" he smiled

"any girlfriends?" She asked

"if you ask to be sure of no competition well I have none" he explained

"well that wasn't my intention" she looked down to her hand

"it doesn't have to be, you spoke on instincts as a woman" he explained.

Maybe he's right, she thought "but wait, Why didn't you marry any of them?" She asked.

"I don't trust them" He poured her another glass

"how do men do it" She thanked him for the wine and sipped it slowly this time

"do what?"

"sleep with women they don't trust" she answered

"it's called attraction" Dylan smirked

"you mean lust" she said with a goofy smile Dylan's insides became warm, he has never had a conversation with a woman about motives of men but he likes this one with her

"well a little of that" he smirked

"right..." She smiled

When the plane starred to descend, she clicked her seatbelts "you should get rid of this" He said as he held her hands on her laps

She looked at her hands wrapped in his
"I'm trying" Did she jump when he held her because she liked it or because it bothered her or because she liked it and it bothered her that she did

As the plane descended Lorraine's face that was filled with smile and carefree was now bombarded with worry and nervousness, he'd wanted to lean over and kiss her worry away.

The desire to know how she tasted drove him to the extreme. Would she be sweet from the wine or simply tangy.

The thought of her sexy voice whispering into his ear to do more than kiss her surged into his groin driving him wild

He forced his gaze away from her face and
Squeezed her hands.

When the pilot told them they were free  to unbuckle he asked her "are you ready to get married?"

"what the fuck? I've got nothing else planned to do" She said, making Dylan toss his head back to laugh

After a short limo drive to the latest hotel, they stood at the alter. He gave her a ring to give him and he slid a four_caret , diamond encrusted sapphire into her finger "for my wife" He said making her gasp. The ring was different from the one he gave her before, Even the minister gave a gulp.

Lorraine figured he'll want to kiss her at the end. I mean, sure the lawyers need evidence that they eloped and got married out of love 

Dylan heard his voice and so did she

"you are hereby declared husband and wife, you may kiss your bride" The minister announced.

This is it

Although Lorraine was tall she was still short to Dylan

He leaned in after wrapping one hand around her waist and cuping her cheek. She felt his hot breath make her lips tingle and her stomach turn. She finally released her self in his embrace.

Then his lips  were there, moist, firm and completely intoxicating, Electricity zapped her brain and wiggled round her body
Even in heels she tiptoed to meet his kiss, his arm crushed her body to his, her breast pushed against his taunt chest, she gasped and his tongue slipped into her mouth.

Lorraine forgot about the Minister watching about the strangers watching and simply gave in to the pleasure Dylan Walker invoked in her body , it has been years since she kissed and no one compared. So this is how it felt to kiss a billionaire. Someone cleared their throat and she pulled away.

The hesitation in his eyes got her thinking, could he have felt the intensity in the kiss like she did?

"congratulations Mr and Mrs Walker! If you'd follow me and sign some papers you can leave for your honeymoon"The minister ushered them from the small chapel where they signed some documents.

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