Gods & Monsters (Suicide Squa...

By JessicaHarris924

613K 12.1K 1.2K

Scarlett Eleanor Diamond, is one of the most gorgeous women in the world yet one of the most deadliest crimin... More

Gods & Monsters (Suicide Squad)
New Characters And The Leading Lady
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
A/N + Questions Anyone?
A/N and A Chapter Deleted
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Questions To Be Answered
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chatper 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Readers + Questions
Chapter 21
Not A Update But A Thank you
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
A/N & Important News
Chapter 25
Kinda Chapter 26
Chapter 28

Chapter 27

2.9K 58 10
By JessicaHarris924

"You know what I wanna know? Is how this happened!" Amanda Waller yelled as she stood in the middle of the once most secured and powerful prison there was that was on the purge of collapsing in on itself.

"Well madam we don't know how she was able to esc-" the guard that was speaking with her was cut off and winced only to feel the spikes he and so many other guards were encased was deadly close to stabbing his neck.

"I don't want to hear that. What I want to know is how a woman who's daily sedated since the first time she almost escaped managed to not only escape her cell, but break two other inmates out and actually get away without any of the damn guards stopping her!"

The guard started to respond with multiple reasons but the main one being that the woman that had escape less then a few days ago was more powerful then she had been five years ago when she first arrived.

Waller begin to dwell on this new information. What could have made Diamond this strong? She pounder on it for a minute or two before something dawned on her, Amanda quickly remembered the only thing that the immortal woman asked since day one and what the agents who mentioned about how mystical it seemed which she pasted off as nothing.

"Got damnit'...why didn't I think!" The once pissed woman was now beyond piss but this time at herself. Just a few seconds later she heard the sound of the demolition team she had sent to get one of the best shots out of his cell from cell next door since the spikes that covered his door were unbearable.

"Everybody away from cells now!" one of the demolition experts yelled running out of the room rigged with the explosions. once everyone was in the clear they blew the wall down causing a large could of smoke to come out of the room and into awaiting open.

there was no sound heard which made Amanda think Lawton might have died in the explosion but when she head the sound of coughing did she actually start to care again. Floyd carefully stepped over the rubbish before walking out of the cell door only to find guns pointed at him.

He looked around and saw a person he'd never want to see again but despite the hate he begin to smirk. "Oh what's up, Waller?"

The pissed off woman was in no mode to play as she marched up to him taking her gun out on the way.

She aimed at him and undeniably his smirk wavered as a small look of fear flashed through his eyes but his smug expression stayed prominently on his face. "Where the hell is she?" Amanda asked but it was more of a demand then question. "I don't know who your talking about." Floyd pretended as if he didn't know who she was talking about.

"Don't fucking play with me, Lawton! I know Diamond was here and for whatever reasons she left you I know she had to have giving you a clue to where she was going."

"And if she did what's it to you, because I ain't about to sell my girl out." his words became more aggressive towards the end of the sentence.

"How much do you love your daughter?" the government official asked lowering her gun to her side. Floyd looked at her with anger forming in his eyes taking what she said as a threat. "Waller if this a threat so God help m-"

"I can promise you your freedom and a new life with your daughter and all you have to do.... Is help me bring Diamond down." a long pause of silence set over the two, Amanda begin to search his eyes for any signs that he might consider taking up her offer she knew what parents would do for their children and hoped that it would be enough to convince him.

Inside Floyd felt conflicted. He knew and understood Eleanor and thought of her like family, he would even take a bullet for her even if it didn't served no purpose since she could heal from it faster then he ever could. But he would through hell and back just to be with his daughter away from every bad thing he did even if that meant he'd have to betray his friend.

"I'll do it." Floyd said after a long period of time. He refused to look her in the eye when he said it already feeling the shame wash over him. Waller grinned "Attaboy, now where is she?" her words didn't make him any better about his decision. "She's likely in Gotham it..." he slightly stop for a moment remembering how Eleanor had told him stories about her always returning to the city when things go bad elsewhere. "It's her home after all."

"Then it's off to Gotham." Amanda looked at the guards still trapped and knew that there was no hope in getting them out plus she didn't need this getting out to the press, so she handed her gun to Floyd who just looked at it before giving him a order.

"Kill them, I don't want this getting out." She commanded to him before walking to leave him to do his job which he did but with a new weight to each bullet he fired.

But while Floyd questioned the deal he just signed the woman who owned the deal wasn't worried about her mortality if there was any left to care about but she is far to focused on the dangerous threat that walked the streets untamed and more powerful then she had originally possibly considered but now she knows better and won't make the same mistake twice.

Even if that meant a few innocent people died in the process, she would stop Diamond if it was one of the last damn thing she did.

Hi everybody this is probably one of the most hated authors on Wattpad speaking who just really, really, really wanted to say sorry for not updating for over a month and also for how short this chapter is.

I would like explain why I've been absent for so long, the reason why I haven't been updating is because I've been traveling a lot lately which didn't leave me any time write anything but what really made me take a break from writing is because what going on with at the moment.

I listen to the news at night and hear that something terrible has happened either it's something the president has done or the neo-nazis walking streets but won't claim that they are or threat of nuclear war happening. All of this made me nervous and scared and still does that was close to having small breakdown but I was able to calm myself and focus on writing again.

But have a question for you guys, do you want this book to end soon or would you like it to go on little longer because I have a lot of ideas for book that I think you would like but I'm not sure if any of you even want this book to keep continuing so please, please, please let me know




That's all I hoped you liked this chapter and thank you for reading and staying loyal to book.

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